Young, Rudolph and Johnson, Bruce & Nancy RECORDING REQUESTED BY Title Ins.and Trust Co. APN 841-1~~59- and 841-16-36 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO rcity of Gilroy Name 10 So. Rosanna St. A:~~:=: Gi 1roy , CA 95020 I City & State L .-J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I I Name same as above Street Address City & State L ~ Grant Deed DoToTo $.,____,______._______'.m'.__._______,._______ TO 405 CA (9-68) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, RUDOLPH.\!. YOUNG , AN UNr1ARRTSD 11AN BRUCE R. JOHNSON AND NANCY LEE JOHNSON, ;:ns HIFE he'reby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILROY the following described real prQ.2erty in the C f Santa ~lara ounty 0 City of Gilroy , State of California: - . ,'j.,",:.",!" Aport1on of'thelas Animas. Rancho Sub lot XX1,and.PartitiOfi Sutt'~cttOl\HO~ i" of th~ Super1orCourt of the State of California .1nalld forth...County of Santa. more particularly described asJollows. ' . ,Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly line of Ninth Street, dlstant> ., ,.. thereon North 700 OO.E, 594.481 from the point of intersection of saidNorth~sterly, + "+ < ~ine of Ninth Street wi th the Northeasterly 1 ine of Alexander Street, said point<,' ..'.. ' ..' . ';,~of beginning also. being the most .Northerly corner of that certain 8.00qcre tract.c,',:,' of .land described in the Deed from Miller & Lux Incorporated,acopporationto ..c..,";." Emestina Poletti, di.lted May 4, 1927, recorded JUne> 23. 1927 in 800k330 Of Official:." Records page 241, Santa Clara County ~ecords ..thence Sl~\) 18' 50uE~ 60.00' acrosS,'" Ninth Street to an 1.ron pipe; .. ..... ,...., '.... . . ........ ' ..........,. ..,...'........ .... Thence along the sQutherly line of NinthStreetN700 41' lOuE, lSO..sl'to toe most northerly corner of the lands granted to the City. of Gilroy as shown ,10 Baal< OQ63.0fficial Records of the County of Sant.aClara..in Page 244; ....,... , , thenc~..N190 J8'501IE, 60.00' to the northerlyl ineofNinthSt~et~ ,c thenceS70Q<41'101lW. 18-0.91 ta100g last said northerly 1 ine tottte<Point.of l)~ginnlngan~ containing approximately' 0.248 acres .more or less and a~ shown upon ,/<1:\, P a rce 1 Map t()~Er recorded., . '.\ ' .. r Dated, November 15, 1972 }SS. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara On November 15,1972 before me, the under. signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Rudolph W.Young, Bruce R. Johnson and Nancy Lee Johnson , known to me to be the persons---------whose namtS are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. :::,:::)2' ;;4# ." ., H.S.Scott Name (Typed or Printed) Title Order No. HE 34SGS8 I:L MAil TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE Escrow or Loan No.~ I~oaaa~aacccaacacccaacaac-l S "~." OFFICIAL SEAL fi t:\' H. S. SCOTT I ,\' ,.,~ NOT'," PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA 1<'''' SANTA CLARA COUNTY S L:v Commission Expires June 30, 1974 I I OOGOO""..r..r...o"'......l('4Tif!'~~..,);~~~