Resolution 2020-33RESOLUTION NO. 2020-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY IMPLEMENTING A BUSINESS STIMULUS PACKAGE TO ASSIST LOCAL BUSINESSES AFFECTED BY COVID-19 WHEREAS, on January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and on January 31, 2020 , the United States Secretaiy of Health and Human Services declared a Public Health Emergency; and WHEREAS, on Mai·ch 13, 2020 , the Director of Emergency Services issued a proclamation declaring the existence of a local emergency within the City relating to COVID-19, pursuant to the Emergency Services Act (Government Code Section 8550, et seq.), and on March 16, 2020, the City Council adopted a resolution ratifying the declaration of local emergency; and WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends social distancing measures to slow the spread of CO VID-19 , including by maintaining a physical distance of at least six (6) feet from other people; and WHEREAS , on March 16, 2020, the Santa Clara County Health Officer issued a shelter-in-place order to address COVID-19, directing all residents of the County to shelter in their places ofresidence except to engage in essential activities as allowed under the order; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, the Governor issued a statewide shelter-in-place order; and WHEREAS, as State and County restrictions are relaxed to allow businesses that were closed as a result of the shelter-in-place orders to resume, businesses will be expected to establish social distancing protocols to help prevent the spread of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, Gilroy 's local economy has suffered significantly during the current local emergency, and on June 1, 2020, the City Council considered reconunendations for 4837-3181-3565v1 ERAMAKRISHNAN \04706 228 -1-RESOLUTION 2020-3 3 temporarily modifying ce11ain requirements to suppo11 business and development activity and to aid in the economic recove1y of the City arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, including by facilitating businesses to implement social distancing protocols; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 8634 states that dming a local emergency, a local agency governing body "may promulgate orders and regulations necessary to provide for the protection of life and prope11y ," and that "[s]uch orders and regulations and amendments and rescissions thereof shall be in w1iting and shall be given widespread publicity and notice"; and WHEREAS , regulato1y flexibility to stimulate the local economy and to facilitate local businesses to remain open with social distancing protocols in place throughout the cmTent COVID-19 epidemic is necessaiy to provide for the protection of life and prope11y because, (i) a vibrant economy is a necessaiy component of community health, and is necessaiy to avoid significant urban decay and decreased prope11y values; and (ii) social distancing protocols are necessaiy to slow the spread ofCOVID-19 during the cmTent pandemic; and WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Section 22507 autho1izes cities to adopt local mles for parking on public streets ; and WHEREAS , Vehicle Code Section 21101(e) auth01izes the governing body of a local agency to close po11ions of public streets temporarily by ordinance or resolution as necessaiy for the safety and protection of persons who are to use such p011ions of streets during the tempora1y closing; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 66452.6 states that tentative subdivision tract maps shall expire after 24 months, which may be extended by local mle for up to an additional 12 months; and WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy, as a municipal corporation and chatter city, has inherent authority to govern and control the use and enjoyment of its own prope11y; and WHEREAS , A11icle XI , Section 7 of the California Constitution states that: "A county or city may make and enforce within its limits all local, police, sanitaiy, and other 4837-3181-3565v1 ERAMAKRISHNAN\04706228 -2-RESOLUTION 2020-3 3 ordinances and regulations not in conflict with general laws. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that: 1. The City Council hereby finds that each of the foregoing recitals is hue and c01Tect. 2. As used herein , "County and State Orders " means any shelter-in-place order or other public health order issued under the autho1ity of and officer of the County or State that is applicable within the City of Gilroy, and that restricts public gatherings and business activities for the purpose of slowing the spread of COVID-19. 3 . The expiration dates of all tentative maps, architectural and site permits, and planned unit development pennits that are considered to be active dming the pendency of County and City Orders are hereby extended through May 31, 2021 , and the application of the following provisions of the Gilroy City Code are hereby suspended to the extent contra1y herewith, as set fo1ih in the staff repo1i attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A: Sections 21 .41, 30 .50.47, and 30.50 .50 . 4. Until tennination of County and State Orders, commercial centers that choose to restlict or direct paths of travel for vehicles or pedestrians within p1ivate parking lots, such as within retail centers, may apply for expedited administrative review and approval of dedicated paths of travel for vehicles by submitting to the Cmmnunity Development Depmiment the application materials set fmih in Exhibit A. 5. Tempora1y banner signs shall be allowed within the City limits without a pennit through May 31, 2021 , subject to the c1ite1ia set fo1ih in Exhibit A , and the application of the following provisions of the Gilroy City Code are hereby suspended to the extent contra1y herewith, as fmiher set fmih in Exhibit A: Sections 30.37.30 and 30 .37.90 . 6. Until tennination of County and State Orders , privately owned parking lots and non- 4837-3181-3565v1 ERAMAKRISHNAN\04706228 -3-RESOLUTION 2020-33 ADA parking spaces may be used for curbside restaurant, food, and retail merchandise pickup, subject to c1ite1ia set fotth in Exhibit A. For downtown businesses or businesses that cannot provide customer access to ptivately maintained parking spaces , City owned public parking spaces may be used instead, subject to c1ite1ia set fotth in Exhibit A. No permit fee will be required. 7. The City of Gilroy Economic Recovery Task Force is hereby established to include city staff and representatives from existing pattnerships including the Chamber of Commerce, Gilroy Downtown Business Association, Visit Gilroy, and local business owners . The Task Force shall be empowered to perfonn such functions as set f01th in Exhibit A, and shall be subject to the Brown Act (Government Code Section 54930 , et seq.). The City Administrator is hereby authotized to take all steps necessaty or convenient to constitute the Task Force in coordination with local business associations . 8 . Until May 31 , 2021 , the local contract preference per the City 's Purchasing Policy for evaluating bids for supplies , equipment, and services shall be increase to ten (10) percent for bids of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) or less. Local preferences for bids over this amount will remain unchanged at five (5) percent. 9 . At the time that County and State Orders pennit sit-down dining , the City shall make cettain City owned public prope1ties, including sidewalks, plazas, public parking lots, and other rights-of-way, available for outdoor dining <luting the pendency of the County and State orders, subject to requirements set fotth in Exhibit A, and the application of the following provisions of the Gilroy City Code are hereby suspended to the extent contraty herewith, as futther set f01th in Exhibit A: Sections 30.44.10, 30.44.15, 30.44 .20, and 30.47.50. 