Fine, Lidgard .,... . :1, ~ FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar ($..00) to the undersigned in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged LIDGARD FINE also known as LIGE FINE of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, do~ hereby grant to the CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation, the right of way to construct, erect, maintain, operate, repair and renew a . lev~ bulkhead and/or other flood control structures, togaher with the right of ingress and egress, to, over, along and from the SLme and together with the right and continued right to take and borrow material from the lands of the undersigned on the creek side of said le~ to construct, operate and maintain the some, over, through and along that certain parcel of land situate in Santa Clara County, State of California, and described as follows, to-wit:- Beginning at the southwesterly corner of lot three (3) of the subdivision of the lands of S. P. Fine as the same is shown on a map of said subdivision recorded in the office of the County Recorder of t he County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Volume IfF-2" of Maps at page 46( and running thence along the westerly line of said lot three (3JN. 40 30' E. a distance of eight hundred and five and 84/100 (eo5.84) feet; thence S. 420 5&' E. a distance of six and 44/100 (6.44) feet; thence S. 250 53' E. a distance of six hundred and eighty-nine and 84/100 (689.84) feet; thence S.700 37'30" E. a distance of ninety- one and 12/100 (91.12) feet to the~asterly line of said lot three (3); thence along the easterly line of said lot three (3) S. 40 30' W. a distance of two hundred and seventy-one and 78/100 (271.78) feet to the southeast corner thereof; thence along the southerly line of said lot three (3) N. 610 55' W. a distance of two hundred and thirty-four and.30/l00 (234.30) feet; thence continuing along said southerly line N. 860 45' w. a distance of two hundred and twenty-seven and 04/100 (227.04) feet to the point of beginning, being a portion of said lot three ( 3) . IN WITNESS ~~EREOF, these presents are hereby signed this .2.:tlL day of January , 193:9. Z~%~? STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe COUNTY OF' SANTA CLARA ) -.I ~hiS ....L51:. day Of~J A.D., 'l~ before me ~.. I., a Not Public in and for the said County and tat , residing therein~ uly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared LIDGARD FINE also known as LIGE FINE known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that -pe_ executed the same. ~ IN WITNESS WHEEEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and a'ffixed my official seal in the County and St said the day and year in this certificate first abov the County California ,,.; .... ",".. A _.! . . . CLB,HK'5 CEmIFICA1I'B .-r -. 1 or ~ .P. f,. COX, Cit)'" C1e1""11; ,:).1" the City of GIUroy do. 1loreb1 eertlf'sr tt'~t th.e cnne~ ett!tE'C':crt ane :rGso],ntlon b.ereto at~ '" ed Me 'Oem eompe!'~ by me ,71:th anti 1s Q .,,1& &n!1 eot~.et COW of too whole of etlehea8~t nnd rttSol"ct1on. IB WIi'n};t~ WREtU":O'),t I M ~J'O ~ set rrq bJmd .tmC! Qffbe4 the o:ft'-c'.al seal of sa1d01t1' or ~ ~.:1. 2i11-. Oa:1 ~ ~~b'r)l~U, .......-J 19~. a!~''C1~'~'~Ui'OT~ f t'h"'\t€!\, elfj~ Cotmt~r" c~:u f~1.'a. .,.. i.. It E S QT. If T I 0 H 11_' _0 10141 -- ........ .........:. ... -- .. -- ... . .. , IT trl the ~,!c;;'"or ~ CotIDel1 o~ tt'.e {i1t,;,r of trllroy" t':.ut tm1t' tj of' 0'5..1!'O"J' hel"'e'b;; aecopnu tl:l& ca:'" c.... ,,""co hc"""""<h.o O,.t;tG'''!'''L\. ,...:,...J".;.,. .. ............. ...-""-- .".,......'l'.'.......t..~ ""0 ';.\.,.~ _"'r.""'_.~....t.<ll AlrA ';",J~ . ~~Jo.. .. '\.,;t '~...!;.;.JJ,.J <<~~1J"V~ ~ ~:1t..I&. t!l()!'O<lf. SO{!.lI apIJrov~'Xt n(kJI)td(~ t ::13 ~tQ.- day at' .!~brua;rYJl 193Q nt a t);)Ot~ne of .tho Co>'1'11tXl CQU:.iC11 of' tp.o Git:; or G1J.roy. . . . Cml~"(~1].r);O!r; George C.Milias, Jr. , Jack Rogers ,James Battersby,George A.Martin,George M.Mason, Nat Heiner. CC".J.1'1C 111..,.: None '-1,\";.,,':1. lOf..-J ..."...1.. . . COU!lCilr~1.: None AL~oved; littest: ,.. .". f'~Yor S.D.Heck T ~_II' ll!:l P.A.Cox m1-Cl~1f- CLERK'S CERTIFICATE T..:b. 1 I, P. A. COX~ -the City Cler.k of the City of Gilroy. do hcreb1 certify that the annexed coW o.f Re::olut1on has been compared by me wi tb and is a. true end correct cOlq of too whole of such Resolution dUly adopted at and appeerlng among the official min,utea 01' the reg- ular l:lect:tng of t116 Common Council of' such City ot: (.f1l:roy held on the !2th r dB.Y of ~pruarY 7 lC39 IN WITl'JESS WHEl\EOF, I have hereto set m::r hand andaf'fixoo the official seal of said City of Gilroy this ?th c;a;y- of Februa;rz. 1939 ~%r- ~;~Q~~ra Co:nty, ~1~~o~7 7'....__ . I>. - 0 ,.."\J ~ ~ CD ...... C'\J R ~ to -= ...... \-4 I%t t ," I%t 0 0 -- '. 0 CD 0 I ~~ tlO .f.:t :>. ...... .f.:t ., H ...... t'l C"''' 0 H p:; ,"\.~\ . . c/bg ~'7"0 r .. ..~>- ~~~~, J I..' :',:-< I It, I ' , ' , , I I II.t- I ' I I (- \-..-J ('\- . f , ~ , , , W t I ~ cd I') ~ "J' !L; ,-n ~ ~ :--... . -- ~ c-.~ ~ ~.G. ., '~' \.'.~ }- !:'~ -...1- '}!:' .:..- ~ ,':, \:J N Ii ~) (ft;1\ \"':'J '- :? ''-.. \ !' ! ~I< .' '~" :~ ~. \'" "'-. \,~ j ~ ' .:~ '^'l' 'I , ,~\_./ i '.... ~.