Architectural Resources Group /\~:t2~'~;ii(;' ;~, ;. f'~~,~A'!I."": . .. ~. : }:~:~:'5:~;~.:~{(~~;pf;:,;~?;',:;' < ... ".'. .\;' 'f"'..i~~j,:,;:.':~. ..: ~ .' , 1It..,. )11 ~' :.r ", .' ,;,- .J..,ii"6RS!:~1#6ruR.AL.REsbURCESGROUP' ._.....~~.~~s~~~~I.~;< ':.;;;L(,::' ....... .' . ,: ". . .... .'" .. aNt' 0 JUdd" I . .. .' . . . ~~~%S~t~i~..>..~. ~.. . .......4. ...~. ....~ - , . ,"' .::; < . t .. $..... ..' .~~~.26. 1992 . ~::.<.:';~)'~'-", ~~.;~:f.::~~/.~....' :./.- :...~~~:."." .,<,.' ..' Mr. Michael DOni . . . .'. Din#lr.o(OtYJ~Ia#ng '. .: Oty of=,Oilroy.>.;' " ':. .' :7351.Ro'sanna Street . (Jilroy ~. CA.'.. 95920 . 'Reg~~:' OldC,ilroy City Hall .~<?je.c(No..:'8911. 9:. l'~.~ . '1' . .- :;~.-t '." ., , Dear Mike, We ~ pleased to submit the' following proposal for an amendment to our cwrent contract . amount to cover the additional services requested by the City. The oonimetcla1ptchen worlsisnecessarybecause the Santa Clara County Health ., Department~uires that restaurants that have been closed for more than one year be reinspected and meet current code requirements. . . . The review of the project for the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act is . n~ssarybecause the permit will be issued after January 26, 1992, the date that the Act took effect for .bUilding alterations. ~ . : . , '. .::: :- . ::., ." . . -',' . The landscape work is required to repair the impact of the construction process and insure that the sandstone on the building is not further damaged by water. ' S7~ ~t'JUd enclosures ;t' Pier 91. The Eml::-arcadero San Ffuncisco. CA 94111 i 1 ~ ~ 1 '1 "I '1 j '1 '1 1 j ~ !r.~") , ~ , l ~ ! I I .~'9.~"cr.",. 'f "::.;i~"_~:.';': ~,,\.-"X~~-.',\l'~~:~~;i~,t:;~~..:\t~~,~ ~::~t: '..; ~~,l ".." ,r, .,c;". .', '.I,,~_; ""., ///.'..-.......~:.),'} ":'. ......',...'........." ....... .'. . .,'. '.....,...... ...":.:.~_..\.;....:..,.:..:.;.;~..~.l,,?..,.:;"::.:_'.',,:.{'..~.:~...,".;.T...~.;_%;i.t.........' '.. ",~j"., ." -. ,.. 'A!\CHiTECTuRALREsOlJR:ciSGR00p"'-'''''' ..:~;;~. <'.._~,:....:~:.-.:.:.~.._'.:'....:.}:._~.:...,.t-...-~:"-_:":..:.[:i:..i~J".:"""":"~'-:"""":"~'~.~._,:.:.;.~.,.~.:.'.~._::l:;,,:.~.',,~_;.':..:.,..:.,..\'.....-,:~.i~_.~.~.~"."~.~........;...,,... . ....~:~;:...-~.;...~..;..~:.:. .' --:.,~,,,,,:~~:~~.t,~ ,.:...... ~.~:,::t.~.:.:~~.,~.{.\~~.;t-~};~~;'.~,':.;..t.';..;:..~.A:..:;.~~:.<,:~;.:.:.: ....:.: - T_ '", ";::.._ T~_~ -.::.,.--_.....:--:.--r~ _~";::-"a,.' .,~2~i~1~~ . . q~;< r-~ :..,.;,c-:.* ,; . ~ 'J j' ~ . OY~e.ALlF; ,;;~ ' ~..j'. .' .'-."'",...._~"H:......J:>..... ~_. ....t.. '<I".'.... .":-~J":"" .... ". _ ~,~ nm\::JN'" ERVIGES ~J?:' '~;~l~~!t;it't":i,::!~ll":~::~".. :;",~~~~~%~(:~~:f -~ .'..~~S~~ Qf.~CtVi~: ::~Vi4~~CO~~~ph p~enis foi.plaiihng''aridJ#i~o~'m~areas:;~:.:;:.'.;' .~,:,;:,:~::,,:, : ;,., ,,~ ".iiiUnediaicljr8iljacent t6'lb~:bUildirig ~ by 'sinictuiilwOi'kj ,,~\t;~~~'io~"""~':;;';''',,4tf. ;<-,y!.,~,,,~;"..:." . . 'c.:. :;.. .- ....'. .~:~:,~.-~~, ;~~:~:r:;~'-;~~~\i-:{~i ;:"~:' .::' >.~:: '., ,,:~ .~' .~. . .-;~{ 'o~on,~Qhe. ~taurant has been mtez:ruptedfor more than()ne.y~.,~Sc:ope of ..,~. . ..' . .SeMcesareai'riutliriedili'ARGlettertc):the CiofGilro .. dated.Febni' "::24 "J992 . ~;!~.ft~tl~~;::~~tlll~:1~~~'~f~;1~~1(:il~r~i SUB-TOTAL-.,........;".... ," , ..$2800 00 . . .." .;....i.:.::.~.,."' . ~ .~.~""-.:.:...,~..:~:.... .~. ",' . . '. ,'. ~. · . ADDmONALSERVICESTOTAL $5,000.00 ". ..:.. . . ~R~ . '~;i:~";ra:J{ '[2: ;"1.- . ,..~~<). '~;:i;- . ~';.. '., . .. .7 ~ " , . ..I, .,.... .f 4 .' "::,' .";" .~ :':;:;'.' .:.:..;;,:1:.:>~i:~:. .' ;,;,' " . ~ ;. ..:" 1" ".1 " \~~~it':i~~:J/.,'.',.., :':,~:':j,~;.