Kauffmann, Leon :1 i' :1 :1 ~. -~.~".il THIS IND:':NTURR, made this d3tJd day OfC'~ One thousand eight hundred and ninety six, between LRON KAUP"B'lWTJ~ of the City and County of San Francisco, the part~f of the fir.t,pllir~,and the City of Gilroy, lll. MWllicipal corporation of the COUlIty of Santa Clara, State of Ca lifornia, the party of the second part, -WITNRSSETH- That whereas, on the 12th day of March, A.D.1896, the said 'City of Gilroy did secure by conveyance from J.F.Unglish and celia E.lingllsh, his wife, Ii perpetual right to run and empty ove r aIrd 01.l the 1 and he re inafter des c ri b ed, all the waste and overflowed water wasted and emptied from the Gilroy City Reservoir aCld flume, said land tleing described as follows, to wit:- Being the same lands conveyed by Heury D.Elrner and Cor- delia M. RImer, hi s wi fe, to the said JOhn F .Uubl1sh by deed beariuc:; date necember 11th, A.D.1895, which said deed was recorded December 14th, 1895, in Book 183 of Deeds page 629 e t se,., Records 0 f Santa Clara COUl! ty, State of C a 11 foruia, ~o which ref'arenca is hereby made for more particular descrip- tion; And whereas the said party of the first part holds a mortgage on said land, which said mortgage is recorded in Book 126 of Mortgages at page 202, in the records of Santa Clara County, State of California, which said mortgage Is still in full force and virtue, .And whereas, the said Leon Kauffman has received from the said" parties to said conveyance the sum ad[ One Dollar- lawful money of the united States of America, and other valu- able considerations, \:~. NOW THRRF.FORE, in con s iderat i on 0 f the prem! ses and. the . benefits to be derived to the said lands by the said rlgh~B, *a. selid party of the first part hereby consents and assents to the egecution and deli~ery by said J.F.Unslish and Celia E Unglish, his wife, of the said conveywlce, dated, said 12th , (1) day of arch, 1896, to the said City of Gilroy, and hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to said City of Gilroy, the sarne rights and pri vi leges as are conveyed to said City of Gilroy by and in said couv&yance from said J.F.Unglfsh and said Celia F..Unglish, his wife, and dated, said 12th day of March, 1896, and which said last mentioned conveyance is hereby referred to and expressly made a part hereof, and sald party of the first part hereby rat.:U'ies and confirms the said conveyance, dated, said 12th d~y of March, 1890, and executed by s~ld J.F.Unglish and Celia ~.Unglish his wife, to said. City of Gilroy, and hereby consents and agrees "thU said L,iSt mentioned conveyance shall be deemed to have been made and executed by said J .F.Uu[;l:tsh and Celia Bi.Uu[,llsh, his wife, to said Ci ty of Gilroy, and to have exlisted prior ", to the execution of said mortgage hereinbefore referred to. IN WIT~ESS WHERF,OF, the said party of the first part ,AIHROUM j .07at!IJ1E"(:[ iJSIHci has hereunto set his hac,d aHd seal the da~T and ~rear first hereinabove written. S"RAL) . STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } Citg and Oountg of ~an FpBnci$co. SR. On tki'-..:2CZ : OI__~,~L: One Thousand EiJht Hundred and Ninety.....................,.......,.."..............before me LOUISMEININGER,a Notary Public, in and for said OUyand Oounty, residinJ therein, d lflSom ioned and sworn, personally appeared .. ...~.. j I I ,..... ..--.......------ .----..-------.-- .,.... --... ..---.---.-----------'------......-..--.. , . ------ -----. ________. ...----------......." known to me to be the person whose name/:;;? subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledJed that he executed the same. In Witness Whereof, I my official seal the day and y et hand and affixed ate first above written . I- I i I 1 i I j I k1 ! i I I j I I I i ----r----'-- i ! ---'~~~T~ ~i---;-~ . ; \~ ~ ~ l.A_ .'., .'< :: :;. :i~ ~\ : .~ o ~, :.::::, - ~~ to-- ~""x\!' . c . u O? ~ ~i~ .~. '-' ';i '" I,. ,",' ~ ':::: ,'> "::,' ~ss ~~. ., c~~. cr '<: .':'.\~: : . '2~' ,C~ !-'~. ~: "'~::;:" ."':;; ,,,:' .: <t: (0 ,..', "- :: ~ I . , : .. .\!,:':' S (::) , ~ . :-.~.~ ~ ~.",'~! ......, g...,~:..~., ~~) :i '. ' ~--.J' : ,'~ : i , " t~ ~ d i _~ i ':~-I ___~ .! ~,... ; i~ I -- _ "'.... ; '*' ai' --() "