Flynn Trust Carol J. and Jeanette Y. Flynn Trustees NQTINSURED ....,. , ()b ( - LAWYERS TITLE COMPANY 7808694 "0.-,6:"':. 56' or ",c;( 'RECORDING REOUESTED BY ~ AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: NAMe: r "I STRUT CITY OF GILROY ADDRm 7351 ROSANNA STREET CITY GILROY, CA 95020 STATE ZIP L -1 ['-'--"- L~-._., . S E P 8 1983 bmAM 1~':p:iiL_ ~R~.~:A~~"=i This space for Recorder's use ~at~~l9t tawyaT% nl1e 8 A.M. Title Order No..... ... .. .. Escrow No... .G'i5141-:-C APN #841-16-076 & 841-16-094 Documentary Transfer Tax $ no tax due GRANT DEED Computed On Full Value Of Property Conveyed Computed On Full Value Less Liens & Encumbrances Remaining Thereon At Time Of Sale. Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation Signature of declarant or agent determining tax - firm name. FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERA nON, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CAROL J. FLYNN & JEANETTE Y. FLYNN, Trustees of the Flynn Trust dated November 1, 975 hereby GRANT(S) to The City of Gilroy, a Municipal corporation the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara City of Gilroy , State of California: ~ ...J z FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" ...J I- <l: ll. .~ l.'- ~ ~ ....... ---- ~ ~ o Z co a: <( Carol J. Flynn, Trustee STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF San Mateo On Augus t 23, 1983 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared; CAROL J. FLYNN and JEANETTE Y. FLYNN (proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) or (knawn...to..me. fO be the. person(s) whose name(s) is re) subscribed to the within i st em. kno ledged t at .... ....................the.y............. xe ut aihe WITNESS !Jl nd /- t SS. (&-//~; '~,' , 1#t" ~(> Jeanette Y. Flynn, Trustee C1~'r7--r;;~~ ~~~ / / l~- i v' / /c:?l.?uc:/ (/ Dated AlTGlTS'T' 1 1, 1983 Signat ~-~"S ........ Ie SILVIA KOWACZEK Nt> NOT AAY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA , PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN , SAN MATEO COUNTY , My Commission e.piress hpl. 27.1983 (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE. Name Street Address City & State Zip (c) 1':"ui';-,:{l"Y fO HE AC('ULRED . EXHIBIT A PARCELS 14 & 15 H876i'!GE 57 CITY OF GILROY 9th & 10th STREETS I~2ROVE~~NT DISTRICT NO. 1982-1 DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT OF WAY TO BE ACQUIRED FROM CAROL J.FLYNN, TR.USTEE: BEING a portion of Parcel 2 as shm\'n on Parcel ~fap filed for R~cord on Dec~mber 7, 1972 in Book 313 of ~aps at page 23, Records of, Santa Clara County, California, a~d being more ?articularly described as follo~s: BEGI~~n~G at the most southerly corner of said Parcel 2 in the northwesterly line of Tenth Street, as shown on said map, and running thence along the northwesterly line of Tenth Street N.69059'30"E. 98.43 feet to the most southerly corner of that certain parcel or land conveyed to the City of Gilroy by Deed recorded January 21, 1980 in Book F 710 at page 18l,Official Records of ~anta Clara County; thence along the southwesterly line of said parcel N.2000Q'30"W. 7.50 feet to the most westerly corner thereof; thence parallel with the northwesterly line of Tenth Street S.69059'30'~. 98.43 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of said Parcel 2; thence along said southwesterly line 5.l9058'30"E. 7.50 feet to the poinL of beginning. EKHIBIT "A" /.::'.....; ....: c.= - L 2 . I --, ~ 4 -- ,: ..:J /';....A rS C3 . \{ 0) -~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ R= 40. 'k . to I .6. : e~;>Q '.0::: 7" 4.J V) ~7-' I..... ltj I /' L ;: ~2.~ I 5. r.::-9DSS 30 " vv. I, rv 30 I .e= 4-0 '" Gf3,4.3 f-..... ).r.S' I , ' {i~ , /' / ~: 89 cZ 8/57 I, lr) ,__ _ - 7.5 .---.J./ L " G'Z,~8 I IJC'90.59'30~.-c-. 38 43/ (i;:oO;i~~~y J I I I \ \.....J \. " \.J I 'J 1 I 1 V I ~ 1 ~ . " ~M '..: ~ -. "- ~C\1 C) rt) o SrATE OF CAL/.cO/CA.//A '-rt TENTH 8e8/ o.~. 42 , I ~/5/GB -0 ,.,":. ,0 ~,"',':" 0 Q .,,>/ ,;" & o~: ~~y /:r.: ,; c. " , " 'Ie") <~~ ~ (':/ t).., (1 .(,; r,' r;:' :' k:.~.',.'" ' ~. .;-.'>- 43' SC4Lt;: / .~'=- 4'0'. AREA = 738 Sf). FT :.' -:: 0.0/7 ACS. APN 84/- /6 -761.94- " I , I , \ I H 876 ;'!GE 58 ~ . ST/?EET ~ ::J <: h.- IV) 4J :t \J ~ Ll.'WYEHS TITLE GY-S141 SJ-B62~1