24979193 - Request for Cancellation of Taxes by a Public Agency - - Recorded 05/28/2021REQUEST FOR CANCELLATION OF TAXES BY A PUIL UC AGENCY Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 783-04-028 The undersigned authorized agent requests that the County of Santa Clara cancel taxes against the described property, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 4986 et seq., because of acquisition by the public agency. Attached is a copy of the acquisition document and a copy of the city's authorization (if applicable) Date Acquired Recorder's Document No. Tax Rate Area 05/28/2021 24979193 02 How Acquired: Deed Others...please state x Final Order Easement Requesting Agency: Name City of Gilroy Address 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA. 95020 Authorized Agent: Thai Pham, City Clerk Agent's Signature: Phone #: (408) 846-0204 Assessee: Name City of Gilroy Address 7351 Rosanna Gilroy, CA 95020 Total take To be completed by the Assessor's Office of Santa Clara County Partial take Acreage (or sq. ft.) acquired Acreage (or sq. ft.) remaining Regular/Supplemental Roll Year Land Im i rovements Pers. Pro Total Roll Reads Roll Should Read 0 0 Regular/Supplemental Roll Year Roll Reads Roll Should Read 0 0 Signature, Date and Phone Number Property ID Technician Mapping Supervisor Real Prop/ Appraiser Received by TRC Processed by TRC Cancellation #: Prop ID Tech. Ext: (408) 299-5581 (408) 299-5300 (408) 808-7979 (408) 808-7979 Mail forms to Assessor's Office Attn: Mapping Supervisor, 70 W. Hedding St., E. Wing, San Jose, CA 95110 Office of the Assessor County of Santa Clara County Government Center, East Wing 70 West Hedding Street, 5th Floor San Jose, CA 95110-1771 (408) 299-5500 www.scc-assessor.org @CEOWIAD FEB 0 7 2022 GILROY CITY CLERICS OFFICE Lawrence E. Stone, Assessor FEBRUARY 4, 2022 CITY OF GILROY Shawna freels-City Clerk 7351 Rossana St., Gilroy, CA. 95020 RE: Notice of Cancellation of Taxes Packet, APN#783-04-028 Recorded Document #, 2497903 Recorded 5/23/21 DeaDiSir/Madam: Our records indicate that your public agency recently acquired title to a parcel of land within Santa Clara County. As required by Revenue and Taxation Code §§ 5082.1, all public entities are required to do all of the following: a) Provide the local assessor and auditor a copy of the instrument evidencing the acquisition of property by the entity; b) Indicate on the instrument referred to in subdivision (a) the date of apportionment; c) Request the auditor to cancel taxes for the remaining portion of the fiscal year after the date of apportionment; d) Provide a map of the acquired property. In an effort to help facilitate the process for you, the Assessor's Office is providing you the enclosed Request for Cancellation of Taxes Form. Submission of a completed request form along with a copy of the instrument evidencing the acquisition and a copy of the map will satisfy the above requirements. This request packet can be sent to my attention by mail or electronically at tuan.au@asr.sccgov.org. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (408) 299-5.585. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Tuan Au Mapping and Property ID Supervisor Assessor's Office Mission: To produce an annual assessment roll including all assessable property in accordance with legal mandates in a timely, accurate, and efficient manner; and provide current assessment -related information to the public and governmental agencies in a timely and responsive way.