Pan-Tempo Properties ..,. RECORDING REQUESTED BY 037 ~ H116r>!G:G73 7505870 , UN~NSURED/ACCOMODATION GY 82-3-2 LAWYERS TITL~ INSURANCE CORPORAT '11 and' when recorded mail this deed and, unless otherwise shown below, mail tax statements, to: ON Name -, o ""..!e{.l.:l>t the r"nl'o~} nf p eeUI \!:0 {j, t,',,~~)v,~~, ~, LaV.').LierS Tltl~? .lrlt.'t/t({ ne0 Corp., ,.,' h.. :01'... _~.~ Street Address I City of Gilroy Attn: Sal 7390 Rosanna Street L- Gilroy, CA. 95020 REC FEE MICRO LIEN NOT SMPF r' 0\' ~, , 2 1nrl') ~ ,jeJ(. 8:00AM City & State .-J ...['....l"\r'~ j, !',n, ,0,: C,l l;")(',,,\'.jer tjcl..Jn.\-::t t'\~ Jd,h;l~ih, ,n,tdAI,~ So'IlIll (h~ ("'Ill". Oir,(lai Records VE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE RIG CORPORATION Order No. ............... ..................... GRANT DEED THIS FORM WAS PROCURED FROM LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATI(JN Escrow No. ........................ Trf. Tax $ .................. ( ) Full Value ( ) Equity FOR A V ALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, PAN TEMPO PROPERTIES INC., as to an undivided 75% CHARLES SCOTTO, as to an undivided 25% interest California . lC4~"".,e 5"(lJ I ro lnterestj and !Jt..jCJ<"I.'WI j As a corporation organized under the laws of the state of hereby GRANTS to THE CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara City of Gilroy , State of California; r;: ~I~ SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION - - - o Z OJ a: <( -L '" In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by its thereunto duly authorized. ~ ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On before me, the under- signed a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared , know n to me to be the , and known to me to be of the Corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corpora- tion executed the within Instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITN ESS my hand and official se~i1 !-SS. March 2, 1982 Dated: PAN TEMPO PROPERTIES INC. a California Corporation By ~~(fl.?~ II BY~6k'~ CHARLES SCOTTO .. Signature WITNESSED BY...l~Jl\'~ a. Name (Typed or Printed) (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE. I STATB OP CAUPORNIA _......_...._..___._CDlMly of~~- CIa r a 0,. this 13 t P. tbt,yof Ma y __~.a..m.gJ.i'!.._.J 0. M 0 r rOW ! IS. H 116 ;).~G: 6.74 .._____.." 1M year one thousand nine hundred and.....~.;!...&h.ty...J~..N.Q....._...., before me ,a Nolary Public. Stale of Cal.foNlta, duly commisJioMtl aM IWom, persottally appeared .....J..9...h n ..lL.!._J!.9_1JJi!L~~1........-._.-.-...-.-..-..-...._-...-.....-_.-............................. knoum to me to be the persOfL.....whose rwmt_._.._U.___..rubscribttl 10 the with." .",,",,,.,,,, as_...._.wil",ss__Ilstreto, who, bti"g by me duly IWom....__.._....___..........._...__.._.._._. deposed tJfId said: thal_hsL.._..reside__.i;...__...__.__...._._..............__.._......__...County of ..?.?..!L~_?...J1.11!r.~L...---_.--.._-_--._., Stale of ___..G.alif.o..J:.n..i.a...._...--........-, thal-,-..J:t~__.w_~iL#tsml aM saw...__.li.a.r_Q.l.d__J.af.f.e.....k.uQlA1..n....:t.a..-.h.i.m.- ... ~ '" ~ ~ ~ "'. ^ ~ ~ "Iil, _.S<?..._~-.!...h~~c;..1!..t :i.y.~_.Y.i~..1U'.~.s.i.d..e.n.t._Q...tJ_p.).IL.:r..~.ml?Q... In c . r (/,ersortally kflOWft to_]:1 i ID..._.to be tM persOfJ--llescribttl .,., aM who exeCNtttl tM said Tl1ithin i",trwmml as parl......Y...._therelo), .rig", stol, and delit'er Ihe same; thaI the said .M2_I_o 1 Q_...J.i!.t.f.~.____..................__......._....._............._.-............-.......--.---......................... ........._...._.................._...._...._.._...._......._.._...._____.__...tluly aeknuwletlgttl iff the prellflCe of said af/itmt........, lhal.._h e...._....execlllttl Ihe same and that_h.e.__..__, Ihe said affianl_., thereupoll, cmd al the request of said_liaI..a..l.d.....J.af.f.e--..--...-...-.....-----..---...... ......._......_..___........__....., subscrWed__hi.,S__.name......as..-_..witnell-....