Knowlton, Grace W., et al - ~.; / ---.- l' his I n den t u remade this 21st day of June, in the yerr of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and :1ine, by gnd between GR1\CB VI. KNO\VIJTON, (an urunarried woman), of Sausalito, county of Marin, state of California, EDITH B. WEI;CH and I~YM.P.N VJELCH (her hu a"band) , of Sausali to, county of Marin, state of California, flnd J .AM]~S CARROLl, DOOIJITTI,E, of San Ma.teo, county of Sa.n Mateo, state of California, the parties of the first part, and the CITY' 0]' GIJJROY, a municipal corporation, the party of the second part, Wit n e sse t h :- T hat the sa.id parties of the first part, for and in consider2tion of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00), gold coin of the United Sta.tes, to them in ho.nd paid by the said party of the second pa.rt, the receipt whereof is hereby a.cknowledged, have granted, bargclined and sold, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do &;rant, bargain 2nd sell, convey and confirm, unto the sa.id party of the second part, rmd to its successors and assigns forever, All that cert<lin lot or parcel of lend situate in the city of Gilroy, county of Santa Clara, state of California, bounded and described as fallows, to-wit: ~? (1 J'_)/ Beginning at the northeast corner of Church a.nd Fifth Streets, and running thence along the east line of Church Street northerly eighty (80) feet; thence easterly Gnd parallel wi th the north line of Fifth Street seventy-five (75) feet; thence southerly 2nd porcl11el wi th the erst line of Church Street eighty (80) feet to the north line of Fifth Street; thence 'l!iresterly tEind along the inorth line of' Fifth b~reet seventy-five (75) feet to the point of begin- ning, being a pc:.rt of lot Ho. 11, block 2 north, _. . Range 2 west, nS shown B.nd delinec'ted UpOL map No. 5 accompanying the report of' tne referees in the par- tition suit of Henry Miller, et al. vs. Massey ThomaS, et al, in the Superior Court of the county of Santa Clr> ra, str> te 0 f Ca lifo rnia . This conveyance is given and accepted upon the express condition that the premises herein described are to be used and occupied pS B site for a Public Libre.ry, and not other,Yise, and on which, v'ithin a reasona',le time, H Public Library :Building shall be erected, 2nd suchbui] dine there8fter maintnined thereon. Tog e the r vii th all rind singulD r the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining; and the rever- sion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. To H a. v e and To Hal d, all and singular the sn id p remi se s, toge ther wi th the appurtenance s, unto the snid party of the second part, and to i to suc- cessors and assigns forever, subject to taxes for the fiscal year 1909-10. I n Wit n e ssW her e 0 f, the said pprties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year fi rst herein yrri tten. ~ .f~ ~ l1dd~ )~ ! i'// e e.1. Seal Seal Seal 1 . ,..;i'_'t._.;._~...... STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ~ C~:;;d~~:;:~~S~'n , \'N~P"bl''''~fu'Y~~~''k'''' d."_.-..d ."""~ ..d_~,"""'""n"=, I known to me to be the person_~ whose name. . ~ _ _ _ _ ... . subscribed to and who executed the within in8tru~ ment and .S.he....... acknowledged to me that _.s..he_~""!"_ executed the same. IN AUTHENTICATION WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the ,~,. said county on the day and year in this certifica~ ~ m~~ -P~b"lic -~~~~~ty ~f-Me~d~~i~~:Sta~~"~fc;.iifornia. . .---'._~-- .,"- ,-----~._----'-,.~- -.-.------------" -...----- .-.C '=-= ":':-;::::::;.:.0="__ -::-===.::-":===:=: . f~-" ~tatt nf Cl!nlifnruta., ! ..~.~..lt:CLMA~ j" County O~thi,,~;~=ltmdaY of'.. ..................m san1:fine lnd and..... '''''' . .,..........."'h.'.'.' before me, ............ .. ..... .. .G2,l <J~..' . . .... .. ., a Notary Public in and lor theA~ County 0/'..... ...1. ~ ./Ii.. :i~;(... personally appeared ~i.~=i';Z=;,z;:.~:f;el.;::Sa;:o..~~~..~:~;~-::!::=i~~~: instruHwnt, and they and each of them acknowledged to me that they and each of them, respectilJely, execu,ted the same. 3Ju DlIUttt!l!i DlI4trtnf. I have hereunto set 77"bY hand and affixed my Official Seal at m,y office in the,...IJ,.aJ.,d"",. . County of-".mm,:?t.1~m. "",.m",, "" ".,.."..'...'m__m' the day and year in this Certificate fi7'st abmJe uH'itten. ~ ..~, /i4z)n, . .lV-otary Pnbli; in all d for tit e,.A"L,Ucou nily of ."....:ltf.a.!1...1-. i.~~m..mSta!f oj' Cafif'om~i'~', r- r ., ., -T' 91"( 1 'In 'on11:';I,-:.c:"r:'" (,Vi'~ r' l'-~iv. (.)1 .,.:..'/ ,_/,.,. I,. '..-'. ,..... f.. < \.1, ...' , Cowdery's Form No. 38-ACKNOWLEDGMENT-.HuSRAXD .Hm WIFE, . State of <taltfornta, c,"nty.';~,~fi -)x:'. ......} is.. ....1., ;".'r .,...... . ..~ e yea,; one thousand nine hundred and......................... ..........................a Notary Public in and therein, duly commissioned and sworn, 4,:.' ,~ - ........... ................ ..~...known to me * _ .......................... ......,. . .to be the person..._. .whose name.....~ subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that...~...he...-nexecuted the same. In Witness Whereofl I have hereunto set ;"~d a~xed myJ)ffi!ial Seal, at my office in the...~...........=-...........~..n:.......90unty oJ.....*'~c.~.<'-."....................... the day and ytar in this Certificate first ove written. Public, * If not known strike out .. known to me" and insert the words" proved to me on the oath of.......--..-----...............--...----..----....---.... ." CftOCKER'8 BLANK NO. 181 N,_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT-GENERAL, H. 8. CROCK~R COMPANY, 8AN FRANCI8CO AND SACRAMENTO, CAL -y....---------." . ~--_.._~ /11 / ..,j ~ c ~ C) . 0 [-i IaJ Q) I- 0 ~ c ,( ...J . (j) :i ~ ~ I"i c( Z . ;-,. 0 en oJ C f'-i 0 ~ en Ul ~ ... R [-I t--, +.l 0 c( t-3 H tI) 0: ~:!~ r." U rl (/) 0 C'J cod > rl 0 '. iii f----: LA E-i C' Q) en z ~1 ' -1 -' ~ en a: . ',.. ;:j ;~ :;-. , . 1=1 ....- [-f ~ ;t H [:::1 0 '(j ~ 0 t\ c( () (l) 0 <; .f-" ... "" III -1 ..... i:w :IE ... 0 R 0 z '" II i , "-""&.-;.::;..- .~ ,'" , <:.> l-e : -4 !~ !o: i>>> . ....J i ,21 , c:a.. :" I !:2l j \ ~... ~) ~~. 0- ,~~~, : 1... i\ ~ f.l~ & \ . \ \ c \J"-l : <. ~ .- '-t ' j. . : ~ -;;:; "-i- ; - ~\ 1;', ? "~~~ ~ ~; ~ ~~."\ l T~t ''f~ fa.. \ ~\ ~ ~ .~ '", ,'- ;,. -,^ ''\ ~ '... :.