Elections ~ RESOLUTION AND ORDER CALLING ELECTION Whereas, the term of office of Directors of Division Three, Four and Five of the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District expires on the 4th day' of February, 1947; and, Whereas, the law requires that an election be held on the said 4th day of February, 1947, to elect a Director in each of said three respective Divisions f~r the full term of four years. lOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, and it is hereby Ordered, that an election be, and it is hereby called to be held on Tuesday, the 4th d~y of February, 1947, in Divisions Three, Four and Five of said South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservat- ion District to elect a Director in each of said three respective Divisions for the full term of four years. The polls shall be open and the election held at the p~lling places hereinafter designated on the said 4th day of R:Ot February, 1947, from1o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock P.M. of said day. The said three Divisions of said District and the election precincts for said election which are hereinafter designated as "Water Conservation Election Precincts" and the numbers and boundaries of said Divisions and of said "Water Con- servation Election Precincts" (all of which said "Water Conservat- ion Election Precincts" are included 1b'the exterior boundaries of said District) and the places within the said precincts at which the polls will be open and the voting had, and the Inspectors, Judges and Clerks to conduct said election are hereby fixed, established, numbered, defined, named and appointed as follows, and are: . DIVISION NO. THREE Water Conservation Election Precinct No.1. All the territory embraced within the following general elec tion precillc t3: All the ::?.ucker f reCl(lC t lying wi thin the exterio:::, boundarie s vf the Distric t except that pOl" tiCltl tL.;Jreof J.nded as follows: On the North by Buena Vista Road; on the ~asL by New ;i.venue; on the South by' the Southerly boundary line of said Rucker Precinc t; and on the \'Vest by the Llagas Creek. Pollin..; Pl2.ce: Rucker School House Inspector: Florence Schofield ~ , v i.1<.lg8 : Philip J. Bergwitz Cl::jl'l\:s: Flora Harrison and Anita Buck =.I'rI3ICI\" ITa. ?\JG"'3: ~at~r Cuns~rvut1u~ Eloction Precinct No.2. All thE: tel'r:: t':H"j enbrb.ced thin the following c;enEral election cine ts: All of that portion of San Martin No. 2 Precinct lyLig "ili. tLL1 the ext<Jl'io:c 'jJ.lll,.:.a2i S (.of said Jistrict. J-..".' ,'1',;::\ . 'o,A."-~b''''''- . Presbyterian qhu1"ch, on LitlOQln . 'Avenue , San~.artln, Calirornia~' Amy Gwinn Alice Schulz Della Cheadle and Ruby Gwinn .1;':' 01' .! ,.,", D -, . .~ ..... · ..l....Lc~6 ... .....u.'_ '. , In;3p:: ctor: ,:;le 1"1:\..5 : DI'II::ICT7 I\TC;. ?I~lE w~t;.:;l' Con.:;er7ation E18ction Precinct No.3. All the td'ri tOI'J' '3::lbruced ':d t1..in tlJ..:.c following general election precincts: All ..:. f tlu. t r +- ~-~ ,..,. VJ..-".),U. of Sal'l !~~rtin Ne. 1 Precinct and MachaJo ~o. 1 Precinct unJ. Machado !Iv. 2 "Pl':'.r>.! nr> t l:'i 1".:~ c"d "t,'r. i I.... ... t:;..........L.............., .1'--...1'0 '.~J.. .1._....... tIle e:{teI'i'~I. bOull:J.a.ri~::5 cI tll.e 3aid~ J~.3trkt. -c.:- . 1 Pollins Place: San Martin School hO~S2 J ~:,l ,,': g '[::~ : Marie Crews Louise Miller IllSP',C 1': ,...,.. k \..,..Lel~ _ s: May C. Weitbrecht and Myrtle Daubert :Ll1;::~ t sa id Pl",:; C i fie t s ,~8 S i g [t:.;. te ':! as g (~.Il:;; l~ al ,':; le c t i i~';ll precirtcts b.y)(l :~;,jllsoli\:ate~d i11t.C . !.,"to.