08/18/2016 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 11/17/2016 Open Government Commission Minutes 8/18/2016 GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION Minutes THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2016 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING I. OPENING A. Call to Order and Roll Call Chairperson Glines called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Roll Call Present: Commissioner Bob Dillon, Vice Chairperson Janet Espersen, Chairperson Walter Glines, Commissioner Jon Newland Absent: Commissioner Robert Esposito II. PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE COMMISSION’s SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION Chair Glines asked for clarification of the item and suggested that contact information for city staff be included on the agenda . Commissioner Robert Esposito joined the meeting at 7:07 p.m. There was no concurrence among the Commissioners. There were no public comments. III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of May 19, 2016 Commissioner Espersen asked for clarification on a comment she had made at the meeting, and there was a discussion on providing background checks for other agencies. City Attorney Faber explained that the issue was not within the purview of the Open Government Commission Minutes 8/18/2016 Commission and a further discussion was held regarding recovering costs for services provided, and the sharing of information between agencies. Motion on Consent Calendar Motion was made by Commissioner Dillon, seconded by Commissioner Espersen and carried with a 5-0 vote to approve the minutes. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) The item was presented by City Clerk Freels. There was discussion of the number of records requests filled quickly and a discussion of the inability to provide utility records to outside parties. There were no public comments. Motion on Item IV.A. Motion was made by Commissioner Dillon, seconded by Commissioner Espersen and carried with a 5-0 vote to accept the report. B. Presentation of New Open Government Ordinance Training Video Segments The Commission postponed review of the training to their next meeting. C. Discussion of Annual Presentation to the City Council – October 3, 2016 Chair Glines asked if it would be prudent to reach out to other cities which had Sunshine ordinances, to see what issues were being addressed. There was a further discussion of how well the Open Government Commission was known in the community and the suggested amendments to the city’s labor negotiations processes at the suggestion of the Commission. The Commission discussed the various items covered throughout the year, and selected Commissioner Esposito to present the report. There were no public comments. V. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS There was no report provided. VI. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS Open Government Commission Minutes 8/18/2016 There was no report provided. VII. CITY CLERK’S REPORTS There was no report provided. VIII. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS IX. FUTURE COMMISSION INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS – SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING The Commission selected November 10, 2016 as their first choice and November 17, 2016 as their second choice. The Commission then discussed future items they would be addressing in the future including the Smith vs. City of San Jose case once it made it through the CA. Superior Court, and the costs for city email accounts for all board and commission members. Commissioner Espersen suggested that a report be provided to the Commission on the outcome of labor negotiations with the addition of the additional transparency measurers to the process. The Commissioners agreed to agendize the item. X. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. __________________________ /s/ SHAWNA FREELS, MMC City Clerk