Santa Clara County Tax Collector (2) ?165P,;::;-TI e7, .-" . ry; -(\O-n'-~r,' ,..,' \_f,/_......' ,/ 7.08-1 C Be t WQfll i: r~ ~~~:'~~:u~_~:~~':~~~S3~~:y ,~t.~i::::,~~cf,?'re~"~~Clm. 19u9~. ~ . between uuuu...u.uu.....u....,...EDWAfW...N.......GL.AESEB.,... ..DIHEC.:r.OR.uDF...F..INAN.G.E....u...u.........u...u......................................., Tax Collector of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, first party, and .......QJT.X...9.t'....QJJ.!R9.X................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::....::.:.::...::.:..:.:::.u::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::3:~:~:~~~:~:::.~J ~ rn 00 N o o of the County of...e.A!:J.T.A....Q1ARA..m.m' State of.gA~).E.QBNJA.......m....' second parLY.........., witnesseth: ~... o w That Whereas, the real property hereinafter described was duly sold and conveyed to the State of California for non-payment of taxes which had been legally levied and were a lien upon said property; And Whereas, the State of California, acting through said first party, did offer said property hereinafter de- cribed for sale and has sold same at public auction to the highest bidder, at which sale second part;{..m...... became the purchaser...... of the whole thereof for the sum oL...~.h.r..e.e...~ho.u-3.a.nd...Ei.g.n.t....se.J.T.e.n...a.n.d...E-ight.y........... .:t.hr..~.~....g.f?.Q.:t.S!................................................dol1ars inclusive of advertising and recording costs; And Whereas,* ................................m..............m...11Q.... taxing agenc..Y........ objected to the sale: Now, Therefore, in accordance with law the first party hereby grants to the second parLY..........:......................., ............................................................................................................... that certai n real property herein before referred to, and situated in the County of.....S.A.N:r.A...QJ...AB.A......................................., State of California, described as follows: City of Gilroy :)~53388 2-000 803-09-045 more particularly described as: Beg NE Church St. 151.85 Ft. SE of 7th st. th SE 63.75 Ft. X NE 140 Ft. part of Lot 9, Blk 2S R2W BOOK 8200 P,\CE 103 Reeertled at the r.~uest of TItI. IISIUalce al~ Trust ~an, JUl 231968 Q. _ ~M GEORGE E. FOWLE~ Recorder, \ Santa Clare County, Offici.1 Records: '..."....1 T I L lL~.... .............................'11...-;.1' NQ lAX DJlE< NO FEE In Witness Whereof said first party has hereunto seL...e.~Hhand the day and year first above written. ~~~~~~~.~.0~~~~~~~e.R2-I~~~:L.::....... Tax Collector of the County of........m~~!!~.~...~~I.'!-.~~L................State of California. Connty OL~;:'~::__~::~:_______m______! ss_ (Space below for Recorder's use only) On ....... ...m...J .\.Hl~ __ .ll:t. 0................ ............................. ....... 19... .6.8., before me, ....... ....9: E! Q.B.GJ~... E. t....E Q.W. L.E.S __"",""'" --.. --... .................. ......, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of....SANTA...G.1.ARA....................., personaIl y appeared ...........EP.JOCABJ2....N.,....0:LAES.E.R...... ..__........... ....n, known to me to be the Tax Collector of said County and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and........ acknowl- edged to me that ........he executed the same as such Tax Collector. __ ~ORs~~\,..~. /.. ~-g. ,...... . O~.,!.. ~IV..' ". f: ~. . Ie .' _.' _ .'.',; r; ( ."'. ~i~. ~~~ f ----C;;~~~~~~~~;~i{~~~;~~d.~~~~ffi~i~-ci;;k--- . ~:{ ...~ :~~.~t:..'l *. .} ; ~.~.;; .. ' . ",.. , ,~, \'4:.'.g..' '.'J ~ ofthe said Supenor Court. " \of.'....... ill.';if .. ~ : '\\ C\ ^' . '~". .,~ . ~/ ~f : B y _.........._.~_~..~.L......1..J..1.&:)I.~............Deputy \t'tf;;;; .f!. . . . ~,"O .~/' . *If no taxing .agency objected to the sale .insert here the word "no" and comp~~1t>n1 ~~g;nc3'; and if any !axing agency objected to the sale msert the words "the followmg", complete the word "agency" or i~l.d'" 'and.get forth followmg the word "sale:" the full name of each agency which objected thereto. ...