Kuehling, Paul Form No.1 ,t ?am\154~ PAGE1{j5 <l@rant 1Beeb . PAUL KUEHLING, a Widower, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the first part:Y , hereby ~rautstn The City of Gilroy, A Municipal Corporation, the second party , all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEING a portion of Lot 16, Block 6 North, Range 5 West, in the City of Gilroy according to the Map of the Loupe Addition recorded in Book D of Maps, page 5, Santa Clara County Records, and more particularly the portion thereof described as follows: "BEGINNING at the most southerl y co rner of said Lot and Block, being the point of intersection of the northerly line of First Street with tne westerly line of Hanna Street, and distant northerly along the projection southerly of said line of Hanna Street N.20000'W. 38.00 feet from the Granite Monument at the intersection of the centerline of First Street with the Westerly line of Hanna Street so projected; thence from said point of beginning along the northerly line of First Street N.80ol5'30"W. 82.53 feet; thence easterly along the arc of a curve, the centerpoint of which bears N.9044'30"E. 295.63 feet, through a central angle of 15002' 45" for an arc distance of 77.63 feet to a point in the westerly line of Hanna Street from which the centerpoint of said curve in the easterly line of Hanna Street bears N.5018'15"W. 295.63 feet; thence southerly along the westerly line of Hanna Street S.20000'E. 11.26 feet to the point of beginning." Ju lIIitntsl1 lI~trtnf. the said first party fifteenth day of December, hi:fj, executed. this conveyance this , 194 7 . . ooooooo~~oo___~ ___0......000.___0. gOal< 1548 PAGE l(jfj ~tatt of ~aHforniat l. gg ~ountl? of ~anta ~lara I . On this"oooohfJ.ft;.~.~.p,t;.h....., day Of..m..m..P~.g.~.m1?~.~.L...m..m....moo, 19.mmm' before me James S. J:3Y.~.:r:>~...!oooo...............mm....mm."oo",oo"'hh...oo...m.."'.hoooo."'.'___'~........m, a Notary Pub/ic in and for said County, personally appeared................P..aul.. .Kuehling~....a...wl.do.w.e.r.,....................oo........................................... known to me to be the person.mm:whose name.______.m....is.m........oooo...........moo_________m..m.....___oon.subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that ___.___.he....... executed the same. lIitutss my hand and official Seal. /.:l....'- '. n. . 'to I - ..." . ~ .c ..~ "'. ,. C ! L' . , ._____~_ _..uuu__._______________h_.h......___. _____nh_.___U____,,.;:~~.-_....._;:;.'..--~..-'.~~-,:--:.....:... . /;- y Public in and for the County of Santa C1arlf; sbl~ 0" California. ~ .. ~--". """>0- . ...-,- . (.-. ~- ,'. " , ~... " '. "' \!l .. M ~: M ,. ~ = (1) ai ti I I I ~1::E ~ ... ... ~ s= 0. ....: ~: ..t- 'l'O~5 u <t.. Q;l 0 '<Id: : or! 0- t\, I ..... ... I ~ " ~ "0 oCl-: 0 ... <<I :> = oM ~: .,..j ,::~f, :0:: .... ." == ~ .::: ::l :s: ~ s:; iii : :~ ~ ~1".1 C<i <'=l ..J ....f-< ~ ... ::s '~_ ~II .u (/) =ril IX hl <lJ I ~I x: to ai ~ <( o ,a: I :- (~ ~ril W ...:l . (L bZo.. 1"'-: 0 0- =ll:: r.:: .:v) If( ~ ~ ;z: < tIl cp "- <V -f-< ...... -< ~ <'" ~ ~ '- f/) Q;lrn ...l t..r) ::J CJ I Q LQ: a::CI ..... 1 -:;; 0 3f-< < Z ... ...., M lO 1d ~4) u Cl >i E-crn ;""- 1-1 H 0 ~ Mi I I I CO::t1 I ~ ~~ rxf ~ > H f-I 0 I I '"t:I 1 -.:t" \(,1 I rn 'j) $: ::r:: il:i ai (1); I I ~ \: 0; 'I I 0.,; 0 1-1 I "'5:z: a r:iI I H ~ ..0: '~ 0' ..... _..: 1-0 .... .~ I I <lJ 0 ~ '- ==f-< ~ Z ~ H Q s: I I s... t :;,... I 0 ~ Z I I '--.;:. ~ p.. (1): I I..J .... : ~ ;:: '9i ,r, . ....ll:: < ;... 1-1 L&I :~~ ........ 0 rn ~. (): o. .-. "-I Cl: Y: JrSz .....~' I \..~ ~ H ~ 0 (1): o~l=u , -0 I " P q 0: z b;Z:~ ~ I Z ._;g 1 -2" 0~ "'" OOI!!'!!IO <C _;z~lI) '<('- .j)~\\, Q;lt-. p.. <: i:.<:. I 0 I;JJ::> ',," < ~ ..' ~ o::t.!) I-;)'Jroo \ = ~ .. ~ 0.. t:.: ..# '-- ) ~ "<,'" = == ~ ~. ~ .""'-.._................----.-.k_h___..".,.._:..'1-~'-- __ g '"1:1 ~ ~ '"1:1 '" :..E ... ..... .; S ~ '" ~ ~ P... '"1:1 ~ '"1:1 ... 8 ~ ... ~ 5 ..c: t ~ '"1:1 ... o .L T 800H t 54~ PACiE 104 RESOLUTION NO. 195 BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Con~on Council of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the conveyance hereto attached and consents to the recordation thereof. Passed, approyedatid adopted this 5th day o~ 18bua~" 1948, at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. AYES: Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas NOES: C@Uilcilmen None ''''< .,.14': , " ,Aj3~!IN T : C oun c ilmen ~~esta.((.~ Clerk @ .. -. .:1.t ~: i,:. ".;( _~: t~ ~,,)"~' CLEITI\'S CERTIFICATE I, P. A. COX, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do here- by certify that the annexed copy of Resolution has been compared by me with, and is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Resolution duly adopted at and aj)pearing among the officia.l minutes of the regular meeting of the Common Council of such,Q.l\t<y" lDfG.11roy, held on the 5th day of J8:~" 1948. ..' .', ~ ,.~ .{l'~ City Clerk <:> ~ne ity of Gilt'oy, County of Sa!1.t;~'Clara, State ..of California. ." ';~ ;u; .b CLERK'S CERTIFICATE k:. -ft,; '" I, P. A. COX, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the Common Council of said City of Gilroy, at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of February, 1948, accepted the foregoing conveyance and consent to the recordation thereof. .' ,,"' \,~ 1..,,} n,' ,:1 ,;~ DATED: this 5th day of .rlllil1a!rlri', 194(3.ri'iL. '.":~~"i C l;!;,.::d"trk ' , . c "" :::; " . :, ,..... ;