Eaton, Mia Catherine et al (2) DOCUMENT: 17665635 Pages: 7 When recorded return to: 1/1111/1 Fees * No Fees Taxes, Copies AMT PAID City of Gilroy Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City RDE ** 009/16A 3/17/2004 9:42 AM Record without Fee Govt. Code, Sec, 6103 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Document No.: 27320-1 Project: Route 152 Improvements APN: 841-18-050 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Mia Catherine Eaton, as her sole and separate property, as to an undivided ~ interest; Alfred M. DeFrancesco and Dolores J. DeFrancesco, husband and wife as Joint Tenants, as to an undivided ~ interest; Alfred DeFrancesco and Dolores DeFrancesco, husband and wife as Joint Tenants, as to an undivided ~ interest, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor," hereby grants to the City of Gilroy, hereinafter referred to as "City" a temporary construction easement over, upon and across a portion of that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof This temporary construction easement is granted under the express conditions listed below: 1. Grantor represents and warrants that it is the owner of the property described in "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and that Grantor has the exclusive right to grant the easement. 2, This easement is necessary for the purpose of constructing the Route 152 Highway Improvement Project and related activities incident to construction. This temporary construction easement shall not be revoked and shall continue in full force and effect until such time the construction of the Route 152 Highway Improvement Project has been completed at which time the temporary construction easement shall terminate. 3. City agrees to use all reasonable efforts to keep the roadway covered by this easement open to traffic and to not interfere with residential occupants or construction activity of Grantor on site. City will keep area covered by the easement clean and remove all debris related to its construction. 4. City agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs or any expenses whatsoever, arising from or caused, directly or indirectly by the entry onto the property by City or its agents, employees invitees, assigns, contractors and subcontractors. c,i:!1 Executed on this date: cff){}t/I cA () ,2004. B~k Alfred M. De Francesco BY: lll('tL {?tIIU?2i~-..k tLch-J BY: Mia Catherine Eaton STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara } ss: , before me, Lucinda Reineccius , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Alfred M, De Francesco and Dolores ], De Francesco and Mia Catherine Eaton On March 8, 2004 Personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP / L-? I SignaturV ~ L. ./ ,/ _/#",;" LUCINDA REINECCIUS? COMM. # 1359728 ::lo NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA G) SANTA CLARA COUNTY 0 COMM. EXP , JULY 2. 2006 ... Ilotryack rev, (010698) 27320-5 1006-08 1/06/04 DESCRIPTION TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OVER LANDS OF De FRANCESCO, ET AL TO BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF GILROY PARCEL 27320-5 All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California being a portion of Parcels 1 and 2 as shown on that certain Parcel Map filed for record in Book 279 of Maps at page 48, Santa Clara County Records described as follows: A TEMPORARY EASEMENT to terminate December 31,2005 for construction purposes and incidents thereto, under, upon, over and across that certain real property