23400 - Chestnut & Tenth Commercial Project - - Recorded 06/25/2021County of Santa Clara FINANCE AGENCY Office of the County Clerk -Recorder County Government Center 70 West Redding Street, E. Wing, 1" Floor San Jose, California 95110 (408) 299-5688 July 26, 2021 City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020-6197 Re: CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT POSTINGS Dear Lead Agency: Enclosed please find the public copy posted in Santa Clara County Clerk -Recorder's Office for 30 days per CALIFORNIA CODES PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21152 (c) Sincerely, REGINA ALCOMENDRAS, Santa Clara County Clerk -Recorder By: Laura Luna, Deputy Clerk -Recorder Board of Supervisors: Mike Wasserman, Cindy Chavez, Otto Lee, Susan Ellenberg, S. Joseph Simitian County Executive: Jeffrey V. Smith County of Santa Clara Office of the County Clerk -Recorder Business Division County Government Center 70 West Redding Street, E. Wing, 1'` Floor San Jose, California 95110 (408) 299-5688 CEQA DOCUMENT DECLARATION ENVIRONMENTAL FILING FEE RECEIPT PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: 1. LEAD AGENCY: City of Gilroy 2. PROJECT TITLE: Chestnut & Tenth Commercial Project Santa Clara County - Clerk -Recorder Office State of California File Number: ENV23400 ENVIRONMENTAL FILING No. of Pages: 2 Total Fees: $0.00 File Date: 06/25/2021 Expires: 07/25/2021 REGINA ALCOMENDRAS, Clerk -Recorder By: Elaine Fader, Deputy Clerk -Recorder 3. APPLICANT NAME: Alex Gonzalex, Evergreen Devco inc PHONE: (602) 808-8600 4. APPLICANT ADDRESS: 2390 East Camelback Road, Suite 410, Phoenix, AZ 85016 5. PROJECT APPLICANT IS A: ❑ Local Pubiic Agency 0 School District 0 Other Special District 0 State Agency El Private Entity 6. NOTICE TO BE POSTED FOR 30 DAYS. 7. CLASSIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT a. PROJECTS THAT ARE SUBJECT TO DFG FEES ❑ 1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE §21152) $ 3,445.25 $ 0.00 ❑ 2. NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE §21080(C) $ 2,480.25 $ 0.00 ❑ 3. APPLICATION FEE WATER DIVERSION (STATE WATER RESOURCES coNTROI BOARD ONLY) $ 850.00 $ 0.00 ❑ 4. PROJECTS SUBJECT TO CERTIFIED REGULATORY PROGRAMS $ 1,171.25 $ 0.00 ❑ 5. COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE (REQUIRED FOR a-1 THROUGH a-4 ABOVE) $ 50.00 $ 0.00 Fish & Game Code §711.4(e) b. PROJECTS THAT ARE EXEMPT FROM DFG FEES ❑ 1. NOTICE OF EXEMPTION ($50.00 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE REQUIRED) $ 50.00 $ 0.00 ❑ 2. A COMPLETED "CEQA FILING FEE NO EFFECT DETERMINATION FORM" FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME, DOCUMENTING THE DFG'S DETERMINATION THAT THE PROJECT WILL HAVE NO EFFECT ON FISH, WILDLIFE AND HABITAT, OR AN OFFICIAL, DATED RECEIPT / PROOF OF PAYMENT SHOWING PREVIOUS PAYMENT OF THE DFG FILING FEE FOR THE *SAME PROJECT IS ATTACHED ($50.00 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE REQUIRED) DOCUMENT TYPE: ❑ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ❑ NEGATIVE DECLARATION $ 50.00 c. NOTICES THAT ARE NOT SUBJECT TO DFG FEES OR COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEES ❑ NOTICE OF PREPARATION E NOTICE OF INTENT $ 0.00 NO FEE $ NO FEE 8. OTHER: FEE (IF APPLICABLE): $ 9. TOTAL RECEIVED $ 0.00 *NOTE: "SAME PROJECT MEANS NO CHANGES. IF THE DOCUMENT SUBMITTED IS NOT THE SAME (OTHER THAN DATES), A "NO EFFECT DETERMINATION" LETTER FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FOR THE SUBSEQUENTFILING OR THE APPROPRIATE FEES ARE REQUIRED. THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND ATTACHED TO THE FRONT OF ALL CEQA DOCUMENTS LISTED ABOVE (INCLUDING COPIES) SUBMITTED FOR FILING. WE WILL NEED AN ORIGINAL (WET SIGNATURE) AND TWO (2) COPIES. IF THERE ARE ATTACHMENTS, PLEASE PROVIDE THREE (3) SETS OF ATTACHMENTS FOR SUBMISSION. (YOUR ORIGINAL WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU AT THE TIME OF FILING.) CHECKS FOR ALL FEES SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO: SANTA CLARA COUNTY CLERK -RECORDER PLEASE NOTE: FEES ARE ANNUALLY ADJUSTED (Fish & Game Code §711.4(b); PLEASE CHECK WITH THIS OFFICE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FOR THE LATEST FEE INFORMATION. ... NO PROJECT SHALL BE OPERATIVE, VESTED, OR FINAL, NOR SHALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT PERMITS FOR THE PROJECT BE VALID, UNTIL THE FILING FEES REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION ARE PAID." Fish & Game Code §711.4(c)(3) (Fees Effective 01-01-2021) Community Development Department 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California 95020-6197 Telephone: (408) 846-0451 Fax: (408) 846-0429 http: //www. cityofg i l roy. o rq CITY OF GILROY 30-DAY NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Karen L. Garner DIRECTOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Gilroy Planning Division intends to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the following described project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970, as amended, and the Thresholds of Significance adopted May 3, 2004 by the City of Gilroy: Project Number: Z 20-04, AS 20-14, TM 20-03 Project Title: Chestnut & Tenth Street Commercial Project Project Applicant: Alex Gonzales, Evergreen Devco, Inc. Project Location: 401 & 405 East Tenth Street, City of Gilroy, CA Assessor Parcel No.: 841-66-014 and 814-66-015 Project Description: The project proposes to rezone the site from C3 and CM to C3-Planned Unit Development (PUD) overlay district in order to demolish and remove all improvements on -site and construct a 120-room hotel, a carwash, and four commercial buildings (one of which would include a gasoline service station and convenience store and the remaining three which would include drive - through service). The four commercial buildings and carwash would total approximately 19,649 square feet. The site would be subdivided into six separate parcels. In accordance with Section 15070 of the California Code of Regulations, the City of Gilroy Planning Division has determined that there is no substantial evidence that the proposed project would have a significant effect on the environment, and that a mitigated negative declaration (MND) may be adopted. Review and Comment Period: The public review period begins on June 25, 2021 and ends on July 26, 2021. Comments in writing must be received by 5:00 p.m. on July 26, 2021, and should be directed to Kraig Tambornini, at kraig.tambornini@cityofgilroy.org, or mailed to the City of Gilroy, Planning Division, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Report Availability: The draft environmental document may be reviewed online at www.cityofgilroy.orq/planning, by selecting the link on the left side of the page for "Development Activity Projects". Copies will also be made available for review at the Gilroy Planning Division office 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California, and Gilroy Public Library, 350 W. Sixth Street. If you need assistance accessing the document, or have inquiries, you may contact staff by email or written correspondence as noted above, or by phone (408) 846-0214.