10. At the time retail sales are pennitted under the County and State Orders, the application of Section 20 .34 of the Gilroy City Code shall be suspended <luting the 4837-3181-3565v1 ERAMAKRISHNAN\04706228 -4-RESOLUTION 2020-33 pendency of the County and State orders, as set f01th in Exhibit A , to allow for sidewalk exhibition of merchandise subject to requirements fu1ther set f01th in Exhibit A. 11. At the time sit-down dining and/or retail sales are permitted under the County and State Orders , p1ivate parking lots, sidewalks, walkways , and plaza areas, or similar outdoor spaces , may be used for outdoor dining or limited retail displays dming the pendency of the County and State Orders, subject to requirements set f01th in Exhibit A. 12. At the time sit-down dining and/or retail sales are pennitted under the County and State Orders, po1tions of public streets may be used for outdoor dining or limited retail displays during the pendency of the County and State Orders, subject to requirements set f01th in Exhibit A; provided, however, that no p01tion of any street shall be closed entirely to through traffic except as auth01ized by subsequent resolution of the City Council pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 21 l0l(e). The City Council hereby directs staff to place consideration of any such resolution on the consent calendar. 13. At the tin1e fitness and recreational businesses are pennitted under County and State 0 rders0 he-R:ecreatimr Bepmtment--shaH-be-auth01i:zed-urissue-pe11nits-for11-s-e-o City prope1ty by such businesses, on terms and conditions set fo1th in Exhibit A. The application of Section 30.25.20 is hereby suspended to the extent contra1y herewith. This program will not be extended beyond May 31 , 2021 , without fu1ther approval of the City Council. 14 . To the extent necessary or convenient to implement any provision of this resolution, the City Engineer or designee is hereby authorized to modify the rules for use of any parking space located within a public street , which modified mles shall become effective upon the posting of appropriate signage advising the public thereof. 4837-3181-3565v1 ERAMAKRISHNAN \04706228 -5 -RESOLUTION 2020-33 15. This Resolution shall be construed liberally to effectuate its purposes. If any provision of this Resolution is found by a com1 of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be severed and deleted, and the remaining po11ions of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. Nothing in this Resolution shall be construed to authorize a violation of the County and State Orders. 16 . City staff shall publicize this Resolution by posting it on the City's website and at City Hall, and by providing copies hereof to local media outlets . PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of June, 2020 by the following roll call vote: A YES : COUNCILMEMBERS BLANKLEY, BRACCO, LEROE- MUNOZ, MARQUES, TUCKER and VELASCO NOES: ABSENT: 4837-3181-3565v1 ERAMAKRI SHNAN\04706228 COUNCILMEMBERS NONE COUNCILMEMBERS TOVAR Roland Velasco, Mayor -6-RESOLUTION 2020-33 4837-3181-3565v1 ERAMAKRISHNAN\04706228 EXHIBIT A CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT JUNE 1, 2020 -1-RESOLUTION 2020-33 City • of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Adoption of a Resolution Temporarily Rescinding and Modifying Sections of the Gilroy City Code to Implement a Business Stimulus Package to Support and Assist Businesses Affected by COVID-19 Meeting Date : June 1, 2020 From: Jimmy Forbis, Interim City Administrator Department: Community Development Department Submitted By: Karen Garner Prepared By: Karen Garner Strategic Plan Goals RECOMMENDATION ~ Fiscal Stability ~ Downtown Revitalization D Neighborhood Services D Enhanced Public Safety ' r • • D Workforce Stability D Public Engagement ~ Economic Development Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy to temporarily suspend enforcement of certain sections of the Gilroy City Code in an effort to support businesses and development activity and aid in the economic recovery of the City resulting from the impacts of COVID-19 . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Gilroy businesses have been hard hit by COVID-19 and the effects resulting from compliance with County and State orders which have shut-down or severely impacted operations. Although most construction activities were able to resume at the beginning of the month, the implementation of County and State requirements on operations as well as challenges resulting from reduced operations of supporting'lt:>J,Jsinesses have had a significant impact on development and the .construction industry . The Community Development and Public Works Depaf'tments are offering most services, however changes to our operations as a result of compliance with County orders has resulted in modifications to our processes and methods of communication. We continue to work closely with the business and development community and sincerely appreciate the flexibility and exchange of ideas and best practices. To further support the business and development community, several temporary measures are proposed to stimulate economic activity and reduce the burden on businesses . These measures are unique in that they do not rely on outside funding sources or programs, but rather temporarily suspend enforcement of certain ordinances and regulations for businesses that meet certain criteria, as well as take advantage of existing city assets. These measures also provide a quick and efficient means of accommodating the business needs that have arisen as a result of COVID-19 and adherence to County and State orders. In most cases, the measures proposed are no cost and require only a small amount of staff time to manage. Some measures can take effect immediately, whereas others will be implemented when County restrictions are modified and allow for additional business activity such as limited sit-down dining. All measures are temporary and will end once restrictions have been lifted by County and State orders or, in some cases, will extend for one year in anticipation of the ongoing need to support businesses and development. BACKGROUND COVID-19 continues to have devastating impacts on businesses and the construction industry. Many businesses remain closed and even those that remain open have in most cases, dramatically changed operations in response to County and State orders. Small businesses are particularly hard hit. According to a recent survey of small business owners conducted by Ma in Street America, nearly 80 percent of businesses responding to the survey indicated that they had already closed temporarily as a result of the crisis . Nearly two-thirds of businesses responding to the survey indicated that they would be at risk of closing permanently if business disruption continued at the current rate for up to five months, and over 30 percent indicated they would be at risk of closing permanently if business disruption continued at the current rate for up to two months. Nationwide, this could mean that nearly 7.5 million small businesses will be at risk of closing permanently over the coming five months, and 3.5 million are at risk of closure in the next two months. The construction industry lost 975,000 jobs in April , according to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of data released earlier this month by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This was the largest recorded decrease in construction jobs since the government began tracking employment in 1939, despite construction remaining an essential industry in much of the nation through April. The construction unemployment rate was 16.6% in April, up 11.9 percentage points from the same time last year. Unemployment across all industries rose from 4.4% in March to 14.7% last month. Supporting Gilroy businesses and development related activities is critical not only to the local economy, but has a direct impact on the city's financial health. As noted in previous presentation to Council on the state of the City's budget, two significant and heavily impacted sources of revenue for the City are sales tax and user fees. To assist in the "soft landing" approach, and stimulate business and development activity, several temporary measures are proposed. These measures are specifically aimed at encouraging activity that will result in generating sales tax, construction and permits fees and overall economic activity. ANALYSIS Following is a summary of the proposed measures, followed by details on program criteria. Finally, a list of specific city ordinances that would be affected by these temporary measures is noted