Target Corporation e e RECORDING REQUESTED BY ~..- CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY TARGET CORPORATION, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION 1000 Nicollet Mall, TPN-121 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Attn: John Dewes , . :/1: ' ~,f.z,. l1V,-:)J I ",- ~ ~O '3.. ,.,'. :'. J;ClJ~:J'iJf~,1::J.("Q J:{.......' .'" .. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY QUITCLAIM DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR DECLARES DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS TO BE PAID BY GRANTEE. FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, RECEIPT OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, The City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation HEREBY GRANTS TO TARGET CORPORATION, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION ALL THAT REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF GILROY, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED ON "EXHIBIT A" ATTACHED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWlNG: GRANTOR RESERVES A PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT (P.S.E.) ON, OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ON THE ATTACHED "EXHIBIT A". DATED: August 4, 2003 - '- ity Administrator J STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) TITLE OF DOCUMENT: Quitclaim Deed The City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation grants to Target Corporation, a Minnesota Corporation On August 5, 2003, before me, Rhonda Pellin, Notary Public, personally appeared Jay Baksa personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I~--- ~--- J~ ~j~= I .1 SmdllCI8ra Countr - _ _ _ ~~_~~1~~1 \.WITNESSmYhand~.dd.) . seal. ~~, Signature of Notary Public per GC Sec. 40814; CC Sec. 1181 (Notary Seal) e e EXHIBIT 'A' ) PORTION OF BREM LANE BElNG RELlNQUISHED TO TARGET ALL THAT REAL PROPERTY situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California and being a portion of that certain public road right of way adjacent to State Highway Route 101, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNlNG at a point on the East line of State Highway Route 101, from which point a 1" iron pin marking the Southerly termination ofthat certain course labeled as "North 030 53' 57" East, 819.94 feet on that certain "California State Highway Monument Map 4- SCL-I01-P.M.5.8 S-169.3" bears South 030 53' 52" West, 24.77 feet; thence from said point of beginning following the East line of said state highway right of way and the West line of the frontage Toad known as Brem Lane, the following two (2) courses and distances: 1.) North 030 53' 52" East, 795.18 feet. 2.) Along the arc of a 438.00 foot radius curve concave to the East, through a central angle of 020 42' 56", the chord of which bears North 05015' 20" East, 20.76 feet. Thence leaving the West line of Brem Lane, South 890 09' 07" East, 46.26 feet to a point on the East line of Brem Lane and the Northwest comer of Lot 1 as shown on that certain map filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County on July 8, 2003 in Book 762 of Maps, Pages 20-25, thence along the West line of said Lot 1 and the East line ofBrem lane the following four (4) courses and distances: 1.) Along the arc of a non-tangent 392.00 foot radius curve, concave to the East, a radial bearing in of South 82042'28" East, through a central angle of 03022' 58", an arc length of23.14 feet, the chord of which bears South 05036' 03" West, 23.14 feet. 2.) South 03053' 52" West, 729.33 feet. 3.) South 860 06' 08" East, 14.00 feet. 4.) Along the arc of a non-tangent 40.00 foot radius curve, concave to the East, a radial bearing in of South 86006'08" East, through a central angle of 390 38' 36", an arc length of27.68 feet, the chord of which bears South 15055' 26" East, 27.13 feet; Said property contains 0.8364 acres of36,435 square feet. ~ . c c - II .... . . " ~~'....... o z Z z (; w m LL o !z (5 ll.. ~ EXHIBIT IBI 'I', V <r{O~23~ .- =:;::n1,;;;;jo22'58.~~~O;;;392 .00" ~T:~.." ~." "1"R... . "'r'......-. L CD F'! _ co <08 r;t ". w 'CO ~~ k W. 0 . a: 8 ~ <0 I--ln Lo!t> 1'~ClO ~~ F:~ z ~ f f~~' "~~: ~_..__.... I r- ~..._...._... ~.." I~- w- !2 z= :g <t.::: " .Jj, W ~) ~ w/ l6a: Mal o 6li Z I ~::i::D.'_ i --'I ..,._-,-+"~ - r POSIlQt'J OFB.~ ~= =~: --: TOBE'REUNeUISHEO'~la-TARGEf~~- O.~~i~CR~ 36i~~F. ~:li., ," ..,,~~...Lj _c.D~~: .-+-.. :yD~: c:=::-...:::::> -"--!?j;;8--'''' -'~T'.- , ._--+~_..., :=rr~: __4'H''''''''''''' 3:- .s-~ N -) ...---::~--.~ - !O .__--l:AJ1GET ~ ~ PARCEL--". C'.;' ~ I-~ i " E] j,....i' )=~! '-j----,1' (.--....i! .....-.. j jj t.--.......,,""" L.$ f.}-CJ i i cC'.:::-:t-1 86"06'08" E 14.00' (LOT 1) TARGET , I i U ( , --+----- -----+-- I -+-- ::z:o::c ~_. I"''': --1- --r'" :/j }I) rq ~~~"""-i "-- ..n"l:t". . ~ . . V-..l.. ~1) -- . ~j7. HOLLOWAY ROAD (PROPOSED) S 63"36'55" W 80.13~ ~~106"30'53" R~50' I SCALE: 111=100' BAKER-WILLIAMS ENGINEERING GROUP Engineering I Surveying Illlnd P1unning I Entitlement Processing 1t.>'PS ~ tlO2t1 Rulland onv... SuitA'9 - c."mic.-. CA. - '""113'-4336 -.... (&'6P'3'-4430 - o!Ii'-"'ll'bw"''lli''''''''._ JOB #: 01-10-105 DATE: JAN., 2003 BREM LANE PARCEL TO BE RELINQUISHED TO TARGET GILROY CROSSING CITY OF GILROY, CALIFORNIA