McAlpine, James and Adelaide GRANT DEED JAMES KENNETH McALPINE and ADELAIDE G. McALPINE, his wife, the first parties, hereby GRANT to CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation, the second party, all that real nroperty situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Iesterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company right- of-way, and the line dividing Lots 4 and 5 in Blocks 3 and 4 of Range 1 East in the City of Gilroy according to Map No. 10 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las !illimas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 in the Superior Court of the state of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and runnin? thence ;::,outh 690 44' East along the said line divid- ing said Lb~16 feet. thence South 200 East 229.50 feet; thence North 690 44' East II feet to the said Southern Pacific Railroad COr:J.pany right-of-way; thence along the Jesterly line of said Southern Pacific Railroad COillDany right-of-way 229.50 feet to the point of beginning. IN 'iJITW;:SS '.iJI-IEREOF, the said first parties have executed this conveyance this lOtb day of March, 1947. ~ ,. I t#' ,,. cd/~ ~ ~J4~ State of California, County of Santa Clara, t 88. \ ON THIS n__._..2.t.h.______.n_.______.h____hh_..n______ day of ._____..M.g,.r_9.h_______n_________.' in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty n~.SeY.e.n___n___..n.___n__..__n_____.before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON, a Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared ___.__.h_________...______....____nn. .h.nn________.._......___n_____.___._______._..___..n____...n..._.__h...Ji~.MES.....KE.NNfj.TH_._.Mc.ALP..I.N.S.___.._.._.__..__n........n..h...______.....n......nn....n...._.__...._...... known to me to be the personn.___.. described in, whose name ..____i.~..._____.___. subscribed to, and who executed the annexed instrument, and .n'hhe..___. acknowledged to me that n.___he..____ executed the same n....nh.n.n nn....nn..n'......______...., 'n'H' ....._....__.. ....._....n............n........ .n. _......___.....h....nn I IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my offi" m fu, Co~~ 01 S:::J!;~;~~;;~;:Lm 8 in and fo&~ County of Santa ~lara, State of California. My commission expires ..M9.:r.9J.1-n..7..t.h h_....nhn.___...., 194..n..n ~___ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } ss. 7:J COUNTY OF KERN , ^"" Commi&~ion F~,i' <IDu fqhL.....l.Qj:.l.L.......nnnday oL.nn.J~~~r.~g............., A. D. 19J.1!-T, before me, RAYMOND G. TAYLOR, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ............. ........n.....................:~ ~.E!. ~ ~ ~ .~.~...n..~. _.~! .~!:. ~.l? .~.~~.................................................... . ......... n. ................... ............................. _....................... ....... ..................................................... known to me to be the person whose name.....l~.......h.subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that S he executed the same. ~u ~itmss ~qn.eof. I have her to set my hand and affixed my official "a1 ,he day and yea, in 'hi, ,. ,,' ahove W?~ ................... ................. ...._..........,........._~~...... ~ .3 R( /91'1 tary Public in and for said County ~..:-:.':"...!.... RESOLUTION NO. 172 BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the conveyance hereto attached and consents to the recordation thereof. Passed, approved and adopted this 5th day of May, 1947, at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. AYES: NOES: Counoilmen:- George A.Mart1n,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner, J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas C ounc ilmen : - None ABSENT: Councilmen:- None Attest: G.~. (Q~ City Clerk. APP~d: MayO~ e~ CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P.A.Cox, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the annexed copy of Resolution has been compared by me with and is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Resolution duly adopted at and appearing among the official minutes of the regular meeting of the Connnon Council of such City of Gilroy held on the 5th day of May, 1947. IN WITNESS WBEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City of Gilroy this 5th day of M~, 1947. G.~.~ City Clerk of he ty of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P.A.Cox, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the Connnon Council of said City of Gilroy at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of May, 1947, accepted the foregoing conveyance and consent to the recordation thereof. Dated this 5th day of May, 1947. . G.~..~ City Clerk .r~ ( ( .,/', ~ ~~ t.n 1-"...-' '-' '..:1 r-- .....j ~ ,.;;"' o ~r~ << f..~: '" aU10 C \l). HJ H;i !--' H;i 1-'- C-j 1-'- H;iO () o ~r:: (!) ~ ~ Ul ::s u' 1-'-0 p, ~.~~ .,.-",;;.~' ~, '" ~,,' ,c t, ~\ ) r:.y-, \( \ \ ~,;"",j V' \' \'" iV ~'" r\ C'. c;, ~ C l" ., t-I \l) ~, <; c "" ..., (,' I 1 ,\,i" " ~ ~".\ r~iC ,11'0.. " ,-. ~, ~",'" l\:,~; ; '-'I" : ~~ l ~.,~.j i l~ - '~,,~ ~ ~~, I ,I ~ ;--......t <ID '~i \ "J ~~J!j, \ \\~B ('~,~ ~ l~ ... C I D \ "'~ "..,' ~- .. ~ ' ~ _~~~{S'~ ~~~ ".\ .",~ .n ,', .;'~'t :..... ~~ ;., ::v o ::r.:: !--' o cT ::Y '" I r !--' ~ +~ -....:J . 1 G'\ n :'1 "'T'1 ,.. .~! ') a "j l ",., : ; ';( i 1 1\'\ i rl") '1~ I I " ,"'",,"~.,~:.;,~"-- 'i:;') .~ ~~'~ ~ '\- 1 Fl::a ,C- r*tzl: 1 ~. L 11\ ' '- ' - L..."L,"l.__,,-,. () H 1-3 r< 0 lcrj 4-) c1- H 0 c-; t--,-' _AJ 0 k C-j :>- ~I'~ u ~ CD&] cT ~2; ..'~ ~--; ~ c.-J ,;<;1-3 ....;! ...., a: () ~'" t-1 "C 1--1 ~V' k~ U1 (J.) ......,"'..j r'V \'0 c;) ::0 >,.. .... ..... ~j U r1 8