05/14/2012 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 10/08/2012CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR YOUTH COMMISSION MEETING 6:00 P.M. Monday, May 14, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Vice-chair Gonzalez. ROLL CALL & SECRETARY’S REPORT All Commissioners were present except Commissioner Filice who was excused to be late. Commissioner Filice arrived at 6:08 p.m. Others present: Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki and Parks and Recreation Commission Chair, Moe McHenry. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES No approval of the minutes. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Commissioner Cabatingan motioned to approve the agenda and Commissioner Medina seconded that motion. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Kang was excused for her absence at the May Gilroy Gang Task Force meeting. The Youth Commission conducted their annual presentation to City Council at their May 7th meeting. INTRODUCTIONS None. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OLD BUSINESS A. Recap of Senior Ball Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki thanked the Commissioners and said that they did a fabulous job. She then asked for feedback from the Commissioners. Commissioner Filice stated that although she was not present, her aunt and uncle attended and recommended that for next year the Commission should have a more organized plan for serving food. The Commissioners commented that there were too many volunteers and next year there should be less. Commissioner Gonzalez recommended changing the menu a bit so that it is food that is simple and easy to serve. Dinner/Food was the area of the night that caused more stress and chaos. Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki commented that the Commission raised over $700 between the photo booth and raffle tickets. Overall the Youth Commission has received positive feedback from the event attendees. Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Bielecki stated that the Commission needs to formally thank its sponsors and donors. B. Discussion on Development of New GYC Logo and Shirts Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Bielecki showed the rough draft of the possible logo for the Youth Commission. Youth Commissioners expressed concern about the font style and asked that it be re-evaluated. Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Bielecki then asked for direction from the Commission in regard to the GYC logo and shirts. Discussion followed. The Youth Commission as a whole expressed the desire for a simple black fleece and white polo with the logo in green on the front. Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Bielecki stated that for the next meeting she will come with examples of different fonts for the logo. C. Recap on Annual Presentation to City Council on May 7, 2012 Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki said that she was proud of the Youth Commission and their presentation. She thanked the Commissioners for attending. D. Discussion and Continued Planning of Senior Night—May 31, 2012 Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Bielecki stated that the Willey House is reserved for May 31st from 4-7 p.m. and that Commissioner Cabatingan’s father will be catering. She will send out a potluck sign-up sheet through e-mail. She then asked if there was anything else to plan for this night. Commissioner Medina recommended having a program and volunteered to organize the schedule for the Senior Night. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion on Planning for “Open Gym Night”—May 26th, 2012 Commissioners Medina and Wykoff presented an idea for an Open Gym Night, Family Night or Game Day. Discussion then followed with possible ideas. Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Bielecki stated that it is not likely to happen by May 26th and that there needs to be more planning. She advised that the Youth Commission could meet in the summer to plan and execute the event. Commissioner Medina and Wykoff are to create a plan of their vision with possible dates to have a Game Night and present it to Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Bielecki. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING None. STAFF COMMENTS Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Bielecki stated that there is a possibility that the Youth Commission may hold a special meeting during the summer. She also stated that the Gilroy Gang Task Force has contacted the Youth Commission to participate in a focus group for the newly formed, South County Youth Task Force. Lastly, Recreation Coordinator Bielecki reminded the Commissioners of their term date expirations and to spread the word of the open positions for the Youth Commission. ADJOURNMENT Chair Filice adjourned the meeting at 6:49 p.m. FUTURE MEETING The next regular meeting of the Youth Commission will be held on Monday, October 8, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room. __________________________________ Commissioner Gonzalez Recording Secretary