Ortega, J.G. and Grace, et al i ,- /'./-' /~ - "[- ./ 14a4644 f'.L.{ %.:.'".-', .~ r: ~.jfr7 . . , . '1,\J i CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE BY CITY OF GILROY THIS IS TO CERTIFY tha t the interest in the o~ ~ Ii f? 0 i o real property conveyed by the Deed or Grant dated the 20 day of January, 1958 from J. G. ORTEGA and GRACE M. ORTEGA, his wife; JOSEPH W. CULLUMBER, JR., and GLADYS E. CULLUMBER, his wife; LEE MATHISON: MARY J. SIMAS: REMEDIOS ME~ID02land ISIDRA ME1~OZA, his wife; KATHERINE GLOVER: ~~RS}aL VELASCO and HELEN VELASCO, his wife; E. LOUIS MOON and BETTY E. MOON, his wife; and ROBERT W. LANTIS and GEtmVA M. LANTIS, his wife, to the CITY OF GILROY, a political corporation or governmental agency, is hereby accepted by the order of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy on February / 3, 1958, and the Grantee consents to the recordation \) 1/;' thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: February 4, 1958. CITY OF GILROY iii, /~e ( yor \.- n~ / / / l i I CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA } .. County oL,..S.a.nt.a....C.lara........................ On this...... .......4.......... ......day oL........f~p.x:u..ar.y.....................................in the year one thousand nine hundred and.FiftY::--Eight before me............~Y.RNEX....S.........J.QHNS'O.N....... ..................., a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ...............G.;r;:.9RG.~.....G.!.....M.:r:1:J;A.S............................................... ..........n................... known to me to be the.........M.~.Y9.~...........................................................................n............................ ................................ of the corporation described in and that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person......who executed th hin instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and ......he...... acknowledg dome that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have her nto set my hand and affixed official seal, the day and year in this Certificate firs bove written, My Commission Form C.A.-'sam Hopkins Legal Forms Prnting Selrvice, 2328 Fruitvale Ave., Oakland I, Calif. '< q ,. ~ 41 r:~ J. "" 1.... \.,.1..1 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy that any of the following named officers of the said City of Gilroy are hereby authorized to accept and consent to deeds or grants, or other interests in real property on behalf of the City of Gilroy: GEORGE C. MILIAS, Mayor BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said named officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute the certificate of acceptance described and mentioned in Section 27281 of the Government Code. Passed and adopted this 20 day of January, 1958., by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: PATE, RUSH, SANCHEZ, GALLO, WENTWORTH, and PETERSEN NOES: Councilmen~ NONE ABSENT: Councilmen: NONE Approved: GEORGE C. MILIAS Mayor ATTEST: G. B. CARR G. B. CARR, City Clerk r"'C V' STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA I hereby certify that the attached Resolution was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting thereof held January 20. 1958. at which meeting a quorum was present. ,-I "j - ;"./ / (/ (:. " .\.....,' .\- J ...LA! 2 G. B. CARR, City Clerk v '\ ,~ .. J.t pr THIS INDENTURE, made the 20 day of January, 1958, between J. G. ORTEGA and GRACE M. ORTEGA, his wife; JOSEPH W. CULLUMBER, JR., and GLADYS E. CULLUMBER, his wife; LEE MATHISON; MARY J. SIMAS: REMEDIOS MENDOZA and ISIDRA MENDOZA, his wife; KATHERINE GLOVER: MARSHAL VELASCO and HELEN VELASCO, his wife; E. LOUIS MOON and BETTY E. MOON, his wife, and ROBERT W. LANTIS and GENEVA M. LANTIS, his wife, Grantors and parties of the first part, and the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, Grantee and party of the second part, WIT N E SSE T H : ---------- That the said parties of the first