Gilroy, City of to Creekview Properties . RECORDING REQ~ED BY DOCUMENT: 14301216 I ~ ~III~ 111111111 1Oi00143012161Oi Tit I es: I / Pages: 3 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO I I K h 0 n&CL p~ III Y') CITY OF GilROY CITY ADMIN/STrIATION 7351 ROSANNA STREET GILROY, CA 95020-6141 Fees 1300 Taxes. Copies. AMT PAID 1300 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Grantee ROE ** 007 7/23/1998 3:35 PM L Escrow No. Order No. ~ SPACE AfDIE THIS UNE FOA AECOfIOEFl'S USE QUITCLAIM DEED The undersigned declares that the documentary transfer tax is - 0 - RELEASE EASEMENT INTEREST IN STREET NO CONS IDERATION and is D computed on the fun value of the interest or property conveyed, ur is 00 computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. The undersagned declares that the city/county transfertax is $00.00 . The land, tenements or realty is located in 0 unincorporated area 1XI City of GIlroy FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE CrTY OF GILROY do(es). hereby REMISE, RELEASE, and forever QUITCLAIM to CREEKVIEW PROPERTIES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP the following desaibed real property in the County of SANTA CLARA . State of California: DESCRIBED IN THB ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Dated (;......./ 7 - q ? STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF fY\NTA CLARA } ss. On :S-~V\..p \,\ [CfC1 & RHONDA PELLIN a Notary Public In and for lIlIkf County and State, personaHyappe JAY SAKSA Oy CITY ADMINISTRATOR p8t$Onally known to me '(Gr p.roYCl.i to ...8 BPI the bQ/e of lNIIi1faet8f}' 8tJ1d..ee) to be the P'r8OI1~ whose name~ 1&/..,6 subtcribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/,KetrtJeY becuted the .me ;n hllS~r/tpsff authotlzlld ~ and thai by h1s/jJeq~ signature..(8J' on the instrument the person..(8f. or the entity upon beh8lf of which the peflOn&6 acted, executed the ln$trument. W1T~ my hand anc:I ofIIcIaf uaI. .18- - - - - -;H?~~A ;~N - - f - CommISSIon # 1142623 i Notay Public - California ~ 1 Santa Claro County I ~ _ _ _Mv_c:c:m.:.~~l:~l /,- / J/f 2 {, '/' '--- ,'. _,' /.- _/ f ~ ..) ui c,,-_ .' ,(,GU.r,-, Signatvre of Notmy MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PNrN SHOWN ON FOLLOWING UNE: FORt.JOTARV SfAl. OR STAMP IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE Name Street Address City. State & ZIp acoe.t:Dt 8/tM _ "EXHIBIT A" BEING A PORTION of those lands conveyed to Creekview Properties by grant deed, recorded February 6, 1998 as Document No. 14043052, Santa Clara County Official Records and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of that strip of land delineated and designated as Homer Avenue lying within the bounds of those above referred to lands ofCreekview Properties, as said Avenue is shown upon that Map entitled "Map of North Gilroy Tract", filed in Volume 'W' of Maps at Pages 14 and 15, Santa Clara County Records. lw\win\hew\3 ~ ' ~:>.. ~~ ~J.. , ~~ g ~~ ..... ~;x:: II .. Vl~ ..... .. l..jCC l.&.J Cb ~~ ...., (5 ~~ V) ...... ~lli iii ~ :>..~ ~ ~:t: ~~ .. ~ 8...... ~a5 ..... ~ c~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ o.::~ c:I TRACT ).. I ~ I~ ~ NO. 6668 ~EET 51 ~ ~1 ~ ~1 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~-~ I ~ ~~ )f:J079 I I 01 )f::J079 ~ 'oq: I !,u I I I ? .L07 ~ ~ l;l:~ eas Ie) uURCH r;:; ~n - in " "') \ \ \ I I ~~ - I (j'oq: ~ I e5~ ~~ I ~~ ~, I ~~ 1\.. ~~--) ~ ~C:i ~\() / ~ \5~ .~ / C:i O)~ / ~ / ~ ..... ~'C !~ ......(::) ,~ 7 ~ ~ ~ \5 I (1) C I ~ U~ 2~ ~ .L 1 .L07 -- - 1\..