Fazio, Josie et al BOOK 0029 PACE324 ~i:~~~~o ~j.. AP '841-12924 JOSIE FAZIO, CHARLES BUZZINI, ARTHUR BUZZINI, AND LEE BUZZINI, as their lIT'"" Return to City of Gilroy 7390 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Calif. 95020 Y. J I brt' l.t;. i(>.ff,i ,,".r,'" ~ "" _,.. :l i j~ Ai'J 'ft... g ~J.Ji:-:".:: GRANT DEED separate property and each as to an undivided one-fourth (1/4) interest as Tenants in Common, grant to THE CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, all that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: A PORTION OF SUBLOT 21 located in the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, State of California, as said lot is shown upon Map No.8 accompanying the final report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action 5536, in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of Las Animas Rancho Sublot 27 in the southerly line of Eighth Street; thence running along the south- erly line of Eighth Street North 700 East 80.34 feet; thence at a right angle and parallel with the northeasterly line of Las Animas Rancho Sublot 27 South 200 East 124.00 feet to a point; thence at a right angle and parallel with the southerly line of Eighth Street South 700 West 80.34 feet to a point in the northeasterly line of , It said Sublot 27; thence at a right angle and along said line of Sub- lot 27 North 200 West 124.00 feet to the place of beginning. Dated this 7 -II, day of 4351353 BOOK 0029 PAGt324 \ Recorded at the r2Quest of I LAWYERS llTlE IN:l'PANCE CORP. SEP 21 1972 8;00 A: , George E. fowtes,Rec':';fjer Slltt. 01'1 COUl'Jly.lltfl~h' "~C;' ~.;.._. ",~, - --~~ JII. )pn-h I , 1972. ~ ~ . of~ ) ..' J1~ ~~~~='.::.~ -f OT.'""~j'l ST't.l " r .. il.l....r\.., CU':o..J ~ GER;,LD E. BRADLEY k ~1:"'id'lY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA ~ ,1'C.VADA COUNTY .:,. G' .T:;Issian ExpiresJune 11,1970 P.O. Box 65. Nevada City, CA, 95959 FORM No. 32-General Acknowledgment. Printed on Southworth's Parchment Deed 10096 Cotton Fiber. ::"lIIll11l1l1llllllllllllllllll!llIlIl!lllllllllllillllllllllllllilm!mmlllllill,. .= ~=_ . SYDNEY S. JOH~-':SON ~=-~_... NOTA:1Y I'uauc _ ~ .~l>.O Santa Clara County, California E ~ My commission expires Mar. 8, 1976 ~ ~\II11\1I11I1I11II1I1III\1l11l1mlmllllllillllilillllllllllml!1II11ll11i11ll111ll1~ mm_m_n_n::::,~F_:';;;~~mmB~~~, C L 29 p:,1;[325 O th' 7 ~ J_ f C",-"/I/,,("""''/>,-'-' ), h . n lS..m..........m_m_....._y 0 "_'~__'fE-;___.......mm._mm....m....ffI t e year Ol1e thousand mn~ hundred and.__.....:.:.3~...__...._.....___..before me, __..S_?:.(._:J~Q'.__.._t...____.-!..}.r..:1._<;/.!::";/.:........._........ a NotMY Pfl.blic, Stat2f California, dul, commissioned and sworn, pB1'sonally appeared.......______. m....._....~_r:r:.:....__...._.';!..{I_;:__!;:_.(.!.Y..!.._.. ......_......__..._... ....__.__........... .....___........... ...m',,,, --............. ...........---...........-....................-....................................--......................--......--.........................--..-.................................................-......-......__...............................---.-- known 10 ms 10 be the person.m_mwhose name.m_(...~.__m_msubscr;bed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thatm.m.hem_mexecuted ths sams, IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and "ffixed my official seal ;n ths....____._.m...____m..m._m..County of.......___Llie:.~:4...:t...4:......m___....m__the d"y and year ;n this certificate first "bove writtsn. ....._n_nm_m_mnn~~~~~.