Llagas Creek Flow Report No. 61'-6' DPORT to tM 101IO'I.AI'LB BOARD or DIRECTORS OJ' '1"D 3017T8 SANTA CLARA VALLET If...'f.'I COBSliiVATIOlf DI8TttIO'1' OJ' !LAGA5 OR:nIt n.Ow 1'.' ... 1,.6 - GOo - Project neport !lfo. 7 - 000 - :BI.AOllJ AND WOOD C1Y11 1b:lCi...ra 8tm ""'..,1"0 Bepen on LtAGAS <mDJt: no, ~'~S-1'4' SEASON "o~b.r 1;, 1'.' PI,nOTAble B~."J'C1 of D1rector., SOuth iaatl. Clara '.1181 Water Coa..rvatlon Dt.trlot, Gl lnl , CaUtor..ia. a.atll..a: .. laatnote4 by 70U _ ba,.. 4eteJ"ll'11..4 tll. I'\1Htt ot 1.1.e... Cr.ek for the .eOMB ootober 1, I'" to Settem:ber 30, 194'. Ta1. "port ooat.1a the record of flow ..4 tJle q.at! i,. oompar1ao_ of 1.1sp. Creek. !lad Uyaa Creek flow. ~nd "lao U 8!!1U.te ot the WftUI' th~t could haye b$en oon.er".dh:td there been Q resel"yoir of 3800 80re teet oapaoity at. the proposed ~..8r"Q1r si'G on Llag~. (~ek. A ~ ot th... data tor the Ism; fhe ...sou 18 ft.la. tabulate4. ':fhe wat.er ategl't reoorder station on I..U.tlft8 Creek Dear !.all.. Briclge end aHut on....fourth mile downatrea. ~ the pftpoad 4aa eUe, -- ma1ftt~lned tor the tifth oonsecutive aeaeon by Director ~.rk Smitb. The Ll.'Ji.&tll Creek floW' lor the .....,ft bega:a tee_bel' 4. The" ft_ only a ...11 flow until the storm be~1Dn1ng DGQ~~ber 21. The re..rYo1r would b"ve 'b$SU 1'ull bJ !;l8C8JO'ber 25 sad would 11"\"'1\\ llJ'!)il1ed tor tho uxt t ourt88. 4,.,.. Th. ruDort then gradu81ly deerea.ed untl1februar7 J, wi1$.JlL 11 i\111~ht inerll~ss ill flo~ oOQurrell. this then dsorelJ..4 Turtil the 1..t of .l"ll::', wh.n ',he !'lo:lf 1.cl"$aa.d Ili~t11 and the. graduallY' '.$<3r.:ued to luae l~, wt.l.~:ll there ftS 1W tIft. -2.. AenIIlaa the re.onotr e...ru..te-tt wi t:b. .. .a.,.ol t1' of ,aoo ..re t... at tlWt prepo8" at te IllS lnProjeet Deport No. 2 a. u e....S"PU. ellptlo1t7 1a 1,1ap8 C1'eek below the "ropcs_d dam 01' IS oub1o to.t "er aOllOn4, the reoorda tor tM ...8011 indiest. tutlS7. .ore te.t of w.ter pa...4 thru th.e ntstrict uit could lla.. been ....4 an4 aub..'11- 0.t17 pereola..4. fto total "utt tor L1sp. Oreek tor the per104 ootOOO1' 1, 1'''5 to 50'''81001')0. 1''''6. .. 11.670 aore 1'..t. !'he total J"\mOtt or UVea Or..k, at the dPl, tor the 8._ period. 'VIl88 1;,190 eoft reet. 'this lat.t81' t1gure.... obtained trom tb.e 11. s. r.-olO@;ical E:l"uM'o:r - Water Ito.ourcee Branch. t~r1ng this period Llftg~$ Greek produoed 77 percent ot' n. much !,,"ater 9.$ 'th@ t1"~8 Greek with .. Wl!!tttl"Bhed area 01' 72 ,or cent of that of the Uvao Oreek. The following table gi"ea these lielie tor the pllst five aeseons tor whioh record& have been obtained: 1'41-42: 1'42-4'5: 1'4)-44: 1'44-4': 1,4.s-46: ast..., 11614 '12) 10462 11670 n700 2'1'34 17t80 248'4 151 '(L 76 6' .5) 42 71 3'14 406' ;818 "74 38'14 nee_no!:r OJ'!ntlR Ilau: Spl111.. :8p11i":1*'. FilII :Total neT.: A.J'.: :~b.2;: 52 : 61'2 lief..! :Ju.22: 34 10601 :1\11716 : Mar . 41 11 10)2: 1ul7' I : Feb.~: 10 '264 :hM , : >>eo. 25: 14 : 2178 :,...17 S..s<.'n : Total ;tore l!'eet y,:~of't : Eeti_ted ::JJ.agaa "t Uva4 : 0 /0 of :Conael"Ya'bl.: Qr. Cr. Hl'llS /1... fl. (W(O't1'ND WA'l'1'.:'R .~,'E,VNr!ON Me...1'eJ.U'Jlt. at Yr. Kirk Gehu tzt 8 ".11 on tbe aou'h .1da Of bJ1 "utlJl A"e... d4 ...t of 'MUrph7 04:"0\10 ind10ate. tbJilt t.e d~th t.o watar ua iurea.od .6 tNt troa ooto1>>>.1" 1'''1 to Oo;;ober 1946. -}- 'fhe depth to ..:ter at Director Th.... Hu."r' a _11 o. t118 south aU.e of Maste. AT..ua ab..t 1l1(!wa,. betw..n Hip., 101 fllld Ll.gas C'H4!k baa l.cr...ea 28.8 te.t trom October 1941 t~ OQtob.~ 194.. 'the Cit1 0" 0.111'01 _11 a....r the nortb.el'lf 01\)" limits, could !lot be _1!8ureci thle ,.ear .. the 411" ,ipe _. 4..'1"07.<< tbl. S~J'1"-g whell tJla pump wns reinatalle4 after be1ns r.pe1~d. 1~ cGmplete set of 4epta _a~.t. OD. tha .al1 at the 1.0.0.'. . 7. A. M. Oometerl looRte4 about 4600 re6t west of the 01t1 or C1Iro7 ..11, "'1". obtai.ed tor t_period Mn_Ml- 1','1 to Oc~ober 1'4'. Thle well al!l.owa .. 1.cre... 1a d.ap,n to _UI' from Ootob.r 1'41 to Oo,ooe1" 1'46 of Sl teet. S'ytl1"OCX'ilJhs et th... \Ml111 t'..re g1ven herein. J..,eotful1J submitted, KW.do ~ MID \lOOD, :s ~ /A/'ll I J!. -4- I~ 5.~.....~ ag:. @ 1 o e ~ J.i . f,l, .p " ~ f.'I .... g . 000000000000000000000000000000 . . " . . . ., Ii 00 0000000000000000000000000000000 00 ... . .. .... 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