Hanna, Walter J. and Nancy N. RECORDING REQUESTED BY Title Insurance and Trust CC 401428 'E 6165817 01.6:'~G: 282 if) :::j," \ E 016:'!G: 2B2 ~u:. Cd ;-.,L:,',,,flU ,1\r F.EQUEST CF Jt..~~1 01:1 \0 '351M '18 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO I City of Gilroy David Hansen 7277 Church St. POBox 66 Gilroy, CA 95020 I Nome Cily & SIal. L ~ ~!AL nECJHDS , S ,'. t (, 1.: L/...R1, caur, i ~ GEOF' i ' \,<,,!ml - REGIST ,i'FIl)ER Sir", Add,... MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I I Name SI,..I SAME AS A'ROVE Add,... Cily & SIal. L ~ ~* SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Individual Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TlCOR TITLE INSURERS A,P,N, TO 1923 CA (12-74) The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ ~O;'" No cons~deration ( ) computed on full value of property ~nveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Walter J. Hanna, Jr. and Nancy N. Hanna, his wife, hereby GRANT(S) to City of Gilroy the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara City of Gilroy, , State of California: For description see Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Dated October 5, 1978 ~~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF Santa Clara SS. On October 5, 1978 before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Walter J. Hanna~ Jr and Nancy N. Hanna l to be the person~whose nameS instrument and acknowledged that WITNESS my hand and official seal. , known to me are subscribed to the within they executed the same. OFFICIAL SEAL WM. E, ROBINSON NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My comm. expires MAY 17, 1979 8827 Burchell Rd., Gilroy, CA 95020 Signature tJ~. C ~--- Wm. E. Robinson (This area fat' offieial notarial seal) Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. ,.,,,,. .'.........:......'........ .'n ~ h :, . ;"q i".. EXHIBIT "A" A1~that certain real property in the city of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: I' Parcel One E 016:'!G: 283 ;:}p:~NG,a portion of Parcels 2 and 3 as shown on Parcel t-1ap '. '::i '~L"~ f. r. ';j ':Ji~~ fi led [,Jr recc.fLd in the office of the Recorder of Santa Clara C)lJnty 8n ~o\'elliber 29, 1977 in Book 1+08 of ;'1aps at ';'ii>age 73, anck~ing a right of I,'ay for road and utility ~,_.~ purposes under, over, on and across a strip of land 60.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is more particularly described as follo'\\'s: BEGPi:\ING at the nortllerly common G orner to Farce Is 2 and 3, as shO\<ln on sa id Farce 1 t-lap, and running thence along the line COiThll0n to said Parcels 5.4S049'10"\07, 280.00 feet. Parcel 'rIvo BEING a portion of Parcel 3 as shown on said Parcel Nap, and being a right of way for road and utility purposes under, over, on and across the following described Parcel of Land: BrG I N",!P~G a t the mas t I,'e s terly corner to Parce 1 One, above 10 described, and running thence N.440'}~SO"\.J. 182.32 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 270,00 feet, '3" tbroug-h a cen lra 1 angle of 14 oOS 'Q" for a d is tance of 66. Id feet to a point in the north~rly line of said Parcel 3; thence along said north~rly line N,89048'06"E. 94.68 feet to a point from '..;h ich the cornman corner to Parce Is 2 and 3, as shown on said Parcel H1p bears N,89048'06"E. 30S.74 feet; thence leav- ing said norlerly line S.41+o10'SO"E. lS2.32 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 30.00 feet, through a central angle of 90000' for a distance)f 47.12 feet to a point in tlle northv;estcxly line of Parcel One, above described; thence alon[; said nortlr.:csterly line S.t+So59'10"W. ljO.OO feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 'Three r\ tc,;))r?ry ease;;ient fur the installation and T:laint~nance !)f a d()';~csLic I,'ater supply line and appurtenances thereto (including a st.)r2ge tank) uver, unJ(~r, on and across a strip )f land 30.00 feet in width) the centerline of ~hich extends southwesterly along tl1e line COT;1mon to Parcels 2 anr:l3, as sho','lTI on said Pfircel :':3.p, fr::J:i1 the terminus of ?arcel ene, above dcscribeGl, to the S O'J thc.r ly c o::t:non C orner to S2 id pa rce 1 s; and a 1 s 0 a s trip of land 30.00 fEce t in .....id th, tlie S 0'.1 therly 1 ine of ,,'h ich is the sou ther ly line of Parcel 3 as sho~n on said Parcel ~~p, and extending west- (' r 1 y [ r c:n the '.... est (' r 1 y 1 in e 0 f the 3 0 . 00 f oat e a s e;~ (0 n tab 0 v e llescribed, to a point tllat is 90,00 feet ,,'esterly from tl,e corner cC)::::-:.'i) to ~~id ?,Hcels 2 and 3. 'The right of vcay granted in F:Heel Ttnee s11r~11 be null .1nd void upun construction of perr:,anent ~~t(r ~~??ly f2cilitics accepted by tIle City of Gilroy. R~COROfR' 5 Mt:MD FAINT WRITINCI oR lYPINlI OR CARBON COPIES MAKf9 &OOR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECQtUJ .- ~ ~ ... -< c <: ,.. -, ., '-' 1; r :> '" - c . c l' ~ '" ., 0 ... I C" ~ '-, :0 .,{ no ft" v' " l. - . .r , ~. '- -- ", ~i . --' . -~'-- ._.~........ -...-..".- -- t>'. I . '" - . ":' &' .... ..... .'. . 1 "r..:#. ./ -" :# . ~~. ... . -...... -: > n .:) T' , l.. 0 ) '-' ~ - ; --;. " -:.; " :\ ~- - ~ ..., .> ;.,. .-, ') .. " ...~ W Ni ,,'0" <'l' '" ':J Q j...,C) ~ ~J 0. '" 1J ~ lf1 .< ::0 :~; "'- () ,""c.. t> rn -3 :. ("'i -1 . r<;, t,..'"j ~ . .. " o ~/~ - 0> ~ . :. '..C ~...j \~ ~ r'l :> \IlN -:J ;:::> C' "'" ~ .. ';;i ,/~~6_,~~__\~ ~ -6- -;''-A,'' 2'S~'.. c:--o S-.c. .0' ~'tI' ~ ~ L~_-- )J :=0,,, '" ~ :0 o ..1 0 110-0 ~'~~::um "no ,4. "'-r:.r ~:c(,,-, ": '" .., ',>= _ 0 ;;:~; - ; ~ ~ !~~ ~~ l (',0 " I - <( c? 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