-.thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the............_____._..COtmty of...._S..a.U.t.a._C.la.r:.a._.........._....lhe day and year in this certificate first abooe wnttm. , '~-----. This document is only a general form which may be proper for use in simple transactions and in no way actl. or is ontended to ~ cl J? act. .. a .ubltituto fo, the """'oa of an .tto,ney. Th. publish., doe. not ma'..ny w.nan,y. ."h., "p'." 0' ompliad. .. to the ,..., " ~ tI (/ valKlity of any provision or the suitabilitv of these forms in any specific transaction. COW~~ lorea~~'l9\~ M~~:ti9m-)' (FEB. 80) ;. ... ....._...._...._.............n....~~;;.;~~; S;~:.:;.~~:i:;:i~ My Commission txpires._.._~~~..:..J._..!.m._~..?~_~....._...m. Pamela Jo Morrow NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Commission Expires Nov. 12, 1983 "" '. HI1G;J~D:675 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK On this 21st day of June, in the year of 1982 a resident personally CARMINE SCOTTO, Also Kn~n As CHARLES SCOTTO, of the County of New York, State of New York, appeared before me ~ also known as ~.~~ ". ~ fIa'/lnv,; In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my stamp and signature as of the date shown above. (5~(): )t~ aESS o. Wt::iN:;>t t:..IN .>tal y i'UOhC ~tate ot New YOf1( Ito. ~-4~10090 Qualified in B,ronx Co. !)n)misSlOIi bDH~S March 30. 1:1&~ .~ .... . ... '. EXHIBIT "A" H116i).~G:676 All that certain real property lying within the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California, described nS follows: Being a portion of Lots 2 & 3 Block 9, as shown on that certain ~'ap entitled "Map of North Gilroy Tract", which was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on October 3, 1927 in Soak "W' Of Haps at Page(s) 14 & 15; being a parcel of land for dedica~ion to the . 'Citv at Gilroy for street and roadway purposes, beln~ more partl- cul~rly described as follows: PARCEL "A" - R/W DEDICATION BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the easterly boundary of ~ren Avenue (40' wide) and the northerly boundary of Ronan Avenue; (40' wide), thence alonq the easterly bounctarv of Wren Avenue N 10 25' 00" W, 50.00 feet to a point; the~ce departing sai~ easterly boundary of Wren Avenue N 880 35' 00" E, 23.00 feet to a point; thence along a line parallel to said easterly boundary of Wren Avenue and 23.00 feet distant therefrom S 10 25' 00" E 20.00 feet to the beqinning of a tangent curve; thence along the arc of a circular curve to the lef~ having a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 90~ 00' 00" for an arc distance of 31.42 feet to a point of non-tangency; thence S I? 25' 00" E 10.00 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Ronan Avenue; thence along said northerly boundary of Ronan Avenue S 380 35' 00" W, 43.00 feet to the POI~T OF SSGINNI~G. Said Parcel of Land containing: 1416 Sq.2t. ~ore or Less PARCEL "B" - R/W DEDICATION BEGINNING at a point on the northerly boundary of Ronan Avenue at the point of intersection with the common line of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of said "Map of North Gilroy Tract"; thence along said northerly boundary of Ronan Avenue (40' wide) S 880 35' 00" W 105.00 feet to a point; thence departing said northerly boundary of Ronan Avenue N 10 25' 00" W 10.00 feet to a point; thence along a line parallel to said northerly boundary of Ronan Avenue and 10.00 feet distant therefrom N 880 35' 00" E 105.00 feet to a point; thence S 10 25' 00" E 10.00 to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel of land containing: 1050 Sq. Ft. More or Less . , H 1.16 ;'!I;i 677 .. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY PAN TEMPO PROPERTIES INC., A CALIF. CORPORATION I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Pan Tempo Prooerties Inc.. A Calif. Corp. described in the attached conveyance dated the 2nd of the premises da y of t1arch , 19B~, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of Julv the City of Gilroy.