2021-10-04 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Approved 2021-10-181 Citv of Gilroy City Council Meeting Minutes October 4, 2021 I. OPENING A. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Marie Blankley. 1. Pledge of Allegiance Council Member Tovar led the pledge of allegiance. 2. Invocation The invocation was given by Bill Hawkins from New Hope Church. 3. City Clerk's Report on Posting the Agenda Management Assistant Ruiz announced that the agenda had been posted on Wednesday, September 29th at 4:14 p.m. Attendee Name Title i Status Arrived Marie Blankley ; Mayor Present 5:54 PM Rebeca Armendariz Council Member Present 5:58 PM Dion Bracco ` Council Member Present 5:45 PM Zach Hilton Council Member Present 5:48 PM Peter Leroe-Munoz Council Member Present 6:02 PM Carol Marques Council Member Present i 5:51 PM Fred Tovar Council Member Present ; 5:52 PM B. Orders of the Day Mayor Blankley announced that item X.0 150th Time Capsule on tonight's meeting agenda is no longer applicable as the City Council was notified last week that the gift was rescinded, and the time capsule has been removed from Council Chambers. C. Employee Introductions Chief Espinoza introduced new Police Officer, Matthew Avilla. Chief Wyatt introduced the new generation of Fire Fighter Paramedics, Lamar Turner, Josh Daley, and Jeremy Dance. II. CEREMONIAL ITEMS A. Proclamations, Awards and Presentations 1. Planning Commission Annual Presentation to Council Chairperson Tom Fischer presented the report. III. PRESENTATIONS TO THE COUNCIL - NONE IV. REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Bracco - Extended the invitation to members of the public to support newly opened Tempo Kitchen & Bar restaurant in downtown Gilroy. Council Member Armendariz - Announced that September 15 through October 16, 2021 is Hispanic Heritage Month and the month of October is also Filipino Heritage Month. Historic Heritage Committee met in September and there was discussion on the Historic Ordinance work plan, Mills Act restoration and repair, and Habitat Agency. Council Member Marques - Extended the invitation to visit Gilroy Gardens this month as Halloween festivities are underway. Added and encouraged the public to visit Tempo Kitchen & Bar restaurant. Council Member Hilton - South County United for Health - the County Behavioral Health shared information on COVID vaccines and trained staff on COVID City Council Meeting Minutes 10/4/2021 testing. Currently use a tool named Promotore to share information about COVID, are also doing outreach door-to-door regarding COVID testing. Announced Friday, October 8th is National Coming Out Day and Rebekah's Children Services is hosting a Resource Fair and Flag Raising from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. open to all and the LGBTQ community; Wednesday, October 6th is Walk to School Day and California Clean Air Day. Council Member Tovar - Provided a brief report on the League of California Cities Conference that he and Mayor Blankley attended. Encouraged the public to visit Tempo Kitchen & Bar. Council Member Tovar and Leroe-Munoz hosted a town hall meeting and focused on the next step to meet with City Administrator to discuss outcomes of City Council meetings. Council Member Leroe-Munoz - Provided an update on his role with Silicon Valley Regional lnteroperability Authority, and its elected members throughout the county who share communication networks efforts. Reported that someone was in possession of a jamming device that was disrupting City's network for Emergency Communications, the device was found, and networks are operating normal. Reminded the public that National Night Out is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5th from 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. Mayor Blankley - Provided a brief update regarding the City Associations of Santa Clara County which is in process of addressing racial justice policies. A new VTA bus will begin operating on October 11th; the rapid 568 replaces for 168 and the ribbon cutting will be held on October 14th at 10:00 a.m. V. FUTURE COUNCIL INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS - NONE VI. CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE) RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar A. Claim of Rebecca Rodriguez (The City Administrator recommends a "yes" vote under the Consent Calendar shall constitute the denial of the claim) B. Claim of E. P. & G. South Valley Plaza, LLC (The City Administrator recommends a "yes" vote under the Consent Calendar shall constitute the denial of the claim) C. Claim of Theresa Deal (The City Administrator recommends a "yes" vote under the Consent Calendar shall constitute the denial of the claim) D. Claim of The Vineyard Apartments (The City Administrator recommends a "yes" vote under the Consent Calendar shall constitute the denial of the claim) E. Adoption of Ordinance 2021-04 Approving the Tenth and Chestnut Planned Unit Development Rezoning. F. 9-20-21 City Council Meeting Minutes VII. BIDS AND PROPOSALS - NONE VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Public Hearing for the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan and 2020 Water Shortage Contingency Plan Gary Heap City Engineer presented the report. Tony Akel added to the presentation. Discussion was held by Council Members. Mayor Blankley opened public hearing. Public comment was received Ron Kirkish. Mayor Blankley closed public hearing. City Council Meeting Minutes 10/4/2021 Possible Action: Receive report. Possible Action: Conduct Public Hearing and Receive Public Comment on the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan and 2020 Water Shortage Contingency Plan IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. City Council Position on Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Transit - Oriented Development City Administrator Forbis