Pappani, Guerino D. and Betty B. (2) . BOCK 8515 ~~ 47 ~' (( / 8~/"~ " ultJ~i'G ~, -:.-~ 47' ~y;RECO~DING REQUESTED BY GY 32008SEL 1..86 -'33 -14 5CC,~ - AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO 3608598 Nome l City of Gilroy 10 South Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 I RECORDED AT THE REQUEST DE Title Insurance and Trust Company APR 2 919691J~ GEORGE E. FOWLES, ~ SANTA CLARA COUNTY, OFFICIAL RECORDS llO ~t.t. SIreet Addre.. Cily & Stale L ~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name I same as above I SIreet Addre.. \' ~. City & Stale L -.J Grant Deed none . ~~~ AFFIX I.R.S. $u~OOl~~u. ABOVE TO 405 C (8.67) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GUERINO D. PAPPANI and Betty B. Pappani, his wife FELIX A. PAPPANI AND TERESA PAPPANI, HIS WIFE CHESTER A.PAPPANI AND MARGARET PAPPANI ,HIS WIFE hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara , State of California: FOR DESCRIPTION SEE"EXHIBIT A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE. ~~~.~D:~p~~,!~/rJ; ?L<~ X [.t-4.. ., 4'. ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ",.e)%:K-k---Pa COUNTY OF Santa C.lara SS. xf ~~/t.,. On Anril 2R, 1969 before me, the under- Chester A. Pa ~ signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared ~--a.~~-~ < C,L.l-ll_-d-,~ Guerino D. Pappani, Betty B. Pappani f ",A fcj Fel i x A. Pappan i and ~eresa Pappani . X,.#; '1;,71'. tf.' ',,{' p.~ . ~nd Che~ter A. Pappan1 and Margaret. ~ /17 14j',1 il. ' Papp::mi , known to me,,./--'iX V~.L-? 4: t/q' /, :.b.4 --< ~o be the perso~wI1Ose,name S are~UbSc. ribed t~ th.e,~i~fu P mstrument and acknowledg~ that they,' execu,l,ed the same. WITNESS my hand a~,sVO'fficial seal. \\ .// // ....... ~ ,/ .. . .><----. Signatur(l ,.; ...~ l ' )/ /' " ../ Dated March 7,1969 / // / Name (Typed or Printed) JOAN J. NOTAr,y P!J6LIC SANtA CLARA COUNTY. CAI.I!' M. Commlsslo"Expires Oct. 10, 19 i , ..." L i_ ()', ,~) y'\ )0 (This area for official notarial seal) Title Order No. GY 32008 5 p. 1:.. Escrow or Loan No. ,.I 1 ! .. A~, Application No. GY-320085 .. . BOOK 8515 ~ 48 EXHIBIT A All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEING a portion of Lots 8 and 9, as shown on "Map of a Subdivision of the Lands of S. P. Fine in the Solis Rancho, Santa Clara County, California", recorded in Book "F-2" of Maps, at page 46, Records of Santa Clara County, and being more particularly described a~ follows: BEGINNING at a point that is South Spo SO' West 1477.02 feet (along the Northerlv line of Lot 7 as shown on said Map) and South 00 10' East 433,40 feet from the Northeasterly corner of Lot 7 in the center line of Morey Avenue as shown on said Map; and running thence South 00 la' East 250.00 feet; thence South 890 SO' West 295.00 feet; thence North 8008' 10" West 252.44 feet; thence North 890 SO' East 330.00 feet to the point of beginning, and CONTAINING THEREIN l, 7 94 acres, -atHl-al so TOGETHER WITli a right of way for roadway and pipeline installation purposes under, over, on and across a strip of land 25.00 feet in width, the center line of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of the above described 1.794 acre parcel distant thereon South'8g0 SO' West 64.83 feet' from the Southeasterly corner thereof; and running thence South 40 46' 30'1 West 488.80 feet to a point in the Southerly line of Lot 10 from which the Southeasterly corner thereof in the center line of Morey Avenue bears North 890 51' East 1480.47 feet, and also TOGETHER WITH a right of way for the insta11ati6n and maintenance. of an underground municipal water supply line under, over, on and across a strip of land 12.00 feet in width, the Southerly line of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 10 in the center line of Morey Avenue, as shown on said Map; and running thence along the Southerly line of Lot 10 South 890 51' West 1480.47 feet, and also TOGETHER WITH a temporary right of way for ingress and egress to the above described reservoir site over, on and across a strip of land 25.00 feet in width, the Southerly line of which is more particularly described as follows: \ - Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 10 in the center line of Morey Avenue, as shown on said Map, and running thence along the Southerly line of Lot 10, South 890 51' West 1480.47 feet, said ~ .. ! Application No. GY-320085 B .~ BOOK 8515 pc' 49. right of way to revert to the Grantors at such time as a public road or street is constructed and dedicated that will provide access to said Reservoir Site by an alternate route unless sooner reverted by mutual agreement, and also TOGETHER WITH an easement for the installation and maintenance of an underground drain and electrical service lines over that part of the lands of the Grantors contained within the following described parcel of land; being a strip of land 12 feet in width, the center line of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a poin~ in the Northerly line of the above described 1.794 acre parcel, distant thereon North 890 50' East 96.77 feet from the Northwesterly corner thereof, and running thence North 00 10' West 433.40 feet to the Northerly line of Lot 7. EXCEPTING FROM the ahove described easements all that portion thereof which lies within the bounds of that certain tract of land described in the Deed from Guerino D, Pappani, et aI, to Bollenbacher & Kelton, Inc., a California corporation, dated October 14, 1968, recorded October 18, 1968 in Book 8301 Official Records, page 519, Santa Clara County Records. 