Hersman, Hugh S. FOR~No. 1 Oirnttt 1!leell HlTGl1 s. l]:~_~JRS}./~A.IT, the first part y , hereby c&rant tn CL.''{ Or G I1ROY, A ./Iunicipal Co:rporation, the second party , all that real property situated in the City of' Gilroy, Cou.nty of Santa Car-a, State of California, described as follows: BEING a strip of land twenty feet in width across the land of the Grantor in Block 3 Ncrth, Pange 1 'Hest, as SI:,dd Block is shown upon Eap 1:0. 9 accompanying the Feport of tIle Refer"ees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit had in tne Superior Court of the State of California in 8.nd for the Count~l of Santa Clars., ~.inCt 1:10re particularly) that strip of land described as follows: flBEGLLTIlW at an iron pipe in the northerly line of Lot 4, being also in tne northerly line of the IGnd of the Grsntor and distant thereo~ IT.70o19'30"E. 46.75 feet from the northvvesterly corner tnereof; thence along said northerly line of Lot 4 anci the land 01 the Gran tor, Ii. '70"19' 30flE. 20.00 feet to an iron pipe distant along said line 8.'70. 19' ZO"W. 140.00 feet from the 'esterl:'7 line of 'Ionterey street; thence parallel with _ionterey street S. 20"00' E. 69.77 feet to an iron pipe in the so~therly line of the land of the Gr8,ntor dist2Y1t tbereon 8.70o~0'vV. 140.01 feet from the ;:e sterly line of Monterey Street; thence along said Southerly line S.70030'W. 20.00 feet to an iron pipe t:nat is distant along said soutilerly line .70030'E. 4.:).98 feet from the S011tllwesterlv corner of "che land.s of the Gr&ntor in the westerly li;e of Lot 4; thence N.20"OO'W. 60 . '71 feet to the jJoint o:f begirming, I:mdoeing E pErt of IJot 4 in sEid Dlock snd Iange." ~~ fln B1itn.e99 B111.er.enf, the said first party ha S executed this conveyance this fO'lXth day of ?ebruary , 1946 ftate of Clta1ifornia, } 99. Cltounty of janta CltIara ~ ~ -" I'""'"-._~""';~"~ On this ..Zg.Y.r.~D....... day of...............f..f?'g.r.}J.g.r.;;......;...............19_i?__~ before me ..................z..3..Gxe.e.n...............................................................................;.... a Notary Public in and for said County. personally appeared ..................m......:.::.U.GH...S....HZ3.S1L-lli.........au...unma.:rx.i.ed....:L:l.ar.s.o.n..... ....--------........---...............---..------..--------.---...-----............................-------............---..---------..-.....--....---------....--......---------------.....------......-----------......-.-..---..----..--..-- .. --..... "'..-.... ---...... ----.. --- ---.. -----.... ------..-.._ _..__ ......._...__.... "'..... ___ ......._a......_......____....___.......... __.._______ ..... ......_........... ....._____..__..___.. ___........ ___.. _..__...... _.. ___...._............................ ___.. ___ ...... -..... ---.. -.............. -- --.-...... --- ------- -..- -...... ------_.. .______ __........ ____ .........__...______.._..__......... ___.. _____ a__ _ _ ~_~_~ ~_..____.. ..._...._.... _ ______ _. _...... ~ _ __ _ _....... _ _ _.._.. _ ._.. _........... _ _ _. _..._ known to me to be the person........ whose name.....m.. .......................is............ subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that __m.hemm executed the same. mitness my hand and official Seal. ) ~ ~ m~ ..~ =0 ~2S ~ ;~~ ...."" ~: >;;;; .~-. ......:.;, \...:'\ 5:: (.'J f~ m rl QJ :r1 1 o E-< 1 ~. ;~: 0: H: ,--1: ..-1 : e') : ;, : 0: ~: .~J : ..-1 : u: .,-j o ..-1 ~, L() r"-. oj ~ en (Y) '----- J) f1\ 0" ~-, ~ Q): ;=.~ ..q: ,r-: :::.., : .6 . c., , ; o ..-1 +:> (.'j H o A H o J t:" s''t \ .~~ Q,) ~ ;; .... ::I en = - Q,) -= .- E--e ~ ~~ ~ - ii;~ 9- ~~ Of/) Z rl W n ,...<..! 1:E .n~ "t..- trl1:~ ~ ~ \ i': I, I ~ ~ @ T~ · ~ I~I ex: 1: 8 : : ~::l I 1'f")\1 Cii c% u.l . UJ _ g' '. '""~ :~ ~a: c{~~~ex: ~I~ ~~~fu Q) :'io ~ ffi~ \; ~;~:L ~ I \ e~:;;~q~ ~ v . '...I.... I r::,j ~ ,... : uJ ~ ijl ,-1.- 1 ex: UJ ~wu "tl ~ ~ i ~ : J \ ~ ~ j i: '\ \'t od; C) lac ~ 2:. g 9P 0 ~ ~ I" i!5. (,,) " C) - ~ e 1;.; ;i!\C to.. Q,) en = ~~ ~~ ~ 0 .... -0 ~ ~ -0 '" ..;5 - 'co 8 ~ '" '" ~ 0 "i5. -0 Z ~ -0 1-1 ... ll) 8 "'0 ~ 1-1 ... 0 5 ...c: ~ ... . .< .., -t; ll) ..... ell Cl ,.- it E SOL UTI O!i N o. \S~ .. .... __ _ .... __ ...... ..... ___ ' 0 . ,~-m .... by t;he COl.lm'1On coune!.l ot the (;ltyor Gilroy. that tho Ctlrta1n fAada her'oS-MR_ d..c:rlbcK1 aN hel'eby accopted by the City of O.11roy. to v1ta Andrew n. a..."1O. :roo1a :J .pattag1n Ifusb ~~. .HOr$l:1Cl -, ~\O.",Rt t... Jan'UlU'y 20. 19>&6 l'owuary 1.1946 Fe'brual.ryo 4.1Q46 reo bJ""UQr-.1 {; .1946 Jan'1J1i1'7 30.1"6 February 5.1~6 F;.~y u,lt146 July &.1940 G:Ml.ll torI *1tJ' FloJd A.Ho'b1mJon '!meat J .end IdA (~.am1no Bl1.un ~'F:lro7 11ar~ 011.e- r and !'1orence Da::{t-aX' Alfred n. "1' . P i, ,_,....__..."".-a 'j are. 4,.;~"w~lVvu.a... The Geo.n.!-euls nealtT Company Said gJ'lIIWt deed. are h6ret-o n ttachad ar1cl made a part of this; I'oao), ut1on. ~11. aooeptanoe 11'J' reaoJ.ut1on 18 r.wde p1.~.ta."1t to t..~ povle1QNl of 8eo~lon 11.00 or tho ';lv11 Code or tho ~H,;at. ot' Ca1.1forna.. .~oc.pted this Lt-t~ day ot' t,1m."oh,1046. _ P-T J\.wro~ @ lfa~J' . ~. n ~~ ."'Tt,~ /.., r-- A "..ta <3,~.~ ~rtiJ' ~.rk" I' 1 . tjj ~4 CT J"Tt~.. t S Cl:HTIFI GAtt."" ~.~~~'~''; II ]. " '"" ... I. }'.h.Cox. tho C1'b.r Clerk of' the Clt'l or calroy. do he:reb,. .ertlt7 thQt the &MoxGdeopyof .He801utlon baa been ~ b:f .. ..1 thatlC 1. 4'4 true and eorreot 001'7 of the 'WhOle of 8uch Reso- lutIon duly adopted at and s};'IJcnr1nG ll.1!1OJ'1€ theofflc1al lnlnute. or the ~ \'Ai' .. ~.tln3 ot tl1e. C~ Gouncl1 or fiuch Cl t7 ot GI1J'107..1 on EYie F~-\'t. ,ii-a., of llaroh.l94G. Cl~:; 1):1:.$ b~~.~ 01' G11roy; Santa Clare County, Cu11tornla. - OIJ~mt f S Cl:;RTIPICA n; l' . ."- _ -r r 1',. P.A.Cox. City Cle,rk of tho City ot (111"7. do benb;y 0..'111' that the COlml~ Counoi1 ot sald Ct'=, ot GUl'Ol' at the 'CPuOul.C\'{ J t48et1n& helc1 Q..1t1 tbe.' ~~.h~4a7 ot ~~'(~. .,1946. i."II'ij;1iiQ the tor.goiDS oonveJiiiiilf'and con..., 0 . ~- '1_ th~GOt. I)&tedl '1:h1a LJ-\-~ jdtit::; ot J:'\p. "{ y~ ~1M8. 8~~/~ tl.JJe'J.erk. oft'll. cl ~j '01 G11rO'7. Banta 01a1"a COmb.,.,. Cnl1t'orrd.a. .