presented the report. Mayor Blankley added to Forbis report. Discussion was held by Council members. Public comment was opened. Public comment was received by Stefanie Elle, Jorge Mendoza and Ron Kirkish. Public comment was closed. Possible Action: Motion was made by Council Member Bracco, seconded by Council Member Tovar to direct the Mayor to submit a formal letter of the City of Gilroy position on the potential Transit -Oriented Development project at the Gilroy Transit Center. Motion passed by a 5-2 vote, Council Member Armendariz and Council Member Hilton voting No. Possible Action: Council consider directing the Mayor to submit a formal letter of the City Council position on the potential Transit -Oriented Development project at the Gilroy Transit Center RESULT: APPROVE [5 TO 2] MOVER: Dion Bracco, Council Member SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar NOES: Rebeca Armendariz, Zach Hilton B. Appointment of Members to the Youth Commission With Terms Ending September 30, 2023 Council Member Armendariz recused herself from this item. Council members selected their top four candidates for Youth Commission. Those appointed to the Youth Commission are Isaac Hwang, Lavender Hwang, Ezequiel Lopez and Alexis Miller. X. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS A. Rejection of Proposals for the Safe Parking Program Senior Management Analyst Atkins presented the report. Discussion was held by Council members. Public comment was opened. Public comment was received by Noshaba Afzal and Jan Berstein Chargin. Public comment was closed. Motion Passes 7-0-0-0 City Council Meeting Minutes 10/4/2021 4 Possible Action: Council reject all proposals. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] Dion Bracco, Council Member Carol Marques, Council Member Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar B. Awarding a One -Year, Work Order Contract with Two, One -Year Extension Options for Homeless Encampment Cleanup and Illegal Dumping to US Ecology for a Not -to -Exceed Amount of $100,000; and Adopt a Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year (2022) Budget Senior Management Analyst Atkins presented the report. Discussion was held by Council members. Public comment was opened. There were no public comments. Public comment was closed. Motion Passes 7-0-0-0 Possible Action: 1. Award a one-year, work order contract with two, one-year extension options for homeless encampment clean-up and illegal dumping to US Ecology for a not -to -exceed amount of $100,000 and authorize the City Administrator to execute the agreement. 2. Adopt resolution amending the FY 2021-2022 adopted budget to appropriate $100,000 from the General Fund (100) utilizing the American Rescue Plan Act funds for this work. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] Dion Bracco, Council Member Fred Tovar, Council Member Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar Awarding a One -Year, Work Order Contract with Two, One -Year Extension Options for Homeless Encampment Cleanup and Illegal Dumping to US Ecology for a Not -to -Exceed Amount of $100,000; and Adopt a Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year (2022) Budget Possible Action: 2. Motion to was made by Bracco, seconded by Council Tovar to adopt resolution 2021-55 amending the FY 2021-2022 adopted budget to appropriate $100,000 from the General Fund (100) utilizing the American Rescue Plan Act funds for this work. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Armendariz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar, Blankley No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Motion Passes 7-0-0-0 City Council Meeting Minutes 10/4/2021 5 Possible Action: 1. Award a one-year, work order contract with two, one-year extension options for homeless encampment clean-up and illegal dumping to US Ecology for a not -to -exceed amount of $100,000 and authorize the City Administrator to execute the agreement. 2. Adopt resolution amending the FY 2021-2022 adopted budget to appropriate $100,000 from the General Fund (100) utilizing the American Rescue Plan Act funds for this work. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] Dion Bracco, Council Member Fred Tovar, Council Member Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar C. Acceptance and Display of the Gilroy Sesquicentennial Time Capsule Item removed from Agenda under Orders of the Day. Possible Action: Council consideration of accepting and displaying the Gilroy Sesquicentennial Time Capsule in the Gilroy City Hall. Xl. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS City Administrator Forbis informed Council that there is only one study session scheduled for Monday, October 25th, not Wednesday, October 20th. Forbis mentioned that Bills AB339 and AB361 recently passed that may impact the way meetings are held as an organization. The City of Gilroy is one of few organizations that are back to in -person meetings and are able to have non in - person meetings if it's due to a safety risk or declaration of an emergency. With this, we have to be consistent with all Boards, Commissions and Committees and we are currently working on the logistics for all meetings to be held in -person. XII. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS No report. XIII. CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT Mayor Blankley adjourned the meeting at 8:13 p.m. MEETING DATES FUTURE MEETING DATES OCTOBER 2021 18* Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m. 25* Special Meeting.- Study Session — 6:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 2021 1* Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m. 15* Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m. DECEMBER 2021 6* Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m. * meeting is webstreamed and televised eAnn McPhillips,rim City Clerk City Council Meeting Minutes 10/4/2021