Geo. H. Louis Realty Company Telephone Ballard 1380 San Jose Abstract & Title Insurance Co. 76 ~orth First Street San Jose, Calif. m--roo--m "'"' "'"." .'..~" -< GJ.3..". _J3.~ C;3 , 19 4;0 I' July day of 9th itA part of Lot 15 of the above mentioned Block and all of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Roland H. Prien and Mary H. Prien to the Geo. H. Louis Realty Company by deed filed for record on January 21, 1940 in Volume 968 of the Official Records at page 304, that lies within the limits of the above described alley and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of Fourth Street of the City of Gilroy and distant thereon Easterly 140.00 feet from the intersection of the Northerly line of said Fourth Street with the Easterly line of the aforementioned Eigelberry Street, said point of beginning being also the intersection of the Westerly line of said alley wi-th the Northerly line of said Fourth Street; thence Easterly along the said Northerly line of Fourth Street a distance of 2.00 feet to the Southeasterly corner of the said conveyed parcel; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of the said conveyed parcel, and parallel with the Westerly line of said alley, a distance of 117.50 feet to the Northeasterly corner of the said conveyed parcel; thence Westerly a.long the Northerly line of the said conveyed parcel a distance of 2.00 feet to the Westerly line of the sa.id alley; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of the said alley, a distance of 117.50 feet to the point of beginning, and containing therein all of the above described parcel that lies within the limits of the afore mentioned a~ . 1ht Bittlrsa Bb.rrrnf. the said first part y has executed this conveyance this All of any portion of that certain alley, twenty feet in width, and situ~te, lying, and being equidistant from and parallel to Monterey and Eigelberry Streets and within Block Three North, Range One West, as said Streets and Block are laid down and delineated upon Las Animas Rancho Maps Nos. 5 and 9 accompanying the report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho partition suit of Henry Miller et 801. vs. Massey Thomas et 801. in the ~uperior Court of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, but more particularly that portion of the said alley that is described as follows: State of California. described as follows: Santa Clara., of County , all that real property situated in the Ci ty of Gilroy, the second party ~ ~ ===- Corporation, THE CITY OF GILROY, A Municipal , hereby ~ratlt to the first part y . THE GEO. H. LOUIS REALTY COMPANY, a California corporation, 7 ~rtlnt Irrb FORM NO.1 /~ 157 Sutter Street (Corporation) STATE OF CALIFORNIA } " City a: ~:i:~:.~~..:9~~:~~::.~~~:a:s~/...~...........00.......m...in the year one thousand nine hundred and FORTY before me, ELEANORE t'SIMKINS a N otary rgii~"i~~1 the City and County of San Francisco. State of California, residing therein, duly' , . (;~nis,oned -4 f~orn, personally appea~ ....r/--m.......m........... e........1J.....m.......- .... ~....j(~......~....~;...~~.........~m. . 'b~o . me t~ bj the..-:t..................m...r.....e;.~.....;.-:..~=-J-:.;...~.~m............................m.. ... ..~......~~.\6cC.~.!C.7..m_..............m.............. ............m................_.........mm....................m...................m......................_.........._.._.........__, respective) y of the corporation described in and that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the pers02who executed it on behalf of the corporation therein named, and.1Fe.yacknowJedged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, ,h, d., ..d ''"' ,. "" ""ca" . '::":='''''..U_cS . ._._! _~_ Notary Public In and for the City and County 0 San Fr:ancISCO..~ . i j i - c;:>> ca - - ~ .c::t ~~ t- a:t ~ c:::a ..., c: ca ~ Eo< ~ ~ . ~ r... 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