including the specific provisions that would be temporarily modified. SUMMARY OF MEASURES Measures to go into effect immediately Automatic Planning Entitlement Permit Extensions. • Automatically extends life of permits for projects considered "active" during shelter-in-place order and that are approved with expiration dates. Extension is through May 31, 2021. This applies to Tentative Maps, Architectural and Site Review and Planned Unit Developments. Expedited Review of dedicated paths of travel for vehicles and pedestrians (retail or other customer-serving commercial buildings or centers) • Administrative review & approval of plans that restrict or direct paths of travel for vehicles or pedestrians within private parking lots, such as within retail centers, for businesses that wish to make such modifications in order to implement criteria established for the operation of businesses by Santa Clara County and/or the State orders. Temporary Sign Waiver • Allows temporary banner signs and waives requirement for obtaining a permit for banner signs through May 31, 2021. Businesses must adhere to all applicable banner sign criteria related to size, type, and location, as well as standards for maintaining signs in good condition. This waiver eliminates the requirement to apply for and obtain a permit and allows continuous use of banners meeting City criteria through May 31, 2021. • Allows portable free-standing/A-frame signs and waives requirement for obtaining a permit for portable free-standing/A-frame signs though May 31, 2021. Businesses must adhere to all applicable portable free-standing/A-frame sign criteria related to size, type, and location, as well as standards for maintaining signs in good condition. This waiver eliminates the requirement to apply for and obtain a permit and allows businesses to have one additional portable free- standing/A-frame sign for the purpose of designating curb-side pickup. • Allows for addition of temporary on-site directional/informational signs on private property, such as within retail centers. These signs are limited to providing business operational information or directing pedestrians and vehicular traffic (i.e., directing to curbside pick-up; notice that masks are required for entry) and may not be used for promotions or advertisement of products . Signs must adhere to all applicable on-site directional/informational sign criteria related to size and location. Use of Parking Spaces and Parking Lots for Curbside Pickup • Allows for the temporary use of privately-owned parking lots and parking spaces for curbside restaurant, food and retail merchandise pick-up. For Downtown businesses or businesses that cannot provide customer access to privately maintained parking spaces, allows for the temporary use of city-owned non-ADA public parking spaces and city-owned parking lots for curbside restaurant, food and retail merchandise pick-up. No permit or fee will be required. • Temporary signs may be used to designate a parking space used for curbside pick-up. Increase Local Contract Preference • Temporarily increases the local contract preference per the City's Purchasing Policy when the city is evaluating bids for supplies, equipment, and services to support local businesses. Local vendor increase would increase to 10% from the current 5% for bids of $500,000 or less. Local preference for bids over $500,000 would remain unchanged at 5%. This temporary increase would be effective through May 31, 2021. Creation of a City of Gilroy Economic Recovery Task Force The task force would include city staff as well as representatives from existing partnerships including the Chamber of Commerce, Gilroy Downtown Business Association, Visit Gilroy and local business owners. • Business Retention/Reopening: Helping businesses reopen quickly and provide general guidance and resources to successfully meet County and State requirements; sharing best practices and examples of creativity and flexibility; marketing support via existing partnerships . Creation of a business "toolbox" that includes predesigned forms, signs, checklists and other materials to assist businesses in compliance with applicable County or State requirements. • Business Resources -Permitting and Costs: Sharing ideas for reducing costs and obstacles to the opening and reopening of businesses; propose additional business stimulus concepts; building on and expanding the existing Chamber- City of Gilroy Alliance effort involving a number of City departments. • Community Economic Development: Creating opportunities, such as job fairs or web-based resources, to connect displaced workers to prior/new jobs and promoting resources and support for those who have lost jobs due to COVID-19 impacts. • Communications and Marketing: Coordination of messaging campaigns focused on business resilience and businesses reopening using an array of communications strategies. • Federal & State Resources: Leveraging technical assistance for local businesses and accessing loans, grants, and stimulus resources. Measures to go into effect when County Orders allow additional business activity Use of City-owned Public Properties and Right-of-Way for Business Use in the Downtown Area • Allows city-owned public properties and right-of-way, such as outdoor plazas, public sidewalks and public parking spaces, to be used temporarily for outdoor dining and limited retail display once sit-down dining and retail sales are permitted by Santa Clara County. Restaurants must obtain a permit from the Community Development Department and follow requirements and criteria established by the City of Gilroy as well as comply with all applicable County and State orders. Use of Private Parking Lots or Private Streets for Business Use • Allows temporary closure of a portion of private parking lots, driveways or streets to be used temporarily for outdoor dining once sit-down dining is permitted by Santa Clara County. Restaurant and retailers and/or retail center owners must obtain a permit from the Community Development Department and follow requirements established by the City of Gilroy as well as comply with all applicable County and State orders. Use of Public Streets for Business Use • Allows temporary closure of a portion or entire sections of city streets to be used temporarily for outdoor dining and limited retail display, once sit-down dining and retail is permitted by Santa Clara County. Restaurant and retailers must obtain a Special Event Permit from the Community Development Department and follow established requirements for Special Event Permits, however, some requirements, such as submitting an application 30 days in advance, will be reduced. The closure of streets will only be considered in areas where there is demonstrated support from affected businesses and will not affect life/safety of the community. Temporary Use of City-Owned Park for Use by Fitness and Recreation Businesses • Allows for the temporary use of city-owned park and open space for fitness and recreation related businesses. Existing businesses with a current business license that rent, lease or own commercial space can conduct classes or instruction in certain city owned parks. This generally includes grass areas and trails and does not include buildings, amenities such as sport courts or playground equipment. PROGRAM CRITERIA Please note that program criteria may be modified as needed to facilitate compliance with County and State Orders or to facilitate the practical application of the temporary measures. Minor modifications may be made by the Community Development Director. Measures to go into effect immediately Expedited Review of dedicated paths of travel for vehicles and pedestrians (retail or other customer-serving commercial buildings or centers) Until termination of County or State orders, commercial centers that choose to restrict or direct paths of travel for vehicles or pedestrians within private parking lots, such as within retail centers, in order to implement criteria established for the operation of businesses by Santa Clara County and/or the State orders shall submit the following to the Community Development Department; 1. Dimensioned plan, diagram or map of the affected area indicating how space will be modified or restricted including any barriers or signs. 