~;)~~~tii~;~,:~,~.;';, ". .( :, "".:>t'. ,:,' ..;.:.;. ''':'i;L;l-5>,~~gaJ:diiig..,~OldGi1royCityJ~ .;:.c;~ ,'," .":. . " ::\;f~~~/{,~"i~,;;:I~ii~~J~B'H~;'lrB'ij~X~{iJ; . , . '.' .' ............... '. ' . .:.;::..W-~~.PidSe4.:to.snbrDit thefollo~g propc>salJor an amell4ment roour current contraCt '. :', ,'{.::iF:a.mqiiili t6'coyp;;$e,J3iddirig'3.J}dNegotiation phase o( the theabove~ferenced: project. ",,:~~;~';e;,;;~~:i1~ ':';';}~;(;;.;~ii~~~'t:~;;,:::;{.::;i;..:~3\::ti:.::~:\?<.:-:/;.: ....:-: .:. , ":": 'c". ..., .......,:~/j;'...:':. ..::C-: :-<J)'. L'1:iro.t.. , ik~~as~;bW~~ pti~ ~~.oiiginaI;ct)litract until the aqtual sc~~ ot)h~':\york ~ ." :J;::~ : :~:~4'~idefuiea'5}.The"srog:ofseMCes"Mll be' as outlineO. on the attached proposal. :' ;.:. ". " ',':" ::~::,:\~.>;~fit~f~~;i&t:~~~~~~,~}~~;,~~:,,:'~'~>.',~~/~:~';~,i,..':.!,p.::.....,.~, . . -'''-',' ,'. ,.~..<:', . . ..... ':~:7Shoiild Y011.;have,imy 'qu tions, please calL :,. '. . . . .'... ,,' '.~ r . '" ..' . ". ': . ." '.. ,,~;..) .,-' .-,.=' !i "~i1~{~~.tj,'~;f;~f;~'.' <. .... Pie~,9 .~The Emba;~dero . . San'~nCisco. 'CA9:1 ~ 1.1. (41'\\ 471,16RO,..,.e.. 'j' I ~~;.,:""""-:;:,,. " 1I'L'''4.~:,~ ". '..", 0;- _ "'~""-''''''' -.' '. " ~/~i ,~~~::.:~~.~.:t.~~~~:.--/;: ,~~b" , ", ~. -': .2~~;:li:.'> "~"{5;~~\'\~~:? f;:." ~:':~;:~ ~f,,:" ',., ~ .;': .::.'-.-.', '.-. ";...f ';:$SOO;OO,. '2~60(tOO'~~.~ ". "$3'400:00::<'," _. .... ... ";,~.:::.~,..f.:.:.~.\-."" ",":', .' ,':'" ,,;'}"'~:(NEOOnA nON::' ." ,', ,. .~'" ,::~;:; /,....; ;.,,:,~~'.:SfOP~'(j(Seryi~,:,<~~~ist,th~ qitY ~ ~~~~n~ Co~tractor's qua1ifications,.e.~a!~ti~g ~:), ,'~;!:' .,', bl~S ~d,3:.~ndipg two pegonanon meetIngs With City and Contractor. Addinomil " ,'~~,"'"" i,';- /~~""':':. :'. .':: , nieetirigs 'Will,Oe~ attended With fees, baSed,on an hourly rate. '. !' 'c/'/~;~L/:;'~:: tf,~~,~>!~1_;~ti~~\YiW';;:~>~6d~~~:i~~' ,.. :_Jl~~~~f} ""';"';(i,:>SUBTqTAL,;,.., ',,',', ," ,~";:"" ", " $1,96Q.00: y /tlf/ 'li~ , ' , .... '. ~., . -. ,.,': .", ~ 1;' ".: . .. ~ '-. ," " '. ~r .,..... ..... ,,' ~ '. . . I , I I f f I I ....... ) .;...... fi~""""";" '., ,,' ,,' :~~~,~.~;i.' ~~lil~{T~4fr~~ '. ~ ;j /....." c- ,r/ ') '~ ''-...', / , "...,t~. ~ QItf~ of ~ilro~ Telephone (408) 848-0440 Fax (408) 842-2409 7351 Rosanna Street GILROY, CAliFORNIA 95020-6141 PLANNING DEPARTMENT May 13, 1992 Charles F. Wynne Office of Emergency Services 2800 Meadowview Road Sacramento, CA 95832 Re: Amendment Request for Gilroy Old City Hall DSR '18470 Dear Mr. Wynne, FEMA had approved DSR '18470 in the amount of $109,300.00 for reimbursement for architectural and engineering services related to earthquake repair of Gilroy'S Old City Hall. Substantial changes have been made to the architectural and engine~ng drawings to accommodate concerns by the Office of Historic. preservation. Attached are copies of the contract amendment from Architectura1 Resources Group for $10,360.00 for modificatioRs to the drawings for County Health Dept. requirements and bid documentation; and 2) Berliner, Cohen & Biagini attorneys for bid document preparation $11,012.50. We request that the DSR be amended to a total of $130,672.00 to cover the additional $21,372.50. Sincerely, ~f)~ Michael Dorn Director of Planning MRD & pkb cc: Noble Shaw, Director of Finance Gordon Miller, FEMA ~..) l ,t . CHANGE ORDER OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER o o o o o AM DOCUMENTG701 ~ ...., HP CONSTRUCTION 2190 STOKES ST., #202 SAN JOSE, CA 95128 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: DATE: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT DATE: 2 PROJECT: (ruune, address) OLD CITY HALL GILROY, CA October 5, 1993 TO CONTRACTOR: (ruune, address) 89119 CONTRACT FOR: MAY 7, 1993 SEISMIC REPAIR AND STRENGTHENING The Contract is changed as follows: dt7t; \ I q I J . +4> j(.J Contract amount shall be increased $~H,646.44: See attached breakdown. Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum)(Guaranteed M:lXimum Price) was . , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,S Net change by previously authorized Change Orders , , , , , , . , , , . , , , , , , , , . . , , , , . , , , , ,S The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change Order was, , , , , , , , , ,S The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of , , . , , , ' , , ' , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,S The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order will be "S The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 1,899,000.00 3,508.00 1,902,508.00 INCREASED ' ~ 9i.,646.44 ~ (, q i 1.% LO/0!tt: 1,99J,54&8..U ~ I: c;B4-/+.Q.4t ~ INCREASED BY (0) dayJ,O/~/q FEBRUARY 14, 1994 NOTE: This summary does not renect changes in the Contract Sum. Contr:lCt Time or Guaranteed Maximum Priee whieh have been authorized b\' Construction Change Directive, ' ARCH. RESOURCES GROUP ARCHITECT PIER 9, THE EMBARCADERO Address SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 BY ~ ~~) 'DATE /01::;;7'13 UP CONSTRUCTION CONTRACiOR 2190 STOKES ST., #202 CITY OF GILROY OWNER 7351 ROSANNA Address SAN JOSE, CA 95128 Address GILROY, CA 95020 BY BY ~~/ f) ~ IC~)(f) DATE DATE AlA DOCUMENT G701 . CHANGE ORDER . 19f17 EDITION . AlA" . (C) 19f17 . TilE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE" N,W" WASIIIN(;T()N, I),c. 2lXXKl ,r G701-1987 BREAKDOWN OF COSTS FOR CHANGE ORDER NO.2: ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ceo #3 Reparr of loose bnck at top of wall to , $8,665.00 facilitate center coring. CCO #5 Removal of concealed foundation at line B. $5,131.00 CCD #6 Removal and reconstrucuon of addiuonal 93 $18,692.00 s.f. of masonry wall at line B/2 due to concealed damage. PR#l Repair of concealed, damaged brick at line $420.00 B/3.1. PR#2 2 new doors at new Men's and Women's $1,800.00 Rooms in lieu of using existing 2'-8" doors. PR#4 Reoair of broken window at Dining Room. $1,176.00 PR#6 Revision to light fixtures at Arcade and on $653.44 east elevation of building. PR#7 RelocatIon of clock mechanism. $9,902.00 Contractor's 'Repair damaged brick, concealed by dropped $6,415.00 Proposal ceiling, at line B between 6 and 7. Dated 8/19193 Contractor's Additional reinforcing and construction joint $1,075.00 Proposal at line 3.1, near B, required by Structural Dated 8121193 Clarification No.6. Contractor's Additional cost for refurbishing HV AC $6,240.00 Proposal system above Allowance No. 10. Dated 919193 Contractor's Relocation of two plumbing vents at new $1,056.00 Proposal Toilet Rooms. Dated 9114/93 Contractor's Installation of footing and revisions to $2,101.00 Proposal electrical and plumbing at new wall infill near Dated 9117193 line 7/0. Contractor's Removal of concealed wood framing at line B $3,906.00 Proposal to facilitate shear transfer. Dated 9121/93 Contractor's Removal of concealed footing at lines 3 and $3,935.00 Proposal D. Dated 9121/93 BREAKDOWN OF COSTS FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 (cont.): DES RIPTION Additional Cost for Grease Inceptor, sized as required to meet Gilroy Fire Department Re ulations. AMOUNT 10,749.00 ~ f?i) ttil.~4