described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northwesterly line of said Parcell said point bears, along said northwesterly line, N51048'I7"E 28,984 meters from the southwesterly corner of said Parcell; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, from a tangent bearing of S85045' 50"E along a curve to the left with a radius of 780.1 00 meters, through a central angle of 3010'23" for an arc length of 43.204 meters; thence S88056'13"E 201.654 meters; thence S0055'28"W 7.007 meters to a point in the southerly line of said Parcel 2; thence along said so~therly line N88002'56"E 3.004 meters to a point in a line parallel with and distant 3.000 meters easterly, measured at right angles, from above said course with a length of 7.007 meters; thence leaving said southerly line, along said paralle11ine No055'28"E 9.849 meters to the intersection thereof with a line parallel with and distant 3.000 meters northerly, measured at right angles, from above said course with a length of 201.654 meters; thence along last said paralle11ine N88056'13"W 22.823 meters; thence leaving said parallel line No035'29"E 6.373 meters; thence N88056' 13"W 26,930 meters; thence S0035'29"W 6.373 meters to a point in last said parallel line; thence along said parallel line N88056'13"W 56.622 meters; thence leaving said parallel line No058'10"E 4.000 meters; thence N88056'13"W 6,000 meters; thence S0058' lO"W 4.000 meters to a point in last said paralle11ine; thence along said paralle11ine and a line concentric with and distant 3.000 meters northerly, measured radially, from above said course with a length of 43.204 meters the following two courses: N88056' 13''W 92.271 meters and along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 777.100 meters, through a central angle of 2055'50" for an arc length of 39.748 meters to the intersection thereof with said southwesterly line; thence leaving said concentric line, along said southwesterly line, S51 048' 17"W 4.457 meters to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 954.8 square meters ofland, more or less. Bearings and distances used in the above description are on the California Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 3, Epoch 1991.35. Multiply distances shown by 0.9999899 to obtain ground level distances. Multiply by 3937/1200 to convert to U.S. Survey Feet. Prepared by the flnn of Dillon Surveys San Jose, California M:\ProjcctsIRTIS2IOwglDesaiptions&PIatsI27320\27320-S.doc Last printed 1/1412004 3:08 PM I .. ) / .. . ~'Efii.~~C-';~'i~=C====CC~,..~ri-"~,,, , ..,'"',,',,'~~,"I',"':'7',,,' "~" , , ,~_, ' 82.271m ~'~"5a'IJ"W R=780 ' " " " ,',,',,',,',,',,', ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':'::':", ,~',:, ':'::'::::~:~':' ':' '::::':' ,:'::,::':' ':' ':' ':' ':'7"'. som~O"lI(R) i....43.20-4m S88"56'13-E 201.654m ' , , - - - I 27320 1 I _ _ - - -'__~~:5f"". :~:':~=:':::.f-~fWJfI1;'.:2.= .c.~c:-;-_ ~ 2d~~'-::nJ:.~.C=.:..n~>-;-~_-;;;'~(} .. .' S88'40'34"E 51,1l62m L"'I34.2'7Ori. '" .......2.56. E . 00'.' N "" u ':..srAlE.RtGHl .. . SnbEEO '\. \, \ '\), , ,-,.~ \" \.\ ,~ '...;...i-c " .: ., I / . / '. / . . / / / 21/ > >'/.7///;1... r;; --.'- '''' / ,,' / '.c:Sv -84-1,",,!1:=:~05.-,__ ... .t'5 Iv: \ '. CON'A GRAnnnn.n'.,. .:.n.__..... ,<9'j , \ \ ' ~ , , \. \ \ " \. -, - --.-\_~__ _ -'---'-: i J~ ~ ) \. \ \ 6 \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ v'>\ -"\--"nn___ -~-:;, .~ \<'-~("~E.n'\ .JrJi....:-:n.;..__ \ ~_ '\ \ '. ?; -, \ \ -- i !: r , -",Yi' ~ \ ~ (~., \....-., \./'\ /', g}..