-c:~~~;~i; My Commission Expires ................................_............._...................... STATE OF CALIFORNIA, t m.....................__C ounty of..._._...__~.b.mh-_.._g.~g?1-__.._..____...._ J U. On this ......14_tJ.1_....__.day of ...s._~I?j;.~..l!lP._~!......-..__.....in the year one thousand nine hundred and...~.~..Y.g.n:tY..::-.Q.ng.before me,..._l'-YVN~yms..s.......r.QHNS..QN.......__.__...._..m, a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ._____..mm.JOS.IE..-.FAZI.O...and.mCHARLES....BllZZIN.L---.--....-.................-..........-.--.. ..u~u..__.___n~.__..._.________..____.____.__._..___.._....___.____.._....._..._.........._._...._.....__. un. .n.._......u__n______.....___...__..__.__......._........ known to me to be the persOf1_S-whose name...8.._..ar.e......subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that.._.the~_.eKecuted the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and a/fiKed my official seal in the..__.___._t?ai 9.__..___.County of.._.._~A~A .~_~.~M__the day and year in this certificate first O'IJe written. , YL0"'-7. /l . '. , ...... '''SYDNEY'''s'f:'''--9-- MO.:&......... Notary Public, State of California. My ~ion Expires_._._~~E~!::.._.~_~...._.~~E....._......m_ Cowdery's Form No. 32-Acknowledgment-General. (C. C. Sec. 1190a) (Printed 1/15/70) 0471-0475 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } Ca.,nty of Santa Clara ss, On this__/,3..VJ.l-----day of~ ./-_,___Z~_____, in ~.LI9/1z1!f 1'-I~,IDf &~ before me, Er 'R ~ J~, a ~.~, ~ ~ #:., , .<l'l....^- ~. ~.1!::~r x,'" ~. ':\"'~ 6';" ",i:',,- (.~ v' ~~ ~o'!t"""fji:. ,<;;,,<;, J4,. ~~."'~ .0~ ~..,,-c:rL. <t" .l.' ~ .'-:- -, '~Oi<T '5,.""v.... r;.;"".~'?.~~,. ~:II ~ ~"", '?- ;,<"-f.~:;" .,~ ~ ..:v.:~ .;.. ~ ~../'Jiil 'V~ ~ v Go' '.C) ....,' , .~'t' /;.":"'..:.g;".~o'\' lSl .,"" c~"','1'" ~' ........ ",,\ c~..~.~>;. ~ ~ ' ~"".' ,<to ~ . ' . ~'>' "~,, c;~ C ;t~' "c1 l?' ~ " .' ,..' !; ~ """,' A.,.., ,s."$ .~ ~ ''1" ,,<,# ~,::~/!J .""'. ~.. '>>.i; .:".<;};:;~':;' .,~.' ~<:) ~f;"~~ ~ .~ '<# ~o' ~", I:) ~~ v year One Thousand Nine Hundred an~----~ Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, personally ~::::~e_~_~~~~~~~~;:i~~~d~~~diiL~~T~ ---------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- known to me to be the person___whose name____/.._~___________subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that.._____he______executed the same, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate first above written. _._-----~~~~~--~-~----------------------------- Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of California. . "" .. 11351351 BOOK C029 PAGC327 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY FRED O. WOOO, City Admin1strator I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by JOSIE FAZIO, CHARLES BUZZINI, ARTHUR BUZZINI()f the premi ses AJ.\IlJ L,t;,t; J:SUZZJ.J.\IJ. descri bed in the attached conveyance dated the 7th day of September , 19~, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th September day of the City of Gilroy. , 'J. i ,-----,--- - ....; ~- ..- ,_._, .'" I -_:::~!-:~.---4 . , , :: .; J "::,. "'~' _..~ 1 , (J II; )- , C- 01"". -- .& ~ ".i(~ ,~ . . -'j ! =?; , ~-:.-\ OCli -i 0) zi -N """,tI, ,: 'nlJ~ _J__~JJ...... -~- ~ i ,.) t:.. -81"""0. -'.1- I ." i -r........ \-.J" ..., \ \ 780\;" \'12::::3 r'Q ./ "'"" -+ ---~._- ~- ,-,:.. ",. -=?:J.. 'u. L. -L \ ...., ~ 0.229 ACl~ES c: "1 Q-',:;-:-~;' II \~ I --=----:;:- ~:,,-~;-: -L. __~~r; !lJ ;'JoV.:J"'~- I J 'v.J \ ~ I ~~ ! :n ~'- I ! __1____ .