04/13/2022 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/08/2022 CITY OF GILROY LIBRARY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 2022 7:00 p.m. Gilroy Library Meeting Room 350 W. Sixth Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 2 CALL TO ORDER Attendee Name Title Status Katherine Robinson Vice Chair Absent Victoria Coverson-Baxter Chair Present Sumana Reddy Commissioner Present Gabriela Kim Commissioner Present Saied Nooshabadi Commissioner Present II. SECRETARY'S REPORT Agenda was posted on April 7, 2022. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. February 9, 2022 - Motion was passed by Commissioner Reddy to approve the minutes. Commissioner Kim seconded. Motion passed 4 -0-0. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Motion was passed by Commissioner Kim to approve the minutes. Reddy seconded. Motion passed 4-0-0. V. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS - none VI. INTRODUCTIONS- Said Nooshabadi introduced himself. He was recently appointed by City Council. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA- none VIII. OLD BUSINESS- none IX. NEW BUSINESS - none X. LIBRARY REPORTS A. County Library Report for December 2021 - February 2022 (report attached) Page 2 of 2 Santa Clara County Librarian Jenifer Weeks discussed the following in her report: National Library Week, Library Bill of Rights, Inclusive collection, and privacy among users. Commissioner Nooshabadi inquired if users had access to conspiracy theories/wrongful information. Weeks confirmed they do not limit user online viewing. Baxter asked if the word “ability” could be added to the Library Bill of Rights. Weeks explained that this was not written by the County; it’s the American Library Association. A. Gilroy Library Report (report attached) Community Librarian Cassandra Wong discussed the following topics: Blac k History Month, Covid test distribution in Gilroy, provide snacks to families, received grants for programming, and the return of in-person programming. XI. COMMISSION COMMENTS – Kim is excited about the return of in-person storytime. Reddy explored the possibility of removing return dates of materials for users. XII. STAFF COMMENTS - none XIII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS- none XIV. ADJOURNMENT – 7:55pm Adam Henig Recording Secretary Recreation Division