\ ~ ~ \ .:/ i '. \ ';'\\ \'. '. \\,,' ,;;,"<,\:\/ Ii ' I ; ./:: 1: .\,~p.~ rf,11 ~' '.'! / Co<<cInatee. Harln.,. and dletancee ohown .... on the CalIfamla c-dnot. .~em of 1883. Z- 3, Epoch Il181.35. lIult1p1y dIoton.,.. ohown by o.~ to obt'*' lI"O'l"'l IewI cIIetoncee. To con~ metric diet....,.. to U. S. SUrw fMt muI b 3837 200, \ =-... -r" "-'<- :0: ...-- ~.., DDlNlS .... DIlLON. PlS 4528 841-18-049 DeFRANCESCO PM Zl9 M 48 PARcEL J DDT! OR. 51J S 89 '32..E '"NY- ~.n."" -~--",_...__n-/::'SPH ._n ~,~- AOUTE_J52 --- \ : ! 1 : I \ j \ t/! ! ?, : '/1 "G~C tj"R'USH'" .. 841-17-o7V CONAGRA '::,! ,r-;.:',:-.;-,:i SH/.DC'NS 5HAD()'lt~: t..SFH OAlE PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION TEMPORARY CONSlRUCllON EASEMENT OVER LANDS Of DE FRANCESCO 10 BE c:ow.nm 10 THE aTY Of GIlROY PARCEl. NO. 27320-5 SHEET ONE OF TWO SHEETS GIlROY CAUFORNIA DILLON SURVEYS . III - 40 I I I I I I I I , . to 10 Jar 120 lIIl SCALE 10 I I 110 OAlE: 1 oXlIl NO: 1oos-oll Mo\Pro~.\RTCl2'JIwg~__u\2732O\l!732O-5-LDVG otI06/l!G04 ~ AM PST PM Zl9 M 48 841-18-050 DeFRANCESCO 06n O.R, 571 PARCEL TWO ~ \' N68'02'S6wE '" ",- ;, ,\ . ."N.il' ;l2:l:!l1l.6-4C- sq_ ,__S,,_~/=.-=-:_' Co<<cIna\-. be<<1nlll and cn.tancee ohown .... on the CaI1fomIa COorcInote .,..tom of 1883, loM 3, Epodl 11191.35. Multiply dletancoe ohown by o.lI99lI8lI9 to obtain 9fOU"d Iewl ~ To c:orwwt metrlc dletancoe to U. S. ~ fMt mult b 3937 200. c;)\ , , , N88"56'l~' sorn~"Wj .. Y , ; '/'-.", :/-.v.'._ .soo::l8'lO'YLJ.llOOm ._..~NOO'58'10"E . ~~~,1,3"~ ,26~'~, ~ N0cr35'2lI"E ' '-4.000m=-"":P' 7'1""""-- 4.000m t:, " ' " ' ' " ,',,', 0'1~ 8 37\5f1:! _ ,_ ...J::: ::L _ N 1l8"56'13" W 58.822m ':::::::::::, ::::::: c-,~:^ " ,^,' ' ,..,",:'_:':':', ,___'~~,___,_~ _ ,',',',',',' '{',' 88"5613"W22.1123m NOO"55'28"E , , , ,',',',,',' '~~;" '~' ':' -:' ':'::':' ':: :' ':' ':' -:,::::::,'::::::::::::'):f:,,":~:-:::':' ':Qui ~,~.u- _ ~ E_ ~01,6s.4m I 27320 1 r -"-'- ,~S'26wW '!, j 3.QO.4m,.' u-0- u__:. - (,-" .~)). i/ .OO7m . 1 B1.ll29ri1\.,.. " =- N~~;coc=c-=-ST~~~~'=3i OO~;==='=:::-~-.. S II ';l2: .E ----- / / ________m_____ "Nil' ;l1+44.334 POT --r ;~F;;"NYW LINE -AQlffE 152 \ "-- \ :::H r"~DCYNS /_n.\. __'::,,-;__~_.J ' ... ::>~-,. (/ \,\. .' c. o .... - ~ '-I i ---r- ~~\ _ ~>:::'~-:,. ~--'"~,~~7.;)~~ ----..., ~ ~ <-,~:;:'---- ,>~~....~..../ - .....--./ -- "-'-- - -- I \ DEI\!~E TRFF.:-:~ '\ i - ,':~':2 ----"'-::::----r ,);' 'v' 11 ii Ii I' l)>>:~:: :>o>~> (,/ ,1\ \ \, \. \. I ' \ ,__.\\ I ,,,..- \\ . '-~- ?to\ /\ , CHJC ;:'.C".Pi.i - rlJ .-' ..: ,_._---..-._~ \ j ~ \ \ \ \ ,\ \ ' \ \ \ , ' C~<,(,<<~'<'<<~\~"\,' ... o ; \ [,t::t\SE ;, r" 841-17-091 CONAGRA " i "-~' PM 746 M 4243 PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION TEMPORARY CONS1RUClION EASEMENT OVER lANDS OF DE FRANCESCO TO BE CON~ TO 11iE CITY OF GILROY PARCEl.. NO, 27320-5 SHEET TWO OF TWO SHEETS GIlROY CAUFORHIA DILLON SURVEYS . II 11III II II I . I . I I I I I , I . II II lIIr IJO 181I 110 SCALE DAlE: 1 .JOII NO: 100&-01I "\ProjKU\RTlSlNIwll~tlonsLPIaU\l!732O\2732O-5-2.1l\1G ll1I06I2004 09048138 AM PST Deed Type: Project: Parcel No.: Grantor: TCE Rte. 152 Improvements 27320-5 DeFrancesco CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (GOVT. CODE, SECTION 27281) This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the within and foregoing deed or grant to the City of Gilroy, State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf of the City of Gilroy, and the City of Gilroy consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Executed this f04 day of