-t:;t3I' C:Ollserl"'lcit;,i.jn. El.ecti<.rCl F'r CiI1C ts tl arls t1:1e iderl tiCCl.l ~';}lec ti':J~l i.,:.,reci,:ilC 'ts J,lU~~V e s to. all i31"1;:;d fUl"l 6811E:I'cil 3 t~l. an,l COUllty Electio:l pU:l'p~i.e.s "'." "" -3 J: :. r: :3 Cl ;':':1. :::: ::.. or 5-U.'pC~1'1lis0:r' ~~)7' tIle c: C~_,Ll t;j~ Dr , uo.. '(1 '1o>'1~'.1. rf-' y' -"- '"'. .f-. ,'- ...,; ..J i). '''; '" ,<""'t ~' ., 'J..L '.....ct...i..- ifcrni.;;.. , retof~re ~dopt21 ~ ~'-_i.T I;;: ;D.,-~:; l~2 :/ ~;-!...C t.I. C';.ll:..t1'" L)1" e-)_ e:; C II i b.::: J. and set forth i~ ~112 :~~l.Q OI';-':.urs of SCl ~.LC~ ~ U '~I'J 0 r , . 0ll'p<;1~Vl S C)~.C S , which are her,~by T8fc:'l'r J....._ "0, l 11 C.~; :~~.t! (" l~ :.~ 1"'9 irl " " ~~.l1C_ "l,~Cte L1. pdrt hereof. Tl.1,:~~ t ~_):.;clJ. c 1 e c t:1. O~'l. "t - c b.13~ ~: 1:'~/ Ij~.1.1:Jlj..c ct t i ',J ,oj 1 I1:) t i. c e ti"l~ x' (? 0 f v. cO tl.lb.t s~.~.cll. r~.'.)tice ~jr :3u81~ t:::t:~ct-.L()~l b.:~ J.oI-;.shed at least once a v;,eob, for hvo weehs pre11tous t~) :.~nr::h slectioi:] in the ,:ill"OJ'C L"T.!!:; iIlo Ji.~; p:::.. tC}l, CI.. rl(~-.\~'S P~.lJ~:;: 1--' 1-- ri ~-:. ::''::~ J . -i.'~I,:l p-:"1"blisli':2'\1 i.ll :~;a id ~... -~ ::.~' + I" ~ C ~- :~:l ,.~', .-=1 u........; v...L v, '.........L"'"A b:l .~Jc~;3tilJ.g fi fllJtlce of said election in ~ Cf)rlS,pi ~1}C)llS place in 0dCh of the divisions in wllich s~id election is to be l.._~ , a1~ least fifte2D days pri;)r +. -, vU S,.1ch elee. tion, 8.t-:ld by post- 1'lg a no tice of s'Llch el,?c tioll. in the offj_ce of tb3 Board of ::J.irectcJrs )f tho IJLctr"'Lct. The nutice sl1s.1l de,'ignate tbe DivisioL.S ..i_d. ~.~~,;,lJ.icYL tIle e18c tio::: LU ~( 1101& ~~J ~escri~l .." ...118 "bo~J.:l~lar 1 c; ~ tl~ere or, sll~l:* ,.~e 19r1 tl~e respective 01ecti0n prect rlC t~. 7-1-,,:-,; 'loll".}'" "J:c;~":;'"-c. 711e official~; ~'nd the ti~:~c, "J~_. '... J:" -- ....i..--..o }~ p""" _.., L.o....... - ...... ...... provided and set for the e:ectioj"j, and 11.0l-~1" 3 irl Villi ell tIle 1=f()lJ..s '.,~.,:'ill 'he .... I" .P\" r:, <.,:.J.1, d::~; pro'l";--lDe.l, specific:d~ Gt or(~c1'2d 11erH 111. I ~ i s f~lr tl1c:r ~!J 50: "'.red L.:L1J C'II,J. er.>::~j. tlla t tIle Secr2t&r~l of thi Board of Jirectors provi U~~h:. f'1.I'::.j S11 DallcJts for s~iJ_ cl:,:ction,,,hich shall 2...:.nt::..-i:l the IB:n8S of tlle candid:ites for the . offices villo shall b~) endorsed b;/,l):: ti ti on tCl this 0oard, pur 5 Ji.illt to law, SC1.ic~. ballot to also cO;ltalll ~ r~ ,", -rIll""" t l"- y.."'I J.',... J. t' t __~c"-.~~") v J."- lI.L.t~::J l,11~ L- lle ~vo E.r s .... -;;;- T shall '!1ri t12 or print UI' :itG..l:J.1; a ::1':;,;:: after the '1:1 me tho. t . l11- dicates his choice; said ballots shall contain as ~o.ny names of Directors as there are Directors to be electsd. T!1e ~..i,~CI)e t,~I~Y 0 f tIle ";. i ~:' i), j. r'ect\;."Q '" ~ v.J \.", ct~':" ~~ . . ":':'..~-t_, steps perform all the :lC ts nece s sar.),'" .LC)r t}}~-:! l'lul"~, ) ~ t118 .-, Gciid. -81ectlc;rl i~l L,.cc(~:r<lu.rlCt1 ',;'ji t1.L la~io 3.8:3 :. v.;.':d anl.l .f-~_~~rt:l r Ol.dt3Il~~'(1 .~~ ~. r vl~U. i.. 3 i-J.. ;::::-2. E~ C -t i. 01.-~ C~)l - , t" ~1 tl C c~ (.t i;.;.C eC}I'l~,.~~ar:. ~O til tlJ2: g8rh'~r~c'tJ._ elec t.i ~'J ~ J..::J.. ;.1 S CJ f 7Jll€ S L,. L .. ~ '",Co. vb, so far ~~ ~~~l~_cu~l.= :i_~,'-lJ 1~"~{C i~l~ .tJ. s 0 'tl", I'! '-~:.(~~ iJ"'~7:~_ \.~_ed 1.tl . :'1 ~~- Li.1. 0. ':,';"L~UI' Conser'v\.-.ti)l1 ~1.C~)r 13.2] (<:::1.1:..1,) l( :" ~'-, ~-', ;' .:. J.. "'\ ~V......... ,,/'.., .:..' f l3:,9) <J,S a:nended. F'assed 0J..itC:'\] ~-~ ~ -'-'" . \,.Il..\.";" 1:' lOth \ll.t:/ ~ .L:t rl~,:: i~). r ~:r , 1('''''7 ..L.;; .t. ( , by tl18 r:.l.lc.'/-illig vote: i~ ~"'r:" '-:-:' . .t:;....L~ .1- . J~ir:;ctors Smith, Wolfe, Knepper and Chesbro 11C:S.2 : ::i1'c~C None I~BS::I!T: Direc toY'S Hunter ..;,ttf::ct ,fif~J-n~ ~ --~,- P"\~e ('.t -'1 <'~~~l.t J,. .....1 -L '~. t..