Hoey, Josephine Sophia (2) RECO~DING J;lEQUESTED BY 3 7 ~i:3795 BOOK8791 PAGE 13 <!../ '7 ", /c;:>-'-"'?-, )- GY 324017 WER 786-33-52 O~ (.:::J C"') ~'.;'- r ..., \ RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF ~ Title Insurance and Trust Company JAN6 1970rO~M GEORGE E. FOWLES, Recorder SANTA CLARA COUNTY. OFFICIAL RECORDS D If-' SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Ct) -J ,-- ~ ~ AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Name City of Gilroy 10 South Raanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 '<) :r-.... ,.., :.1 Street Address City & S'ate L .J \-I. W MAil TAX STATEMENTS TO I "I Name Street Address same as above AFA7Q TAX 1?~AMPS IN THIS SPACE City & State l_ TO 402 CA (8-65) ~ I Quitclaim Deed I THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JOSEPHINE SOPHIA HOE:!, hereby REMISE (S), RELEASE (S) AND FOREVER QUITCLAIM (S) to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal cornoration the following described real property in the state of California: . county of Santa Clara - BEGINNING at a fence picket marked 0-4, standing where the fence on the South line of property formerly of Clara N. Ousley, intersects the fence on the Easterly line of Burchell Road; running thence along the fence line on the Easterly line of the Burchell Road North 6044' West 3.00 chains to fence picket marked 0-5 North 19028' West 4.25 chains to a fence picket marked 0-6, North 43002' West 7.42 chains to a fence picket marked 0-7, North 10005' West 3.367 chains to a fence picket marked 0-8, and North 6.11 chains to a point where the Burchell Road runs westerly, and continuing thence North from said Burchell Road along the fence line between the lands formerly of Clara M. Ousley and the lands of Milne, 8.91 chains to a fence picket marked 0-9; thence South 48028t East 15.28 chains to a stake marked 0-10; thence South 790l5t East 18.70 chains to a fence picket marked 0-11; standing In a' fence line; thence along said fence line South 48012t East 3.347 chains to a fence picket marked 0-12; South 39023' West 1.39 chains to a ferce picket marked 0-13, South 40043t East 2.76 3/4 chains to a fence picket marked 0-14, and South 4058' East 1.52 1/3 chains to an 8" x 8" fence post standin In the fence line between the lands of the City of Gilroy and the lands of Ousley thence along the fence line between the lands of the City of Gilroy and the lands of Ousley South 88026' West 25.237 chains and South 1034t East 9.60 chains to a stake, South 88006t West 0.994 chains to the place of beginning; containing 36.61 acres of land, more or less. THIS DEED IS GIVEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF QUITCLAIMING AND CONVEYING TO THE GRANTEE HEREIN, ALL ~IGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST OF THE GRANTORS HEREIN AND TO ALL RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS RESERVED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROPERTY. " . ,- I I i ---- Dated .s~Q r.(.~ 'e'1- l'T. I ~ "9 STATE OF CALIiQRNIA I Q( } COUNTY OF ~^-L "f74 ~ K. AJ- SS. On .::5o..p',k..A1 k.t<.., I 7, ('71, 1 before me, the under- si~, Notar~ P~blic i~nd for. said State, personally appeared -\J....!;2~~htN"~ ~~h t.of- ~el , known to me subscribed to the within executed the same. Signature ---------- Name (Typed or Printed) If executed by a Corporation the Corporation Form of Acknowledgment must be used. Title Order No. 8om~87g1 PAGE 14 ~j~~ 00se ine Sophi Hoey r ~G>9<"iC9 illGD0i9~~C919G".0GW~~~~ ~ G1 .""" OFFiCIAL SEAl ~ ~ ,~;r\1...; EDWARD PETERMAf'f i9 C'. ':':::"~.