Minutes 2013/06/03City of Gilroy City Council Meeting Minutes June 3, 2013 I. OPENING A. Call to Order Mayor Gage called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was led by Council Member Bracco. The invocation was given by Bishop Jeff Scherck of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. - City Clerk Shawna Freels announced that the agenda had been posted on May 29, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. Roll Call Present: Council Member Dion Bracco; Mayor Don Gage; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Absent/Excused: Council Member Peter Arellano M.D.; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Terri Aulman B. Orders of the Day There were no agenda changes. C. Introductions Fire Chief Alan Anderson introduced newly hired Firefighters William Nguyen, Corey Maciel and Thomas Cooper. II. CEREMONIAL ITEMS A. Proclamations, Awards and Presentations Mayor Gage presented a proclamation naming June 1 Through June 22, 2013 as "Paint the Town Purple Days" in Gilroy. III. PRESENTATIONS TO COUNCIL A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Blanco Cinco spoke on transient issues in her neighborhood on Broadway sharing the details of vandalism, attempted robbery, and other destructive activities by transients at her home and in her neighborhood. She spoke on the costs associated with putting in security systems and then asked the Council to address the transient issue. Tim Gavin spoke on his discussions with the Mayor regarding continuing issues with traffic in his neighborhood on Welburn, sharing the definitions of "collector streets ". Victoria Bowdon, community Co -chair of the Menthol Tobacco Prevention Project shared information on the group's goal of removing youth marketed tobacco products throughout the County and asked the Council to consider agendize a discussion on FDA regulation of flavored tobacco products. Terrence Battle spoke as the youth Co -chair of the Menthol Flavored Tobacco Regulation Project asking the City Council to consider adoption of a resolution asking City Council Meeting Minutes 6/3/2013 for more FDA regulating of the products. Public comment was then closed. Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz joined the meeting at 6:14 p.m. B. Planning Commission Annual Presentation to Council The presentation was given by Planning Commission Chair Sanford. IV. REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Leroe -Munoz spoke on his recent Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority (SVRIA) meeting explaining that they would not be pursuing bond measure as the Authority was in the process of looking for a new Executive Director. Mayor Pro Tempore Woodward shared the recent interviews the City Audit Committee had conducted. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Gage spoke on the meetings he had attended during the previous weeks explaining that there were no new reports to present. V. FUTURE COUNCIL INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS There were no Council initiated agenda items. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of May 20, 2013 Regular Meeting B. Opening of the Recruitment Period for 7 Seats on the Youth Commission C. A Resolution 2013 -18 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Authorizing the Release of Unclaimed Checks to the City of Gilroy in the Amount of $230.77, Pursuant to California Code Section 50053 D. A Resolution 2013 -19 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Authorizing the Release of Unclaimed Checks to the City of Gilroy in the Amount of $54.51, Pursuant to California Code Section 50055 E. A Resolution 2013 -20 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Setting the Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 With Respect to General Obligation Bonds for the Gilroy Community Library Project F. Budget Amendment in the Amount of $47,861.00 from Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Grant for 80/20 Program Improvements Motion on the Consent Calendar Motion: to approve consent calendar items A, B, C, D, E and F Moved by Council Member Cat Tucker, seconded by Council Member Dion Bracco. Vote: Motion carried 5 -0 -2. Yes: Council Member Dion Bracco; Mayor Don Gage; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Absent: Council Member Peter Arellano M.D.; Council Member Terri Aulman Public comment. City Council Meeting Minutes 6/3/2013 A member of the public spoke on the grant from ABAG, sharing her concerns with taking money from an agency that supports the One Plan Bay Area and stating that the city should be careful with taking monies from ABAG. Public comment was then closed. VII. BIDS AND PROPOSALS A. Award of 3 -Year Contract to Honeywell International, Inc. for Heating, J Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Maintenance Services The staff report was presented by Facilities Superintendent Brandini. There were no public comments. Motion on Item VII.A. Motion: to Award a 3 -Year HVAC Contract to Honeywell International, Inc. Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Cat Tucker. Vote: Motion carried 5 -0 -2. Yes: Council Member Dion Bracco; Mayor Don Gage; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Absent: Council Member Peter Arellano M.D.; Council Member Terri Aulman B. Selection of Consultant for the Preparation of the New Gilroy General Plan, and Approval of Proposed Refined Scope, Schedule and Costs The staff report was presented by Senior Planner Ketchum. There were no public comments. u Motion on Item VII.B. Motion: to Award the Consultant Agreement to Mintier - Harnish, and Approve Proposed Refined Scope, Schedule and Costs for the Preparation of the New Gilroy General Plan Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 5 -0 -2. Yes: Council Member Dion Bracco; Mayor Don Gage; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Absent: Council Member Peter Arellano M.D.; Council Member Terri Aulman VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Public Hearing to Consider Increases to Rates for Solid Waste and Recycling Services Within the City of Gilroy to Become Effective July 1, 2013 The item was presented by Finance Director Turner. Phil Coche of Recology South Valley spoke on the contractual agreement with the city and use of a mathematical formula for the rate increase. The public hearing was opened. Sue Rodriguez spoke on the continuous rate increases asking if there would ever be cap in the rate hikes. Beverly Pierce spoke on the initial contract stating that recycling was taken from property owners which was in effect taking income that the city received for recycling. City Council Meeting Minutes 6/3/2013 n The public hearing was then closed. Motion: to Adopt Resolution 2013 -17 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Setting Maximum Charges for the Collection of Garbage, Rubbish, Refuse and Recyclable Materials Within the City of Gilroy, to Become Effective July 1, 2013 Moved by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz, seconded by Council Member Cat Tucker. Vote: Motion carried 5 -0 -2. Yes: Council Member Dion Bracco; Mayor Don Gage; Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Absent: Council Member Peter Arellano M.D.; Council IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There were no unfinished business items. X. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS A. Review of the Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Council Member Peter Tempore Perry Woodward Member Terri Aulman The staff report was presented by Development Center Manager Butler. Public comment was opened. James Suner of the Downtown Association spoke on the obstacles associated with the plan and discussions by the Downtown Association related to fees explaining that continued impact fee waiver programs were necessary for new building, and building restoration in the downtown. Connie Rogers spoke in support of the previous speakers comments and then spoke on the request of the Historical Society to maintain the historic character of the downtown Unreinforced masonry buildings. She than asked that a representative from the Historic Society be appointed to the downtown specific plan committee and spoke on the Society's continued request for downtown design guidelines. She concluded by speaking on the tax credits for rehabilitation of historic structures. Jane Howard of the Gilroy Welcome Center spoke on the Board marketing plan which placed emphasis on the downtown. Public comment was then closed. Motion on Item X.A. Motion: to accept the report and direct staff to return with the action plan adding the historic design guidelines with an update on the outcome of the URM ordinance revisions. Moved by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz, seconded by Council Member Cat Tucker. Vote: Motion carried 5 -0 -2. Yes: Council Member Dion Bracco; Mayor Don Gage; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Absent: Council Member Peter Arellano M.D.; Council Member Terri Aulman B. General Plan Advisory Committee Formation The staff report was presented by Senior Planner Ketchum. Public comment was opened. James Suner suggested a Downtown Business Association Member be appointed to the committee. City Council Meeting Minutes 6/3/2013 Connie Rogers suggested that a member of the Historic Society be appointed to the committee. Public comment was closed. Motion on Item X.B. Motion: to Approve the Membership Composition of the New General Plan Advisory Committee with 10 members of the public at -large and Direct Staff to Begin Recruitment Efforts. Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Cat Tucker. Vote: Motion carried 5 -0 -2. Yes: Council Member Dion Bracco; Mayor Don Gage; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Absent: Council Member Peter Arellano M.D.; Council Member Terri Aulman C. 2010 Bond Anticipation Notes Refinancing Plan The staff report was presented by Finance Director Turner. Public comment was opened. Mike Catina asked what the highest interest rate was over the last 3 years stating that the city would be losing money with the recommended course of action . Public comment was then closed. Motion on Item X.C. Motion: to accept the staff recommendation of the 20 year bond option, and to immediately lock into a low rate as soon as possible. Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 5 -0 -2. Yes: Council Member Dion Bracco; Mayor Don Gage; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry. Woodward Absent: Council Member Peter Arellano M.D.; Council Member Terri Aulman XI. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS There was no report. XII. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS There was no report. ADJOURNMENT The Council adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m. City Clerk City Council Meeting Minutes 6/3/2013