Heredia and CantuRecording requested by Alliance Title Company E'scrow.No. 133340 -014 When recorded return to: City of Gilroy Community Development Department 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 DOCUMENT: 14441462 IlNlllll{Ilil BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Alliance Title'Company Titles:l /Pages Fees....- No Fees Taxes... Copies., AMT PAID M. RIDE # 409 10/13/1998 8 :00 AM SPACE ABOVE TFUS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 6103 GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Parcel No.: 1 Project: City of Gilroy Bridge Replacement APN: 841 -05 -001 GRANT DEED Maria Carmen Cantu, Jose Maximo Heredia, and Frank Heredia, do(es) hereby grant to the City of Gilroy all that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: X f, See Exhibit "A" attaDhhereto and made a part hereof, which description is by this .q reference incorporat herein. tJ� V, Dated this `? day of _ I— Fvz,. l k- /0A/'4a- GC+ ✓s+KtH C"'.'4u 1-0s- A-11-x,—b beve.d;e. 133340 —J14 624202 Notary (General) Rev. 9/91 STATE OF U4,44Ees2,y,,ra CAPACITY CI.AD4ED BY SIGNER SS. COUNTY OF ,y rA L, <:9 Q A? I K ftdNd-us) s%urmaFwo==ffMmmmd— On a — a — 5',j before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for said State, personally l 1 o Mj.) of Um Above Named coeporanm(.) appeared Fq y:,iX GwtdmofWAbMNmadf &idiul(s) t 1 Pm°sv(s) of ft Aban Nmed YarmaaWz) [ I Atmeary(s} nSW of OA Atom Named rrmcku9s) On A - d s y 9 8 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for add State, personalty [ l Offi—(s) of tee Ab— Named Corpe.auoa(s) ( j personally known to me-Olk M proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the petson(s) whose names) is /am subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /sbe /tbWexecuted the same in his /hes/their authorized capimty(ies), and that by his/her /thsk signatures) on the instrument the pemon(s), or [ 1 mss) a(dwAbo a No Tn*s) the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. [ ) personally known to me -0R- K proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be theperson(s) whose name(s) is/ax subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that Ae /she /thry executed the same in [ l der WITNESS my hand and official seal. ME Q cock into2esil m ilOTAR�WAt m M oli W!w H. NUT MA l ] 1to.cse(s) of tbeAbuw Named Trw(s) the entity upon behalf of which the pencon(s) acted, executed the instrument. Signature Y Condos EV. An 23.2M I I other 62.4202 Notary (General) Rev. 9/91 C44,6=00odeOAI STATE OF CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER //�� / SS. ' COUNTY OF, W '.9 L,C,� /� .A ,, k4 h-Kdwus)sigaft Per tlus ffMims t. On A - d s y 9 8 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for add State, personalty [ l Offi—(s) of tee Ab— Named Corpe.auoa(s) appeared /&).ap.0q h?Mc,✓ C.oAy rd [ 1 C�umdim of tee Above Named Iedbndast(.) [ I Paveaer(s) of ter Above Named Peetae.ehip(s) [ ) personally known to me -0R- K proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be theperson(s) whose name(s) is/ax subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that Ae /she /thry executed the same in t 1 O`AAs}isFae of We Above Named t s) his /her /their Ruth --d capacity(ies), and that by Lis /her /thtpr signature(s) on the instrument the persoa(s), or l ] 1to.cse(s) of tbeAbuw Named Trw(s) the entity upon behalf of which the pencon(s) acted, executed the instrument. I I other WITNESS my hand and official seal. •— M WK K NMAN CC C01% H1ma W. NOTARY ID =-` m 3 Signature MY E� Duna 29.2006 133340 —J14 62 -4202 Notary (General) Rev. 8/91 STATE OAL'Al /�= CAPAQTY CLAI341ED BY SIGNER � SS. COUNTY OF;9,0" r,4 x hwNdog(s) aftroMeffmcmeeb" On beforee me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for said State, personally [) CoWw 0e mss) of the Aboae Named Gaepon�oa(s) appeared Y Q � ,,F r� /9 X ., l d &c A L fi ,,* [ , GGUd sn at WAb= NamM Iadi UII(=) ( , Pwlse[(s) of the Abas Named Partoenhip(s) [ 1 Attaeaaf(2)4� otdfaAbore Named Princlpal(s) [ ] pmonany known to me AR W proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the perswt(s) whose name(s) islom subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she/they executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity(ies� and that by his/hsr/thsir sipature(s) on the instrument the petson(s� or [ 1 TIUM (s) of umAbwe HIIW T1.1 (s) the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument [1t� WYTNESS my hand and official seal. .