\Xi.:' NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ~ ~./... '(::' " SANTA CLARA COUNTY ~ ~ - M'! (f;n'll"lltlIQ" [,..r-;,.. MiJY.4, 1972 ~ ~.- ,h, .~ - T, '_.''- .'--,or~ !'-..~-", ..-".' "'. __,,,,'J1<';l'f!i>t'!I.,,,,,,..,..'..'"-.- ,...,. , ',r;"'I"'" I" ~r" ' ,- .', ," <:',1,'. -,:""iol;;I.. .'./1~_ ~~ c, 1':.:. ',~;;_,i _:.,'i', .{',J ~lO>L, "\:l':~ ""I St,,,,,,1 Gi:rQ,y, Califopni" 95Q.UJ (This area for official notarial seal) Escrow or Loan No. .' MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ~'7' . GY 324017 WER fi BOfJK8791 B4GE 15 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY Josephine Sonhia Hoev I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meet- ing of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of Cal ifornia, in Boek 7027, page 228; I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on be- half of the said City, the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Josephine Sophia Eoey of the premises described in the attached convey- 19th day of September , 1969, and that the said ance dated the City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN W J TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand th i s 2nd day of October , 19~. .... 11'J, J frf tltt\ It ,,!pi I' ( t' .-",' , I 1/> !If (.'" > L E C::rArL- 'b~c..I2..\ (>rt 0 U " bY 3Z~817 . [JCIIIllIT A. StJur. f174f f-Al;t 42 _ All that certai~ real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, .State of California, described as follows: . BEL'!C a portion 0 f the Sol i 5 Ran.cho in Santa Clara County, Cal ifornia, as pa ten ted, and being more particula r 1)~ ..lescr i bed as follows: "". "BLGINNING at corner designated as "0'9" at the most northwesterly corner of tl1;lt co rtain 36.61 acre parce 1 of LllleI eI is t ri bu ted to the City of Gi1 roy by the "Order awl Dccrce of. Partial and Ratable Distribution Prior to, Final Settlement in the matter of the Estate of Mary E. Ousley, deceased, certified copy of said Order and Decree being recorded in Volume 897 at pages 539,540 and 541, Offica1 Records of Santa Clara County, 'and running thence along the northeasterly line of said 36.61 acre parcel S.46050' E.680.06 feet; thence leaving said northeasterly line N.3lo16'W.971w21 f~e~, m6r6 or l~ss, to a noint in the westerly linc of' that ccrtail14 3 ~. R acre parce 1 of land des cri ])ed in the Decree 0 f Dis t ri hll t ion ill tile iIattcr .of the Est:1te of Echvard Bryant Iloey, Deceased, Superior Court . Case No; 38123, Certified copy of said Decrce being recorded undcr Serial N08177~1 in tllC office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County; thence along said westerly / line S.10J6tE.365.00 feet to the point of beginningo ./ ,',1.1 ./'/./ ,).~ }': .~ :r' .r-) j~i I ~ ~ ~ I ~ '. r---'---------'----------- I ~ ,I/)' I .~ ~ t. ~ ~ II ~ ~ .~ \c\ I ~ I ~ ~ ,~ I\\)~ () i " ~ I ~~ ~ I~ ~ !~ i ~~, I~ ". I ' . I I I 1 I I 7rpcf 4 35. ~ AC:' fdward 8. II Esft1/ i <f!2 3(i, ~ 2472 0, . I II fI 0 ev ~./ .0 ...."" ~ I. ~ ~\ c:: '. ~ Cl! :t II 1)1 C" ('I o./~C' ........ '" >- \S' < .J.- o ~, ~<> ;- o~ '" -y -1.-.-. <-- -..,. "'V ..<J 9 <..- <.... ..." C ~>- <$ ~ /< ~ --r ~OJ- ~ ~ ......" 0, -9'<, o$-~ ~O> <:>.. -1--' '" ~ .!!J:;' 2/' e-. /8.1./0 S .s" 010' E-. lOa, 4'-c... ! IP~ 3.'" I (fI'tfIOrP,(,",1 f'lisll~ft,l A- ~ost ~t,rCaSt I' 0" ~~J 0" lick . S' P ,," t ~ I {'>.; '.9 -, ~ I , I 44"\a' ~ . I , ~ ~ I \~ 1.t -t~ i ~~lI\ ~~ I c:: ~ 'I " I ~~~ ~~ I ~Ir)" ~t I ~~ ~ t.. ~i~"\ ~t I ~~~ ~ ~~I 1;: " ~..... '- Sl i ,"- ~~ I V' ,,~ I )..,~ ') ~ t~~ ~ ,~I LIl) ~ Of). P. . .5 46" ad'R: 220.9' ..5 40. .3~' IV .9/.55' // \..9~ ....."< 110 ,..A. ~ \S" _ _ -0- ,-,,--0--- -,,_.