- ,1_ /-7 j \, C" < ~),-,X'. ~ P C l' ,.c, ~ "":"; -;' '," _ ',-, ,-' V'-A..l...,j , . aESOLUTION AND ORDER CANVASSING VOTE AND DECLARING ELECTION OF DIRECTORS , Whereas, on the 4th day of February, 1947, an election was held in Divisions 3, 4, and 5 of South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, pursuant to law and pursuant to due and legal notice given of said election by posting and by publication, as required by law, and the order of this Board of Directors heretofore made; and, Whereas, this Board of Directors has this lOth day of February, 1947, canvassed the returns of said election and found and ascertained that the total number of votes cast at said election was 56; that the number of votes cast in Division Three was 20, in Division Four 12 ~nd in Division Five l4, and that the following named persons received the following number of votes respectively for the office of Director of said District, from the three respective divisions thereof, to-wit: Division 3, Thomas Hunter No. of Votes 17 Division 3, Charles Harrison No. of Votes 3 Division 4, Odilla Knepper No. of Votes 12 Division 5, Mark Smith No. of Votes 11 Division 5, Peter Mosegard No. of Votes 1 Division 5, OdilIa Knepper No. of Votes 2 And, Whereas, it appears from the said canvass and the records of the office of the Clerk of this Board that said Thomas Hunter, OdilIa Knepper and Mark Smith were duly nominated for the said Office of Director of Divisions 3, 4 and 5, respect- ively, of said District, in accordance with the provisions of the Water Conservation Act, and that they received the highest number of votes for Directors from said respective divisions. It is, therefore, Ordered and Declared that the said Thomas Hunter, OdilIa Knepper and Mark Smith have each been duly elected to the office of Directors of said South Santa Clara , Valley Water Conservation District, and the Clerk of said District is directed to issue the Certificate of Election to each of the said named persons. Upon roll call the said resolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES, Directors NOES, Directors ABSENT, Director None' ATTEST: President Secretary . T' ~ oY\\fC\S S 0-\ \10 -t'e I".. r f "H', t:" \ r~\ lc\ C. ~ '-" L e c\ i 0--1\ "..7 ....?'1.tC\Y\ ct,. ~~S t. - ;, I ~ 0,. .\ -< 1 i I ....""'1 ..; I t i I i( .;7'j 1 tu \~ A i / 0, r I ! i ! , \ ",,"'} 5 ?i \'\ D, J I' \'~ <L ,'> J , u' f 0 . \ :; ''"' J;r; 3 7 0, ~ ...._~__..._________w_~Q_~Jl.__-___. b- ) 8 / d._.:.._._____._..._~...._... - 2~.J 'i~O~ lLl{ ,,, 2';') ..Lj~ n H y / .(0 ( ,./ / ) T-'-f{7fT " . ~6 ..".~.,--_.~.~_.~<,,_..._,-<_."'_. ._,~------_.__. / POST ONE COPY ON OUTSIDE OF POLLlla PLACE AND SEND ONE COpy TO THE CLERK'S OFFICE II ENVELOPE No.4 COPY OF THE RESUL T OF VOTES CAST WATER CONSERVATION BOND AI ...........~.E.G.T..I.Q.N....l'B.E..G..ING..'r.....N.9........................................../1ri6.i64; ! ,/ L T olal Ballols Voled._~__~(__g;:?__.;L....._._. The board must, before it adjourns, make copies of the result of the votes cast at such polling place, which copies must be signed by the mem- bers of the board: one of such copies shall be posted conspicuously on the outside of the polling place, and one copy must be transmitted, In unsealed envelope, to the Clerk. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to remove or deface such posted copy of the result, or to delay delivery of or change the copy to be delivered to the Clerk. (See Sections 7023, 7074, 7107, 7160, Elections Code.) 50771 I F VOTES RECEIVED PROPOSITION VOTED FOR YES NO NCURRENCE OF A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM OF $800,000.00 </ ~,: '/ OR THE PURPOSE OF CONSERVING AND STORING WATER L.,....