Gilroy Telephone Company I.R.S. 1478~~t093 AppJi(atiun NO.__m...~4m.5...? ~orpor ation ~rant 11\ttb 3lnbibibual PMf 3;) lq7(j35t f.:/. ; fJ ... GILROY TELEPHONE COMPANY, we'~:;tbl~mpany .III' 2 5J =_ CJFt'IC'.lL R~COft'$ IANT. Cl.l.U COUNTY ~%~ a corporation, does hereby GRANT TO (J~~~XU)\iU CITY uF GIJ.oROY the real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: { f'A1H'lJ'::T. TIn. ~: Beginning at an iron pipe in the Southeasterly line of Ninth Street in the City of Gilroy, distant thereon S. 700 00' w. 56.'5 feet from the point of intersection of the Southeasterly line of Ninth Street with the Southeasterly prolongation of the North- easterly line of Alexander Street; thence leaving Ninth Street, S. 210 52' E. 594.31 feet to an iron pipe in the Southeasterly City Limits line of the City of Gilroy and the true point of beginning of this description said true point of beginning also being in the North- easterly line of that certain 1.00 acre parcel of land conveyed by 14anabi Hirasaki, et ux, to Mike J. Filice, et aI, dated October 3, 1951 and recorded November 6, 1951 in Book 2311 of Official Records, page 531, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said true point of beginning along the Northeasterly line of said 1.00 acre parcel of land S. 200 00' E. 26.17 feet to the Easterly corner of said 1.00 acre parcel of land; thence along the Southeasterly line of said 1.00 acre parcel of land S. 700 00' W. 40.00 feet; thence parallel with the Northeasterly line of said 1.00 acre parcel of land N. 200 00' W. 26.17 feet to a point on said Southeasterly City Limits Line of the City of Gilroy; thence along said city limits line N. 700 00' E. 40.00 feet to the true point of beginning, and being a portion of Ranch Lot No. 44 as shown on Map No. 7 accompanying the Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536, had in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized officers, this ~I day of <).1-1 ~ ~ ' 195" GILROY TELEPHONE COMPANY ....... .._---.. ..__._-.-........................... By. .. President By... .....~.~..ht;.~....~.~:"'.l:.J................ Secretary " STATE OF CALIFORNIA I s _ COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA \ . s', C/,' >' "Q ./~ On this ;2 is;/. day of )Z!~,~ ~Jb' before me~1i~-{;~c/ r ~pt.~' . a Notary Public in and for said County and State personally appeared ,/'({Jkt:.e~ 9-~. (!,,/~~~ . . '.',., . . known to me to be the President ar. /11 ~ /'" J: '.' /- ..:,~t!?: . ;',' :. >, known to me to be rhe Secretary of tll<' corporation that exec~~";;:~%i.!'o~e~(lmf.-mst~1.I~. ment, and also known to me to be the persons who execured the within instrument o.n~ehalf f the corporp p. .~. .,~'..~. ':~.'t~~'.~..;......!..' me thar such corporation executed the same. ........ ....~ .".~t::/:.Z..6/i!:.4.~~'..:.........i...?P:... ~~ Notary Public ~'" ";', ,.:'. .," :'./" ~:. :?"~~.. :~'~ l San Jose Abstract & Title Insurance Co. ". . , ~ L ,'" 1 . ' . 800,,4093 PAGf 32 1a78351 RESOLUTION NO....42L lm30LUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS AND GRANTS TO THE CITY OF GILROY BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council ot the City of Gilroy, that the following Deeds and Grants be accepted on behalf of the City of Gilroy, by the Mayor of said city, to-wit: Deed from Gilroy Telephone Company to City of Gilroy Dated: March 21, 1956 Deed from Gilroy Telephone 'Company to City of Gilroy Dated: March 21, 1956 Deed from Henry Brem and Sarah E. Brem, his wife, and George Brem and Sarah A. Brem, his wife, to City of Gilroy Dated: ~BY 10, 1956 Deed from Henry Brem, Sarah E. Brem, George Brem, and Sarah A. Brem Dated: March 30, 1956 BE IT FURTHER lm30LVED that a certified copy of the Resolution be reeorled with the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara. PASSED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 1958 by the folloving vote: AYES: Councilmen Pate, Rush, Petersen, Wentworth, Gallo, Jordan NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Coune ilmen None ,:/ .1/ /d.; d;"~~', ' ,7 MAYOR-- . ;/~ ( ATTEST I . .....t..[' . (I" :.; / CITY CLERK - ;~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the toregoi~is a full t~ , : , ue, and correct copy ot a Resolution ad t d by op e the Common Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting held on the 2 day of June 1958 t , , a which meeting, a <. '.' " quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto eet mv hand and -v official seal ot Gilroy, this 2 day of Juae, 1958. ) , . / ~ //.~) (I // _____..o:.:...~/:J f; l. t." City Clerk City ot Gilroy "'-' " I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, ) ,.4093 MOl 34 This is to certify that the interest in Real Property conveyed by the Deed or Grant, dated the 21 day of March, 1956, from GILROY TELEPHONE COMPANY, to the CITY OF GIIJROY, a political corporation and governmental agency, is hereby accepted by orde~ of the Common Council on June ,1958 and the Grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DA TED : June , 1958. CITY OF GILROY BY: '* ~M~;' State of California County of Santa Clara