2021-03-15 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 1 City of Gilroy City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2021 I. OPENING A. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Marie Blankley 1. Pledge of Allegiance Councilmember Armendariz led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Invocation Pastor Bill Hawkins from New Hope Community Church presented the invocation. 3. City Clerk's Report on Posting the Agenda Deputy City Clerk Guzzetta reported that the agenda was posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 2:35 p.m. Attendee Name rWTtle _ Status Arrived _Marie Blankley _.....�� -� I Mayor � I Remote _Rebeca Armendariz Council Member Remote i Dion Bracco r s Council Member € Remote �� _Zach Hilton Council Member Remotei Peter Leroe-Munoz @ Council Member _ 6 Remote Carol Marques Council Member Remote Fred Tovar. Council Member Remote D. Orders of the Day Mayor Blankley announced that the Council was participating remotely and then detailed the process for public participation. C. Employee Introductions There were none. II. CEREMONIAL ITEMS A. Proclamations, Awards, and Presentations There were none. III. PRESENTATIONS TO THE COUNCIL Juliana Mendelsohn, Terry Whitehair, Don Veith, Kelly Traver, Yvonne Murray, Karen Pandula, Leah Elkins, Taylor, Mayling De La Cruz, Louis, Madeline Johnson, Paola Macioca, and Susie MacLean asked the City Council to consider adding Safe Storage of Firearms to an upcoming agenda. Steven Hayes, President for Local 2805 for Gilroy Firefighters, spoke on a potential fire station closure that would affect local operations. George Palacios spoke on a variety of subjects. A. Presentations by Responders to the City's Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Potential Development on 536 Acres of City-owned Property Located on Hecker Pass Highway City Administrator Forbis introduced the item. Adrian Paul and Chris Sutton from Select Contracts and Rick Harbor from Imagine That presented on their proposals. Kyle voiced support for the Select Contracts proposal. Susan Mister expressed excitement about the proposals. Michael Town great idea City Council Meeting Minutes 03/15/2021 2 Daniel Herrera spoke on concerns regarding traffic, noise and other issues related to development at this site. Elena Aker noted they would visit this park many times a month and preferred the Select Contracts proposal as it would be a better balance for the city._ Michael Saint expressed concern about the carbon footprint of either project. Gregory Podshadley noted that, as an avid mountain biker, he was impressed with the Select Contracts proposal. Patrick Canote shared concerns about environmental decline, and noted he would leave the site the same. Joel Shrock voiced support for an adventure park. Leslie Chow was excited for a potential bike park in Gilroy. Mattie Terzolo offered support for a bike park. Zac Martines supported a bike park. Laurie Quintelle noted that as a resident living off of Hecker Pass Road, there were concerns about environmental impacts as well as traffic. Travis Taylor noted they thought an adventure park/bike park were amazing ideas. Marc Beauchamp spoke on the importance of parks and stressed that Gilroy needs this. Lou Chiaramonte asked that the City ensure indigenous representatives are included in the decision making process. Lucas Martines indicated support for a bike park and a desire to have a bike park nearby. Diego Torres expressed concerns about animals and the environment off of Hecker Pass. Kelly O'Shea voiced support for the bike park as a benefit to the community. Mary Hsia-Coron with Preserve our Rural Communities spoke on concerns about the wildlife corridor Brian Schmidt with Green Foothills advised the City Council to move carefully through this proposal to minimize environmental impacts. IV. REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Bracco announced that the Library has opened back up and they are working to hire a new County Deputy Librarian. Council Member Armendariz noted that Silicon Valley Clean Energy approved the 15-year purchase of solar energy plus storage, and discussed lower revenue. She participated in a press conference on behalf of Mayor and Council due to fewer vaccine doses received than anticipated. Council Member Marques reported on the Gilroy Downtown Business Association and that revenues are down, but building owners have received interest in leasing properties, and rumors that larger businesses are thinking of closing. She reported on the Homeless Subcommittee meeting with Rebecca Garcia, Housing Manager of Morgan Hill, Tim Davis from the Compassion Center to discuss safe parking at church sites, and plans to meet with Assemblymember Rivas to discuss businesses and the issues they are facing in dealing with the homeless such as crime, assault, and solutions moving forward. Council Member Hilton thanked employees showing up at Public Works yard for City Council Meeting Minutes 03/15/2021 3 their service, and Christopher High leadership classes and internship. Council Member Tovar noted his attendance at the press conference on vaccine availability and distribution, and thanked Mark Turner, president of the Gilroy Chamber Of Commerce, for his and the Chamber's hard work on behalf of the residents of Gilroy. Council Member Leroe-Munoz reported on the Mobility Partnership that met last week to discuss traffic infrastructure, specifically the Highway 25/101 interchange and impacts to Gilroy. They also received an update on the High Speed Rail Project. Mayor Blankley attended the Mobility Partnership meeting and noted that the Highway 25/101 interchange may not start until July 2023 due to the need to mitigate impacts to Gilroy, and acknowledged the end of the Gilroy 150th Anniversary. V. FUTURE COUNCIL INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS Council Member Hilton asked to add an item to the City Council Agenda to consider an update to City Code Chapter 16 to add safe storage of firearms. T The City Council did not agendize the item VI. CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE) RESULT; APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dion Bracco, Council Member ; SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Arm endariz, Bracco, Hilton,.Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar A. Regular Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2021 B. Regular Meeting Minutes of March 1, 2021 C. Claim of Deborah Griffith (The City Administrator recommends a "yes" vote under the Consent Calendar shall constitute the denial of the claim) VII. BIDS AND PROPOSALS A. Award a Contract to Silicon Valley Group, Inc. for the Ranch Site Building and Trailer Demolition Project (No. 21-PW-263), and approve a project expenditure of$57,270 City Engineer Heap presented the report. Possible Action: a) Adopt a resolution 2021-09 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending the budget for the City of Gilroy for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 and appropriating proposed expenditure amendments. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER::, Dion;Bracco, Council Member , SECONDER: `Peter,Leroe-Munoz, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco,.Hilton, Leroe-Munoz; Marques., Tovar b) Award a Contract to Silicon Valley Group, Inc. in the amount of $51,108.21, with an additional project contingency of$5,111.79 (10%), for a total construction cost of$56,226 and $1,050 for a City of Gilroy demolition permit for a total project cost of$57,270 for the Ranch Site Building and Trailer Demolition, Project No. 21-PW-263, and authorize the City Administrator to execute the contract and associated documents. RESULT; APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER Rebeca Armendariz, Council Memb er SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member AYES: :Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco,.Hilton, Leroe-Munoz; Marques, Tovar Vill. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE City Council Meeting Minutes 03/15/2021 4 IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Standing Report on Operational Impacts and City/Community Efforts Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic Fire Chief Wyatt presented the report. Diana Jauregui thanked the city for their efforts to connect with the community and asked the information be made available on the city website. Possible Action: Receive report. B. Introduce Draft Policy Recommendations to Regulate Electronic Billboards in the City of Gilroy Senior Planner McCormick presented the report. Daniel Herrera questioned if electronic billboards would be used for other purposes such as city emergency services and so forth. Possible Action: Review recommendations and provide staff with direction regarding allowance and regulation of Electronic Billboards in the City of Gilroy. X. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS A. Community Development Department Customer Service Strategy City Administrator Forbis introduced the item. Customer Service Manager Wyrick presented the report. Possible Action: Receive report. B. 2020 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Report Senior Planner McCormick presented the report. Possible Action: Accept the 2020 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Report and direct staff to transmit the report to the appropriate State agencies. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Munoz; Marques, Tovar C. Consent to the Appointment of Daryl Jordan as Public Works Director Administrative Services Director McPhillips presented the report. Possible Action: Consent to the City Administrator's recommendation to appoint Daryl Jordan to the Department Head position of Public Works Director. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Fred Tovar, Council Member SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member AYES: Blankley; Armendariz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar .,.,. XI. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS 4 There was no report. XII. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS There was no report. City Council Meeting Minutes 03/15/2021 5 X111. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNITS Pursuant to GC Section 54957.6 and GCC Section 17A.1 1 (4); Collective Bargaining Units: Local 2805, IAFF Fire Unit Representing Gilroy Fire Fighters; Gilroy Management Association (GMA); Gilroy Police Officers Association, Inc. Representing Gilroy Police Officers; Unrepresented Confidential Exempt Employees, Unrepresented Confidential Non-Exempt Employees, Non-Exempt Part-Time/Temporaryl Seasonal Employees, Exempt Part-Time/Temporary/Seasonal Employees and Department Head Employees City Negotiators: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator, LeeAnn McPhillips, HR Director; Anticipated Issues(s) Under Negotiation: Wages, Hours, Benefits, Working Conditions; Memorandums of Understanding: City of Gilroy and Gilroy Fire Fighters Local 2805, City of Gilroy and the Gilroy Management Association (GMA); City of Gilroy and Gilroy Police Officers Association, Inc. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Blankley,adjourned the meeting at 9:40pm A/ s 6-z—a A n e/f-,u=etta,'c M C _A Deputy ty Clerk City Council Meeting Minutes 03/1512021