2. All fire lanes shall be noted and may not be restricted in any manner. 3. No permanent items shall be installed within parking lots or sidewalks without express written approval by the City. 4. Modifications shall not impede maintenance of or cause deterioration of approved landscape . 5. Plans shall be reviewed by applicable City staff within three business days and upon determination of compliance, shall issue written approval of the plan. 6. The City is not responsible for providing barriers or signs or any other equipment and will not enforce modified paths of travel. Temporary Sign Waiver Allows certain temporary signs and waives requirements for obtaining permits related to temporary signs through May 31, 2021 subject to the following criteria; • Banner Signs. Businesses must adhere to all current temporary banner sign criteria per Section 30.37.20 (d)(6) subsections c., d., and e. of the Gilroy Municipal Code related to size, type, and location as well as standards for maintaining signs in good condition . This waiver eliminates time limitations as stated in subsections a. and b. and waives the requirement to apply for and obtain a permit for banner signs that meet these criteria. • Portable Freestanding/A-Frame Signs. Businesses must adhere to all current portable freestanding/A-frame sign criteria per Section 30 .37 .90 of the Gilroy Municipal Code. In addition to this criteria, businesses may have one (1) additional portable freestanding/A-frame sign for the purpose of designating curbside pick-up . The curbside portable freestanding/A-frame must be adjacent to the parking space used for curbside pick-up and must maintain an open accessible travel path of at least four (4) feet in width. This waiver eliminates the requirement to apply for and obtain a permit for portable freestanding/A-frames that meet these criteria. • Directional/Informational Signs. Allows for addition of temporary on-site directional/informational signs on private property, such as within retail centers. The signs must adhere to current criteria for on-site directional signs per Section 30.37.20 (d)(14) and may be up to four (4) square feet in area and not exceed four (4) feet in height. These signs are limited to providing business operational information or directing pedestrians and vehicular traffic (i.e., directing to curbside pick-up; notice that masks are required for entry). These directional/informational signs may not be used to advertise or promote products or services and shall not be placed on any portion of a street, sidewalk , or public right-of-way or impede line of sight. Criteria for Use of Public Parking Spaces and City-Owned Parking Lots for Curbside Pickup (Downtown) Until termination of County or State orders, City-owned non-ADA public parking spaces may be used temporarily for curbside pick-up of food from restaurants and retail goods and merchandise in accordance with applicable County and State Orders, subject to the following requirements : 1. Businesses located in the Downtown Specific Plan area with existing storefronts desiring to use public parking spaces or public parking lot for curbside pick-up and delivery shall submit a request, with photographs , drawing or depiction of the proposed location and layout, and obtain a temporary permit from the Community Development Department. Plans shall be reviewed by City staff within three business days and upon determination of compliance , shall issue written approval of the plan. 2. A temporary sign may be placed at the curb to designate the use of public parking spaces for pick-up and delivery purposes , however the City will not enforce exclusive use of parking spaces for such purposes . 3 . The City w ill review each request to ensure public health and safety, including pedestrian and traffic movements, equitability and the orderly conduct of business . If necessary, staff will work with businesses to find suitable alternatives, allowed shared use of a parking space for curbside pickup or other alternatives . 4. The use of City-owned public parking spaces for curbside pickup shall not interfere with vehicular and pedestrian traffic , or access under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 5. No permanent item or structure may be installed on City-owned public parking spaces . 6. Businesses must have a current business license as well as any other applicable licenses or permits from outside agencies such a County Health or Alcohol Beverage Control. 7. No real property right is p rovided, given , or otherwise conveyed to any person or entity using City-owned public parking spaces as provided herein . Any such use shall cease upon termination of applicable County and/or State orders, and the permittee shall return City-owned public parking spaces to the condition existing at the time of permit issuance. 8. Should County or State orders be modified to allow additional businesses to implement curbside pickup, those businesses shall be subject to the same criteria above. 9. These provisions shall be in effect until termination of County or State orders. Criteria for Use of Private Parking Spaces and Parking Lots for Curbside Pickup Until termination of County or State orders, privately owned and maintained non-ADA public parking spaces may be used temporarily for curbside pick-up of food from restaurants, as well as curbside pick-up of retail goods and merchandise from Essential Businesses (as defined in the latest Santa Clara County Health Order), subject to the following requirements: 1. Curbside pickup is allowed only for businesses with an ex isting storefront within the commercial center and is subject to any approvals or requirements of the building or commercial center owner. 2. A temporary sign may be placed at the cu rb to designate the use of public parking spaces for pick-up and delivery purposes , however the City will not enforce exclusive use of parking spaces for such purposes. 3. The use of parking spaces for curbside pickup shall not interfere w ith vehicular and pedestrian traffic , access under the Americans with Disabilities Act or fire/emergency access. 4. No permanent item or st ructure may be installed in the parking lots without written city approval. 5. Businesses must have a current business license as well as any other applicable licenses or permits from outside agencies such a County Health or Alcohol Beverage Control. 6. Should County or State orders be modified to allow additional businesses to implement curbside pickup, those businesses shall be subject to the same criteria above. 7. These provisions shall be in effect until termination of County or State orders restricting restaurant patron spacing. Measures to go into effect when County Orders allow additional business activity Criteria for Use of City-owned Public Properties and Right-of-Way for Restaurant Use in the Downtown Area At the time sit-down d in ing is permitted by Santa Clara County , certain City owned public properties including sidewalks, plazas, public parking lots and other right-of-way may be used temporarily for outdoo r dining until termination of County or State orders , subject to the following requirements : 1. Prior to creating an outdoor seating area, the business owner shall submit to the Community Development Department a dimensioned diagram of the outdoor seating area which indicates the number of tables and chairs and provisions for access, fencing, screening and shade, as applicable. Outdoor dining shall not begin until approval has been rece ived from the Community Development Department. 2 . For outdoor seating proposed on a public sidewalk, the area shall be contiguous to the current occupied restaurant space. 3 . If the business owner is not the property owner, property owner approval shall be provided. 4. If the outdoor seating area extends into space occupied or otherwise used by an adjacent business, approval by the adjacent business shall be provided. 5. Outdoor tables and chairs must not block or restrict access to or from any building , interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic and must comply with Building , Fire, Health , State and Federal codes and requirements as may be applicable. 6. The outdoor seating a rea shall be maintained free of trash and other debris. 