Robinson, Floyd A. FORM NO.1 <Irani meell FLOYD A !:O:nJSClf, as his se-parate property, the first party , hereby (lrant to'I'l CI'l\ GIL Y, .d. '\Elici!)al or;Joration, the second part y . all that real property situated in the er1: Y 0]' GILROY, County of Santa Clara, State of California. described as follows: lL,;n.;G a part of Dlock Z liorth, .Jange lost as s5.id block is Sl:lo':;n u)on ll&p lio. ? acuompc.Ylsing tne Feport of the Referees in the Las Animas R&ncho .Partition S11it, Action o. L5;::;6 hacl in the 2.uperior Court' of the SGate of California in ane. ior the County of Santa Llara, and more partic'llarly that part de scribed. as folloiJ'lS: "THE 'CEsrl:ERLY 10 ,pEET of that certain parcel of land d.escribeci aE follows: BEGILl.Tn:G at a point in the southweEterly line of ,'onterey street distant thereon southeasterly 210.50 feet from the intersection of said line of Monterey street with the SOTIth easterlj line of rl:hird. Str'cet; 'chenue SOlJ.tl3iesterly anu. parallel 0iLh the northwesterly line of Lot 5 in saiu ock, s. 70~~C I H. 150.01 feet; t:rlence SOll"Llleasterl;/ 2nd }JE.l's.llcl wiLli se h, line oj ;.onterey street s. 2CoO(l r. 118.0, 0 feet to a point in the SOll.tLle8s'Le~' line of IO~G 6 0:1.' sE,id. Sloe}::; tdence '.70o~01'E:. LJ1.d. alon,.' sr,i,.c line of riot 6 150.01 feet to tLe SG.id line ofonterey(~,t:r'ee1,; 1,henee nort.cl';:e ,:terly 8.1 saicL line of ,ontere~l ;tTeeti.200C01V!. 118.0(; feet to ~he)~~m~ of beg~YminE-;, al1.ic be i11[t 8. :) rt of :Lo ts 4,5, anc" 6, lYl S3.1Cl j"locz: unCL _ nge.1I -~ ./ IIn mitness mlJereof, the said first part.:! ~ 7--g day of v n;y. has executed this conveyance this , 194 C . /" ...'--'... / /. C:) !C----52:.~d-!:~-:------ L-Yik~-I-~ .. :E . ::r '" 0 ::l .... ... '" 0.. t n l'> 0 ... .... 0- Z I '" 0- ? '0 to III '" '" 8 ~ ;. ~. ,.. 0- '" '" 0- S ::'S"-,~ _~,:~,~ . ~~~_:9~~~ ,~r'i~.'kt,~~,>:_,~.,_~~_,.~_~_ ..... 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I 1 I . 1.0 ~ ~ I I , ii1 .!!' 3: I , ~ = ~ . ~" \\'!' ~7)YY\ 'bl '..,wollle::> )0 31VlS ' 'Zf1as Z'8F>@O PU'8 PUll'i fiw ssaut!1llIE 'aWllS al{7 pa7n:JaXa "~al{"5..-- 7lll{7 paBpazmOU'Jpll pUll 7UaWn.11SU! Bu!oBa.1oJ al{7 07 paq!.1:Jsqns ....--........mmm.........~....aWllU asol{m .....SUos.1ad al{7 aq 07 aw 07 umou,/ "oO. ~ - - - - - ~.............. ~.......... ~..............._.... ___.......... ......._ ___.. .._...._......_ _..___ .oO__...... ___ ....... ....._ ................................ .._...... _....... _._... ..... _........ .... .... - .._._ ___ - - - - - ...._ _.. - - - __ - __ m...__.__...__.....................m...........................-'....~.~.~........S,.~....i~..a~.r~.~...'..I...m.. u--.----.~l.~.~~.Ci..t;:.::.\~~.m.~~.~m...'V-\.O~.,.q..~..~.~.....~.l::.~..l.;~r...--. .. --... - - - - -. . - - -..... .1.............. .................. .... ......................................................~. .............. pa.1'8ad dll Ii l1lluos.1ad '1i7uno:J P1"s ,oJ pu' u, >'N"d 6""'0 N . ........................__....__._..._...~T:.+J::;:;:r'7;7C.T.I'...........-........... L. . . aw aJolaq ~~-~-6r.....r::.::J.'15.:r\.~..~.~.....lo li'8p .mm....D.~..: Sll{7 uO ~ ~ .:r~~~ o n~nl1t >>JU~ JO fiJuno1J) / .SS 'U!U~OJ!lU1J) JO aJuJ~ 1l ! ~ 2. 1;; !I ! I O! ! Q. \ ~4 BE IT RESOLv~ by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy, timt the certain Deeds hereinafter described are hereby accepted by the City of Gilroy, to wit: Grantors Date of Deed Floyd A.Robinson Andrew R. and Lois J.Battagin Hugh S.Hersman January 28, 1946 February 1,1946 February 4,1946 February 5,1946 January 30,1946 February 5,1946 February 5,1946 July 9,1940 Ernest J.and Ida Camino Eileen MCElroy Harper Oliver K and Florence E.Paxter Alfred R. and Clara 1I.Bettancourt The Geo.n.Louis Realty Company Said grant deeds are hereto attached and made a part of this resolution. This acceptance by resolution is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 1158 of the Civil Code of tho state of California. Accepted this 4t~ .day of March,1946. Approved: Ma7::rr t2 ,. . ) ~./ Attelt: / I\. ~ ,~ ~0Jri- hity Clerk' CLERK t S CERTIF'I CATE I, P.A.Cox, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the annexed copy of Resolution has been compared by me with and is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Reso- lution duly adopted at and appearing among the official minutel of the ,(~6u\i\.'( meeting o:f the Common COmIcil of such City of Gilroy ~ 4\~day of Maroh,1946. . (~, k 0~ City Cler of the- ity o? C111roy, Santa Clara County, California. . cum:'K.'S CEH'rIFICA'l'E I. P.A.Cox, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certIfy that tho Cornmon Council of sald City of GIJ.roy at the R' . meotinc; hold on the .;'1'-\.; I day of .1946, ape the forego1nr: conveyances and consents bo tbo recorda- t on thereot. Dated: 'L'llis ~~day of ~d:f ~V\ .1946. l!~t7 ~.~~1t7 o~ (lU1'07. Santa Clara COtmty, Ctl11fornla. .