Martinez, Josie E. and Mary Lu ,.. SJ-38002; GY-1083/KC AP # 841-12 - 6 R () I t7 ,?, Return to: City of Gilroy 7390 Rosanna st. 1>~. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 4436774 GRANT DEED y~ , a~ f,lk 21. PJ 0 'Sf (r.,.v 't' .~ ....ND MARY LU MARTINEZ JOSIE E. MARTINEZ, et her ..,.,ete property,/grents to the CITY OF GILROY, ~,~nIClpe' corporetlon, e1' that reel property fA the Cfty of Gilroy, County of '~. !ian ta Clara. S tate of eal I forn I., deled bed al: Being a portio~ of that certain parcel of land described in The II0rder Accompanying Interlocutory Judgement of Divorce" for Josie E. Martinez filed for Record in the Office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, California, in Book 6034 at page 496 therein and being further described as follows: Beginning at the norhteast corner of said parcel being on the southerly line of Eighth Street 60 feet wide; thence along the said southerly line of Eighth Street S 700 411 1011 W, 23.00 feet; ,more or less; thence S 350 211 14" E, 83.24 feet to the point of intersection with the easterly line of said parcel; thence along said easterly line N 190 181 50" W, 80.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 920 sq. ft. of land more or less. Dated this 16th dey of , August , 1972. . . . J/~~ ~ ~ {M)n.'1~~ >( ~CVUf~ Y7;"~-ff lit. . IX [ ...........................C~:t::;...:~:.;;:~:~........................... t ss. On this......16.th.........._..day of.........Aug.us.t.........................._... in the year one thousand nine hundred and.....S.e.:v.enty..::-.t.wO............ JOSEPH Fo BIAFORE JR ' before me, ...__.............._......................................_.......).............f................................., a Notary PublIc, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared.......................................... -......-......-...............-..-....---.-..-.........-........-.-............................_.._.-..__._.._...._....._.._..................~........-...__....-................--...................... JOSIE E MARTtNEZ ~....._..._...................._......................_...........-............-..-......-..-..........................................-............-....... ..........................................................--......................-...............................-.......................-........--..-....-....-........................................................................................................~..u known to me to be the person........whose name......:iS...........subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledgedtO.~hat..s...he........e~ecuted the same. IN WITNESS rHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand andzffi~cd y official seal in th~...~!..:..........:............ .:::....County. of.~.....~." ....,. .a...........?'._....... ......the day and year fn IS cert} rst above w,,- . /rz "-"-._. -, '" -'.-':;.- ~ / ~. Z;;; t~,,~~---g;FT '"--=----~, Cowdery', Form No. 34-(Acknowledgment-General) (C. C. See. 1189) My Commission E~Pires........4.!.f.4l.?.......___................n. PRINT"O 6/26/64 42.0786 . BOO<< 0205 ~ 220 STATE OF CALIFORNIA., } . . SANTA CLARA SS. ............................c ounty of __..................................................................... On this.........12.t.h..................day of.............p..e.Q.~JllP.~.r.................................in the year one thousand nine hundred and............~.g.Y.~.n.t.y..:::.t.W.Q..............___..............................before me, .............J.OSEP.H...F.......B.IAE.QRE.,.....J.R.................................................., a Notary Publi~, State of California, dul)' commissioned and sworn, personally appeared............................................ ........................MA.RY.....LU....MART.IN.EZ.__........................._...._.................................._.........._........... known to me to be the person........whose name........iS.........subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that.S.....he........e~ecuted the same. IN WITNES!:l EREOF I have hereunto set my hand and ~ffi~ed my official seal :~:~~~E~' ;~~~~i~J;;~~;::_:~~: V No y Public, tate of California. My Commission ExPires...........Lf.4..!..??............................/- Cowdery's Form No. 34-(Acknowledgment-General) (C. C. Sec. 1189) PRINTED 11/23/65 81.0322 .' Ai, .. ... eoo<<0205 ~l2!1 . I ,.' tf CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TQ THE CITY OF GilROY BY JOSIE E. MARTINEZ AND MARY LU ~RTINEZ I. the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara. State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by JOSIE E. MARTINEZ AND MARY LV MARTIN~~ of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 16th day of AUGUST . 