Murhpy, Michael .Q. Q. I ! I ! Q. 1- . . ... d71t THIS AGR1t.E14:::BT, made and entered into this I) '- day of March 1924, by and 'between Michael llurphy of the Oi ty aDd Oounty of Ban Jfranoisc 0, Sta.te of California, here inaner callea the "Contractor", and the Oity of ii1rol, Santa Clara County, California, a muntcipal cor~oration hereinafter called the \. 01 ty": WITN'i:SSP::'TH: THAT \\llj::ID~S the sa.id Oi ty has heretofore, in the rr.a.nner and form and for tho time provided by law, duly advertised for sealed bius and proposals for furnishing all of the labor and ms.terial necessary for the oonstruction (./ (," i of a d.lstrlbi;ting system for thu Municipal "'ater Works, AliD \VHLRtJ~S the said Contractor did, or, the :Coth day of ;'ebruary 1!;;24, duly preaent his pro!)olW.l or bld pursuant to SLid advertisement, aocording to the terms thereof; AND WH:::llEaS said prOl)Osal or bid of saluOcnU"actor W&sdu1y acoepted by said City, and the oontract for furnishing the necessary labor and rr:taterial mentioned in said advertisement ana speoifioation.heretofore adopted for laid work by said Oity, was d.lY' a.warded to sa.id Oontr<;.ctor on Ji;s.r;h 2>rd 1924, bY' resolution of the Mayor and Commen Council of said City of Gilroy, duly passed; BO;;i. THl;R::::.&'Olf., the l)arties hereunto do mutally promise, covenant and agree 8.8 folloRS: ~-- (:'- rtK~ l t= , The sa1<1 Contractor, fOt' the consideration hereinafter mentioned, promises --F'~1M.~ 'w ~~ ~ and agret)s "i th thl' said 01 ty that he W111A de and perform, or cauae to be per- formed ill a. good and worlo'nan-like manner. and 1n striot acoordance ,.1 tll the l'ilans I.no. speci:t'icr~tions, under the direction and sUI>ervlsiol. of the City Er.:g1neer of said City and to the BatistE.otion 01' the Ma;yor and Comrlon Council thereof, all of the fall. wing describQd work for said City of Gilroy, h: the COtmt;f of Santa Clara, State of California; and the sald City hereby oovenmlts, contraots a.nd a~rees to pay said Contractor therefor the prices stated herein. - 1 - !9li O/f.Sl' IRON fI1'B,"Olass B", inolud1ng all necesBHry fittings and specials, in plac., 14 inch pipe,' yer foot- Hour and 65/.100 Dollars (~.65) 10 inch pipe, per foot- Four and 14/100 Dollars ($4.14) G inch ;pipe, per foot- One and 76/100 Dollars ($1.76) 4 inch pIl)e, per toot- One anti 19 /100 Dollars (t1.19) lQEl CAST .aLl I:;I1'r~,de La Vv.ud typo, "Olass #100 inch, including all necessary fittings am spl1lO1als, in l>laces 6 inch pIpe, per foot- One and 64/100 Dollars (fl.64) FOR YA~V1~~S , oomplete, in plao fH 14 inoh Valve, each One hundred Seven and 10/100 Dollars (il07 .00) 10 inch Valve, each b'U'ty and. 10/100 Dollar. ($ 50.00) 6 inoh ValVO, Moh Twenty a1 gbt and 10/100 Dollars (f 26.00) 4 inob Valve, each Seventeen a.nd 'Bo/100 Dollars (t 17.00) I l.Ql COllEY ~ BYDHANTS,cClJ1!)lete, in places F laST Al1!rIUUtA'l'E: Hydrant w1 th one Two and one ha.l~~8e oonneotion, each Sixty fi va and 1'0/100 Dollars (f 65/00) BJdrant with ho Two and one balf hose oonnection, each Sixty seven and 10/100 Dollars (t 67.00) Hydrant wi th two Two and one half ho se and one four inch steamer conneotion, each Seventy thtee and 10/100 Dollars ($ 73.00) Seoond Alternate: Hydrant ':cith two 'two and one half inch hose connection8, one conn$otion to have indepellent valve control, eaoh Seventy four and NO/100 Dollars tt 74.00) Hydrant wi tll two B!wo and one half hose oonnections Hnd onn to~ inch steamer connection; the steamer cunnection and one hoae connection to haTe independent valve vontrol, eaoh Ninety five and No/IOC Dollar. ($ 95.00J Third ~lterD4te: Hydrant with two !t'wo and one half hose oonneotions, both connections to have Independen t val Vet C ont rOl, each Eighty one and 50/100 Dollars ($ 81.00) Hydrant wi th two 1'wo and one halt hose OODneotions, one tuur inoh steamer oonneotion, all oonnections to have independent valve control, eaoh One hundred and two and NoI100 nollar. (fl02.00) - 1 A _ Iii FOR IJ'll'TtJJl}; MET1J:.RS, oomplC!lte, in llle,ce: 14eter with 11 "e-eIght inoh by Three-fourths inoh,o'mn.ct1on eaoh twelve and 51/100 Dollars (* 12.6~) .eter wi th Three-fourthS by one inoh oonnection, eaoh Seventeen and 30/100 Dollars ($17.30) lQll COIiCRgTE .,,:T.Jl BOXES,oomplete, in plaoe: J4eter Box, Size "0", eaoh One and 70/100 Dollars Size "1" eaoh Two and 10/100 DOllar. (1f 1.70) ($ 2.00) >>eter Box, FOR ~RVIC~ CONIECTIONS, oomplete, in plaoe: Servioe oonneotion for three-fourths inoh pipe, eaoh Ten and 14/100 Dollars Servioe Oonneotion tor one inoh plpe eaoh fwelve and 10/100 Dollars (#10.14) (f12.00) JOR SERVICE PIFE,comp1ete, in plaoe: Galvanized p1pe three-fourths inoh diameter, per foot 0.18 Galvanized pipe one inoh diamet.r, par foot 0.21 ($ 0.l8) ($ 0.21) i' OR REIlOV ~ .2l. HYDRANTS: Old hydrant, deUvered at City Corpol'QUon yard, each Six aJJd JIo/100 (f 6.00) Fea BmllOVAJ., Q! :PIPE: Old oast iron pipe, delivered at City Oorporation Yard, per foot $0.47 (f 0.47) Old screw ;pipe, delivered at City Corporation Yard, per foot $0.47 ($ 0.47) FOR CONORt:TS ANCHOR B.,l,tOC K'J : Conorete, In place, per cubic foot fO . 