Stubnitz Green Corporation 4 .. 340999- WTG Appl,catlon No......................... J;( !'tJ' C!torporation ~rant 1!lttb 3Jnbtbibual STUBNITZ GREENE CORPORATION, 1 t'!{)~~'~)[8' c3 .1. , U tJ. f.J t a Michigan ~corporation, does hereby GRANT TO the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation in ~he County of Santa Clara, State of Cal fornia the rea property situate in the City of Gilroy, RC:CG";:..d at liIIe r~U~-lIt c;J e-;" _tt1. ,1 f? wt'sk'rn c,;the .iru(Jl'tlqqt;~r ''f' MAR 17 1960 Le. ~~' He 3 (~z>:.:,.-':;/r C;f-::,. 0' -::::;...:~ I'~'~ _-_-~ '....ii-.t.','<)..,..l;.. ~ >-',' ~,... .~:\/~~.~.~.~~<io\)t,)~...U'O~.h'........_.....,...,..'IP.;';-", ' County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: 10 ,H \ Above space for Recorder Being a portion of Sub Lot 6a in the City of Gilroy as shown on Map No. 8 accompanying the report of the referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being more particularly described as follo~: Beginning at an iron pipe at the intersection of the northeasterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company right of way with the southeasterly line of Casey Street as'sho~~ on said map and ~unning - thence along the_ southeasterly line of Casey Street N. 630 141 30tl E. 539.67 feet to an iron pipe at the intersection thereof with the southwesterly line of Swanston Lane as shown on Map entitled !'Record of Survey of Gilroy Gymkana Grounds," which map is recorded in Book 86 of Maps at page 48, Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the southwesterly line of Swanston Lane S. 260 151 E. 327.41 feet; then e parallel with the southeasterly line of Casey Street S. 630 1~1 3D" w. 524.67 feet to a point in the northeasterly line of the said Southern Pacific Railroad Company right of way; thence along said northeasterly line of said right of way N. 280 521 3D" W. 327.62 feet to the point of beginning; and containing four acres, more or less. } " ; I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has-caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to, be. execu,t~d by its duly authorized officers, this - 6 t b day of July , 1959 ':., ',~~'\ ~"~"""'~ .~'J:'lJ~J:,II'J:'~ ..<3~:E:~~.v.c;q~Q.~~g~..............:._...=.......... <I' "" It" -' l' - '. f' ". ..!~7"'- -,' :iilf: /. / u 1/ ..~. ::;;. ,;. ---, 1.4'/ ~.~ ' By / !,. . vv ,'- ..." .'. /J~;/;;; \:~t~:::.,.:.... ..... "'Pf~~i~;~t' H} (,/f(./'{%2~. ..:';.:.:...... . '.j ,.).'.., , ."'"" ", ,i"., 'I t,',), OJ,,:,,'; ,~,-"" tetaty '," ,', ~ ,:':.;. :~L. . MICHIGAN STATE O~RMX I COUNTY Of,~~A I SS, On this 6 t h day of JI\nfM1 J u 1 Y ,1959, before me L. J. Albro. a Notary Public in and for said Counry and State personally appeared Ma ur ice Stubni tz known to me to be the Presidenr and R. B. CrC\'\Te :"', known to me to be the Secretary of the corporation that executed the withill., a~'foce~ing 'ins'ttu- ' mem, and also known [0 me [0 be the persons who executed the within In srrum~fy;e corporation therein mt? !'nd-\cknowledged [(l me that such corporation executed the ~ame c/--- .. - -... .... . .. L. J. Albro .. "" t..' . San Jose Abstract & Title'lnsurance Co. 0( Z . OIL :f::i 0(, 0( a:U I- . 0(0 Z~ 00( ~ 0 iii ' _..J >!: :f 0( 0(..J 0(0. 0( :t ~U 0. . a:W G ::J ~ :f> .>- IIlZ oZ I-u: 0l::J 1Il_ I'llll 1Il..J III 0( wU Z . -W III III ::JO III, "'Z -0( ~1Il cu '; i= = .... , CU - en CU :. ...: III o!: Z..J 0< UU III . III III :till 1-0 a:' OZ Z < o III " >- = ~ =- E Q ~ I >- - = ~ .... ~ = :tc,::, I- - -= i:l = Q ~ '" t- cu :S :~ ~ ~ '" = <: en = '''.~ \ ,~..-. . = ~ Coo") - u ~ .... - en -= CC cu en Q - cu '; i= oat >- = ~ =- E Q ~ .cu u = ~ .... = en .5 .- ~ (--j H r-f ..-I o CIS ..-I f o IH ..-I r-f ~ o .pl 0): 0): H: .p: O)~ s::i ..-I: .p: H: ~j 0: 1\ r s::~ 0: (Xl: s::: ~ 0: 1-;): .' tIl: >i 0): s::: 'C1: ~ tIl: . c:: o 1IJ Z .J:: .. ~ 1IJ '" .... o Q o ..-1 .j.J ro H o P-t H o \ U 1IJ '" ..s 1IJ P.. '" 1IJ '" .. o U 1IJ .. - .; e '" :.s s '" 1IJ 1IJ '" ~ H U I o I ~ p::; H H tJ rr.. o .. r-l ro ~ u ..-\ Q ~ S ro .; Q o ..-l .j.J C! o fr o U Q ro lJl ..-\ ..c U ..-l ~ ro z o H ~ o A4 p::; o u ~ z ~ ~ tJ ~ E-l H ~ P E-l tI) >-l <: ~ o :> ...... o z ...... := Q ~- ........ ~ ;. Q ........ Ro<:= ;. ~ Q ;. ~~