Stelling, John H. and Inez E. (2) 3 .- r-1 n I) r""' .1 ;)4v~'_ .. RECORDING REQUESTED BY '" )!.'~4.'l; ?(Z,:M:5Z1n--Z::-/ Str..t /~)~ . 73 c " C; c, . Addr... ~. ., 9 yt) City & L.~;' JIl '! J .t;L.d,4"i4tct.a 50 - Stat. t.....C/,' bl' fA... . ,Tv .-J I 8 A --5 . """.f BOCK lf~ f'G 1.14 FILED FOR RECORD ATREQUE8T.~. ~ . -r_ ~ 1 ....~ MAR 5 I 26 PH t69 C:P C) c) AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO c...c ~;:.'" C)1 Ul tf OFFIOIAL RECORDS SANTA CLARA COUN1Y GEORGE E. FOWLES RECORDER SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE r.-, -J ........ ~ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I I Nome Street Address City & State L_ I --' Grant Deed I NO TAX DUE AFFIX I.R.S. $u.mm....u...u...u..uPuu. ABOVE TO 405 C (8.67) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JOHN HENRY STELLUJG !~]'m IIJEZ E. STELLING, HIS'tIIFE hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION the following described real property in the County of S~nta CIs ra , State of California: BEING a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 16 as ~hown on Hap No. 7 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being more particularly descriped as follows: "BEGINNING at an angle point in the centerline of Miller Avenue where tbe width changes from 80 feet to 60 feet (as shown on the ~~p of Tract No. 4441, which map is filed for record in Book 237 of Maps at page 14, Santa Clara County Records, and running thence along the southerly prolongation of said centerline S. 0046'30"~v. 38.05 feet; thence parallel with tbe centerline of Miller Avenue S.87046'30'~. 435;72 feet; thence N.1202l'W. 38.60 feet to an angle point in the centerline of Miller Avenue; thence along said centerline N.87046'30"E. 444.50 feet to the point of beginning". .. RESERVING THEHEF'ROM a non-exclusive Ea.sement for ingress and egress and for the jnst81lation and maintenance of all public utilities, gas and water pipelines, underground cables, wires, conduits, telephone lines, sewer lines, etc. until such time as the above described property is dedicated for acceptance by a proper governmental agency having juri sdiction over the above described property, at Hhjch time the Easement reserved herein is to immediately terminateo a Said Easement is to be appurtenant to the rematning lands of the Grantors ~nd any further djvisions thereofa Dated .~~_~uIL 9th 1968 }SS. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OL_. ::;anta CJ 8 r~ On _.___~ otll 1968 before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared _.___ ,TOlIN }.ili~N'RY S'rr~T.T,nm A ['om 11'-:11':7. _._____ F: . srrRT,T,T NG , known to me to be the person-S.__whose nameS---a.J;'.e. subscribed to the within ~,~~:;,;~,"y~d h:'k"::~e::e,~I~,:7~ _:~~~e,,"':'OO Ih, "ill/,e. "O"--~omm~~~A~;;;~ Name (Typed or Printed) Title Order No.. BOCK 8455 it 715 "II un IU II II I 1I1i11i uu n 11111111111111111111111111111. ~ - i @~:~' JOSEPH F. BIAFORE, JR. :: :: ;'~.,; . ,,- NOTARY PU13L.IC - CALIFORNIA 5 : . " , PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN : :: '-,. SANTA CI.AIV\ COUNTY :: ialllU 1111111111111111111 UIIIII II II llillllllllllllllll IIi (This area for offidal notarial seal) MAil TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE Escrow or Loan No. I~_D'< g~~"S PIII)l' 7/ ..r- A CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY JOHN HENRY STELLING AND INF7 E. STELLING, HIS WIFE I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Rec~rder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by John Henry Stell ing and Inez E. Stell ing, his wife of the premises described in the attached conveyance 9th day of July 1968 , and that the said dated the City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance subject to the following conditions. 1) Should any property owner, along the northerly frontage of Miller Avenue within the limits of this deed, request that the City abandon the extra width of Miller Avenue (above a 60 foot width); the City agrees that if the strip is abandoned, it will not exceed a width in excess of three (3) feet. 2) The City agrees that if the northerly side of Miller Avenue is improved westerly from the improvements of Creekside West, Tract No. 4441, the new street section, with regard to width, will be the same as that of Creekside West, Tract No. 4441. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 23rd day of July , 19~. .__.,.~ .~ ;''lo<, .