~,._-'-- ~- . I2()AD X.5./j .lyS .D Y I ~~ W. J, HANNA Be SON CIVIL ENGINEE.RS AND SURVEYORS GILROV . HOL.LISTIER OUSLEY i PARK ADDITION I c \TY OF Ga,l-ROY ! ., 'i 'j ....uC.UST ) I '3S9 I" :: 400 II :1 FIELD BOOK No._ - /(24 r --- JOB NO. ~ Ii II'RINTED 0""' O!~PO NO. 1020 CLEAA""INT R. C. LEIS C. B. LEIS C, I-I LEIS & LEIS ATTORNEYS A';-I:AW~-' FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILOIN13 SAN ....OSE. CALIFORNIA October 20, 1938 Mr. James S. Byers, City Attorney, Gilroy, California. RE: Estate of MARY E. OUSL}~I, Deceased. Dear Mr. Byers: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 19, 1938. With reference to the taxes on the property to be lanown as "Ousley Park" given to the City of Gilroy by the Last Will of the above named deceased, we agree with you that it would only be fair to have the City pay the taxes since her death -- especially in view of the fact that rental was stopped at the time of Miss Ousley's death. Will you not present the matter to the City and advise us of its action? Referring now to the petition for partial distribution: You are quite correct in your statement that in the same we are attempting to set forth therein the terms and conditions under which "Ousley Park" was devised to the City of Gilroy by the Last Will of Miss Ousley, and that we propose to include them in the decree. For your information, we are enclosing a copy of her Will. We refer you particularly to paragraph II of the Will, which specifically states that the devise is made subject to easements and uses to Wllich the property is subject. , \ For your further information, we are enclosing copies of two deeds made to Mrs. Electa Ousley, one by the City of Gilroy and one by McKenzie and Buick. The last mentioned conveyance is not referred to in the petition, but we think it proper that refer- ence to it be made in the decree of distribution which we propose to have entered pursuant to the petition, copy of which was sent you. lllose terms and conditions of the devise which are not set forth in the two instruments above referred to, are taken from the last lease of the property to the City of Gilroy, dated February 2, 1925, copy of which is also included for your information. The original copy of this lease, which we have in our possession, does not show that it has been recorded, nor does the preliminary report on title, which we have, show that it was recorded. If there is any further inforraation which we can give you, please do not hesitate to ask for it. Very truly yours, RCL:b Encls. ~~Q~. ~"_c..."";""'_'"'''''-;"'''.'''-''f'.,,,\;i;.~,"~~''...,,,,,,*,~",,,~~'''''''''*''F'~-'.-. I. ~JJtt l;. OUi:lU;r. a ...14-' of ~ta C1.aa co.". Oalltom1a. 'belq of &OUIMi ... dlapoB1_ Jd.a4 .. .t,,,'.1.D8 UD!.JI ., ....... tnad. d...... 1D\..u.n..... or ........'..1_ ............ 40 _ke. pIilbUah .. 4fMdan tbb to be .., laat wlll ... teat...,. a8 t'oUowa.t. W1 t: .... .... I .___ 41....' tllat JqbOd, be....t<<1. ... t.hat ., a... be mteft84 IA .. ~taml1t p1e$ la 'the -...,.18 d4 OM '.Uon o..UI7Il' 01lJtoT. Calltoaltt. aa4 ! hOl'8bl' 41ft" .,. ...... to po;J' 811 -,.- ~ ~tlt fWd \0 pef' aU ..., .,.'4ebU aM aU ~ of' a4l.d.a1"'loo. Otlt of 'thenet14ue ot .. oeute. II. I Slye ea4 4ft'f1ae to .. Cl'rYO.r on.,iterr. in the C_" offja\a Claft. state of Ca11toa1a. t.1'le thtrt,..s1x (16) ..... Il1GJ:9J ora_. BOW' 1~ to Gilro1 r~ aD4 Count..,. Club. .bJ'" to the ......,. or,l1*11..-. right. of' 1f8J".-"l" rlflh'. aJ&Cl, oWl_ -_.,. .... u.. 1.;0 Whicm .... P~rt1 18 DOW fNb.,jGot 111 t.~ oral JOi.Il1Il~~ 18.. ~ b,. _. _4 abJeet tic. 1ai. tol1od.a& GP'l"G88 COD41tt...s ~_14 ......,. rm4 ... .JIll1 .