7. If outdoor music is provided , it shall be as muted background music. 8. Any outdoor alcohol consumption shall be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control including fencing requirements. Fencing shall be temporary in nature and information on the location and materials used shall be included in the information submitted to the Community Development Department. 9. The City reserves the right to determine on a case-by-case basis the suitability and appropriateness of the public property requested by the restaurant for outdoor dining. 10. No permanent item or structure may be installed on City property. 11. Restaurants and outdoor dining, including spacing between tables, shall comply with all applicable State and County laws and regulations. 12. No real property right is provided, given, or otherwise conveyed to any person or entity using public property for outdoor dining purpose. Any such use permitted hereunder shall cease upon termination of applicable County, State or Federal orders, and the permittee shall return public property to the condition existing at the time of permit issuance. 13. These provisions shall be in effect until termination of County or State orders restricting restaurant patron spacing or until May 31, 2021, whichever is sooner. Criteria for Use of City-owned Public Properties and Right-of-Way for Retail Use At the time retail sales are permitted by Santa Clara County, the City will temporarily suspend Section 20.34 of the City Code that prohibits sidewalk exhibition of merchandise, subject to the following requirements: 1. The area for sidewalk exhibition of merchandise shall be contiguous to the occupied retail space. 2. If the area for sidewalk exhibition of merchandise extends into space occupied or otherwise used by an adjacent business, approval by the adjacent business shall be provided . 3. In cases where a retail business does not front a sidewalk or it is impractical to use the sidewalk adjacent to a business, use of city-owned plazas, public parking lots or other right-of-way may be granted upon written approval from the Community Development Department. 4 . Display of merchandise may only take place during business hours and all merchandise and displays must be removed when business is not open. 5. Outdoor tables and chairs must not block or restrict access to or from any building, interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic and must comply with Building, Fire, Health, State and Federal codes, including ADA access and other requirements as may be applicable. 6. The outdoor area shall be maintained free of trash and other debris. 7. The City reserves the right to determine on a case-by-case basis the suitability and appropriateness of the public property requested by the retail business to ensure public health and safety. 8. No permanent item or structure may be installed on City property . 9. All displays and operations shall comply with all applicable State and County laws and regulations. 10. No real property right is provided, given, or otherwise conveyed to any person or entity using public property for outdoor dining purpose. Any such use permitted hereunder shall cease upon termination of applicable County, State or Federal orders, and the permittee shall return public property to the condition existing at the time of permit issuance. · 11. These provisions shall be in effect until termination of County or State orders restricting restaurant patron spacing or until May 31, 2021, whichever is sooner. Criteria for Use of Private Parking Lots or Private Streets for Business Use At the time sit-down dining and/or retail sales is permitted by Santa Clara County, private parking lots , sidewalks and walkways, plaza areas and other outdoor spaces may be used temporarily for outdoor dining or limited retail displays until termination of County or State orders, subject to the following requirements: 1. Prior to creating an outdoor seating or retail display area , the business owner shall submit to the Community Development Department a dimensioned diagram of the outdoor seating/display area which indicates the number of tables and chairs and provisions for access, fencing, screening and shade, as applicable . Outdoor dining or retail sales shall not begin until approval has been received from the Community Development Department. 2. For outdoor seating or retail display proposed on a sidewalk or walkway, the area shall be contiguous to the current occupied restaurant or retail space. In cases where a restaurant or retail business does not front a sidewalk or it is impractical to use the sidewalk adjacent to a business, plazas or other publicly accessible areas within the retail center may be considered. 3 . If the business owner is not the property owner, property owner approval shall be provided. 4. If the outdoor seating or retail display area extends into space occupied or otherwise used by an adjacent business, approval by the adjacent business shall be provided. 5. Outdoor tables and chairs must not block or restrict access to or from any building, interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic and must comply with Building, Fire, Health, State and Federal codes and requirements as may be applicable. 6. The outdoor seating/retail display area shall be maintained free of trash and other debris. 7. If outdoor music is provided, it shall be as muted background music. 8. Any outdoor alcohol consumption shall be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control including fencing requirements. Fencing shall be temporary in nature and information on the location and materials used shall be included in the information submitted to the Community Development Department. 9. The City reserves the right to determine on a case-by-case basis the suitability and appropriateness of the property requested by the restaurant or retailer for outdoor dining or retail display to ensure public health and safety . 10. No permanent item or structure may be installed on the property without prior approval from the Community Development Department and property owner. 12. Restaurants and outdoor dining, including spacing between tables, shall comply with all applicable State and County laws and regulations. All retail displays and operations shall comply with all applicable State and County laws and regulations . 13. These provisions shall be in effect until termination of County or State orders restricting restaurant patron spacing or until May 31, 2021, whichever is sooner. Criteria for Use of Public Streets for Business Use The City may allow temporary closure of a portion or entire sections of City streets for the temporary use of outdoor dining and limited display of retail merchandise, subject to the existing requirements for Special Use Permits . Certain requirements of the Special Use Permit process will be modified to accommodate the unique needs of restaurants and retail businesses modifying business operations to comply with County and State requirements. Temporary modifications include; 1. Faster processing of applications . Review of completed applications will be reduced from 30 days to 10 days. 2. Staff assistance will be available to consult with applicants and assist with preparing the required information such as a diagram of proposed area for closure, traffic control plan, etc. 3. Diagrams and descriptions must include information demonstrating compliance with applicable County and State requirements such as minimum distances between tables, location of hand-washing or sanitation requirements. 4. Once approved, a signed copy of the application and a permit card will be emailed to the applicant. Criteria for Use of Community Parks for Recreational and Fitness Business Use At the time fitness and recreational businesses are permitted by Santa Clara County, certain City owned public properties may be used temporarily for outdoor recreational and fitness business use, subject to the following requirements: 1. Existing recreational and fitness businesses with a current business license that rent, lease or own commercial space may conduct fitness, health or recreational related instructional classes in city owned Community Parks . This generally includes grass areas and trails and does not include buildings, amenities such as sport courts or playground equipment. 