Melkonian, Leon and Beatrice GRANT DEED INDIVIDUAL -.2381_122 LEON MELKONIAN and BEATRICE MELKONIAN, his wife, the first parties, hereby grant to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second party, all that real property situated in the City: of Gilro,., County of Santa (! ;1: Clara, State of California, described asto1lows: A right of way over a strip of land ten (10) feet wide being a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 16 according to Map No. 7 accompanying the r4port of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. ,,36, had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the North line of Fifth street distant thereon 18,.00 feet westerly from the point of intersection of the North line of Fifth Street with the westerly line of Princevalle Street and running thence westerly along the Northerly line of Fifth Street 10.00 feet; thence at right angles in a northerly direction 200.00 feet; thence at right angles in an easterly direction 10.00 feet; thence at right angles in a southerly direction 200.00 feet to the point of beginning. This easement and right of way is granted to the party of the second part for the installation, maintenance and repair of sewer lines, and storm sewer lines under, on and in said strip of land, all of which lines shall be laid, maintained and repaired so as to interfere no more than is reasonably necessary with the surface of the ground and the use thereof by the parties of the first part, their heirs, successors, and assigns. This easement and right of way is granted upon the additional condition that the control of the surface of the ground shall remain in the grantors who shall have control thereof, but subject to the right of the grantee to repair and maintain the sewer and pipe lines. The right of way shall not be used at any time for privately owned public utilities. The grantors agree that ~o permanent buildings will be constructed -- upon or adjacent to the westerly boundary line of the right of way and that the adjacent area may be used when necessary to make reasonable repairs and servicing o~ the sewer and storm sewer lines for which this easement is specifically granted. The grantee shall restore the surface of the right of way to its previous condition following the installation , ~'. t. ..'~ "-O~' anY: sevel" lines or the repair or servicing thereof, and in accepting '}.' ..1'\':" this deed the grantee agrees to all the foregoing. WITNESS our hands this / 7 day o~ -~~~ -123 ,...,~~~ ~ Ybt~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) ) ss I ,':/ t I"J t On this I~ ~ day of september, 19,1, before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON2 a Notary Pu~ ic in and for said County and state, personally appeareo LEON MELKONIAN and BEATRICE MELKONIAN, his wife, known to .me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instr~ent, ~~{tH~p,:Imowledged to me that they executed the same. \\,\. '~. ""'-''''''.,1,,, ". ~ \\ .,.",,11'1 )Y;;MF!t\~:I' . .'...., ," "', t '"t, ..;\ ,,' ..(:.,)3;,11, ;;';:~,\Ir. . ,~~ <,. .' C:":~I'\'~;"'''''''-viS?,z'/... -1:' IJ '''''''i'''~' ........1";<),:,.1"., ~ J'l .A~1~JF~~...,-";..:<::~~i::;:; , " I~ '''. .".. ,?It.. ~ \0; -1V ~,I;:'; \~H ' / ' /~ { '~"', .;,,~)d'ii.f/- POOL I in for the County 'i-"~l_--. ,,:,' .,1<...,..,;%, ta Clara te of California ~':~i!:~~i':/i,~', '~;,;t1::,:i'/:;!J~~'~:;;,~~;~~~:~',,~~.:: ,. ~:<~~~~',~~,i~~}$~~!:~;~~t'~'i~'" / ,it ~~jll",1'3 :', :-'1"',1',:1""/ c"J ,_"~, . :.. ::;:~~ J\.'.~.,.,/ . -2- _2381 ~124 RESOI,UTI01:I N Q. BE IT RE\SOLVTD by the Hayor and COlmon Counctl of th(O, Ci.tv of G:tJ..rQ'~, th? t :':' :?j d City of Gj 1roy ;-lereb:r accepts t'lC ,3ttac hed conveyance 211(1 C:)--1SC-+(tt,s tc'l t,he l'pcordat i (JrJ there",)f: PASSED ,APPHriVFI: LTm ADOPTED this 18th dss of September Jqr)l , --,...", at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Thomas, Pate, Mason and Wentworth COUNC ILHEN: None COUNCILKEN: Daniels l\.}?rR'J\7I~D : >4~-r E~O~ ?1~ i:;LEl1I-:' S CEJ.T ITi'ICii.TE I, ? A. COX, the City Clerk)f the City of GilroJr, do hereby certify that the annexed copy of Resolution has bEen cOTnpared by me \<lith, 3.nd is a true 9....YJ.d C01'1"C(' t copy of the ",.:':1010 (}f such nesoluti')n duly 3.!~!~~1)t . at and appee.rinc c'LLOl"lg the official minutes of the reg1.1.1~~ of t1:,c CO"rL1110n C:mnc> 1.1 ofs:"tid Cit3T)f Gi1ro:r held on the l8thr)"" September , 1'? 51. &~ ~, City Clerk 6f the County of Santa Cl~ California. ' , CLERK'S C=RTIFICAT2 I, P. A. COX, Cit:r C1,:rk of the Cit~T of Gilroy, do herelr that the Co run.Ol1 Cnuncil of said City of Gilroy, at a rGgnl,,\ ;o~ on the 18t~day of September,_, 1?51, acc0pted the fore veyance and consented to the reccrdat~o~ thereof. ~. ., ~ cc~ ~ I ~~ f'.", - '" . ,; Cl - C'-J 0::: ;( u-> lL. .... \ c:r> 00 ~- U I--- .J, n.:J: ll.J tt) co a:: lJ.J ...... ex::::) I, o cs f'. u.. UJ \ Cl c:: 'J,' ~ UJ ..- .J~ u.. C~ty C1E'rk of County of Sant Califor~l:i a. . <:s ,..1 ;';1 .-# -r. ~, ) c:: ':~ ex: t-....::E: \, :\ \ \, ~~ 9 Q) C.----j rl . -r-i CD rl ,-,~ p, 'Lc\ , ~. -r-! ~ UJ V .1 = -r-l -r-! ,c; c--< en ,'--' I ,--; ~ = ~ I fI) ... ~ .. re: 1-,-, .... = = I'"=-J ... " ~: " (';j -- .I < I = = ql m '4 H - ... .. r1, .... \.1) W. ~ - ~,,-~ ,D w. - , .. . = 1::'1, ( -'~J ~:l = = en ~ -l Q) r;:~~ 0 i=i ..L) ~ .. 0 , .. ... C--'I +J 0 r:~l ) \ = -- -"~I .l-i (!) < r.w ... r'~ ~.,) ,f) - ~ - Cl ICe, :t ... =.: i I (-,' H .. = 0 rd .. >1 p" (]) (-.f H +J en l ~:.-! 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