part have remised, released, and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do remise, release and forever quitclaim, unto the said party of the second part, all that real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of the alley that extends in a general Southeasterly and North- westerly direction through the North half of Block 2 South Range 5 West of the City of Gilroy. Said point of beginning being equidistant from Seventh Street and Eighth Street and one hundred forty (140) feet East of the Easterly line of Dowdy Street; run- ning thence in a Southeasterly direction at a uniform distance of one hundred forty (140) feet from and Easterly of the said Easterly line of Dowdy Street to the Northerly line of Eighth Street; thence in an Easterly direction along the Northerly line of Eighth Street, ten (10) feet; thence at right angles in a Northwesterly direction 100 feet; thence at right angles in a Northeasterly direction ten (10) feet; thence at right angles in a Northwesterly direction feet to the Southeast corner of the said alley hereinbefore mentioned as it now exists; thence along the Southeasterly line or Southerly end of said now existing alley twenty (20) feet to the point of begin- ning. The above-described premises are conveyed to the City of Gilroy for the purpose of extending the alley mentioned in the description -1- 'tt Jl ....',r.' Pi ,~c'l ( , so that it entirely runs through the block in which the premises are situated. In the event that the conveyed premises are not used as an alley or cease to be used as an alley, title to the respective properties now owned by the respective Grantors shall revert to the Grantors now owning such respective properties, their heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said first parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. .~' 1/ ~ / ! I . .f/ / II / (. I.- /,i ' . ;' ./' ? " '- (- / ~ ~~:-,,~ ':,/i . /I~/ _";..~:":l-'~::"~:::~,, . - ~ :;;'1,/ /"~:.. /-./:/,/ {"P-, J" 7;- . /, /1, Ii ./ /::1_th.~~-..fL~ __/t&:,~/-<A__ /1' ;I ~~~~AA-4~-z-- ,,' 'i ('J, (,,1/ I.' ,/-<:~; f< /,' / I i (, C/ ' i ,I,; ,< /) , -,t!__ ,. ,'~) ..-'( ,"; I' ~ \...-(. -- .. /: 1;/ I I i I ". 1 .I , I f,/': ( ~ . ..~ / I C;;Z~~4-;jl. ~cf~o ..) ~ 1 , ;' _.I-( ,_i ct1 // /1 "', )I zl/ /, / I. t ~ l--t '-./1 . . 'i ,;.(....,C/..t,....-lt." / ,. "--", (' y:I-hv'"I..-'L,\ / ~.._...-~.... ~' r--") , , . <r (/C~, -;J/'(' ,.I ) \ f/ L",.". _ ;/lj'~ \_ .I , ,~. l( .. ...:;/ ~:t,/:. ,/,/";7 t; i -""'...... , " .,/-/"",'/ >,,' {,' (,,"2<-. ' /),;'y":~,~_.t. _/ (1~~~~~~,~S~~1~w__.~.G. RAN TOR S \-' f . I ;1'1'11'( '....~rN- .~~-f,:lIM'Ci w'ejn.- lIN.tft l'f flr!.I., hi.. O\~ i\::. ~""........f. ...'( V ~ ~.':M'-; t *"l4U [lis namt ""'0 ht !.fii~<;,; h;~ ,.....,. ;,. ... "-",...,,.; ")"' ....,,611 ,I ,", ...~,*;,., ,.,,, """ . . ,,<~'~rx:,~,trlso~~i~k:N::~.l~/ ~1,m63f.8i 1)/,.. J;t/,- ./1 ;e ...' ,r--~ . ..d'i'j /,,/ ,/ '~'7"~-~-~. ~'~/:"'f?(:t l-~v~.~l~/ ~_.__.__,.:2L__._ '____."k ~..... .._.._....".. ...... C/ , CITY OF GILROY By G RAN TEE 2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA r ~ 1i. ~ =~ ,4. ~ ; ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On this 20 day of January, 1958, before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared J. G. ORTEGA and GRACE M. ORTEGA, his wife; JOSEPH W. CULLUMBER, JR. and GLADYS E. CULLUMBER, his wife; LEE MATHISON; MARY J. SIMAS; REMEDIOS MENDOZA and ISIDRA MENOZA, his wife; KATHERINE GLOVER; MARSHAL VELASCO and HELEN VELASCO, his wife; E. LOUIS MOON and BETTY E. MOON, his wife; and ROBERT W. LANTIS and GENEVA M. LANTIS; his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ---;:, /<.;1, . /f//, 'AJ. J /L Al-oo'L ~ .. ,",,'''. ,-",v i' \......~,> .' V -' ~u- ".. "'NtrTARY PUBLIc;f in ~d -for the County of Santa Clara, ~tate of Callfornia c~ 1~3t814 } f;- '1';'~ ~~" " : I l (,',;f, , () l FII ED F/1 f( ;1 F {' I)Qn .. . ..-, ' , h "'~ . ., \.1 /~~{~ ~, U .:.' :~/-'i'. j :-~, it Jf:-r y I~, II rJ-"y. ' .