-""'-........ / ~l:~-.;-_. ':, ~/ _~' _ _ ' ,,-',;: \~ ~'~>/'" " .,. _ r 'I"', . '.', (;" ,< f,f '., '- " "('-J(",. Clerk ..'.- " (. ,,' .... .'. .....~ . .,.y' I \ "'-. _, ' ,I'....d. t -'-"j" 7'..".... .' ......................,... .....;(........M..~L. ......._....t!. .....:..t:......7.::;l........ ... l.' I... (/(; ~ /" / .' /i / ',/kA(Cti /' ~(/, "Cl k ',./ .:..............................................................................................::::-..... er \.""....~~ :.~::(.::<..... .................:.............'.......................................:.:t.. Inspector M.......................................................................................................Clerk . '. / /' ( /l ," f/ . ./: (It' J-'.J .................................... .1....'..................................................... ........ uuge ,. "-I i .........................................................................................................Judge PRECINCT BOARD Nom.:-The law provides for a various Dumber of election officers on precinct boards. Draw a line through those spaces not required for signatures. POST ONE COPY ON OUTSIDE OF POLLIIG PLACE AND SEID OlE COpy TO THE CLERK'S OFFICE II ENVELOPE 10. 4 COPY OF THE RESULT OF VOTES CAST WATER CONSERVATION BOND AI.....~.~'O'~.l..Q.N.....ffl.E.O');.NQT.....;N9.............'-'~,............................A .flIi.oIA T olal Ballols Voled.m................m___........... The board must, before it adjourns, make copies of the result of the votes cast at such polling place, which copies must be signed by the mem- bers of the board; one of such copies shall be posted conspicuously on the outside of the polling place, and one copy must be transmitted, In unsealed envelope, to the Clerk. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to remove or deface such posted copy of the result, or to delay delivery of or change the copy to be delivered to the Clerk. (See Sections 7023, 7074, 7107, 7160, Elections Code.) 50771 VOTES RECEIVED PROPOSITION VOTED FOR YES NO INCURRENCE OF A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM OF $800,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSERVING AN D STORING WATER -<11) /'1~ ...-v ) '-. .........L!".b....'....:.'."...............':........7J':........;..Clerk _..........JLL....t....i.....:..".~:.....:;.......a.Ji:j.t.xjter.k r"\. ..') . ,.......,....., ___~i ,. I ,"', ~ ./ ..1-..".'1"..".....\ ,; ,,/~. ....'",/, ,'. , ~. I ,^--,/v'\..." l . i ~.... 'y"::-: ...............~............._.........................,......................................1 nsp 0" '1.." /' 'I J ," / ' .... /,"..po . .~, .. j" 1...__.... f"- / '-,,1,(- ,'.-.,/' ", - . _ .,..', , ..:I_t...' I. _____~J ,- __" ....c:.....,....:..tL.,..................: .................,................"......L....J udge t..~..' .........................................................................................................Clerk .........................................................................................................J udge PRECINCT BOARD Nom.:-The law provides for a various number of election officers on precinct boards. Draw a line through those spaces not required for signatures. POST ONE COPY 01 OUTSIDE OF POLLIIG PLACE AID SEID OlE COpy TO THE CLERK'S OFFICE II EIVELOPE 10. 4 COpy OF THE RESULT OF VOTES CAST WATER CONSERVAT ION BO ND AI................~.~~.~.9..~....~:R.:~.~.~~.....~~.....................................AfJAtlJtl T olal Ballols Voled__........................