60 (if 0.50 I It 18 further underatood and agreed th&t all alums acoruing under tl118 oontraot ehall be ;paid when legally allowed on the written ordor of the *1or and Oommon Oouncil of said City, upon the Treasurer thereof, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk of said C1 t1, and drawn uI>on the Water VlorkB Bond Fund of said City. It is mutall1 agreed and understood tha t the tii..S tor the 0 cmnenoement of s~j,ld work shall not be later than the 17th day of Karch 19:4, and that said work shall be oompleted withln :Ninety (90) days from tho above last mentlone4 date (Sundays aDd legal hol1&lys exoepted), unless the time for completion shall hereat'terbe extended by the Mayor and COllll'1on Counoil of the said City of Gilroy. As required by law of the State, it i8 mutally agreed by the parties hereto that under this oontraot eight hours of labor ahall oonstitute a legal day' 8 work, and that said Contractor $bs.ll not require more than eight hours labor in any one day from any person emvloyed by him in the performanoe of said work, and it is further agreed that said Contrao tor shall forfe 1 t as a penalty, to said City the sum of Ten (ilO.OOI Dollars for each laborer, workman or mach/inio employed in the exeoution of this oontract by him, or by any su'b- contraotor under him for each calendar day during which such laborer, workman or mechanic is required or ,permi tte<i to labor more than eight hours in violat1on ot the provilions of Seotion Z~40 of the rolitioal Cods of the ~tate of Calif- ornia. It i8 also rnutally agreed t!..u t th.:, rinimum com.pensatlon to be paid for labor under all wor,l{ performed undl"r this contract shall be Two (ilt. .00) Dollars per day. T he said Contra.ctor further agrees that he will execute a Bond satis- factory to the Mayor and Common Counoil of said Oity with a solvent surety CompaIl1 in a sun, not le8s than twenty five (f5) peroent of the oontraot prioe, conditioned on his faithful perforrr.a.noe of the work according to the plans; ana specifioations hereinafter mentioned in the oontract. - 2 - The said Contractor further agrees tba t he will exeoute ''bond aatiataotory to the Mayor and COlllnan Council of shid City, with~olvent surity oompany in a sum not leSI than fifty (50) peroent of the contraot prioe whioh bond &ball be furnished. in acoordance with all Act of the Legislature of the St&te of Calif- ornie., approved ~rch .;. 7th 1897, anti tled, '.A.n aot to secure the };&.yment Of Katerial, .Men, Mechanics or Laborers eml}loyeo.by Contractors upon State, Muni- ci,pal, or other j,iubl1o:,ork." It is mutally agreed thut payments shall be made in accordance vilth the s,pecificationa oovering the worle. The said C1 t1 agr~}es to save the said Contractor {armless frorr any expense, delay or 11 tigL tiOIl on aOGount of its right to let this contract. The said City further agree tha. t upon reoeirjt of notioe of tho com- pletion of said work, its engineer or agent shall prooeed without delay to examine and test the same, ana if found to be in ancord..anoe wi th the afore- said :plans and sp<..'Ci1'1oa tions and this ag..reemcnt, said City shall finally acoept 8&10. work and shall notify sL"io contractor of such f1rw.l acceptanoe. The said Contra.ctor further agrees U:aa.t he will indemnify aDd save harmless the said City. it 6 officers and agents, from &11 suits and &otions of every kind brought a.gainst any of them for or on aca:ount of any inJuries or oamage reoeivad or sustained by any purty or p6.rties during the progress of the work. It is further agreed bet~~en the parties hereto that the Oontraotor shall and will insure his employees, and all of them who are employed in any capaoity in or about sa.id work, after and in acoordance with the provisions of that oertain aot of the Legislature of the State of California, known as and called "Workmen's Com.pensation, Insurance and Safety Act, ,. passed and adopted by the Legislature of the State of' Chl1fornia. Nay t:6th, 191;;., Statutes of ln~, page f7~, ana de90sit the policy therefor ~ith the Clerk of the City of Gilroy before comr~encing work OL saia contract. .. - '" - IN 7,'I'l'1f:::SS WJmR1::;O.t', the aa.i d Cont rae tor has hereunto Bubier! bed his hand this day of >>arch, 19::4, and the City on add last mentioned day bas oa.used ita politio and cOrIJOrate naxro to be he,rounto subaoribed by the Mayor a.nd countersigned by the Clerk of said City. ~A J cJ ~A'~ Contractor. A'l'TEST: Signed, .ealed and ' pGt~ in the ~ 61',] ",'. , ~! (~. ..f: