Borelli, Clara et al Return to the ~i~y of Gilroy 7390 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 L 0 BOm C172 ~Q:458,~ ..() 44at&14 ~0f)<< (;172 PAGl45& SJ-37994 GY-1075/KC AP #841-16-5 GRANT DEED Recorded at the reQUest' of LAWYfJ?~ TITI.F I Nr:'!'PM'CE CORP, I DEe 29 1972 8;QOAM ./ . ,'" O~G~..Pl~U;LE _, . K\ \ \ f\ \I \r IJ~t'- COUNTY, CLERK & RECO \'\: 0' --t\" Ii.. ~..1'lt1I CIa... County, Offlelallfecor~' one-half (1/2) interest; an , '2.. CLARA BORELLI, as to an undivided or devisees of Frank Borelli, Deceased, subject to administration of his estate, as to an undivided one-half (1/2) interest grant to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, all that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: Being a portion of that certain parcel of land conveyed to the Estate of Frank Borelli by quit claim deed from Clara Borelli in September 20, 1966, filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County, California, in Book 7523 of Official Records at page 114 there- in and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said parcel; thence along the easterly 1 ine of said parcel S 00 501 4511 W, 1014.13 feet to the south- easterly corner of said parcel; thence along the southerly line of said parce 1 S 830 441 3511 W, 32.08 feet; thence N 120 571 5]11 W, 59.91 feet; thence N 20 231 27" N, 912.49 feet to the point of tangency with a 20 foot radius curve to the left6 thence along said 20 foot radius curve through a central angle of 86 461 O~I an arc distance of 30.29 feet to a point distant 30 feet measured at right angles from the south line of Banes Lane; thence N 00 501 25" E, 30.00 feet to the said south line of Banes [ane being also the northerly line of said parcel; thence along said northerly line S 890 091 3511 E, 117.63 feet to the point of begin- ning and containing 1.679 acres of land more or less. Dated this 14th day of August, 1972. ~ll~' -==:: h~~~,~~ Frank P. Borelli, Jr., as Execu or ot the Estate of Frank Borelli, Deceased .. I 51' A TE OF CALIFORNIA, ! ~, On August 14, 1972 , before me, BOOK 017,2 PAG[459. ALLENE R. FREITAS, County of SAN BENITO a Notary Public, . in and for said ) appeared CLARA BORELLI and FRANK P. Estate of Frank Borelli, Deceased, BORELLI, County and State, personally (C'! JR., as Executor of the known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the withiu instrument and acknow1er\lterl to me that 111"1"'IIII1'IJII..m"~n'H.."!ftRntt~Ji'tI'ftI"''- .. OFFICIAL SEAL 5 same.S ALLENE R. FREITAS i ! "'_ NOTARY PUBtlC - CALIFOItNIA: :: PP INCIPAL OFFICE IN TtlE : :: COUNTY OF SAN ReMITO :: M y ComimrM!I!lf,\mIll~I~y>'p~II~~II'm"!!I.m.m.";; -----vI. '7 \.~ -r C' r. A .. h 'c. /'" / ,,/ ( O~~ (CD Ix' .....;vl tL~)/'l2/?r,--::t;; / c;) ,~ < L.<.~~Z'-V-*,- . they executed the / l ./ .....-)\ / / r! '... ,-/ -1::: t L-.--( {/-rU//J ~l,(l <I/t tf....~i, Notary Public ALLENE R. F TAS BOOg 0172 PAGE460, CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY CLARA BORELLI I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Clara Borell i of the premises descri bed in the attached conveyance dated the 14th day of August , 19~, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of August of the City of Gilroy. .~ ,. i,t,," 09' ..'=l~~~': '.' - ....... .1''1... . ~ ~ -- l'v;:",.~,..-; , , ~ . -, .". . .....n.i.j t. ; N 0050' 25" E. 50 ~ --.,.1 t BOOK ,Q1i.2".PAGf461 /~ /: ~ . 4. · ,-. ~.' '.t-..~. .j J . ... I,. , . ' ~ . "., ~. ' . I ''-' I'." ',. ,', "" r ..... ,. ' ~ ~. ~ I I ~ ! ~ I ~ \, I . 1/7.63 ' ~"'- " ~:,r;..: " . " II / , . I' . 'j "I ,'t :1 '''i ,j , "~,I , ': I l~ ";1 :\ , ~ ~ I.. ior. , """I. , i - ~:\\~ (r< .- "ti! Q. <C~ ($".) I,U h.n 1'I'i~ l " ~o '110 ! .. ~O ! ~'I,Z ',,1 ,', ! / " \. ~ b ~ ~ ! ~ t, f ~ " I II I , I , 'I ~ l " I t .,. i., " I' '(. . ' ,I 1 ,,' R':::.' 2 ~ ., O. .6 :::: 8604-6' 08~1 .\. L-= 30,2.9' , ., " I .' ' I I ' . ; 1 ""'~ 1,\ . , . . !>~~.tNO . (':, ~ ~~ t,\J.