Gilroy, City of to Bay Colony Investors II6374B52 Page ,�7 T—� RECORDING REQUESTED BY Firer American Title GuaraTity Co. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO. Bay Colony Investors 1475 Saratoga Avenue, Suite 250 San Jose, Ca. 95129 ENgyR�63?l8�ll Titles:1 / pages: 3 Foos.— 23.00 Taxes.., 1,10 Copies. AMT PAID 24,10 BRENDA DAVIS RDE 4 010 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 7/19/2802 Recorded at the request of 2:59 PM Title Comoany MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: The undlarsigned grantor(s) declere(s): CITY TRANSFER TAX S lei /,A 00CUWNTARY TRANSFER TAX S 1 7 0 SAME AS ABOVE SURVEY MONUMENT FEE S 1r0, 0� Computed on the conelderollon or vmluo o props y 001 — ed; OR Computed on the aonaldemllon or value losa Ilene or encumbrances renuining at APN 783 -20 —not assessed GRANT MED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal corporation hereby GRANT(S) to BAY COLONY INVESTORS 11, a California corporation The real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as LEGAL DI= SCRIPTION SEE EXHIEIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Dated: 00 STATE OF CALI�0- CGUNTYOF Or 42 b0bra M1 personally eppeared pereonally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satlafaotory evidehce) to be the pemottoY Whose nanteo+J Islare subsortbed to the wlthfn Instrument and acknowledged to me that heJ-%4e4" executed the came In hlelharA** authorized capacttyW, and that by his/hthtio sWnatur@M on the Instrument the pe13011(0 or the entity upon behalf of vrhloh the pemon?J noted, executed the Instrument. WITNESS my hand and orflctei seah CITY OF GILROY, a California corporation By: Ieftlit --f,CNERT,KnE r carnmilwan#134V41111 Notary Public - calliemis Sane clan Call* My comm. Bow Ill irk am I (Mla rue ref olflcifl notmoul wzz T IiZ ' d 2Z8 '0W 371I1 3DWHI-3Fi Wd80 : 8 E002, V ' d3S 6374652 Page EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A 9' WIDE STREP OF LAND All that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A portion of Lot C as said lot is shown on the Map of the Perry Dowdy Subdivision, filed in Book "P' of Maps, at Page 143, Records of Santa Clara County, also being a portion of Parcel 3 as said Parcel is shown on the Recodd of Survey Map filed in Book 407 of Maps, at Page 54, Records of Santa Clara County, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the dividing line between Lots C and D of said Map, said point being distant thereon westerly 1879.86 feet from the intersection of said dividing line between Lots C and D with the centerline of Santa Teresa Boulevard, said point also being the northwesterly corner of Parcel 3 of said Record of Survey Map; thence southwesterly along the line common to Parcels 2 and 3 of said Record of Survey Map a.) SO4 155'08 "W, a distance of 41.14 feet to a point on a line 41.00 feet southerly of, and parallel with, the dividing line between said Lots C and D, being the TRITE POINT OF BEGINNING for this description; thence continuing along said line common to Parcels 2 and 3 1.) SO4 °55'08 "W, a distance of 9.03 feet to a point on a line 50.00 feet southerly of, and parallel with, said dividing line between Lots C and D; thence along said parallel line 2.) S89 °44'15 °E, a distance of 487.19 feet to a point on the easterly line of said Parcel 3; thence along said easterly line of Parcel 3 3.) N04 °55'29 "E, a distance of 9,03 feet to a point on a line 41.00 feet southerly of, and parallel with, said dividing line between Lots C and D; thence along said parallel line 4.) N89044'1 5"W, a distance of 487.20 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 4,385 square feet, more or less. END OF DESCRIPTION. TT /E'd Zz8'ON 371I1 30NdI -nu Wdc0:8 S002'v 'd3S 6374052 Page 3 LOT D / I P.O.C. 1 -M-143 SUNRISE pR11/E N85'44'15•W 1879,86' (TO CENTERLINE ❑F SANTA TENESA ECJULEVARD) T.P.O.B. — SO4'53'08•W I 4114' I 504.55' 9'W + DIVIDING UNE OF N89'44'13''W 487,20' 41,T LOTS 'C" AND "D" TfI..ZCZT rE� �JT_LZZ'=- Z7-Z I -M -143 SB '�4'15'E B7. 9' SO4'55'08'W 9:03• 9' STRIP OF N04'55'29•C LAND TO BE I 9. 3' � LoT f C QUITCLAIMED R I - 4,385 SF 1 _ 143 I o t � m PARCEL 2 P� PARCEL 3 m� 407-M--54 407 -M -54 3 3l oe � rD � f t f I f � ' f t N09'45'42•W 49717' _ _ -- - -- SPRIG WAY 0 I LEGE I P. O.C. POINT CF COMMENCEMENT T , P , 0 ,13 • TRUE POINT OF 9ECINIM0 AREA TO BE QUITCLAIMED - - - EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE - - - - - - - NEW BOUNDARY LINE EXIS77NG LOT LINES 0 100 200 300 — — TIE LINES CENTERLINE SCALE IN ,FEET: 1"= 10o' PLAT SHOWING 9' WIDE STRIP OF LAND SUNRISE ESTATES SANTA MARA COUN'T'Y, CALIFORMA a+iZ5ci a - . ensen -- �zair & A ARROW • GII 848 -03oo l uAl t: JOB NO.: i" 100' 4- 23-02 1 004067 tilib'd 22.6, ON 3-11I1 3DNUI-17U Wdb0:3 EBBZ'b 'd3--