____...._ The board must, before it adjourns, make copies of the result of the votes cast at such polling place, which copies must be signed by the mem- bers of the I)oard: one of such copies shall be posted conspicuously on the outside of the polling place, and one copy must be transmitted, In unsealed envelope, to the Clerk. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to remove or deface such posted copy of the result, or to delay delivery of or change the copy to be delivered to the Clerk. (See Sections 7023, 7074, 7107, 7160, Elections Code.) 50771 . VOTES RECEIVED PROPOSITION VOTED FOR YES NO INCURRENCE OF A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM OF $800,000.00 S- FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSERVING AN D STORING WATEo'\ (~) '') (~ ,._~.L...~ ........................................;;;........;i-....:.;........':.....................:~:....:~:::;Clerk ")- .... .i'.,;i ...... J. .' 'i.) '''. I' 'J.. '1':,' ~i I ector "} .,.1 .,A ',' I A ' , , ..,.,..or u.....n~..:... ._..............'lI...,....'M.\:,.~.................t.~..:~,~".......... ..................\...... nsp r' ,"'//7' _/'~' .......U;:L...~::::::.:~::.~....::~Y:.:!..;(:,.(.i.::.:(;~.d~.;;......Clerk '1, y.~ A....J oi~~.~i;...;.... ...... .... ....... ....... ..... ............. ..~{.......!.~<;~~~~_.~~... j. {.t~~-:J.~.:~.\~tI uuge .........................................................................................................Clerk .........................................................................................................Judge PRECINCT BOARD NOTB.:-The law provides for a various number of election officers on precinct boards. Draw a line through those spaces not required for signatures. POST OlE COPY 01 OUTSIDE OF POLLII. PLACE AID SEID OlE COPY TO THE CLERK'S OFFICE II EIVELOPE 10. 4 COPY OF' THE RESULT OF VOTES CAST WATER CONSERVATION BOND At...........~~.!9.~....~~~9..~.~9.?-'.....~.<>................~l.......................;.w..!t 9'0 Total Ballots Voted......._T________..~___u____....... The board must, before it adjourns, make copies of the result of the votes cast at such polling place, which copies must be signed by the mem- bers of the board: one of such copies shall be posted conspicuously on the outside of the polling place, and one copy must be transmitted, in unsealed envelope, to the Clerk. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to remove or deface such posted copy of the result, or to delay delivery of or change the copy to be delivered to the Clerk. (See Sections 7023, 7074, n07, n60, Elections Code.) 50771 I F VOTES RECEIVED PROPOSITION VOTED FOR YES NO -:- NCUBRENC E OF A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE BUll OF $800,000.00 ~ ' (;J OR THE PURPOSE OF CONSERVING AND STORING WATER ;> ,/) t' t, ( '-" , ...........;:....s::x...(........:...;....::.....l..ft..L;................:..............~::~.Clerk ,I "."i ......:i............................:....;.;;~............................:......,.................1 nspector ...........(?...{.::.;~~Z;:........l...::.i:.':.::l~................................Clerk ~/--... - ,/ . -'. ,.', "l. ',' " ' ). 1 (/ ..................... t......:...,......(.....M...................................................dudge ....:=::::~.::..:..........................................................:.:....:::::::::..::;;::,.Clerk .:::::::::::.:.:....................... ......................................... .....::~:.:.......J vi1ge PRECINCT BOARD Nom.:- The law provides for a various number of election officers on precinct boards. Draw a line through those spaces not required for signatures. POST ONE COpy ON OUTSIDE OF POLLIIG PLACE AID SEND ONE Copy TO THE CLERK'S OFFICE IN EIVELOPE 10. 