United Methodist Church of Gilroy I "I l157t~~J :,~c~188 1 RE~O;lD 1 AfmT~ER;S;-'~;--"- 1 ~ Title Insurance and Trust Company 1 l JUL 2 7 1973 IhOO II", ~ \ I George A. Mann. Recorde, I . .S~!:,"A CLARA COUNTY. OFFICIAL RECORDS: .... .. '\- ,,.: RECORDING REQUESTED BY Title Ins. & Trust Company P.O.B~x 275,Gilroy,CA95020 QY3530m3 lbk (90-26-7 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO (.) A (7J CD Name City of Gilroy P.O.Box 66 Gilroy,CA95020 4571434 ,--. City & SIal. L ~ ~. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE ~ (Jj (J) 51,..1 Add,... MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I "I Name same as above 51,..1 Addr... Cily & SIal. L ~ AFFIX I.R.S. S none IN THIS SPACE Corporation Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY TO 406 CA (8-65) l'OR A ~"ALUABLE CONSJD&RATIONhreceip.1..Qf ~hi~Q~.her..e.qy !l<<k.n.,Qwl~d~ed,. THE U1\ITED NETHODIoT CHUn.CH U1" uILRuY 1'"\.]PJvllil:tLr 1(LOVlN ~mTBODIST CHURCH OF GILROY, CALIFORNIA a corporation organized under the laws of the state of California here~y GRANTS to CITY OF GILROY, A EmCICIPAL CORPORATION AS THE ':1--f\ ~ !"" \1A l~ the following des.cribed realy.roperty in the C t f SAl;TA CLAM oun y 0 , State of California: FOR DESCRIPTION, SEE "EXHIBIT A" ATTACHED HERETO AND rJl"u\DE APART HEREOF, BY REFERENCE. In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instru- ment to be executed by its Pastor R~ ~~etaQC thereunto duly authorized. D~~: Jrily 13,1973 THE maTED METHODIST CHURCH OF GI:LRO By ';6.v-v\.v..-\.<..{ lJ;Jl.l~~M-)rt/r-.~....-- f~ 1t. ~1..1 ~t STA TE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTJ or Santa Clara SS. On U y ~4, 1 Y'!) before me, the under- signed, f. N'Ita,ry. Public in and for said State, personally appeared lh.l.llam Johnson known to me to be the Pastor ~x known to me to be ~f the Corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the within Instru ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ~~~ ~. By Secretary ~,-=-~*'::':-c;' OFFK'JAL St l\ L UIlIDAUTTY KLABEN NOTARY PUIUC CALIFORNIA SANl'A Q.ARA COUNTY My~1 ~ expires Dee 21,1976 Name (Typed or Printed) (This area fol' officia.l notarial seal) Escrow or Loan No. Title Order No. 1>. MAil TAX STATEMENTS AS 01 REelED ABOVE -' Ti tIe Ins.. S::'rust Company ~.p.Box 275,Gilroy,CA95020 ~' GYJ53008 lbk 45~11434 II. 0489 r.~U 189 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE T8 :rf.EfCITY. RF nGJJrRRhown as BY THE METHODIST CHURCH OF G I LRO'6 a 1 ornl The unl "t,ed Nethodl~ l GllUl dl vf GIlL OJ I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on ~e~~ 1 tno{t~ae~~:{~oCdf~tt~{i9Q:WY8~tt~rW fb%1&tlGj 11fR~vJw as The Methodist Church of Gilroy, California of the premises descri bed in the attached conveyance dated the 13th day of July , 19~, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of July ,19 ~ .-/~/ re-'u ~ - .. '/ /~1:) /// ~ .. //:/ U'~ i/ red O. Wood City Administrator of the City of Gilroy. 4571434 i!'i;'''t.","..,.\,~....c J" ,#' .-. APPLICATION NO. GY-3J3GG A EXHIBIT A r 0489 rAG'190 ALL THAT CERTAlt~ REAL PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY OF SAI-.lTA CLARA, STATE OF CAL I FORI~ lA, DESCR I BED AS FOLLO'./S: BEING A PORTION OF RANCH LOT NO. 25 AS SHOW~ ON MAP NO.7 ACCOMPANYING THE REPORT OF THE REFEREES Ir~ THE LAS A"lIMAS RANCHO PARTITIOi'>J SUIT, ACTIOtJ NO. 5536 HAD IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SArHA CLARA, Arw BEII~G t'lORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLO'.'.JS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE CENTER LINE OF WREN AVENUE AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORlJER OF THAT CERTAW 20.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAiJD DESCRI'3ED IN THE DEED FROM CAROLWE PLATH TO THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD OF AM2RICA, NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, DATED JANUARY I.', })Lli" RECORDED 1-1AY 13, 1944 IN SOOK I1JO OFFICIAL RECORDS, PAGE '))9, SANTA CLARA COU1'>JTY RECORDS; SAID POINT OF BEGINNING BEIr--IG DIsrAt'H SOUTH 00 4~' EAST ALONG THE SAID CENTER LINE OF WREN AVENUE 752..72.. FEET FROM A GURIED IRON PIPE AT THE cot.1Mm~ CORNER FOR RANCH LOTS 30 AND 32 IN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF RANCH LOT 2~, AS SHOWN upm: THE MAP ABOVE REFERRED TO; RUt~NING THEi~CE fRor.1 SAID POINT OF GEGINrnNG SOUTH 00 42..1 EAST ALONG TdE SAID CENTER LINE OF WREN AVENUE 296.40 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID 20>.UO ACRE TRACT; THEi~CE NORTH d60 3J;I .3r)1I EAST ALOi'JG THE SOUT.iERLY L1i'>JE OF SAID c::).JCl ACRE TRACT 734.88 FEET (THE 33.(JO FEET Oi-.J THIS COURSE IS A COI~CRETE tvl 0 N UM EN T 6 I i\j C H E S If J D I AM E T E R S E:. T Il~ THE E A S T E R L Y L I N E 0 F SAID \-JREN AVENUE); THErJCE NORTH 00 42..' \'JE5T AND PARALLEL v:ITH THE SAID CENTER LINE OF WREN AVENUE 296.1lJ FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID 20.0J ACRE TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 380 3!; I 30" \-JEST ALOI-.JG SAID LAST NAMED LINE 73tt. )c; FEET TO THE POINT OF 8EGliJNHJG (BACK)j.JO FEET OIJ SAID LAST t'lENTIONED COURSE A CONCRETE t10NUMENT 6 IIKHF:S IN DIM1ETER SET IN THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID WREN AVENUE).