Martin, A.A. and Carrie S. r.' tl ~' ~ THIS nJDBHTUlill. Made this~- day of July 1920, Between A. A. Martin and Carrie S. Martin, his wife, and 13. W. Martin and Lottie Hartin, his wife, the parties of the first part, and the CITY OF GIll~OY, a liunicipa1 Corporation, the party of the second part, ViIT1.fESSETH: That the said parties of the first part, for and in con- sideration of the sum of Ten Dollars to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, do hereby grant unto tho party of the second part that certain piece and parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Gilroy. County of Santa Clara, State of California, bounded and particularly described as fo11ows:- Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of Third street distant thereon One hundred and forty-four feet Baster1y from the point of intersection of the llorther1y line of Third Street wi th the Easterly line of Hosanna Street, and running thence Northerly and parallel with the Easterly line of Hosanna Street, One hundred feet; thence at right angles ~aster1y Sixteen feet; thence South- erly and :parallel with the Easterly line of Hosanna Street One hundred feet to the Northerly line. of Third Street, and thence Westerly Sixteen feet to the place of beginning. TO HAVE AIID TO B.OLD unto the City of Gilroy for a Public Alley Way. It is understood that at the present time the barn of the parties of the first part stands on a part of the land hereby granted to the City and the parties of the first part reserve the right to maintain and use said barn where is now stands until such time as said barn is destroyed, or said parties of the first part see fit to remove the same. Il~ 'WITlTESS VlHERIWJj', the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands the d~ and year herein first written. . Cu: a, ~tVL-~ . ----M~A/1 L~~ rd Hvt4/~. 11 (J// ~_4.A7;'- J~~z:LZc~ 11 State of California, } 55 . . County of Santa Clara, . r-"..;J --' ON THI~________day Of_~' in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred a~u~before me, WALTER G. FITZGERALD, a Notary Public in and for ~:~~_~~Z?~~~~~~~~~~~;4~--~~ _______.a.~~- .___~.-_-~..-~c:- .-~-~--------.---- _ __ _ ____. u__. _u __ __u__ ______ u __ ____ ____ _ _ u____ __ h __ _ u - - u_ __ uu __ - uu _U~ - __. - uu_ known to me to be the person.::S::_described in, whose name~u___u___h.subBcribed to, and who executed the annexed instrument, and ut:l1e+_ acknowledged to me that ;~:?;~;~~U:~~h::~;:..~~ -~-~~~~~-~;~ ~~~--~;_.~. .--- n-~~'e-; ~;'~~~i~;S:~I~ ~ ~ year last abo;fritten. _._~---~- --- - ARY- PUBLICi nts of SantI! para. Stat of California I i ~ -~" k :~ I , .. ~ ~ .p <D . :>-i . >-~ 0 iY r.-' R H ~ \ 8 ~ 0 H "\ ~ol 8 c!J ~'oi ~i1 r-"i rT~ r . 0 A <~ ?-i ~ . E-I .~ H 0 . Ii , "',".q . J .,.....;, ,"...,I ~..;; \\~ ~. o C\l (J) r-I C'<~} -:..,' ~ ~ ..c:~ . , , , , , """"'~ ! , , I ....; ." CI:1 Q.. c: . o fr} ?-i rl i:; ::::) ,"-, ;""-l E-j <..... R 0 , '.J <f 0:: W LL 0 - ...J N <( I- u - I.L. >- 0 0 Q:: 0:: ...J W 0 I- .J <{ -$ . , ~ l"j' lJJ! 1 i ~ Cl "0 '- o C,;I (I;) a::: l