06/09/2021 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 09/08/2021 CITY OF GILROY LIBRARY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 9, 2021 7:00 p.m. Gilroy Library Meeting Room 350 W. Sixth Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 3 I. Call to Order– Chair Robinson called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Victoria Coverson-Baxter Commissioner P Sumana Reddy Commissioner P Katherine Robinson Chair P Kathy Souza Commissioner P Vacant II. SECRETARY'S REPORT – The Library Commission agenda was posted on June 3, 2021 in the City Hall kiosk at 2:35pm and on the City website at 2:30pm. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. April 14, 2021 – Commissioner Souza motioned to approve the April meeting minutes. Commissioner Reddy seconded. Motion passed 4-0-0. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Commissioner Souza motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Reddy seconded. Motion passed 4-0-0. V. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Selection of Vice-Chair of Library Commission – Commissioner Gonzalez resigned in April 2021and she held the Vice -chair position. Council needs to open the recruitment to fill the vacancy, which will be on the agenda for the June 21, 2021 meeting. The Library Commission needs to appoint a new Vice-chair, whose main function is to preside over the commission meeting if the Chair is absent. Commissioner Souza has previously served in this role but said she would do it if Commissioner Coverson-Baxter didn’t want to do it. Commissioner Coverson-Baxter accepted the nomination since there were only two meetings left this year. Chair Robinson motioned to appoint Commissioner Coverson-Baxter as Vice-chair for the 2021 calendar year. Commissioner Reddy seconded. Motion passed 4-0-0. VII. OLD BUSINESS – None. Page 2 of 3 VIII. LIBRARY REPORTS A. County Library Report for June 2021 (report attached) – County Librarian Jennifer Weeks presented the Santa Clara County Library District (SCCLD) Stakeholder Report for June 2021. Weeks reported the Summer Reading Program – Reading Colors Your World launched on June 1st. As we moved to the Yellow Tier, SCCLD has removed COVID-19 imposed occupancy limits, removed visitor time limits, extended computer use to three hours and opened reservations for small and medium meeting rooms. Weeks sees bright light at the end of the tunnel as we make our way out of the pandemic. SCCLD has modified and adapted during the last year and half and invited Commissioners to provide feedback by participating in a survey posted on their website, which is available until June 30th. Campbell Library, which is the oldest county library built, is being renovated and they have opened the Campbell Express Library while construction is underway. The Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Board meet on June 3rd and approved the budget. B. Gilroy Library Report for June 2021 (report attached) – Community Librarian Cassandra Wong reported the library and the Friends Bookstore are open, computers are available, limited seating is available and staff are reassessing service plans in anticipation of changes to come on June 15th. Circulation has increased dramatically since reopening – circulation is up 16% since last month and almost 50% since February. You can find the schedule of Summer Reading Programs at sccld.org/events. The Library has a series of virtual events for children on Wednesdays at 3pm (today’s virtual magician had 400+ registrations). The Gilroy Library continues to provide over 1,500 meals on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 4:00- 5:00pm in partnership with Revolution Foods. Outreach continues at the Ochoa Migrant Center, Power School, Gilroy Unified School District (GUSD) Summer School and the Bookmobile will visit the Gilroy Youth Center on the first Monday in July and August. Wong showed the video for summer reading. Wong went through flyers that are in the meeting packet for activities and events this summer at the Gilroy Library for youth, teens and adults. Souza shared that home-schooling participation increased dramatically during the pandemic and that it was challenging to get the books at times due to the demand. It’s unknown if home schooling will remain as popular as we come out of the pandemic. Souza suggested increasing the number of books in circulation for home school reading assignments, if possible. Souza will send Wong some contact information for the home schools. Wong thanked Souza for the community feedback and said they have a very generous e-book budget and they can get access quicker and she will have staff work with the home schools to try to get their lists ahead of time. Coverson-Baxter echoed Souza’s sentiments and said it would be great if the Library could have a home school resource section. Coverson-Baxter asked if there is any planning for Juneteenth. The Library will be closed for the holiday (first time County is honoring this holiday). Wong said there is no speaker scheduled at this time, but they will have Page 3 of 3 their in-house events like story-time. Its currently Black Music Month and they have a series of displays around this. Wong will pass Coverson- Baxter’s comments to the Librarians. Reddy agreed with Coverson-Baxter and said it would love to see a speaker series or some other way to focus on Juneteenth. Robinson shared that Catholic Charities is trying to step up their services in South County. Given the breadth and depth of programming o ffered through the Library, there may be opportunities to partner with Catholic Charities and Robinson offered to pass the contact information to Wong if it makes sense to collaborate. Week and Wong welcomed the contact information and shared the SCCLD and Gilroy Library are in partnership with a lot of community-based organizations (CBOs), including Catholic Charities, and would like to develop those partnerships further when and where it makes sense to work collective to make real change happen. IX. COMMISSION COMMENTS – None. X. STAFF COMMENTS – Staff Sendejas reported her interim assignment to support the Commission has ended and Recreation Manager Adam Henig will return to supporting the Commission for the September 8th meeting. XI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS – None. XII. ADJOURNMENT – Commissioner Reddy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:58pm. Commissioner Souza seconded. Motion passed 4-0-0. Monica Sendejas Recording Secretary