-ta a lmJ.t4_ \IPOB aa1d 'h1~1z (36) aores 1n ta'VOrot _14 e.dJo1D1q 1aI.I48,. f8l all. rut.. o..n of the' a4.101m._ leW8 J101f' _DDfl b, me tJba11 be pRfdtted to aoe1ft u.d 1iake .... rl'Om the p1pe 11Des or .u C1\1 tne of ohU"tlG aDd to 1;1. .... edent thot: 8ueh 1'"16kt 1a a- enJOJ04 b1 -; ria14 th1ft7-sU. (36) ..... tan of 1fm4, -...U be Jmoara u "0Wlal0y PfU"k<t, 'and $~.ll be .u04 b7 'he ctt)" 0Il1I' u . ..s.n.pal pcd'k, or 8. . lI4UD101pe.l golf CO'U'88I -J.- ..,~,,'" ~ ""'=___........#~""""""L'-..4.,_~."!Jf."'~".',~,'i?'''4~~'''''"''!~''''''''~~,,~-.<-'''-'''''-,."-,'.''.,- 2-"~"''".'''_'L~'''_'_''__~_"L_.~"&:':-..___, It .u4 '~1X (H) eON __. ot ~ 18 ...1" ~ or pes1\te4 to b. UfIe4 tor a..., p~ olher t__ aa _ _lo1pal _k or a. a lDllolpal. i't01t .~. or 1t 8Ii7 of \he t~ ocm41l-S... _ *1* pn .eftof' is made 'to the Olt, 01 G1lH1, is Dot a'tndlJ' o~ and tulftUe4 " 1 '. tMll el11'. ri~'a to *4 \ft., ahraJ. '.__pon, ~4la'-1J ar.d 1... fa"', ..... aM ......s.tte. cmA fUll 'i.u. tUftW ...U n...... to ., _1n ., Jaw, aaA, RbJM.' to Ule _...pt.- __ or _14 gift bJ" sal4 C1t,. upoa the apnea ... ... "'1'1.. .boW .., fol1ih. MiA .. a ~ ob...... .... hUl1lMD'tit.not, or glv. ..." ~.11t(36) .... ta.' of l884 .. .., J.1eJZ8 at law. 111. I 4t.., .,. ..__o.n t;o 41.1.4. aU, of Ul.e nMl'. real_ eD4 ~D4_ or ..., ..__ 1a10 .e ..., ahirdea ..1 --, haw _,... aDA Ille._ au:rrt1d.q - .... leaY1aS luua surd.Yfag_. Oaa of se1d. abaft". 1 ~d.'" \0 Helen .li:u\on ~rv 1n uut tor tM eldl4ftB of . aeplleW. tio.. ~t.oll. hefttb)" tat.,1onaU.1 oattSbg to __ 0"'. pl'OVi_.. tor hla. ~1A ~ are p--\11= notHrn. 1&"""-1., 1~111. _4 I.... ~.S.4 ""-.. .-11 _Meet 110.14 84 opera" __ __, GHaW, PQ'1nB all __...,- $S~. .. cbarpa 1a CODlftOClUon _eM- ft th ... eMU .". t\l1l p.. to a.u. eX.bln.ae. s.aR_t .. ~ tho ..... aM ,*'t of the_t ....... t~ aa4 ai bel' 41...'1011. out at ,.. prlaelpa1 t.IlereGt*. PGI' _or tor aU oh11dl"81l __ aaauawa8.., be .".-IT t. "lr~_ M1a'~. __'-lon 8b\1 ~, until the ~, of' _14 a1t11~ 81l8U...h .. ago or ,...... (ali ~.. -a- ,_,..,""~~_,_~ ......~..__,.~_",~~.,""~."W..-~~~""_""'~....~ib..,'..,"-;,;W..;_'~.~.....,',.-"'"o-.,"~.,.:"'_,._"..., ~ .il UWJ'.b&U _"".'''' 8114 ,.1:"....... ." ~ ahaU P87' OYer tm4 4811... to _14 *IWan. .... U1G auftlyon Of ~, Ia fHlU1 ....... .. ...1__ at the ,,,''''Ie. ~ ot.ber .... ....s.as.ag .... of _14 _-, re... aa4 ...184_ of .,. _tat-e. I -.".. ln18e, IUl4 be- ...... aeesas.D6 __I. atI4 81_. plU9'i4fMl, h.... ......, "'18 .. ... of .... ~ 0.. __ .. ...11 __ ........., _. laYlq 18.. nrnylQ_. .- t_ _II .. .. ~ to _,:tAb. ... pe~ ,fit ... 1_ wou14 baW __ -*1'1_. ,..4M __ paftJlt ,ah01Ild -- .ma- '1'1"" _. ... pro1J'16e4 ~... -.t11l ,. __ ~....h. eueh ...... ... 111- pft4....._ _. l_vlag.. 1... .. ..... 911'1116. 'the dOY1se aDd be~- to ... ..- o:.r --. R to tile I,.... of __ .....- OJ!' .1.... 8Iu\l1. la,.. .. taU Sa_ ... ..14ft of., ....... IV. It.,. ~ 'filii MUa, lePMea.. 4nt_......,.. __. ....... 07 <<1.puMa \M .u.U", or.... .. len .n .... ....,~'. or of .,. pan __..t. 41ftO'1J' or Sa41atd1l'. .-.1F _ OOYU'UJ', ~ ,~... or t~ oUten.. 1_ 1e .,' tdJ.1 8b4 4uUM .. 1 4801aN ,., he or she .. ..,. . fJba11 _1.... part fit .,. ...k, ,-.4 1 --by ..-' ... ' clat_. Sift or bec1-- ~ ~,to ..,..80 so _teau. or dlapu... the vall. ", of tIihla wW, ftD4 41.... ... ,.. ... MlCh ..'e.l8ftt .om.4 havo 1'*_1v84 tau. SAto \!l. N81"'- of ffIIII .'-'e. v. I be"", nppotnt 'UIU..I1Utl it. HO~"t .. l}. UOl~. Gat ... ....190r Of' ~, .. eaoutore of th18 wW, \0 ...... -I- r ," c........~___.~"...."'.""'"'..,.. .. ._ ..... ....... boa4a bet.D.B ~ -~ ...... ~ glYs.q -. .., _4 aeolltoJra. .. 'he aVY1wr tit..., ...u fOIl'" to ,.u .,. 8114al1 .~ .-pl'1asacll pan or .., .....llib1. _ no\ hehlMboYe ....11..11,. 4_1.... Wl... .. ~ at c...... I hr'taI' 4un' ..., DO ..... be nqtd.... oth1_f..'_~" a. "'Me .... ,. ~,. __1_~ ....,.... .... ... being ""b,. ~13 _1'184. VI. ); bUell. ~aU othe.. aM r~ td.Ua _ .. ..... In ~fITlit~m[;,I __ ~ .t ., taril ..... 1ftb: _ of lee, A. D. 1.U6. ~l_~ll' 1, Tn'l The ~1aa ""'..'. .....tiJta of __ (a) JlI8f&M "814.. ltd... .. ~\l" at .. fIDd ,....t bJ' t. ....WlS. ~&. 0Uler. 1a a. ,a.... of.. ... __ of _, ....lte-tat; .......... - \be -7 l' .... data. aM the aa14 ''''''1'1&, ., t!Je ... at nltaat.bia8 tie __a <1M)." to .. .. to .all ~ .. ,_, .. ..... aM 18 M:r 1M. utll-.t. Mat...., ... aq-__ U '0 81,. tile ... as w1__... theftto, ... '....... -. ., -.. l"eCl_e' .. tit. ... pnee_. ... 1a _. p___ gf _h Mher. .... awl'*' .. __.as vl...... ,___ Ia .. Cl',. or ~.:D .1'_. ,Stateot r-,.all:tGma. ,.. 10tk .,. ot J'DII. A. D. 1936. T I1il ~HH~ II ~141DB.' JiM" ~ l<&D; R , L&i I _ !_,' - -,-'. n J U ~tU.q at , IU L Qifl iOO~~. -4- Know all men~hese presents that for and in consideration of the sum of One _J.2.o};!-Jl..1: and the right of way and the water privileges the Cit~2f Gilroy a corporation duly formed under the laws of the State of California do hereby give and grant unto Mrs E Ousl~ of Gilroy TmVllship Santa Clara County State of California and to her heirs and assigns the right to the use of a one inch water guage; water to be talcen from the pipe of the said City of Gilroy, to be used by the said Mrs E. Ousley, her heirs and assigns for the following purposes and none other viz: for household and culinary pur- poses water shrubber7f in her yard; watering stocks that may be on her premises irrigating a garden sufficient for a small family and to extinGuish fires should any occur The said water to be used by the said Mrs E Ousley on the South and North side of the road or on both at her option In WLtnes_~_~hereof__the said City of Gilroy by the Mayor and the City Clerk set its hand and seal this 16th day of June, 1888 LOUIS LOUPE Mayor. ( Seal) City Clerk (Seal) VJ. R. PYLE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe County of SANTA CLAHA) On this Sixteenth day of June A. D. one thousand eight hundred and -E:18ht'YEig'ht before Ire , GEO E HERSEY a Notary Public, in and for the said County of Santa Clara personally appeared Louis Loupe an~l~~_~_ known to me to be the MaY?F and Clerk of the Corporation that executed the wi thin Instrument, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. ,., u IN VIITNESS affixed said year in ",JIEHEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and my Official Seal, at my office in the County of Santa Clara the day and this certificate first above written. E A L GEO E HERSEY -----!'fotary-Publlc-------- D. MoKENZIE et al '1'0 E. Owsley .. , It . It ,tf t .. It t tff tit It'" tt t tt, It tilt II t .. .. t 1ft It t .. t It t .. .. , .. t .. t It tit, It. If .. t . , lit Know all.en b7 theae presents that tor & 1n oonslderatlon ot the lUll ot One dollar to us lnhand palO. 4: the 1'1ght ot "A1 granted 1)1 111,0"" Ow,' 1181, to u.. "e do hereb1 ..11 6 oonvey unto the 88.14 Ellota OWe181 her helr8 4: asslp., the rlght to UI. one halt lnch ot water trom the pipe. hereaftel' to be lald tor the purpose ot oar1'71ng 'fIatel' trom the U'9'al Cnet to the 01 t7 of Gl1ro1. the sald IIrs. OWel.,. to hav.the tree use of II ald halt 1noh ot water tor domest1c purposes. Wltness our hands . seals the 14th dtq otreb:ruaJ7 1871. ~n;:d][~c~~:ie ~:::i~ State ot Oallfornia ) Oounty ot santa Olara ) Is On thle 15th day' ot 'ebJUa%7 A. D. One thou land eight hundred and le.,.ent1 one betore .., J....,. R. Low. Jr. a Notary Pub110 1n and tor lald County ot santa Clara duly oomm1ls1on.4 ..om and qualifled. personal11 appeared the w1 thin na. d Donald MoKenzie, and D.S. I. Buiok whol. nail.' are aub.crlbed to the annex.a lnetrum.nt a. partie. theNdsO perlonall, known to .e to be tbe individuals d..oribea in ;;! who exeouted the sa14 annexed instrument and they eaoh 8everal17 Aulr aclmowledged to m. that the7 executed the .ue treely end yoluntari11 and tor the u.ea and purpose. therein ment10ned. In Witness whereot I have (lfOTARIAL SEAL) hereunto set 111 hand and aft1xea 111 off101al ,tal " at .1 oNioein tpe 01ty of S.nJos't Oount,. of Santa OlaX'a S~ate ot Oa11tern1a, the 4&1 and year 1n thi. Or-t1tloa" f1rst above Written. James R. Lowe. Jr. Notary Publio 1n and tor the County ot Santa Olara, State ot California Reoorded at t Request ot E. 01'I81er Bov7th 1883 at 20 a1n past .. oclook P. M. J. M. P1tman OQu.ntT Recorder By H. I. raNer, D$putr. Reoorde4 ln Volume 71 ot Deeds at page 175. '-'""V~""""""'-"'~-'~_""'''"''''"''__.''''''''_~~''''~~.''.\,''--..n...'..It'.....f i'~.'#i-i#"'~ '.~ "-.'-'. '#"-.,..: ~';"""';';"-"''''':''i''''-'''';''_''_'''-''''',_e"","",''i''-."v/....,"':,;..,.,-.'".....,'c'"',.,......--'-"-.....,.., , THIS LEASE, Made this second day of February, 1925, by and between MARY E. OUSLEY and CLARA M. OUSLEY, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the parties of the first part, and GILROY GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, a Corporation, the party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on the part and behalf of the said party of the second part to be paid, kept and performed, do hereby lease unto the said party of the second part and to its successors as hereinafter provided, all that certain lot, piece and parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a fence picket marked 0-4, standing where the fence on the south line of property of Clara IiI. Ousley inter- sects the fence on the easterly line of tlle Burchell Road; running thence along the fence line on the easterly line of the Burchell Road N. 60 44' W., 3.00 chains to fence picket marked 0-5, N. 190 28' W., 4.25 chs., to afence picket marked 0-6, N. 430 02' W. 7.42 chs., to a fence picket marked 0-7, N, 100 05' W., 3.367 chs. to a fence picket 0-8, and North 6.11 chains to a point where the Burchell Roa~ runs Westerly, and continuing thence north from said Burchell Road along the fence line between the lands of Clara M. Ousley and the lands of Milne, 8.91 chains to a fence picket marked 0-9; thence S. 480 28' E., 15.28 chains to a stake marked 0-10; thence S. 790 15' [ 18.70 chains to a fence picket marked 0-11, standing in a fence line; thence along said fence line S. 480 12' E. 3.347 chains to a fence picket marked 0-12, S. 390 23' W., 1.39 chains to a fence picket marked 0-13, S. 400 .-.....-".-...-.....~"-~.~"'''''''"'"';-''";~~__~~:il _." ''''~.-'.~'ijllI'"-(. :..--__.~~."""~";,,,.<--..,...". _."'-_.."~....A."~_'._~.,.__.-" - ^'<-'"....,.<,<;.''''.'''''''''''.'''''"'''''''''""'''''''''''''_~'W-'i.