03/23/2021 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/27/2021 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, March 23, 2021 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:08 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Patrick Flautt - Chairperson - present Sean Reedy – Vice Chairperson - present Alison Beach - present Kristen Robbins - present Nirza Starks - present ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, Traffic Engineer Nirorn Than, Engineer Trevin Barber, Senior Management Analyst Sheila Castillo, Recording Secretary Christina Ruiz, Recording Secretary 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, March 19, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS None 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • None B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • VTABPAC Member Carolyn Schimandle provided an oral report. There were no public comments. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 2/23/2021 Regular Meeting B. Public Bike Fund Balance Sheet No public comments. Com. Reedy motioned to approve; seconded by Com. Flautt. Roll call vote to approve the Consent Calendar: The motion passes unanimously. (5/0) 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Measure B Funded Education & Encouragement Update: • Mr. Heap provided information from the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) of what Measure B Education and Encouragement funds can be used for. Funds must be used for services and/or purchase of material, such as: • shirt, hats, logos and other materials in support of the program • training • to hire vendors for services (i.e., to conduct a bike rodeo, etc.) Funds cannot be used for: • donation of funds No public comments. There were no comments from the Commissioners. B. FY22 and FY23 Capital Improvement Project Budget Recommendations: • Mr. Heap and Mr. Barber provided an explanation of what the Commissioners will be asked during this item. What projects would each Commissioner like to see move forward as Capital Improvement projects. No public comments. Commissioners provided the items: • Maintain $2k for training, with expectation that it may not all be used. • Levy trail lighting, laying of conduit, ownership of land, help people feel safe at night o Council has discussed lights on the levee trails. And there were some environmental review issues with lighting disturbing animal life • Downtown Monterey curb ramp program and sidewalk audit (Leavesley to Third is in bad shape) • Bike parking ordinance • Bike lockers for safety of bikes, riders not comfortable leaving bikes on racks because people take them anyway. o Off the street, broad approach, just want citizens to be able to bike around their normal day and have somewhere to park o Need an assessment of some sort to determine areas, in addition to funding for the lockers. Study and development of… including standards • Statewide California conference biking one will be online • Statewide California walking conference not scheduled • Enhanced trail head signage at Christmas Hill Park (PK2101) • Mantelli/Kern Intersection is difficult during school hours • Fix it stations on the levee trail • Map with phone app compatibility • QR Code for access to map Commissioners requested a one page explanation of where the money comes from and what it can be spent on. Interested expressed in working with GIS person on the map project. C. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Work Plan and Goals: • Mr. Heap asked the Commission for their ideas on work plan and goals. No public comments. Commission provided the following plans and goals: • Support the community during the pandemic – Bike to Anywhere Day in May • Be present in the community • Use of E/E funds to provide encouragement in the community – provide Logo Masks to the Community • Prepare the City for an electric future • Desire for BPC to participate in more community activities • BPC Booth at various events – San Ysidro Park Events, National Night Out, Bike Repair Event at Library • Support schools in SRTS programs and activities - Fall • Safe ways to bike on public roadways • Signage talking about etiquette on bike paths and trails • Support development of the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Development D. Measure B Education & Encouragement Sub-Committee (Flautt, Beach, Starks): • Com. Flautt stated there is the desire to purchase face masks, shirts and bags with Measure B E&E funds. • Sourcing of materials and pricing, to be voted on at next meeting. o Masks – (500 adult, 500 children) o Purchase of bags – 200 o Purchase of shirts – 200 shirts (50 small, 50 medium, 50 large and 50 x- large) No public comments. Mr. Heap will find out if the Commission must follow the City’s purchasing policy to purchase materials. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. 2021 Board, Commission & Committee (BCC) Annual Presentations to City Council: • Mr. Heap provided information on the annual presentation to City Council and asked what dates the Commissioner would like to make their presentation. Possible dates for annual presentation to City Council: o 1st choice – August 16th o 2nd choice – September 20th o 3rd choice – November 1st There were no public comments. Mr. Heap will provide the scheduled date to the Commission at the next meeting. B. Glen Loma Ranch Rocky Knoll, Canyon Creek, Malvasia II Presentation: • Mr. Heap introduced Chris Patton of Ruggeri-Jensen- Azar, who provided a power-point presentation. There were no public comments. C. E-Bike Share Pilot Program - OutThink: • Com Flautt introduced Brian Barnacle and Eli Slaydon who provided a presentation on the E- Bike Share Pilot Program – Project Chrysalis. Public comments: Carolyn Schimandle commented there is county-wide bike plan that was approved in 2018. She will share this e-bike project information with the Valley Transportation Agency. There were no other public comments. Mr. Heap stated there are funds available through the Measure B E&E that can be used for items to support this event. D. Correspondence: • Com. Flautt advised there are no items. There were emails received regarding support of the Adventure Park. There were no public comments. There were no Commissioner comments. 10. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Com. Flautt: • Requesting volunteers for Bicycle Day at Gilroy Gardens on May 28th. A few hours to bicycle around the Gilroy Gardens Park. More information to come. • He was asked to join the hi-speed rail (San Jose to Merced) review board. • Bike match program run by Z. Hilton who takes donated bikes and matches them to a person. • Thank you to Sean Reedy for his Measure B E&E work and the bike pledge program. • Replacing bike trail signage, working with Mr. Heap and R. Bedell of the City. • Caltrain CAC Meeting provided update on their successful anti-theft “529 program”, where bikes are registered in the program. Twenty-seven bikes have been recovered. • Nomination for Bike Person of the Year - Eugene Bernosky B. Com. Sean Reedy: • He is the alternate for the hi-speed rail review board. C. Com. Beach: • No report. D. Com. Robbins: • No report. E. Com. Starks: • No report. 11. STAFF UPDATES No updates. There were no public comments. 12. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Report to BPC on interactive bike map ADJOURN: 8:43 p.m. to the April 27, 2021 meeting at 6pm.