2. Recreational and fitness businesses wishing to utilize space within the City of Gilroy Community Parks shall submit a request, with photographs, drawing or depiction of the proposed location. The applicant shall also submit a description of the activities to be conducted, dates and times. A permit must be issued by the Recreation Department prior to use of park space. 3. Available park sites include Christmas Hill Park, Gilroy Sports Park and Las Animas Park and space is limited to grass/turf areas, trails or hard surface areas such as parking lots. 4. A rental fee of $35 per hour will be charged to cover administrative costs and must be paid in advance. Reservations can be made and fees paid either on a weekly or monthly basis . 5. Businesses must provide a copy of insurance and name the City of Gilroy as additionally insured. 6. This program is temporary and will not be extended beyond May 31, 2021 unless otherwise approved by the City Council. 7. Rentals are available to existing businesses with a current City of Gilroy business license . 8 . Temporary signage may be placed at the location during times of class or instruction to direct patrons to the site. 9 . The City reserves the right to determine on a case-by-case basis the suitability and appropriateness of the public property requested by the recreational or fitness businesses to ensure the health and safety of the public. 10. The use of City property shall not interfere with vehicular and pedestrian traffic, or access under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 11. Businesses must comply with all applicable County and State health orders as well as park rules and regulations per Chapter 18 of the Gilroy Municipal Code. Failure to comply will result in cancellation of rentals . 12 . No permanent item or structure may be installed on City property. 13. If music is used, music shall only be loud enough for class participants to hear and shall be away from any residential properties. 14. No real property right is provided, given, or otherwise conveyed to any person or entity using public property for outdoor dining purpose . Any such use permitted hereunder shall cease upon termination of the local emergency, and the permittee shall return public property to the condition existing at the time of permit issuance . 15. The City will not provide any onsite staffing, materials or equipment. AFFECTED ORDINANCES Automatic Planning Entitlement Permit Extensions 21.41 Action on tentative map. (i) Initial approval of a tentative map is valid for twenty-four (24) months. Said approval may, at council discretion, be conditionally extended for three (3) periods not to exceed an additional twelve (12) months each. Automatically extends any permits expiring to May 31 , 2021. 30.50.47 Terms of approval (Architectural and Site Permit) (a) Time Limits . If any development for which architectural and site approval has been granted has not obtained building permits within one (1) year from the date of notification of approval, the approval shall be deemed automatically revoked. Upon application, an extension of time may be granted by the planning director. Automatically extends any permits expiring to May 31, 2021. 30.50.50 Planned unit development approval (e) Time Limits. If any development for which a planned unit development approval has been granted has not obtained building permits within one (1) year from the date of notification of approval, the approval shall be deemed automatically revoked. Upon application, an extension of time may be granted by the city council. Automatically extends any permits expiring to May 31, 2021. Temporary Signs Temporarily suspends time limitations as described in Section 30.37.20 (d)(6) a. and b . Temporarily suspends requirement for banner permit as described in subsection b. Allows for temporary banners that meet all other applicable criteria as described in subsections c., d., and e. through May 31, 2021. Temporarily suspends requirement for permit for portable freestanding/A-frame signs in commercial and industrial zoned districts that comply with all other requirements of Section 30.37.90. Temporarily allows businesses to have one (1) additional portable freestanding/A-frame sign for the purpose of designating curbside pick-up . The curbside portable freestanding/A-frame must be adjacent to the parking space used for curbside pick-up and must maintain an open accessible travel path of at least four (4) feet in width. Applicable through May 31 , 2021. Allows for additional temporary on-site directional/informational signs on private property. Signs must comply with requirements of Section 30.37.20 (d) (14). These signs are limited to providing information or directing pedestrians and vehicular traffic to operations that have been modified as a direct result of implementing County or State orders and may not be used to advertise or promote products and shall not be placed on any portion of street, sidewalk, or public right-of-way or impede lines of site. Applicable until termination of County or State orders allowing normal operation of business or until May 31, 2021 , whichever is sooner. 30.37.20 Sign permits. (a) Issuance. Permits shall be required for all signs in Gilroy, except those specifically exempted by subsection (d) of this section. 30.37.20 (d) related to banner signs (6) Temporary banners located over private property to advertise sales and special promotions which meet the following criteria : a. Allowed Banners. Within the ten (10) identified periods below , temporary banners may be displayed without obtain ing a sign permit or prior approval by the city for a maximum of ten (10) consecutive calendar days for each period as follows: February 14th, and the preceding 9 days The third Monday of February, and the preceding 9 days The first Sunday following the first full moon occurring on or after the March equinox, and the preceding 9 days The last Monday in May, and the preceding 9 days July 4th, and the preceding 9 days The first Monday in September, and the preceding 9 days October 31st, and the preceding 9 days The fourth Thursday of November, and the preceding 9 days December 25th, and the preceding 9 days January 1st, and the preceding 9 days b. Other Banners. The display of other banners outside the periods identified under subsection (d)(6)(a) of this section , Allowed Banners , shall be allowed for no more than four (4) periods per calendar year. A banner permit is required for each banner display period which is limited to increments of ten (10) consecutive days , which may include ten (10) day periods , or comb ined into twenty (20), thirty (30) or forty ( 40) consecutive days per display period. Other banners may be displayed no more than a total of forty (40) days each calendar year. c. No more than three (3) temporary banners shall be allowed for each business at any one (1) time. If more than one (1) banner is used at a time, the total area of all banners shall be limited as shown in Column 1, and in no case may the total banner area exceed the limits set forth in Column 2, as described in the table below. d. Banners may be mounted on any side of a building, except no sign shall be mounted on the side of a building abutting and facing a freeway. e. Banners shall meet the following size limitations: COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Maximum total banner area Maximum total banner area permitted (in square feet) for permitted (in square feet) each lineal foot of building regardless of building frontage.* frontage* PO and CCA Districts 1 1/2 90 C1, TD and CD 1 1/2 90 Districts DHD and DED 1 1/2 150 Districts C3, HC, CM and GD 2 150 M1, M2 2 150 *Building frontage shall be defined pursuant to section 30.37.50(b). 