19~. and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of AUGUST "---_/ ed O. Wood City Administrator of the City of Gilroy. 4436774 ~P~Q~t~'219 ~ ' ACT'G. ~{6;l)f'd at 'roe 'reQuest of 1 . LAWYERS TITLE ,NSUPA ~ICf CORP. olciA~hYFl~73 &jOOAM OUNrt Cl~K' -&~ ~COR~ Slntl CIa C - ra ounty, Officia' Record~ ,A If- . ?X' //, ~ . . .-.....--<.-">. - .. 8bo<<020Stf 22f I - . . . ../ ~ .. ~'73. " ~. ~ , \....~ n :> I.Jt ........ . ~ ~jc (Jl w -.Jj ~.. o. . ~ . ~'~l~~ \() !:) . ,- 0- ?J.. ...~~ N O~ ~_16"-,' _~~'U -. .I~' e;i ?;I\ Vi I <>> ,. :'0 ' 'l ~ 0 I 'I . . . pl . 1'1 ,,.,'J'1.7(J .. I , I "0_ ""48.50 j. A~15 $*0 +t (J -,,' o.O'2+~".,e. .00' 149.77' I I OJ: 01 :.. I 0,1 ,00 '-e~1 xxvii LOT SUB \ - t' · .. " . 0\ - o ... )> :0 ..of'll ru)::o o 'II 0 ~} ., ~l ~ ::s:: IT! I ! , . 12.~.36 ' ~ c.; ;0 ~~ - ........ rn)> () fT1 ..'0 (J) 5: ==i > 0 ::D -! Z z: m N J I (j) 0: r .. '\ 1 r-.70 :cO \J ~Z' ;:0 -!"P- O zZ ~C \0 -{~ ~ ~< , . m - :;;: &' ::0-"'" _)> :0 0;0 00 /'T1~ r-'"' .I tffl I . !' - o '" lJl 1\), I I . (.()O,,J~ ' I I i I I i i ' ~ ,\) I ; "'-.I' , i.~,1 , . v' -L _'-' CHCSTNvT I 'sT/lE.fi" T i , I n t I I I I r"1 I (j') I :c --l :r: (J'\ I :-i I I I I I I I I I ~ : I , , .___---~..j _._. I FQ 10M 5.72 CLTA Standard (Pol. 75) SCHEDULE A " Charge $ __ __ ~.~.~. 9.9. __ __. no no __.. POLICY NO. P 189-690 AMOUNT EFFECTIVE DATE ORDER NO. $.. ..~.I.?Q.Q .~..Q.9.. ....... .., ...~~~~.~.~..__?~..LJ.~.?.~...~E:__.~..~.9..9....~.!.!!!.~. G 1 Q.~.~/~9....:....?'.-!'}.~.Q 0 2 2. The estate or interest Policy is: This Policy does not of this Schedule: against loss or shown in Parts I and II PART 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown existing the'~rds of any taxing authority that levies taxes,ol"l'lssessme]).tsQn real property thepub~ic records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims whishl'lre not shown by. tPe,P records but which could be ascertained by an inspectionof!!llid land or by making' of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances whi!;h are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in ar~a, ~ngf()achmeIl.ts.,or'any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and whichareinotshovvn. by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservation.s or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. SCHEDULE B PART II .5M 9/72 (BK) P 189-690 FREE AND CLEAR OF ENCUHBRANCES AT 10M CLTA STANDARD (POL, 75) 5CHED C P 189-690 SCHEDULE C Santa Clara, City of Gilroy The land referred to in this Policy is situated in the County of , State of California, and is described as follows: Being a portion of that certain parcel of land described in The 1I0rder Accompanying Interlocutory Judgement of Divorce" for Josie E. Martinez filed for Record in the Office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County" California, in Book 6034 at page 496 therein and being further described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said.. p9-Z'celbeing on the southerly line of Eighth Street 60 feet widej>the:l',l.ce.. along the said Southerly line of EighthStreet South 70041'10" ~vest 23.00 feet, more or less; thence South 35021'14" East 83.24 feet to the point of intersection with the eas'l;~:rly line of said parcel; thence along said easterly lineNQE-1:,h.19Ci118'50Htvest 80.00 feet to the point of beginning pndcontaining920 sq. ft. of land, more or less. kb , :. -- - ~.~ -- - * z @ 0:: I 0 I I.L ~'" .1 " \ .J '" 4: ;J. U ~ N ill In ! W . a: ~I ~ u. tJ1 0 <t 7. a:. o 1..1. :J 0( u r .... Z :l o u <t ~ c( J U <t .... Z <( III a: o oil oil uJ \II \II <t ,>-. I- Z ::l o U ....... "-to ~cD u. o 11/' U LA: u. o OSI ~I ... :!. 4: l- UI 'f~" ~\ L .n 'm cr' ~ iii '0 m ~ ~\ ui :J '" "!; "1..( . 1-1) '0-, cot lS @ ~C"J c(_ Cl. '!i 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ E ~ ~ 8l.fJ~ ." 11 8 "~ I ~ : .~ · i .. " .. ! 'tl i ~.. z o(~E~l ~s l~c. ~i -1IJ:~o "!:~ "'.Dc ~, .ll ! .. ~ S ..J ~ j~l.:~ t;:j fEfl~ ~L3 ~e 1; ~ ! j r~ ::;'~: t ~~....!! '1~-'i~1 'Jit II. I '1.." J '\ l~ lS\f3 "lS 31d\fW @ lfl 'f- a -' to :J III I l/'l 4 ~ Z <! \J'I 4: -' 15 lntH53H) It / ~ ~ .~I&t,. ~ . ~~ / _ 1 >:!!' 1'/--_~ 't~" III ~ / ~ I') l- _.1' ,~ . ~ ~ ~ o ...J z ...... Q. ~I It; " r. ':l _ >OJ"I ~ ~I ~~ __.22..0.1 ~ I" .~ ~I ,(" i" ~ O'll I- w ill IT ~ If) ~ '" l1'l '1" .. '" ." ., ~I ..,. ~ ~\ OL'\SI ~ ~ ~t VI .. r.l ,," 1.'." ," IQI ~I ... ~ '" ~ I ~ "'"\ 1- I - - - ~ ~A ~I - UJ ~I ~. ( j .(0 '" 0 ... C'\II l." u c! IH~ 11'1 - ~ (,sll!::- ~ -'-- _ ~L oc. -E;~'oLf.. . '. ITl q '<t ~, ~ w Z \J ~ ~ ('.I C> 00' i:>'!'.:ilto \-; w z ~\ ~ u ... ~ ~ B ('\I rt.,u ~b a: r...J .....- _Cl o IL....:....-___ ---e,., % 1.\i ~I ~ ~ en ci l;; . ::::\ " <( m + !:: ~ ~ ~I ~ C'I r' ~ ~ .~ -- - -.l.53ti03 Cl.' .(' .* @ I t- Z Z J. .J 1 ~ ~ III I ~ i . ~ 10 10 T ~ ~ '" Ql .. ~I ~~ '" Ql " "- Ill.. ,. ).. ...J .. ti3QNV'X3l'1 .1 .'\." ,