•... WBR. IL Kl1TTUN ... COIN. #110M � C - -- WARY OR— PAL CE I M xG y Cmnbft BqL JIM 2& =0 p Signature • 133340 -014 R +G October 16, 1995 .17809A � Ruth and Going. Inc Description for Public Right -of -Way Miller Slough - Lewis Street Bridge P$rcel L-1 All that real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California being a portion of Lot 15 in Block 2 North, Range 4 East as shown on the "Map of the ` Subdivision of Las Animas Sublot No. 11 and Las Animas Ranchlot No. 39 in the Rancho Las Animas" filed for record in Book Fl of Maps at Page 4, Santa Clara County Records, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most westerly corner of said Lot 15, said corner being the intersection of the ' northeasterly line of a 16' wide alley as shown on said subdivision Map with the southerly line of Lewis Street (60 feet wide) as shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for record on June 22, 1995 in Book 666 ofMaps at Page 35, Santa Clara County Records; thence along said southerly line of Lewis Street, North 70 000'48" East a distance of 31.35 feet; thence perpendicular to last said line, South 19 °59' 12" East a distance of 6.00 feet; thence along a line 6.00 feet southeasterly of (measured at right angles) and parallel to said southerly fine of Lewis Street, South 70 °00'48" West a distance of 31.35 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 15; thence along last said fine, North 19 °59'12" West a distance of 6.00 feet to said Point of Beginning, and containing 188 square feet, more or less. �pFESS�pN Robert A. Smith i=' (Q' EXPt ES Z -au 37 133340-J14 20' R /1N 1� (1320 OR 275) / _ r E a s K c7 P 8d1- O? -DSZ CHIADO I� 1 � N I I of y _.__...___ .n ,• � � � •' •• " CHEST 1T STRF,;' � �' GUY 1 •���" f •:: _ I 1 b k' 341- -001 I ! HERDIA 130. o 13a N477 OR al 4. 5,565* SQ iU !�M Q ICt) IWW - - (J 1 I I 'I � ' M��•.LER - -I - ------- ju a am O b0 �ifo Q m 221.00 -{�IIS. =x370 Z AR1 ES _ N20 °00'OQ'W _ ` FOREST STREET dl- 1il �HOUSERY ALYAMIRAND K23& OR 194 s 2 N, R -' E FI M 4 39_,9• - 1 &OO RM 18' ALLEY - - -- ! adl- O5 -01a 13 LAVE I DIRECTION I DISTANCE L1 N70°oo-46'E AM L2 '.. 6A0' CD ra S70 °00'48W 3135' L4 N19°5912'W 6.00' L6 N70°00'48'E 28.02' LS S69 °44V -'E IL ' mco f I. O __ O N19 °5912'W 4.00' L9 +lam, Yj .1a'b- 3025' dl- 1il �HOUSERY ALYAMIRAND K23& OR 194 s 2 N, R -' E FI M 4 39_,9• - 1 &OO RM 18' ALLEY - - -- ! adl- O5 -01a 13 LAVE I DIRECTION I DISTANCE L1 N70°oo-46'E 31.36• L2 S19059'12'E 6A0' L3 S70 °00'48W 3135' L4 N19°5912'W 6.00' L6 N70°00'48'E 28.02' LS S69 °44V -'E 6.19' L7 S70000'48'W 3274' L8 N19 °5912'W 4.00' L9 N69°4412'W 3025' .BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BEARING N 70900'48' E ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF LEWIS STREET. AS SHOWN ON THAT RECORD OF SURVEY FLED FOR RECORD IN BOOK 688 AT PAGE 35, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS, WAS TAKEN AS THE BASIS OF ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. 30 20 -__10 0 30 GRAPHIC SCAIF IN FFFT A CEL APN OWNER I PROPOSED USE AREA * SF REMAINDER L -1 841 - 05-001 HERDIA RIGHT-OF -WAY 188 5,377(CROSS)' L -1A 841 -05 -001 HERDIA CONSTJ MANT. ESMT. t666 ,• _L-1B 841-05 -M HERDIA TEMP. CONST. ESMT. 122 . NET REMAINDER, EXCLUDING ALL PROPOSED AND EXISTING ESMTS.. IS 1,459* SOFT. .. NET AREA, EXCLUDING AREA WITHIN PARCEL L -1. IS 1,526* SOFT. RUTH AND GOING, WC. Date' `-{- Civil Engineers Land Surveyors Appraisal Map 10 -16-95 1630 Zanker Road San Joae, Ca. 95112 Miller Slough Bridge Scale. 1 TeL (405) 452 -5700 Fa: (408) 452 -5790 1• ° 30' I76o9A L I Drwe: ,ax Lewis Street Parcel L -1 Sleet. I,8UI3- Ll.DMG I I Chkd: MGS I City of GUrOY Cafifomia 1 of 1 133340 -J14 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Maria Cantu, Jose Maximo Heredia, Frank Heredia This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant deed dated February 25, 1998 fromMaria Cantu, Jose Maximo Heredia, & Frank Heredia to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 97 -62 of the City of Gilroy adopted December 1, 1997, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in. the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #13986427, dated December 22, 1997 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set r