02/23/2021 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/23/2021 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, February 23, 2021 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:01 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Patrick Flautt - Chairperson - present Sean Reedy – Vice Chairperson - present Alison Beach - present Kristen Robbins - present Nirza Starks - present ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, Traffic Engineer Nirorn Than, Engineer Julie Oates, Engineer Trevin Barber, Senior Management Analyst Sheila Castillo, Recording Secretary 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, February 19, 2021, at 11:20 a.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS None 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • None B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • VTABPAC Member Carolyn Schimandle provided an oral report. There were no public comments. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 1/26/2021 Regular Meeting B. Public Bike Fund Balance Sheet No public comments. Com. Reedy motioned to approve; seconded by Com. Beach. Roll call vote to approve the Consent Calendar: The motion passes unanimously. (5/0) 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Measure B Funded Education & Encouragement Update: • Com. Flautt stated there are no updates. No public comments. Com. Flautt – no comment. Com. Reedy – no comment. Com. Beach – no comment. Com. Robbins – no comment. Com. Starks – no comment. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. FY22 and FY23 Capital Improvement Project Budget Recommendations: • Mr. Barber provided a report on the budget development project. • Mr. Heap spoke on the item and asked the Commissioners to provide their recommendations at the next meeting. Com. Flautt – no comment. Com. Reedy – asked what type of items can be requested. Com. Beach – no comment. Com. Robbins – no comment. Com. Starks – no comment. There were no public comments. Mr. Barber advised for smaller items a request can be presented to Mr. Heap (i.e. training cost, etc.). For larger items a charter would need to be developed and taken through the appropriate process. B. Formation of Measure B Education and Encouragement Sub-Committee: • Com. Flautt spoke on the formation of a sub-committee. Com. Flautt – no comment. Com. Reedy – no comment. Com. Beach – no comment. Com. Robbins – no comment. Com. Starks – no comment. There were no public comments. Com. Beach motioned to approve; seconded by Com. Starks. Roll call vote to approve formation of the Measure B Education and Encouragement Sub- Committee: The motion passes unanimously. (5/0) Sub-Committee Volunteers: Com. Flautt, Com. Beach and Com. Starks C. Presentation of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Bike to Wherever Day (BTWD) and Bike Month: • Tim Oey and Violeta Palatto of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition provided a presentation on Bike to Wherever Day (May 21st) and Bike Month. Public comments: Carolyn Schimandle commented. No other public comments. Com. Flautt– stated he would like to utilize Measure B funds for supporting the event and the pop- up tent for the May 21st Bike to Wherever Day. Asked if t-shirts can be purchased with the Measure B funds for this event. Com. Reedy – suggested possibly giving away bags during the event. Asked where one could find information for the various sponsorship levels. Com. Beach – asked if funding received by the coalition is returned to the Gilroy community. Also, whether there is a slow streets program in Gilroy. Com. Robbins – no comment. Com. Starks – no comment. Mr. Heap stated there are funds available through the Measure B E&E that can be used for items to support this event. Advised more information on the Silicon Valley Bike Coalition events can be found on their website. D. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Work Plan and Goals: • Gary Heap provided information on how the work plan is developed and asked the Commissioners to provide requested items at the next meeting. There were no public comments. Commissioner comments: · Development of a Bike Work Plan – March/April · Use Measure B Funds through the activities of VTA E&E BPC Sub-committee · Become more visible in the community – Engagement · Encourage multi-mobile access – Scooters and e-bikes · Support local businesses like Sunshine Bike Shop to promote local bicycling · Reach out, when able, to get the support of the local bike shops – partnership · Greater cooperation with other agencies – Coordination with other BPC’s in Santa Clara County. Want staff to reach out and coordinate with other BPC’s. · Mapping out safe rides in Gilroy for adults with younger people in tow. Pedestrian timing enhancements along route to extend ped phase so young children have time to cross. · Issues getting across First Street from North to South · Take ownership of BPC Facebook page (under staff direction) outside City managed process – may need City Council approval · Support Bike to Anywhere Day in May · Work with the School District and identify E&E activities for school push-in (Fall) E. 7th and Eigleberry Parking Lot Review: • Julie Oates presented a power point presentation that included drawings and project details. Public comments: Carolyn Schimandle commented. No other public comments. Commissioner comments: · Like option #1 with the Plaza · Approach vendors that work with Cities to generate revenue from the Electrical Charging Stations – split cost with City/Vendor · Fundraising Option – Sell sponsored bricks to raise funds · Will the Planning Commission be brought into the discussion regarding the revitalization of the Downtown Specific Plan · If Caltrain starts charging for parking, would this lot be impacted by Caltrain users? · Central point downtown for charging of vehicles, e-bikes and e-scooters. · Provide bike parking to incentivize the use of bicycle riding to the Downtown. Probably wouldn’t use bike racks due to lack of visibility, but lockers a good idea. · Bike racks might not provide safe parking for the lot. Would need lockers. · VTA Caltrain Affordable Housing Development seems to be eliminating parking at the Caltrain lot. How would this impact this new Downtown lot? Probably drive Caltrain users to the new Downtown lot. F. Correspondence: • Com. Flautt advised there are no items. There were no public comments. Com. Flautt – no comment. Com. Beach – no comment. Com. Reedy – no comment. Com. Robbins – no comment. Com. Starks – no comment. 10. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Com. Flautt: • Provided information on an e-bicycle program. B. Com. Sean Reedy: • Advised he would like to support the Measure B E&E public events. There may be subsidy for e-bikes available. C. Com. Beach: • Thank you to Mr. Heap for transition to the Zoom platform. D. Com. Robbins: • No report. E. Com. Starks: • No report. 11. STAFF UPDATES No updates. There were no public comments. 12. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Outthink presentation from Brian Barnacle Discussion for Bike to Wherever Day for Sub-Committee item Work Plan and Goals ADJOURN: 7:33 p.m. to the March 23rd, 2021 meeting at 6pm.