~-j;;'''',.,;>..;\__~'''''',...0- 43' E. 2.76~chains to a fence picket marked 0-14, and South 40 58' E. 1.52-1/3 chains to an 8"x8" fence post standing in the fence line between the lands of the City of Gilroy and the lands of Ousley; thence along the fence line between the lands of the City of Gilroy and the lands of Ousley S. 880 26' W. 25.237 chains and S. 10 34' E. 9.60 chains to a stake, S. 880 06' W. 0.994 chs. to the place of beginning. a EXCEPTING from the above~ight of way thirty feet wide along the Northeasterly boundary line to be used by the lessors for tak- ing cattle from one part of their premises to another, and the lessees shall construct gates in the fences for the passage of said cattle. The lessors shall gave the right at all times to go through the leased premises with auto trucks or other vehicles. The whole of the tract of land lies within the Solis Rancho and contains 36.61 acres. For the period cONmencing with the second day of February, 1925 and ending with the 31st day of March, 1927; For the regular yearly rental of Ten Dollars per acre, payable in twelve equal monthly installments, in advance, on the first day of each and every month of this lease, said rental to be paid for account of the lessors to the Bankof Italy, Gilroy, California. And the said party of the second part does hereby accept this lease and does hereby covenant and agree with the parties of the first part as follows: That it will pay the said rental of ten dollars per acre per year in the manner hereinbefore stated; that it will carefully use the said premises during the term thereof; that it will conrnit no waste or suffer any to be done thereto; that it will keep all 2 "....~~'.'"""""..".~,........~."._,.~ .._",i....~".~~t""'~~..*~it.:i',l:~.-:'~'..'!Iitrilj ".W i."ii''!....r.r,.,.ii!..~~*~~,,,:.>ij:\.'''''.,;;.'w,'""'''-;w,.'''''''."'''.,..~~''''".'''.;_.""....~,\:,..,..,""''''-~~''',''''''''-''..".'''''''~..- .....\:'1:. '~1f '.'-:', J...-.~" _-.;\,A_.~,.';'A,-""...'..,....,",__~",__.~."ii<.",,,,.-",,,,,,,,.--..:.f' fences and improvements on said premises in food state and con- dition; that the land hereby leased shall be used by the party of the second part for the purpose of a Golf and Country Club; and that it will not assign this lease to any person, firm or corpora- tion other than such organization or corporation as may be formed or organized by the Gilroy Golf and Country Club, for the purpose of carrying out its objects, without the consent of the parties of the first part first obtained; and further, that at the ex- piration of this lease or the sooner determination thereof, it will peacefully and quietly surrender and yield up the entire pos- session of the said premises unto the said parties of the first part in as good state and condition as the same are now in. The party of the second part does hereby agree to move the water troughs now on the premises hereby leased and used by the parties of the first part for watering stock, to a point near the Northwesterly corner of the leased premises and to pipe water from the watermain of the City of Gilrov to said water troughs at their now location, the party of the second part hereby agreeing to furnish an adequate water supply at said point for said stock. The party of the second part will construct a portion of the golf course of the Gilroy Golf and Country Club on the premises hereby leased, and for that purpose may cause the construction of hazards and the erection of obstacles, walks and greens and all other things necessary to tile construction of a golf course on said premises; but it is understood that at the expiration of this lease the party of the second part will leave the surface of the gouund in as good state and condition as at the commencement of this lease. In the construction of the golf course, no oil or petroleum products or any beach sand shall be put on the land hereby leased or used in making any walks, paths or green thereon. 