4 COpy OF" THE RESULT OF VOTES CAST WATER CONSERVATION BOND At..........~..9.~.~.9..~.....~~~Q.~~9..~.....~~........................-..-.................'ItUN 0-- Total Ballots Voted.._____:_C.._~.:',L.........._ The board must, before it adjourns, make copies of the result of the votes cast at such polling place, which copies must be signed by the mem- bers of the board: one of such copies shall be posted conspicuously on the outside of the polling place, and one copy must be transmitted, In unsealed envelope, to the Clerk. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to remove or deface such posted copy of the result, or to delay delivery of or change the copy to be delivered to the Clerk. (See Sections 7023, 7074, 7107,7160, Elections Code.) 50771 VOTES RECEIVED PROPOSITION VOTED FOR YES NO INCURRENCE OF A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM OF $800,000.00 i/y .7 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSERVING AND STORING WATER , .' l I ./ ./ (.1, // 1,/.1 . / , ,. / it" / Cle k ...../j..'..f;,..{..J,........'.....-l....f..............,..#;:l...\.... ......... .......... .1..<.......... r rI ~; --Z"'--/ .?'"" i ~ , .~>.1(:~..........,,;......C...~:=,?:::.~~:..:......................t:~2:t.l>>spector .........................................................................................................Clerk _...,!.r:Alt.4.!...z..!...o.:f~,{;~:liJwlg. \ f 11 V dJi ....'.~(~..1'~/;.:.\!.:-:-:;:3;~.....~<~.~~~:::~~...._...:!~.............Judge .........................................................................................................Clerk PRECINCT BOARD NOTB':- The law provides for a various number of election officers on precinct boards. Draw a line through tbose spaces not required for signatures. POST ONE COPY ON OUTSIDE OF POLLIIG PLACE AID SEND OlE COpy TO THE CLERK'S OFFICE II EIVELOPE 10. 4 COPY OF THE RESULT OF VOTES CAST WATER CONSERVATION BOND AI......~.~.Q~J.9..~.....J?~~9..:q~g~.....~.~....................... ........................""iO( T olal Ballols Voled........_____........................ The board must, before it adjourns, make copies of the result of the votes cast at such polling place, which copies must be signed by the mem- bers of the board: one of such copies shall be posted conspicuously on the outside of the polling place, and one copy must be transmitted, In unsealed envelope, to the Clerk. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to remove or deface such posted copy of the result, or to delay delivery of or change the copy to be delivered to the Clerk. (See Sections 7023, 7074, n07, neD, Elections Code.) 50771 VOTES RECEIVED PROPOSITION VOTED FOR YES NO INCURRENCE OF A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM OF $800~OOO.00 J!S.... ~/ FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSERVING AND STORING WATER <::.~ "..-J f ............=.....:............;.........................:::;;..........:..........:':..................... Clerk ................................................................................:~.............1 nspector ......................................::..........:.....................................................Clerk .~- /./ / .'" . / J".,ln ........................;.,:,....................................................;;:.:;...;........:.... ~e .........................................................................................................Clerk .........................................................................................................Judge PRECINCT BOARD NOTE.:-The law provides for a various number of election officers on precinct boards. Draw a line through those spaces not required for signatures.