--- Form C235-Deed, Tax Collector. Controllers' Form No, 22B. (Rev. and Tax. Code, Secs. 3708-3710) (~17195 - '.. " .. ... BOOK 8200 P,~GE 104 .. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY County of Santa Clara, State of California Edward Glaeser, Director of Finance Tax Collector of the County of Santa Clara I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said i City the conveyance to the City of G il roy by County of San ta Clara of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 11 th day of June 1968 ,and , that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of , 19 68 . .~...~(6)~ ~fed o. Wood 4:/ /~CityAdmlnlstrator of the City of Gilroy. June .r- ____.. \, '. HOUSTON I. FLOURNOY CONTR'OLLER ~~/~ (!Tlllttroll~r of t4~ ~htte of (!Tal Honda DIVISION OF TAX DEEDED LAND SACRAMENTO May 10, 1968 Mrs. Susanne E. Steinmetz City Clerk P. O. Box 66 Gilroy, California 95020 Dear Madam: Enclosed is a copy of an agreement between the Board of Supervisors and the City of Gilroy dated April 8th, and approved by the State Controller on the 10th May 1968 19 68 day of The Tax Collector of SANTA CLARA County has been authorized and directed to give notice of the agreement as provided by law. Very truly yours, HOUSTON I. FLOURNOY, STATE CONTROLLER -~ By C~~?~Clf) (Miss) Frankie Meixner, Chief Division of Tax Deeded Land FM:ap Enclosure ." .. .. '- AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE TAX DEEDED LAND APR 8 196B THIS AGREE1'1ENT made on the day of 1968, by and between the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and the City of Gilroy pursuant to the provisions of Division 1, Part 6, Chapter 8, of the Revenue and Taxation Code. WIT N E SSE T H WHEREAS, the real property situated within the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, herein- after set forth in Exhibit "A", attached to and made a part hereof, has been de~ded to the State of California for the non-payment of delinquent taxes; and WHEREAS, such deed to the State for taxes includes taxes levied by the City of Gilroy, the taxes of which on the property are collected by the County Officers; NOW, THEREPORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. That as provided by Section 3800 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the cost of giving notice of this Agreement shall be paid by the City of Gilroy. 2. That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara, agrees to sell to said City of Gilroy, and said City of Gilroy agrees to purchase from said County the parcel of property hereinafter set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which shall not have been re- deemed as provided in the Revenue and Taxation Code, upon payment by said District to the Tax Collector of said County the sum set forth in said Exhibit after the descr"iption of the property and designated "Purchase Price", within (10) days after this Agreement becomes effective. - 1 - J' ... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their respective names to be hereunto subscribed and their respective seals to be hereto affixed by their respective Officers thereunto duly authorized. ATTEST: BO~~D OF SUPERVISORS OF THE &,o...Jd., j;,\ 0c:,p COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Cler~U~;";~:O~~ard of BY ,~__________ Donc.Jd M. Rc.lnS hairrnan A~SiS'f~G~t;;~~sors [" /> /J ~ ..J--.' BCCi:Ci 0 .;u. UJ ~" &'- ,.~ C/&l,t::-. Ik--<.--"-L..it (' ATTEST: ?kJL 40A0~ · CITY CLERK I' By Deputy This Agreement was submitted to me before execution by the Board of Supervisors, and I have compared the same with the records of the County of Santa Clara relating to the real property described therein. EDWARD N. GLAES3R DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TAX COLLEc'rOR APPROvED this ~Oth day of May 1968 HOUSTON I. FLOURNOY, STATE CONTROLLER 1 By .:.J,::\ i'~,v'l ji~...~ 7) L"-~r\-(.\..- Chie?;'-Division of Tax Deeded Land - 2 - .....--'" , EXHIBIT HAlf Descrlntion city of Gilroy 2-000 803-09-045 more particularly described as Beg NE Church st 151.85 Ft SE of 7th st th SE 63.75 Ft X }~ 140 Fe Part of Lot 9 B1k 23 R2\v - 3 - FIRST YEAR SALE DELINQUENT NO. 1960-61 25677 .. . PURCHASE PRICE $3,050