~' . ",~~~:L . ",,(>..\.,.G '(("\IV' '.'.s o"t-.j 9" ...\...:,("1 t>J\~'(..'".- ,/ ~'~.. I \"J\i.'; \,' '(- '. ?\(~ .~ ,,~\\'o\\ . .~'" ,,0. ." -,'.' , \<,',v.. c' , '0"- cr-.. r, ?'f"~'~' . ~OO\< . " 6~. . ':J'~"" 0"<'. ~,,- {~\\ '.' ~," ,"" .' ..... t"~ .... ' l"' ~ ". '0 '0' t,..,'V' I . ~..-:\. '(..... ~~~\'~'"'':J. /. ~. ',-,'c I ,j / w: .t.' '.., .~ ~ , '-J ,.'0 ~ (\ .. . \"t,. .~{ ~ ; - (}'I F C\l f- 0- '. QR. , ~7 ::JI..3" ()1 ~ S ~ \ ,.... ~ :' ... ~O : ~ ." '\ ~ 'I ~ ,I ~ ~\ ~ 00 C\J .,1 i. ,/ ; , -;z:. .~ '. . ". ~) i " \': ~ ( ~ ~ ;\ ~~ '~ .i . II' ,I '. . . ' I .\ ~ , ~:".' , \' , \ :' \,':' II, '*' r, 3\ \(-1,\,- '.. ,\ ..:" r-\" .. \O"u' ~! "'N\U't ~ l' _\ . i !' .. f'/.., \1 " ___~---o. , 5 83~,-.4-1- 3 5" W..~'1. ,0'0 ,. \ \ '.... 1\ <'I' " Ii 0: ,-,,1., ':1 ~ * I, \, , ) 1 l q ~ " '\ .~ ,,\ f ,\ 1 65r~"62" ~ SO'. CL\.r:.STN. U'To"'c.'r.'IM.p,'o"l ~t;"r" . .. It 1 ;;:>" . I." ;;;'1" UNIT 2 PROJ:, 197/-1 PARCEL 2. C.C'~H'ii'r:to'^ " '.:,"PJW ..ACQLrrSfT10N{BORELU") :" ,.;;;l hI. 1".. ~_...;;Iv . 1 .. ' .. "lU"l'l .........,.~~..cI 'Ff'~t...:~~dWdIJI"I~UWI,...~..,..,,~L~1 l, ~_~IJ\/f:~"'" see Fe.. w.o 'AREA' O,-cPTA1-<E.:'. '.l:- 1,679 AC,.t . " _ lM ftI I ...JiIR "..1 fQ 10M 5,72 cI.!A Standard (Pol. 75) SCHEDULE A Charge $,~,~ ,!.9.Q........ ..,....... POLICY NO. P 189-318 AMOUNT EFFECTNE DATE ORDER NO. $",,3. ,..5 D. O. ..,0,0..,..... ... D.ecembe.r.",2,9..,.",19.7.2.".a.t,."a,;.D.O.."a..m.. ..GY~.10.1,5~KC.....,SJ 37994 2. The estate or interest Irolicy is: This Policy does not of this Schedule: againstl()ss or d shown in Parts I and II 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown existing th~>rec(>rds of any taxing authority thatJeries taxesorlJ,ssessments()11 real property the pl.l1J1ic records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claitl1s. whi~p are not shown by tlle c+Tecords but which could be ascertained by an inspectionof~id land or by mllkjng try Of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances whi~h are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in arell,..~n~J(oachtl1ellts,orany other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and. wl1ichare .nqtshown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to. water. SCHEDULE B PART II FQ 15M 5/72 (BK) FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL ENCUMBRANCES P 189-318 AT 10M CLTA STANDARD (POL. 711) SCHED C P 189-318 SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this Policy is situated in the County of Santa Clara. City of Gilroy, State of California, and is described as follows: BEING a portion of that certain parcel of land conveyed to the Estate of Frank Borelli by quit claim deed from Clara Borelli in September 20, 1966, filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County, California, in Book 7523 of Official Records at page 114 therein and being more particularly described as follows: . BEGINNINGa.t the Northeasterly corner of said parcel: thence along the Easterly line of said parcel South 00 50' 45" West, 1014.13 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said parcel; thence along the Southerly line of said parcel South 830 44' 35ff West, 32.08 feet: thence North 120 57'57" ~'lest, 59.91 feet: thence North 20 23' 27" North, 912.49 feet to the point of tangency with a 20 foot radius curve to the left: thence along said 20 foot radius curve through a central angle of 860 46t 08" an arc distance of 30.29 feet to a point distant 30 feet measured at right angles from the South line of Banes Lane: thence North 00 50' 25" East, 30.00 feet to the said South line of Banes Lane being also the Northerly line of said. parcel: thence along said Northerly line South 890 09' 35" East 117.63 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.679 acres of land, more or less. ~ .... - . "'"0 : o .~ ~ ~ _ c .... E " -0 Y ~ 0 ~ ... :)-~V~. "" '0 u C E . 9 .. ~ : .~ .. 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