Young, Rudolph W. "',""Ir-" U,.) j 8442 -~147 3572920 VALLEY TITLE COMPANY Escrov. # 139329-A-W CO. Bill # 84.1-16-2 3 CITY OF GILROY P.O. Box 66 Gilroy, California 95020 ~. BOOK 8442 ;'G147 (--~''''~''.''''J''''_J._'''.'''''\. )[t ~~';~:~.~;~ ;:.~ ~'~;;.;~?'~, 1 ~l'UU;; S I.tl. ~--"~-~d" tl f FES '; 1 1969 ~_.~,_.;.. M i ! C i:",",f:' r' r r,',',,, r-s ~ .I i i ',:,.'--,'l'"o::".'i.: .~':. c-\f,/~Lc ~ r-i...!t:corcer,~, ~llnl:. Cl!lnJI C.unty, Offici,1 ~.COn:l!SI : ."'\f rr rr I U ,n11 I r ""...,.... II 1 r,,-J' Code Area 2 -000 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO GRANT DEED Name trry OF GILROY Address P . O. Box 66 City & Gilroy, California State L 95020 By this instrument dated February 7, 1969 , for a valuable consideration, Affix IRS $ ~~i_~-- RUDOLPH W. YOUNG, a married man, f\' ~~ "e-'AX DUE 4.i u. .1 hereby GRANT (S) to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the real property situate in the C i t Y of Gi lroy County of ~anta Cla ra _ ,State of California. described as follows: Commencing at a point in the centerline of Ninth street which bears, N.70003'47"E. 150.31 feet and S.19056'13"E,90from the Northwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land described in the Deed to Rudolph W. Young, a married man, recorded July 3, 1S68, in Book 8178 of Official Records, at page 679, Santa Clara COl:.nty R2cords, said point being at -the centerline intersection of Ninth StrG'2tvlith 'ch.e centerline of the prop0sed Chestnut Street :2xtension as said poi:-~'c is s}-.own on that cer'cain recorded map entitled, II Official plan Lines for Ch:.:.stnut street" as said rnap was recorded in Book 6 of Plan Line Ma?s at pages 63 and 64, on February 24 1967, foe the City of Gilroy in 'che Sanl:.a Clara County Reco:cder' s Office; thence along til.e proposed centerline of Cl~.i.estnut S'creet, S.19056'13":2. 330.00 feet: to the true point of beginning. Thence 12~ving said t:cue point 0f beginnins N.70003'47''E.43.00 feet to 'che mas'\: Ea::::terly Right of Way line of Chescnu.t street; thence along said Right of v7::..y I S.l So 56 "13 "E. 160.00 fee";: 'co a poin"c 0::1 a curve to the left; thence alo:.-.,j' ::-;;aid CGrvo to the left, throug-11 u cen-traJ.. angle of 90000 I 00" wi"ch a radius of 40.00 f2c'c, an arc dis.c(}ll.ce of 62.83 feet to a pain";: of cusp on the So\.:.t~nea'3::'C:j:-2_y li:lc of said parcel described in thE:: Deed to said Rudolph W. Young, being ~he 003t Northerly Right of Way line of the proposed Tenth Street Ex-tcLfc:::"OL; t}-.cl.ee along said RigJ1't of Way line S.70003'47"W.83.CO feet to the in:':ersc,ct::.ioL of. said ~\'ortherly line of Ten";:h Street vlit.h the proposed centerline of C[-l'.o'::,tnut. Street; thence along selid centerl ine, N .19056 '13 "W. 200. CO fcec to 'Ci1,':; t.ru.'2 poirlt of begin:"1ing, and being a portion or that 4.591 c:.cre ~1C:.C. ~.:;arC(~l as described in tho Deed froil! South Valley Associates Inc. to Rudolph W. Young, recorded July 3, 1968, in Book 8178 or Official Records, at pag2 679 I~ '" -----" GARY M. ROOT NOTARY PUBLIC SANTr, CLARA COUNTY, C.ALIF, I,;y Commissi9f1 ExPlt~~ ii..;w, 1, lilli MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE Notary Public executed the same. ne VTC-IOI known to me to be the person_whose name~~ s WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: Cou nty and for said _ On 1~br'uaTY (. ..LIJU';I d S before me tft~ Q.ll' d an tate, personally appeared RUDOLPH W ~ YOtJ~'(;gne, a Notary Public in BOOK 8442 i'c148 " { ss STATE of CALI FORN IA COUNTY of S~nta Clara / BOC,~ 8A42 ..f 49 'f~J. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY RUDOLPH W. YOUNG I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965. at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Rudolph W. Young,. a married man of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 7th day of February . 1969 ,and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of Februarv ,19~. the City ~ - \', "