Southern Pacific Transportation Company Name I Street Address City State Zip '" I ~ ~ liNG REQUEST"'D BY .... [RLL - VI - 6/22/84 - 32170/311-2] I ~68i)~.t:503 ~ 8187114 GY ;;: 35 50 2 733 Ticor Title Insurance Gilroy, California REC. FEE' AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO L M!CRO Ci ty of Gilroy 'I I LIEN rmT c/o Mr. Bruce Jacobs ~ 7995 Princevalle Street iSMPF Gilroy, California ~5020 GEORGE A. MANN, RecordEr SPACE ABOVE ~hlt~ara~ltftY~tfflrclar .d~ ! RECORDED AT THE REOUEST OF T100R TITlE INSURANt( CO. 8:00 AM SEP 13 \984 GRANT DEED SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, Grantor, hereby grants to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation of the State of California, Grantee, that certain real property situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached and hereby made a part hereof. Grantor excepts from the property hereby conveyed that portion thereof lying below a depth of 500 feet, measured vertically, from the contour of the surface of said property; however, Grantor or its successors and assigns shall not have the right for any purpose whatsoever to enter upon, into or through the surface of said property or any part thereof lying between said surface and 500 feet below said surface. This grant is subject to easements, covenants, conditions, reservations and restrictions of record. By accepting this deed, Grantee expressly covenants to construct and maintain, at its own expense and to the satisfaction of Grantor, a barricade along the track side of the property herein conveyed. This covenant is for the benefit of Grantor's adjoining property, which is more particularly described in Exhibit B, attached and .. I 868 P.~GE 504 hereby made a part hereof, and shall run with and be binding upon the conveyed property and the successors and assigns in title of Grantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor executed this c2~~day of , 19#-. as caused these presents to be SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY By (Title) Vice al Estate Atte st /j 1.~1 ,;7 JI I ~ t-~ {)p ,Jl/'/-J J Assistant Secretary t,. ;.~. ,"- J STATE OF CALIFORNIA } City and County of San Francisco s.s. On this 2 9 t h day of J un e in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty F 0 u r before me, CATHERINE G. GULBRONSON, a Notary Public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, personally appeared (One Market Plaza) S. A. Sutfin, Vice President-Real Estate personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed the within instrument as president (or secretary) or on behalf of the Corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that the Corporation executed it. CATHfRINE G. GULBRONSON. ~ NOTARY PUBLlC.CAI.IFORNIA ~ 'PRINCIPAL PLACE OF, BUSINESS IN~; CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO My CosnmlssiOll Exptres Nov. 9, 1984 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the City and County of San Francisco, the day and year in this certificate first above written. I Corporation My Commission Expires November 9, 1984 Notary Public in and for the City and ~~- 1Jj;J. $'-,$"-14> EXHIBIT "A" I 868 P~GE 505 A parcel of land situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Railroad Street with the southeasterly line of Sixth Street; thence South 200 00' East, along said southwesterly line, 337.96 to a point distant northeasterly 15 feet measured radially from the center line of the most northeasterly spur track of Southern Pacific Transportation Company; thence northwesterly, concentric, parallel with and distant northeasterly 15 feet from said center line a distance of 345.08 feet to said southeasterly line of Sixth Street; thence North 700 00' East, along last said line, 63 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.29 of an acre, more or less. --.-.... -- - ... Page 1 of 1 ... -' .. EXHIBIT "B" I 868 t).~GE 506 A parcel of land situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: All of the land of Southern Pacific Transportation Company lying southwesterly of the southwesterly line of land described in Exhibit "A" herein having a distance of "345.08 feet". -Page 1 of 1- /)~ 1-6il'1'- Y"I- , I 868 :ll.GE 507 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY Jay Baks a I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by ___ SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 29th day of June , 19 R4 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12 th day of September , 19 . -. of the City of Gilroy ..,','] }J;;) TICOR TITle INSURANce SCHEDULE A Policy No. Policy Date Amount of Insurance: Premium 0502733 OOOO-B September 13, 1984 at 8:00 AM $14,000.00 $200.00 1. Name of Insured: CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 2. The Estate or Interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: City of Gilroy, A, Municipal Corporation 3. The estate-or interest in the land described in Schedule C and which is covered by this ~olicy is a fee. sg/nh 1] TICOR TITLE INSURANCE Policy No. 0502733 ~OOO-B SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure a~ainst loss or iama~e, nor against costs, attorneys' fees or expenses, any or all of which arise by reason of the following: PART I All matters set forth in paragraphs numbered 1 (one) to 11 (eleven) inclusive on the inside cover sheet of this policy under the headinj of Schedule B Part I. PART II 1. A. TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1984-85, A LIEN NOT YET PAYABLE. B. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 498, statutes of 1983 of the State of California. 2. In the event premises is operative property of the vested owner, any conveyance or encumbrance thereof is subject to the regulatory po~ers of the public utility commission of the State of California, and express permission thereof should be obtained. .kp on 3. COVENANTS, Executed by Secorded CONDIrIONS A~D RESTRICTIOYS in the Deed Southern Pacific Transportation Company, A Municipal Corporation SePtember 13, 1984 as Instrument No. 8187114 Official Records SAID COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS do provide for reversion of title in the event of a breach tnereof. ,~ TICOR TITle INSURANce Policy No. 0502733 0000-8 SCHEDULE C The land referred to herein is described as follows: All that certain real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Southwesterly line of Railroad Street .ith the Southeasterly line of Sixth Street; thence South 20 deg. 00' East, along said Southwesterly line, 337.96 to a point distant Northeasterly 15 feet measured radially from t~e canter line of the most NortheasterlY spur track of Southern Pacific Transportation Company; thence Northwesterly, concentric, parallel with and distant Northeasterly 15 feet from said center line a distance of 345.08 feet to said Southeasterly line of Sixth Street; t~enca North 70 deg. 00' East, along last said line, 63 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.29 acre, more or less. Excepting therefrom that portion thereof lying below a depth of 500 feet, measured vertically, from the contour of the surface of said property; however, grantor or its successors and assigns shall not h~ve the right for any purpose whatsoever to entac up~n, into or through the surface of said property or any part theceof lying between said surface and 500 feet below said surface. tJ Q tJ .; .; :', ~ 2, J_~ ~ '-.;;:. ~ ~~ .:'~ }; =!. u I'" C m '" ''';: 1- -.. ": ..... @ ] .'"' _ ... _ ~ lor ... --. 0M00 " _ Clooo c-. _ _ .. _ . .. .. InI .._'.n,__....--..- _ _ 131" .. ___ . T._ eo. .... ..-........_......_...1. ....-- DWIOM' L. MAlHl_" Countw AIM..., o .L33~lS ", l- s ~I UJ uJ a: t- V) '" ~ ~I .... ci on ;: ~I s ~I ~ ~I '" I '>H, I I I ,j I > ~I RlI-:'" ~I <1 . 0 i'il <0 t- o. .. I 0 ... .... I u ;; 0 I I '" .1.33~lS 0" DO I"~I , ~I Uil ~I ~I <> ~I ~I ::;1 ~ ~ ~I 'f'91,,' * ::1 '" .. 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