Happ, William D., et al (2) (. ~~~Y=;~~'e~!.~:~t! GILROY, CALIFORNIA . NO Fl~ER GC Sec. 6103 f 007r~~r584 L't'"9' ,...,... n t:.t~)' \Jtfd' ..' f~ K'~' ,l"~ ' .., '=-.C 4 "1,.~".7 ~"!;;-..JCt ~,. fb t' r (, "~ c . EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged, WILLIAM D. HAPP, who acquired title as a single man, y~ JAMES S. RUBINO and EBE I. RUBINO, his wife, EDWARD J. LAZZARINI and THEODORA J. LAZZARINI, his wife, and RICHARD H. CLINE, who acquired title as RICHARD M. CLINE, hereby grants to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the following described real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California: FOR DESCRIPTION, SEE "EXHIBIT A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE. Dated August 21, 1979 ~'v~ . /VI lam 1( <ffapp / - 19&-'/ . \. ,....;.~ \~-. :: \., \ ~ . " ! "'." . . . /1 ,,:;--fi-'Ct j?(f,..z!.-/ ~ r;~tJ 77~"~ Ric ard H. Cline ;6;oP~ j STATE OFCALIF~NIA, ,r} } COUNTY O~c.../!i;.~/ ss. Cowdery's Form No. 32-Acknowledgement-General (C. C. Sec. 1190a) ..., ... STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ......~.~\'l~~..Gl~J:~........... }ss. On this ........~};~..... day of .........~y.g~~.~......... in the year one thousand nine hundred and .....!.~................ before me, ....J?~9.!,g:f:~...~.~...~9Y.~~.................., a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally a d Edward J. Lazzarini ppeare ............ ................................ ..... .......................... .................................... 1.........111111101..111..11111111111111111111..11111111. .............................................................................................................................. !~ OFFlCIAL SEAL. k t t b th h i _ . nown 0 me 0 e e person ..... w ose name .....~....... subscribed to the within ==:.= ,', GEORGIA E. LOVAS ==:_.. NOTARY PUBLIC _ CAlIi--:JRNIA instrument and acknowledged to me that .....he..... executed the same. PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN THf. IN WITN = COUNTY OF SANTA ClARA :: ESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my i My Commission Expires April 21, 1980 ~ official seal in the ....~~~.~.!......... County of ....~~~~~...~~.~~CHte day and year 11"1I1I1I1'1II'1I1I1I'1I'""lIn"ll1lln.II""~~w~r,'l';i. I th rti{i t fi t b'tt ., c/ 'n is ce . ica e "'~:i-~';:~N'~~o.;Jt'ae~~Pu"?b~'Ifl.I"C.!'''s.Cta't~e'''~o''f"C~al~'fj',j.o"rn~I"a'"-:'::~~''''''''' ThiS document IS only a general form which may be proper for use In simple transactions II and In no way acts, or IS Intended to act, as a substitute for the adVIce of an attorney The publisher does not make any warranty, either express or implied as to the legal 4/2 {80 validity of any provISion or the suitability of these forms in any specIfic transaction, My commissio~' expires ........ ...J ......................................... Cowdery's Form No. 32-Acknowledgement-General (C. C. Sec. 1190a) ~~ . ~tate of ((aHfornia } ss ..~ 08? ~.~! t.i8C ((ount!, of Santa Clara - ACKNOWLEDGMENT - General - .::,~' ' tJ~iA:!,9,ll~A.,!, gi~i~N , " SANTA ClAnA COUNTY , M, Collllli1llon bplrt$ . a. 1983 en tbis 31st day of August A. D. 19~before me, Li 11 i An H AilAmson a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Wi 11 i am n HRpp known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 3Jn alttncss albcrcof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year' this Certificate fir. t above written. , ~-,,~ Notary Public in and for said County and State of California June 8, 1983 My Commission Expires v' NP 2 2170 12740 i!!\lIUU!~RIIIUlnIlUIIUGIi&R".:l!