3 The party of the second part shall have no right to any oil or mineral products in the land hereby leased by virtue of this lease, all such oil and mineral rights being hereby reserved by the parties of the first part. Should the party of the second part cause any buildings or tanks or structures to be erected on the premises hereby leased during the ternl hereof, or lay or cause to be laid any 1Nater pipes in the ground, it shall have the right to remove such buildings, tanks and st~~ctures and pipes and piping at the expiration of this lease or any continuation thereof, provided all rent due be paid; and it is further agreed that the party of the second part may upon the expiration of this lease or any continuation thereof, take up and remove any grass green sod and remove said greens from the premises, it being understood that in case of the removal of any such buildings, pipes or sod, that the ground and premises shall be left in as good condition as they now are in. It is further understood between the parties hereto that should the parties of the first part wish to sell the premises hereby leased at any time during the term hereof or any extension hereof, the party of the second part shall have an option of purchasing said property upon such terms and conditions as the parties of the first part would be willing to accept from any other person. It is understood between the parties hereto that if default be made by the party of the second part in the payment of any rent when due or in the performance of any of the covenants and agree- ments therein contained on the part and behalf of the said party of the second part to be kept and performed, then and in that event the parties of the first part may re-enter the said premises and remove all persons therefrom and at their option terminate and cancel this lease. 4 The parties of the first part agree to extend the term of this lease for a period of five years from and after the thirty- first day of March, 1927, should the party of the second part desire such extension, upon the same rental, terms and conditions as herein contained. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE this 2nd day of February, 1925. MARY E. OUSLL"Y CLARA M. OUSLEY GILROY GOLF AND C OU:NTRY CLUB by JAS. PRINCEVALLE President By D. L. RAYNOLDS Secretary 5 STATE OF CALIFOill~IA, ss County of S~ta Clara. On this 2nd day of February, the year 1925, before me, RANDALL O'NEILL a Notary Public in and for said Santa Clara County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Mary E. Ousley and Clara M. Ousley, knovm to me to be the persons described in, whose names are subscribed to, and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, at my office in the said County of Santa Clara, the day and year in this certificate first above written. (SEAL) RANDALL O'NEILL Notary Public in and for the said County of Santa Clara, state of California. My commission expires, January 25, 1928. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss County of Santa Clara. On this 2nd day of February, the year 1925, before me, Randall O'Neill, a Notary Public in and for said Santa Clara county, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Jas. Prince- valle and D. L. Raynolds, known to me to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of the Corporation described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. IN WITlffiSS V,~EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, at my office in the said County of Santa Clara, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above written. (SEAL) RANDALL 0' NEILL Notary Public in a-nd-forth-e-said County of Santa Clara, State of California.