4/22/69 TF/pn , At ... ., .. BOOK 8515 ~ 30 " ," , , . CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY GUERINO D. PAPPANI, FELIX A. PAPPANI, CHESTER A. PAPPANI I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said ! City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Guerino D. Pappani~ Felix A. Pappani. Chester A. Pappani conveyance dated the of the premises described in the attached &TH day of March 1969 ,and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I re: GY 32008SE:t 786-33-14 ;:,,' L"~ set my hand thi s 4th day of Apri 1 . 19~. .Jf'!:' of the City ... \ '. - TO 1012-1 AB C California land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy-1963 SCHEDULE A Premium $106.50 Amount $11, 7 7 0 . 00 Effective Date April 29, 1969 at 8:00 A.M. Policy No.B-320085 GY INSURED CITY OF GILROY 1. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation 2. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to III Schedule C covered by this policy IS a fee. SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: PART I 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. Application No. B-320085 GY TO 1012-1 B Cant. C California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy-1963 S C H E D U L E B - (CoTltinued) PART II 1. An easement affecting the portion of said land and for the purposes stated herein, and incidental purposes, In Favor Of: Chester A. Pappani, et ux For ingress and egress Recorded April 21, 1958 in book 4055 page 679 Official Records Affects a portion of Lots 9 and 10 Application No. B-320085 GY TO 1012-1-1056-1 C OC C American land Title Association loan Policy Additional Coverage- 1962 or California land Title Association Standard Coveroge Policy-1963 SCHEDULE C ' The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: THE DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. cw "1" ~I~I!~ .~ Application No. GY-320085 A EXHIBIT A All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, descrihed as follows: BEING a portion of Lots 8 and 9, as shown on "Map of a Subdivision of the Lands of S. P. Fine in the Solis Rancho, Santa Clara County California", recorded in Rook "F-2" of Maps, at page 46, Records ' of Santa Clara County, and heing more particularly descrihed as follows: BEGINNING at a point that is South 890 SO' West 1477.02 feet (along the Northerly line of Lot 7 as shown on said Map) and South 00 10' East 433,40 feet from the Northeasterly corner of Lot 7 in the center line of Morey Avenue as shown on said Map; and running thence South 00 10' East 250.00 feet; thence South 89050' West 295.00 feet; thence North 8008' 10" West 252.44 feet; thence North 890 SO' Fast 330.00 feet to the point of heginning, and TOGETfIER WITH a right of way for roadway and pipeline installation purposes under, over, on and across a strip of land 25.00 feet in width, the center line of which is ~ore particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of the ahove descrihed 1.794 o . acre parcel distant thereon South 89 SO' West 64.83 feet from the Southeasterly corner thereof; and running thence South 40 46' 30" West 488.80 feet to a point in the Southerly line of Lot 10 from which the Southeasterly corner thereof in the center line of Morey Avenue bears North 890 51' East 1480.47 feet, and also TOGETHER WITH a right of way for the installation and maintenance of an underground municipal water supply line under, over, on and across a strip of land 12.00 feet in ~idth, the Southerly line of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 10 in the center line of Morey Avenue, as shown on said Map; and running thence along the Southerly line of Lot 10 South 890 51' West 1480.47 feet, and also TOGETHER WITlI a temporary right of way for ingress and egress to the above descrihed reservoir site over, on and across a strip of land 25.00 feet in width, the Southerly line of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 10 in the center line of Morey Avenue, as shown on said Map, and running thence along the Southerly line of Lot 10, South 890 51' hest 1480.47 feet,. said Application No. GY-320085 B right of way to revert to the Grantors at such time as a public road or street is constructed and dedicated that will provide access to said Reservoir Site by an alternate route unless sooner reverted by mutual agreement, and also TOGETIIER WITH an easement for the installation and maintenance of an underground drain and electrical service lines over that part of the lands of the Grantors contained wit}lin the following described parcel of land; being a strip of land 12 feet in width, the center line of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of the above described 1.794 acre parcel, distant thereon North 890 50' East 96.77 feet from the Northwesterly corner thereof, and running thence North 00 10' West 433.40 feet to the Northerly line of Lot 7. EXCEPTING FROM the ahove described easements all that portion thereof which lies within the bounds of that certain tract of land described in the Deed from Guerino D. Pappani, et aI, to Bollenbacher & Kelton, Inc., a California corporation, dated Octoher 14, 1968, recorded October 18, 1968 in Book 8301 Official Records, page 519, Santa Clara County Records. 4/22/69 TF/pn ~'f"ol' '" ~ .0 ~~..? 7<i/S7.. SO~ ~ -.t '"-- ______ ~ / SPB" /(,VLI _ ---.:'_ . "l<'1'1 --tt- ~--- . ~ 'S\ ,,',. tc;'''lIL, Z~ ::!:... ci ., I : .- I ,(:s'". IW"." !T, I~"'f"ot ~ U 'I I' I I: ~ _"_. 1~-~'l~ g ~I IIII .: .~~ Ll I: SO~'( \ 0 ." '~IJ:t-- u ~I 1 . I . II NII~ < J:: ~ I-_-___~;~_L I: ~ "'I; 0, I ("~ \ . --.---..-.J:, :;.~ 't!t 'l:t ,_.."" N "\ : I "" ;S) 1-_._ r_ ~ ~ \ I , '" ~ ' HE ' 1* ~I", I' ['+----1: ~ ';;i.~I' . ..\ I ,., (J)r" ~~\. I' (r\ N ,', I r ~_ ....~Z "h.. J I l... t'. ~ \~ ~ 011 ~.II I;~" '?}o r~ll' MJic,~--~ : ~ 0 \ N . II L_ -__ . I cD" . 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