~l;~I~~un~Uinelli5~lag ......................................................... ..................................................................... :: OFFICIAL SP.:AL g:J b h ~ b 'b d h 'h' ~ LO"'AS" known to me to e the person ..... w ose name .............. su SCrl e to t e Wit In is GEORGIA E. .; t~ ~ NO'i,IRY ~UBLlC _ VU (.;"14 * instrument and acknowledged to me that ~he..... executed the same. ~ ~~~~~;A~FOF;~~:T/~':l~;,i'!\ ~ .. IN ":TNESSCE~OF I have hereunlJ set_ my .1J.aJld and affixed my ~ My Commission Expires April 21. 1980 ~ of{Jc,al seal In the ..........~..... County ot~...z..L~44he day and year illnmDIIllllnlnllln'!lnIRnlnmIl5!11u,-~~~"'-'ll'lll In this certifICate first abovtwrltten , c:...../ . . . . .:......... ........N.~~o...t.a..r:y:..Pu...:b..:L-t.I.I:-::!-:~t.aJt-:.e.'!!-0..f.7C..al':'I:Fo.4rn. ~l'a.~~:-:t:~;~~....... ThiS document 1$ only a general form which may be proper for use In simple transactions c;(Stl II and In no way acts, or IS Intended to act, as a substttute for the adVice of an attorney , L .. A The publisher does not make any warranty. either express or implied as to the legal .....7.......--..~....'/....-..JT.....O.' ............................ validity of any provISion or the suitabIlity of these forms," any specifiC transaet..,n, My commission expires . ""jLJ ~ ell. . On thIS ...c.Z::"Z......... day of .....,/...c..r.~'::.:d? In the year'?!Je th_Ol!JfJnd nine hundred and ......2..9............ before me, ~~.. ... :~4,.z.-...(d5:~~*~; a Notary Public, te of alifornia, d y com . zoned and sworn, personally " " -,F.",.- appeared .... .~,;::t;-;U..,.,.. y....... ...~. .J/.-d.rC...-r~""................... .... STATEOFC;ZLIF NIA 1 J ' ' "'P:',,/ ss. COUNTY OF ... ,....-l-:t::::i..t?&4..Ii Cowdery's Form No. 32-Acknowledgement-General (C. C. Sec. 1190a) '\,c /\~ 'E~~16'T ~ p,;~ ' "" ..;, F ~ ~.I:,: ~QIfIt vVI )..~~, "" -. An easement for sanitary sewer purposes over the -1-', ~~ southeast portion of Parcel 3 of the lands of Happ, Rubino, Lazzarini and Cline, as recorded in Vol. 8751 O. R. page 388, Santa Clara County Records, more partic- larly described as fol lows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Parcel 3, thence along the easterly line of Parcel 3, N 0042' 2011 W, 48.00" , thence S 730 231140" W, 183.18' to a point on the southerly I ine of parcel 3, thence along said southerly line, N 88034130" E, 175.001 to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT /1 . ",,\, ~ '" ~ 7:.. \ II } f:~ . .f . !IP H~ ~ Q: ~ co ~ ~ ~uJtr ()~d :)J tt:\J- G.: D ~ 0-2f:JJ <t~ :t ~ 4# w '> - ct Q .. ':. - ~ tt . ,dl I~ \ M..eJa ..".,. " I . .. . I : .-.. . /.... / N i a:l ~ :J r,tO &~ ~~ -~. ." ..' ~\ '8 '\ d' '3- \ '= .~ -,<' \ <:.l 0,,:-\ \\I W 2 ::i ~~ lY..J W\IJ ~~ B~ if' .0 U) GO z, \ I F OO? ~iG: S88 ~~ \-~ @lL ~~ ~ ..p... ~V o >- OCD crCD .J1'0 - <!) Q: Ll.o o - >-10 ~p... -CD U ... .. .. Ii: ~ . 96Z ,M " Oe' , ~ 0 " N ~ ... ) ~r ! frO \ "'. CXI N Cl N co " .1' ft. F 007 fi~: 589 .. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY WILLIAM D. HAPP, JAMES S. RUBINO and EBE I. RUBINO, EDWARD J. LAZZARINI and THEODORA J. LALLARINI, RICHAKU H. CLINt. . .. I. the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy. do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944. adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on b~h~ 1. f of the sa i d City Sthe. canvevan.ce.bto Ithe. C i. tv of. G i I roO\( by Wll 'lam D. Happ, James . KuOlno ana t e . Kublno, t~ara u. Lazzarini and Theodora J. Lazzarini, Richard H.Cline of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 21st day of August , 19!!..., and that the sa i d City of G i I roy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of December the City of Gilroy.