__ _:?CAL. G" .: /.::::;10 ~~~ RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRITING OR CARSON OR TYPING FlOOR PHOTOG~OP'ES MAKES , APHIC AECORO c :~. :'-. -f h ST. BOOK G029 PAC[326 -, " _. ,,",,,:1 ~-~ I ~I"""'" '= . '... _ v -,. l \....) i.... i I i I, I" 'v ; ,("\ 'V I .,' ; "'" ~ (\~ .; , ~...wo 10 ~ir) I, I~ t~ 10' iUl RONAN p..\!'S;\:l. - 50. CHESTNUT ST. !~vi,R PROJEC-l ~ ..,. ~ "-:t' / , -- PARCEL \2 R/W A.:'\~..~, BUZZ IN J - l='Al.':' .." ',.j ,\...'" " FQ 10M 5-72.CLTA Standard (PoI. 75) o o " SCHEDULE A 95.00 Charge $________________________________ POLICY NO. P l88-322 AMOUNT EFFECTIVE DATE ORDER NO. $..} _'-. ~.Q_Q _~._Q ~____ m__.. ~.~.P~_~~~~__.~_~.!.____~_?.7.~_..~~_.._~_;__9..9.__.~.'!_~ . ..~~____~~9.9JL.m_______ GY 108l KC INSURED THE am 1. Title to the estate or interest covered by 2, The estate or interest J>olicy is: This Policy does not of this Schedule: against . loss or shown in Parts I and II 1. Taxes or authority existing the records of any taxing real property y the public records. not shown by the public records but land or by making inquiry of persons 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or which could be ascertained by an in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances whi(;h are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in an~l!.,.en9r()l!.chmeJ)ts.ora.ny other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. SCHEDULE B PART II FQ 15M 5/72 (BK) I""" '-' ..-...., P 188-322 ......,J l. Taxes for the fiscal year 1972-73, a lien, not yet due or payable. AT ~OM Cl.TA 5TANDARD (POl.. 75) 5CHED CC o 188-322 SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this Policy is situated in the County of Santa Clara, City of Gilroy" State of California, and is described as follows: A PORTION OF SUBLOT 21 located in the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, State of California, as said lot is shown upon Map No. 8 accompanying the final report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action 5536, in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of Las Animas Rancho Sublot 27 in the Southerly line of Eight Street; thence running along the Southerly line of Eighth Street North 700 East 80.34 feet; thence at a right angle and parallel with the Northeasterly line of Las Animas Rancho Sublot 27 South 200 East 124.00 feet to a point; thence at a right angle and parallel with the Southerly line of Eight Street South .700 West 80.34 feet to a point in the Northeasterly line of said Sublot 27; thence at a right angle and along said line of sublot 27 North 200 West 124.00 feet to the place of beginning. fy r >i -.i I I ~ .r;.. . . ~ . ~ .;..' .' " -'::.4-' ;.- .... ... '.,1 C" i."" , z ~ ~ :z: . ... ! ~ ~ " ..~. .~ '-,. . .~ .~'~\.".,~ '\ ~~~-~ ~, "Z a: o u. ~. : ~ Jl "'..,j'~ ~r off '( :"" .' "- ~.. ~ , . !;(' ',~ r / ',-" ~ -,... -I- :z ::> "'~ Q. U l.';' .f" " , .' .. " ,.; ., < ... 4: u: 0( .J "u .' il'" ~tt~'~i .- 0( I- .:z 0( III 'lS 31d'tW ex: o .n .n ul VI .n ~ @ '10 'f- 0' -J CO ;) In I t/'I 4 ~ Z <{ '>- ~ 7. :l o V ,.j "I. w. u iA: u. o IS ImUS3HJ '\ '1. .,. ;.- <t r.' .' ./ ~.... "/ -~ ":i, ~ .~ / . .-' "~"""~,. '. < ,~,; r~ fj . ":'~;:. '~l\' / ..n' .-<' ~<',~ ""Q.J'~' ';' .,,,..,./ " ",", . ~ :;>~t;;1~;~'" "~ ~~., .: t, ~ ) ,"'" ~ :. .'. ~f"': "~I',' ~:~;:~\' .1 '~'~~,~f' .:-~t;~~< . <~ k * ';~;~,~~:t.-.\~~~~ . <d''>',,": -'d'H.,,,, ., >,. .t~.:;l"..\;,.,;:.. . , 4~ - ..... ~,~. ~ ~"''''':il .f'. ~~'~1t~if,::~; '.?" ..~,~. 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