03/08/2021 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 05/10/2021 CITY OF GILROY YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MARCH 8, 2021 6:00 p.m. Gilroy Senior Center 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 4 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Ramirez called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Time Jacob Baker Commissioner Present Esmeralda Garcia Commissioner Present Alyssa Gonzalez Commissioner Present Winston James Commissioner Present Meyhar Kamrah Commissioner Present Alexis Kong Commissioner Present Joshua Martinez Commissioner Present Reet Padda Commissioner Present Augusta Schulte Vice Chair Present Yashila Suresh Commissioner Present Serena Ramirez Chair Present III. SECRETARY'S REPORT The Youth Commission agenda was posted online and in the City Hall kiosk on March 5, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. IV . APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. February 8, 2021- Commissioner Suresh motioned to approve the minutes. Vice -Chair Schulte seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner James motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Kamrah seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. Page 2 of 4 VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Social with Morgan Hill Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Staff Gonzalez shared with the youth commission that the Morgan Hill Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is interested in planning a social with the Gilroy Youth Commission. They would like to have a virtual meeting on March 26 or April 23 from 4pm to 6 pm. Chair Ramirez shared that it would be a learning experience to meet with other youth advisory councils and that she learned a lot at their previous social. Chair Ramirez shared that March 26 would not work for the commissioners due to the planned youth conference. Commissioners agreed that April 23 would be a better date. Commissioner Baker, Garcia, Gonzalez, James, Kamrah, Kong, Padda, Suresh, and Ramirez confirmed their availability to attend. Commissioner Kamrah made th e motion to approve the Social with Morgan Hill Youth Advisory Council (YAC) for April 23, 2021 from 4 to 6pm.Commissioner Martinez seconded the motion. Motion passed 11-0-0. VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. Planning of Commissioner-led Workshops for Young Gilroy Residents Page 3 of 4 A virtual workshop will be held for the youth of Gilroy via Zoom on Friday, March 26, 2021 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The following topics were discussed as part of the planning for the event: a. Committee Reports: i. Guest Speakers: Ramirez, Gonzalez and Kamrah have identified speakers for the event and confirmed their participation date and time. The commissioners will follow up with their identified speakers to finalize arrangements, provide them the final flyer, and program timeline. Each speaker will be asked to present for 25 minutes. There will be 3 workshop breakout sessions with 3 sub-break out group per workshop topic. Commissioner Gonzalez shared that the South County Youth Task Force Coordinator (SCYTF), Sandra Cruz, reached out to the subcommittee with interest of collaborating on the event with SCYTF and their Race Equity and Youth Leadership Circle. Milton Reynolds, an expert consultant on the subject matter and the facilitator of the SCYTF Youth Circle, would be available to facilitate the diversity and inclusion workshop. The Commissioners were invited to attend the March 11th 3:15-5:15pm Youth Circle session to discuss the event with Milton and SCYTF. The Commissioners decided to collaborate with SCYTF, have Milton as one of their guest speakers, and to participate in the Youth Circle Session. ii.Marketing: Padda, James and Schulte are responsible for creating flyers and promotions. The registration information was provided by Staff Sendejas. Commissioner Padda will be sending the fi nal bilingual flyer to the commissioners. Commissioners Padda and Schulte shared they have sent the flyers to MHUSD and GUSD for outreach, iii.Ice-Breakers/Fun Games: Suresh, Kong, Martinez, and Garcia have identified a number of games they can play in breakout sessions and as a larger group. They will be finalizing their 10 minute welcome ice breaker and 15 minute large group virtual Kahoot game to practice with commissioners. iv.Zoom Tech Guy: Baker is responsible for running the Zoom meeting and for managing the breakout sessions. Staff will set-up a Zoom account for the Youth Commission and send it to Baker. Commissioners decided it would be best to have a practice trial of the zoom event for logistics and planning. b. Chair Ramirez and Vice Chair Schulte will MC the event. c. A practice session will need to be held prior to the March workshop on March 18, 2021. Commissioner are still looking to have their event on March 26th and will confirm prior to the event based on registration numbers and committee feedback if they will need to extend their event date. Page 4 of 4 d. Commissioners shared they would like to have virtual backgrounds to differentiate the commissioners from the virtual crowd. Their theme would be “Growth Mindset’ and commissioners will investigate possible images to share with the Commission. IX . AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Chair Schulte would like to continue planning at the next meeting if the Virtual Workshop date changes due to registration or have a debrief report if unchanged. Chair Ramirez would like to discuss presentation to council. Commissioners would like further details about the social with Morgan Hill Youth Advisory Council. X. STAFF COMMENTS Staff Gonzalez shared that the Santa Clara County Public Health Department has a survey for children and youth about the Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights that the commissioners have been invited to participate by email. The Santa Clara County Office of Women’s Policy’s Girl Advisory Team (GAT) has a Strong Women Strong Girl virtual conference series open to all ages and allies on March 17, 2021 5:00pm- 6:30pm and March 27, 2021 10:00am-12:15pm with guest speakers on hustle culture, mental health, self -care, and GAT graduation. Thirdly, there will be a Race Equity and Youth Leadership Circle session on March 11, 2021 from 3:15pm-5:15pm facilitated by Milton Reynolds with the South County Youth Task Force. Staff shared that commissioners were provided with the details by email. Staff shared she was proud and excited to see the commissioners committed to their community work. XI. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Gonzalez motioned and Vice-Chair Schulte seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:08pm. Motion passed by 11-0-0. Monica Gonzalez, Recording Secretary Youth Commission Advisor