30.37.90 Portable freestanding open house real estate signs and A-frame signs. Portable freestanding open house real estate signs and A-frame signs are allowed in all zoning districts, as follows: (a) Placement of portable signs shall not be any closer than one (1) foot from the street curb edge, where sidewalks exist. Such signs shall not be placed any closer than seven (7) feet from the street curb edge, where no permanent walking path exists. In no case shall such signs be placed within a sidewalk intersection (as defined under section 20.60); (b) Portable signs shall not block any alley right-of-way, driveway, parking stall, or building exit ; (c) Under no circumstances shall portable signs be located in a manner which poses a traffic vision hazard. Portable signs shall not block the corner sight distance triangle as described in adopted city standards, unless otherwise approved by the traffic engineer; (d) Portable signs placed on a public sidewalk must maintain an open accessible travel path for pedestrian and bicycle passage of at least four ( 4) feet in width, and shall comply with the current Department of Justice requirements, describing Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accessibility standards. Prior to placing a portable open house sign on a public sidewalk, the signage owner shall procure insurance and submit to the city a certificate of insurance in an amount and form acceptable to the city's risk manager, and adding the city of Gilroy as an additional insured to the owner's comprehensive general liability policy; (e) In no case may a portable sign be allowed where less than a minimum four (4) feet of unobstructed sidewalk width is provided and maintained for safe pedestrian passage; (f) Except as otherwise limited, the maximum height for a portable sign shall be four (4) feet, with a maximum width of two and one-half (2 1 /2) feet. Portable signs shall be constructed of wood (or other stout material) and metal hardware, with all surfaces painted. All signs shall be professionally manufactured, and maintained in good repair at all times. Portable signs shall have no electrical, mechanical, or fixed attachments, including objects that move with the wind; (g) Portable signs shall not be attached or secured to public property, placed over any utility box, or within thirty-six (36) inches of a fire hydrant; (h) Landscaping shall not be modified or damaged to accommodate portable signs; (i) Specific to portable freestanding open house real estate signs, such signs may be off site and are permitted in all districts except the downtown historic district and expansion district under the following conditions : (1) Portable open house signs may only be erected on the day(s) and time on which the property is available for public showing and shall be taken down during all other times; (2) For purposes of this section, "open house" means a scheduled period of time in which a house, condominium, townhome, or other residential dwelling unit offered for resale is available for viewing by potential buyers. This term does not apply to such offers in newly developed communities with model homes or sales offices; (j) Specific to portable freestanding A-frame signs, such signs are permitted in commercial and industrial zone districts under the following conditions: (1) Each tenant located within a commercial complex or building may have a single portable A-frame sign, providing that their business has a distinct individual storefront and separate front entrance for customers; (2) In the downtown historic district, downtown expansion district, and downtown civic/cultural arts district, portable A-frame signs are allowed on a public sidewalk immediately in front of a business; (3) In the downtown historic district, a single A-frame sign per side street direction is allowed, with that single sign offering the opportunity to represent multiple businesses on that side street; (4) In all other areas of the city, portable A-frame signs are allowed on private property within fifteen (15) feet of the front door of the business that it advert ises. For purposes of this section , "front door" means the primary entrance to a bus i ness entity that is most often used by its patrons or customers ; (5) Portable A-frame signs may be displayed only during hours that the business is open to the public, and shall be stored away from public views at all other times; (6) To implement this section , specifications and standards for portable A-frame signs, inc luding type of frames, sign height and size and font size/type , may be adopted by the council by resolution; (7) An exception to the allowed placement of A -frame signs may be granted by the community development director or designee if a specific geographic constraint to the property exists such that the business frontage immediately faces a street from which access to the business is not possible , and the exception is supported by findings and substantial evidence of such geog raphic constraints . In this case an A-frame sign may be permissible , subject to substantial evidence required herein, allowing an A- frame sign to be placed on private property at the business entryway or driveway, which entryway or driveway is located on an adjacent street. Under extreme circumstances, such exception may be considered on public property, consistent with all pertinent requirements of this section. Exceptions shall not apply to shopping centers or strip malls generally. The denial of an exception may be appealed to the planning commission as provided by section 30 .51 .50 and the planning commission shall base its determination consistent with the provisions of this section . 30.37.20 (d) (14) On-site directional signs , including no trespassing and no dumping signs , up to four (4) square feet in area and not exceeding four (4) feet in height. Four (4) such signs are permitted for developments under one (1) acre , eight (8) for developments over one (1) acre, and twelve (12) for developments over fifteen (15) acres . Outdoor Seating/Dining Allows for administrative review and approval of temporary outdoor seating proposed on both private property and public property and r ight-of-way. Section 30. 4 7. 50 ( e) of the municipal code allows for temporary outdoor uses that meet all conditions of the chapter and where the zoning administrator determines no safety hazards will result from the proposed use. Temporarily suspends the 30 day limitation specifically for outdoor dining that meets all other criteria listed and receives approval from the Community Development Department and allows such use until termination of County or State orders restricting restaurant patron spacing or until May 31 , 2021 , whichever is sooner. Also modifies Section 30.44 of the municipal code that regulates and reviews Street Furniture Objects to expedite such review and allow modifications on a temporary basis. Section 30.47.50 Other temporary uses. Any of the following uses may be permitted, subject to a specific time limit not to exceed thirty (30) consecutive days per calendar year: (a) Neighborhood bazaar, exhibition, celebration or festival in any district, when sponsored by an organized group of residents or tenants in the vicinity. (b) Booth for charitable, welfare , civic or patriotic purposes . ( c) Open-air sale of seasonal items, such as (but not limited to) flowers for Valentine 's Day, Mother's Day and graduation , Christmas trees and pumpkins , except in residential d istricts . For purposes of this section "seasonal items " means those items not typically sold by the on-site permanent retail establishment and/or by the same retailer. (d) Sales of fireworks, as regulated by all applicable city policies and ordinances . ( e) Other temporary outdoor uses that meet all other conditions of this chapter, and where the zoning adm inistrator determines that no safety hazards will result from the proposed use. Section 30.44 Street Furniture Objects 30.44.10 Statement of intent. It is the intent of this article to provide specific standards for sett ing street furniture objects in the downtown and commercial zoning districts. This chapter recognizes that: (a) For some businesses , setting street furniture objects is an integral part of doing business in the downtown and commercial zoning districts; (b) The appearance of the public right-of-way in the downtown and commercial zoning districts is protected by providing measurable standards for street furniture object compliance with this chapter and policies referenced herein; (c) Street furniture objects set out by one (1) merchant should not distract from the business operations of other merchants ; and (d) These standards are intended only to regulate the setting and placement of street furniture objects . (Ord . No . 2013-08, § 2 (Exh. A), 8-5-13) 30.44 .15 Street furniture objects defined. A "street furniture object" shall mean any object, other than a portable sign as regulated under section 30.37.90 or street merchandising under Article XLIII , which is placed in the public right-of-way. (Ord. No. 2013-08, § 2 (Exh . A), 8-5 -13) 30.44 .20 Permitted where. Street furniture objects are allowed under the following conditions: (a) Businesses eligible to place street furniture object in the public right -of-way in accordance with the "Policy for Placement of Street Furniture Objects in the Public Right-of-Way" shall comply with all provisions of that policy , as it is amended from time to time , including but not limited to the location of street furniture objects , insurance and indemnification requirements , permit approval , and all conditions of approval. Sidewalk Exhibition of Merchandise Temporarily suspends Section 30. 24 of the Gilroy Municipal Code regulating display of merchandise on sidewalks . Temporarily allows sale or exhibition of merchandise on sidewalks subject to certain requirements as noted above. Applicable until termination of County or State orders allowing normal operation of business or until May 31 , 2021 , whichever is sooner. 20.34 Sidewalk exhibition of fruit and merchandise prohibited; exception. No person owning or occupying any building or premises fronting on any public street in the city shall place or cause to be placed, kept or maintained for sale or exhibition any fruit, vegetables, goods, wares or merchandise of any kind on any sidewalk in the city except as specifically provided by the City of Gilroy Zoning Ordinance ; provided, that merchants, tradesmen and persons engaged in receiving, forwarding and expressing goods and other commodities, may use a portion of the sidewalk in front of their respective places of business for depositing such goods or commodities for a period of time not exceeding four (4) hours in any one day. Use of Community Parks for Recreational and Fitness Business Use Temporarily suspends a portion of Section 30.25.20 (b) of Article XXV. Of the Gilroy Municipal Code regulating uses within the PF Park/Public Facilities District. Temporarily suspends the requirement to obtain a conditional use permit for the purpose of conducting outdoor recreation service or exercise/fitness related classes or instructions for businesses with a current City of Gilroy business license . Applicable until termination of County or State orders allowing normal operation of business or until May 31 , 2021 , whichever is sooner. Section 30.25.20 (b) Conditional Uses. The following uses are permitted only with a conditional use permit from the planning commission . The planning commission , or its designee, shall determine , upon written request, whether or not any use not listed below is similar in character to a described use for the purpose of applying the regulations and conditions of this section. ( 1) Facilities of all public utilities, and corporations or other organizations whose activities are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission. (2) Any of the following uses, when conducted on property owned by the City of Gilroy, the County of Santa Clara , the State of California , the government of the United States, the Gilroy unified school district, or any other governmental agency, and leased for the following uses: a . Private educational facilities . b. Day care centers. c. Community centers. d. Residential care facilities , when utilizing existing structures on the site. e. Business or trade schools . f Outdoor recreation service. g . Neighborhood recreation center. h. Art, dance , gymnastic, exercise or music studios or classes . i. Special education classes . ALTERNATIVES 1. The C ity Council may choose not to adopt some or all of the recommended measures . 2. The City Council may choose to modify some or all of the recommended measures. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE Automatic Planning Entitlement Extensions -no staff costs as no work is necessary with an automatic extension . Minor loss of revenue for projects which would have requested an extension between now and May 31 , 2021. Permit extensions are $380 plus publication costs. Expedited Review of Dedicated Paths of Travel -minor staff costs for review of plans . This is a new need that some businesses may have due to COVID-19 regulations. It is not anticipated there will be a significant number of businesses that request this service . Temporary Sign Waivers -negligible staff costs as the proposal eliminates staff review for signs that comply with the measure. There may be some staff costs associated with contacting businesses not in compliance with the measure. Minor loss of revenue for businesses that would have otherwise obtained a permit for temporary banner or A- frame signs. Sign permits are $126/first 25 SF+ $29/each addl 25 SF . Use of Parking Spaces and Parking Lots for Curbside Pickup -minor staff costs for review of plans. This is a new need that some businesses may have due to COVID-19 regulations. It is anticipated that review would be no more than two hours total review time for the various departments that would review such requests. Increase Local Contract Preference -no staff costs. Would result in increase of contract costs should contract be awarded to a qualifying Gilroy business. Increase dependent on total amount of contract. City of Gilroy Economic Recovery Task Force -minor staff costs for time to participate and coordinate meetings. Use of City-Owned Public Properties and Right-Of-Way for Business Use -minor staff costs for review of plans. It is anticipated that review would be no more than two hours total review time for the various departments that would review such requests. Some potential loss of revenue for businesses that would have otherwise obtained a permit for permanent placement of outdoor dining, however most that implement temporary outdoor dining would not have likely applied for permanent outdoor dining. Use of Private Parking Lots of Private Streets for Business Use -minor staff costs for review of plans . It is anticipated that review would be one to two hours total review time for the various departments that would review such requests. Some potential loss of revenue for businesses that would have otherwise obtained a permit for permanent placement of outdoor dining, however most that implement temporary outdoor dining would not have likely applied for permanent outdoor dining. Use of Public Streets for Business Use -minor staff costs for review of plans. It is anticipated that review would be three to four hours total review time for the various departments that would review such requests. It is not anticipated that there will be a significant number of these requests. Temporary Use of City-Owned Park and Open Space for Use by Fitness and Recreation Businesses -minor staff costs for review of plans. It is anticipated that review would be about one hour of staff time and would be largely covered by a proposed $35 hour fee. CONCLUSION The proposed measures are temporary in nature and are intended to support local businesses, stimulate economic activity and to bolster the overall economic health of the City of Gilroy. As new orders are issued by the County and as we implement these measures, staff may modify measures and bring back additional recommendations to Council. Staff will provide Council with regular updates on these measures. NEXT STEPS Begin measures noted for immediate implementation. Other measures will be implemented as County orders allow. PUBLIC OUTREACH Staff has reached out to the Chamber of Commerce and Gilroy Downtown Business Association. Attachments: 1. Resolution -Business Stimulus I, SHAWNA FREELS, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No . 2020-33 is an original resolution, or true and conect copy of a city Resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said held on Council held on the 1st day of June, 2020 , at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City o Gilroy this 4th day of June, 2020. Shawna Freels, M City Clerk of the (Seal)